East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 05, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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'.j -i ;.,
j People Here and There
John M. Winn, former and stockman fiiilmon, Wash,, wore guests in Pendle
of upper McKay creek, Ih In the city ton on the Fourth.
t toduy. ; iMr. Winn 'recently recovered
from an accident In which ho lost the
middle- finger of hi hand. ,
. .It, A. IJottflhor, assistant supervisor
of the Umatilla National Forest, Ih ub
ncnt from the 'local office on a few
days leave.
James E. Bccbo of Hcrmlston was n
' visitor here yoHterday.
1 Martin AndurHon
from Helix. i
Ih in town today
Otto Andenion, n resident of Hilling
Mont., 'Is now In 'Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Stoddard of
, Cedar Uapldn, Iowa arc registered In
the city.
Paul 1 JrfuklloV Was hero'' yesterday
1 from Athena. '
. - ! ltrl'M
! W. II. Tvn nhrt fnrhllv of .White
(. W. JoIiiihoii Sued
Bnit him been brought by "W. T. Rlgby,
through Fee & Fee, to collect the sum
f $ 1 91. DO alleged to be due from O.
W. Johnson. ..
llarmnH Thief Taken
Admitting that he stole flvo sots of
Hnrness belonging to Johii Planting.
Jack Diamond is now in tho county
jail. He was arrested as Asotin, Wash',
on a charge from this county and was
brought', back yesterday iby Deputy
Sheriff TtirtuewHy. After being taken
Diamond confessed his guilt. Diamond
bud been in the country for; several
monthsiprlor to the robbers'. He came
here from Maker county. Harry Mc
Lean who was an accomplice in the
same theft Is also held in the county
Jail awaiting the grand Jury action. He
too has confessed. .-. r-r . w
.i.i r i I"
-Suiti on Painting: Hill
Murphy Bros, have brought suit
against Stella lloss and John Jtoss to
collect $607.50 alleged to be due for
paints, oils and painting. Tho com
plaint was filed by J. II. Perry.
Marriage I.liiie Issued
, Marriage licenses have been issued
here to Albert Wilbur Merry and Hazel
Van Vlect, both of Weston and to
ied H u not and Lula 12. Campbell,
both residents of Pendleton. .
. , Act Now
Do your berry canning at the pro
per lime that time is NOW!
Here you will find every thing
housewife needs from fruit to jars.
Held for f-Ydcral Court -
Willis Jordan, who was arrested for
the theft of some shawls from two In
dian women, was brund over to the
federal court this morning. Deputy
Jtldgcway had found the property at
the Dave Bonlfer place.
World's Leadine Authorities Show Just What Tanlac
Really Is and Explain Effect of Each of Ten Ingredi
ents on the Human System. Power of Medicine Con
clusively Proven. '
A day never passes but what thousands of people ask the
question: What is Tanlac? Why its phenomenal success? Why
do we hear so much about it? and Why has this preparation so
far out-stripped all other medicines of its kind?
The answer to these questions is easy and can be explained
in just one word merit. Tanlac is scientifically compounded
and represents years of work, study, experimentation and re
search by some of the foremost chemists and pharmacologists
of America.
Hill Hart Again
Hill Hart will ngnln face the federal
officers in Poryland on a charge of
having sold liquor to Indians. He was
nabbed yesterday and today w.-ib held
for the federal court. Ho has been up
before on the sumo chaise three dif
ferent times.
739 Main Street
' : Pendleton ?
X Pay Cash .. Receive More Pay Less
f Despair & Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
This is the logical grocery to shop. Price, Qual
ity and Service considered. We give you the
best groceries in the market at the lowest pos
sible prices and aim to make our service ideal.
We have done our share to get the business, and
our cash prices are getting it If you are not
dealing with us, give us an opportunity to show
how we serve our customers.
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
1 209 E. Court Phone 880
One hundred fifty real American."
observed Independence Day yesterday
at Tutullla, when the Christian squaws
and braves of the "Umatilla tribe,
with a few Avhlte friends, spent the
day in quiet celebration of the birth of
the United Elates.
At noon the Indians sat down to a
banquet served in the open air. Lotor
they listened to a talk by Frank Doble,
for 13 months a corporal in the 23rd
Infantry. Another patriot who spoke
was James Harry, who has served in
both nrray and navy. 1
Tuilux Holloquilla, Indian of the'
Warm Springs region, who is an elder
In the church, spoke In Ws native
tongue and his address Tvas then
translated Into Nez. Perce.- James
Kash Kash. Itnittilla Indian, spoke
also, with Rev. ,T. M. Cornelison art-
Ins: as Jlnterpreter. 'Rev. Rose, pastor
of the Nuzarene church of Pendleton,
and Rev. K. J. Conner. Indian pator
at Tutuilla, were other speakcro The
meetings ore to bo continued this
week and Rev. Ttagan of Pilot Rock
will he a speaker.
Indian women are today being
taught how white women rare for
their babies. Mrs. Edith O. Van Deu
sen, home demonstration agent, assist
ed by Mrs. Alexander, field matron at
the Umatilla Agency, Is Riving; Instruc
tion in diet and how to properly care
for children. The Indian women are
showing- a marked interest in the lessons.
Ue them for your corfe
pondence Neat, attractive,
Picturesque. Send them
Advertise the Round-Up.
(.'an llo Had ul tho
w ljv'U
4 , . j Ky-,;
ni i
NKW YORK. July 5. (I. X. S.)
Probably no one would blame Miss
liertba Loopoidine. of lirooklyn. for
not having stopped smiling-, except
when she was laughing:.
.She didn't find she had been left a
million dollars on that day. Neither
did she wake up to find herself fam
ous. In fact, what happened was entire
ly different. She suddenly found she
could see out of a left eye that had
been stone blind since she was three
years old. She is nineteen now.
Not only that, but Miss Leopoldine
also discovered that the eye a very
dark and very bright eye was not
nearly so crossed as she always had
remembered It. In fact, It was prac
tically nx straight as lis equally
bright twin.
'Mrs. I'itradlc told of all the hoyl
tals in Vienna to which she had taken
her daughter, and then of hospitals
and an operation and different fit
tings of gl;uM In this country. Hulil
"Then my daughter went to a chi
ropractic. He gave her ten treat
ments. He said her vertubrae were
out of alignment. Then my daughter
went to the country, and then site
Paid the doctor: "Nature restored
Miss lAopoldinc's sight. All chiro
practic did was to lino up the ma
chinery so that nature could do the
work. The second and third ccrvlral
i vcrtrebae. which control the optic
I nerves, were out of alignment. 1 put
them Into alignment."
The Tanlac formula is purely ethical
and complies with all National and
State pure food laws. It Is purely
Ajgetablo and is made from the most
beneficial roots , herbs and barks
known to Materia Medlca. The Tanlac
laboratories are among the largest
and most modernly equiped in this
Ten Ingredients In Tanluc
Altogether, there are ten Ingredients
in Tanlac, each of which Is of recog
nized therapeutic -value.
In referring to one of the more Im
portant Ingredients of Tanlac, the En
cyclopedia Brlttanlra says:
"It has been the source of the most
valuable tonic medicines that have
ever been discovered."
In referring to other of the general
tonic drugs contained in Tanlac, the
13th -Edition of Potter's Therapeutics,
a standard medical text-book, states
that "they impart general tone and
strength to the etitire system, including
all organs and tissues."
This same well-known authority In
describing the physiological action of
still another of the ingredients Tf Tan
lac, which is of value in treating what
is commonly known as a "run-down
condition," uses tho folio-wins expres
sion :
"ft is highly esteemed In loss of ap
petite during convalescence from acute
There a'e certain other elements In
Tanlac which, because of th- ir Influ-
ence upon the appetite, digestion, as
similation and elimination. Improve
the nutrition and vital activity of all
the tissues and organs of the body and
produce that stale of general tonicity
which is called health.
The United States Dispensatory
makes the following comment regard
ing another Ingredient:
"It may be used In all cases of pure
debility of the digestive organs or
where a scneral tonic Imprtsslon is
There are certain other Ingredients
described In the Dispensatory, and in
other standard medical text-books, as
having a beneficial action upon the or
gans of secretion, whose proper func
tioning results In a purification of the
blood streams 'passing through them.
In this manner, objectionable and poi
sonous ingredients of the blood are
removed and the entire system invig
orated and vitalized.
Tonic and Body Builder
Tanlac was designed primarily for
the correction ef disorders of the
stomach, liver and bowels. At the
same time, however, It Is a powerful
reconstructive tonic and body builder
for it naturally follows that any medi
cine that brings about proper assim
milation of the food and the thorough
elimination of the waste products
must, therefore, have a far-reaching
and most beneficial effect upon the
entire system. Tanlac Is sold in Pen
dleton by Thompsons Dru? Store and
leading drupgists.
Tiii 'tk SAWTELLES t-. vk
Ice Te l' Tvh
Tumblers SUMMER Tiimbl
tlic'sct SPECIALS het
Each week during July and August we will have
one special. Things we have purchased to give you
an extra value for your dollar.
Ice Tea Tumblers
s1f $1.75
Ice tea Is a popular drinn these warm days. The
tumblers are of clear cut glass In an attractive
wreath design.
The Largest Diamond Dealers In Katun utcgon
Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices-
1 Perf ectShaaJtkrs and Arm
Notblnf eqtab tw
i BeautlluL Soft, net
white appearance
Gounud'i Oriental
Cream render! to the
Vhoulders and anna.
Coven skin Memtihes.
Will not nib off. Far
K superior to pownerv
Send Kelt
. Trial SiM
New York
firm in this opinion. Money will Ue qumauon nas rearnea near me normal
more readily available to borrowers at point in many lines of business.
easier rates. ;
The federal reserve board has re
ports from nil districts showing ur
gent demand for new funds. A great
amount of domestic development
work, requiring new capital, is report
ed to Governor Harding.
With easier money market condi
tions government fiscal authorities in
communications to bankers have
stressed the necessity of giving prior
ity to American enterprises. The fed
eral reserve board has scented danger
in the tendency of some banking quar
ters to give heed to the 1 demands of
foreign enterprises .
From reports to tho board, officials
learn that many foreign concerns have
shaped their affairs with a view to ob
taining their financial support from
American bankers.
Member banks of the Federal Re
serve system have been cautioned that
this foreign demand creates a situa
tion which may be fraught with dan
ger to American industrial ana agri
cultural jntcrests unless bankers care
fully conserve surplus resources for
the benefit of American concerns.
The attitude of government fiscal
officers, made plain in latest bulletins
to bankers, reflects a purpose to look
out for "America first," and to avoid
highly speculative ventures, Involving
the tieing up of American credit that
should be employed in so-called essen
tial industries at homo.
Greater financial strength of the re
serve Oh liking system, officials said.
reflects to a notable degree the man
ner in which liquidation has proceed
ed since inflntion was at its peak less
than a year ago. Cffic'als believe li-
OREGON Theater
Tues. and Wed. July 5 6
Siegel Stock Co.
Dance After the Show
! DKS MOtNKS. July 5. (1". P.)
i Miss Katlierlne Ulukc. of New York
City, told the American teachers that
! fairy stories and Mother (loose
t rhymes are abs-urd. As rbnirnian or
the eoinnilttne on changes in elemen
tary mliool, she will recommend the
substitution of real people tales for
imaginary ones. Miss Blake declar
ed against "classics," suggesting their
relation, fho suggested substitution
of tales of Inventors und explorers,
new Ideas for history and yarns of
kings and generals. She approved
teaching sbopwork, cooking and pre-1
nitrations for pnreiitliooi'. all through
the earlier grades, i
Stands for Perfect
Treafwhen it means
(Best Com Flakes) "
Let United States Bonds Abso
lutely Insure You Against Loss
The New Way of Developing Fortunes in Oil
THE DAY OF THE GAMBLE IS PAST Oil Investors need no longer "take
a chance." RELIABLE oil operations should now be just as safe as preferred
industrial stocks. .DEMAND IT!
If you are at all interested in making money in oil, take advantage of
THIS opportunity, wherein the element of chance is so simple and reliably
eliminated. ....
We Offer Every Investor the Squarest Possible Deal and Ab
solute Security
Our syndicate has bona fide, leases en over 5.000 acres of deeded prospective oil land in tho great
1-ancu Creek vicinity, adjacent to Lusk, Wyo. Leases are in First National Bank of Lusk.
We want t' sink a well and haven't tho necessary money. You help us get it, and share in tho im
mense profits that are a.sMiicd. And you are not going to be permitted to suffer loss, for . ,
Here's Our Safety-Guarantee Plan:
Absolutely the most uniuue and careful financing plan yet introduced into oil pioneering. For
every dollar subscribed and deposited with our Trustees (we receive no moneys). Liberty lionds of equal
face value arc purchased by them and held in trust as security for your money. At the end of a yer,
when we PKOVK that there is oil on our holdings, you shall then decide between accepting stock in our
compunv or demanding your bonds. Isn't that about as fair and square an opportunity of participating
'in the great wealth daily being earned by oil, without risking the usual percentage of loss, us you ever
heard of?
You Simply Cannot Lose!
AVAKKI ViTON, July 8.--it. fC.'F.
A boom to lius'ucss will bo hastened
by a decision of federal reserve hanks
ty re-discount rates. Officials are
Big Dandy
The only food you eat
three times daily. Why
not eat the best?
Big Dandy Always
Ask for It Demand It
Get It.
320 East" Court Street
CcTce, 22e lb.
Onlv sufficient nionty to do what is actually necessary is wHtited. The fewer In, the greater
rata profit And we want the profit of those who co-operate with us to be something worth while.
YOU have the courage of a pioneer, YOU, TOO, shall bo one of the fortunate ones, if you
night is reserved to return oversubscriptions.
Send No Money to Us. All funds to into the Burrow Pepurtment of tho Mcllman Commercial Trust
Saving Hunk of I ns Anpeles. Newspaper space prohibits explanatory justice being done this remark
aide plan for safely developing oil fortunes. Write TO PAY for complete data and details of how you
can win in oil development without taking the usual big chance. i
Here's the Key to success, and the insurance against loss. Kecall Mr. rockefeller's beginning -ami
California-Wyoming Oil Syndicate, I
S":i -. C. Chapman lilds. 1
Los Ansvlcs, California, fl
Send me further Information lu detail regarding your afcly.guuraiitce plan
for developing oil lands.
1'.Mitm- Department. Ili llmsn CommcD-ial Trust & Saving Vault, Imh Angolcs, drpo&lfcirr for all
fundi- and rfcrnr as to legitimacy mid rcllabllH) nf thl plan