East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 05, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    t v t '---ir'-'W''M'
''Bumbershoot" Yacht
He Best for M Price, No
t ths Price
Most Stable Throne Apparently
is That of Holland; Queen
Wilhelraina is loved by All.
"Bumbershoot" Yaclit ' - '
Matter Wha
M4$ w. I Ml-
Women':- Kuvht and Vanitv
l air Silk Lnderwear Dis
counted 33 1-3 Per Ct.
Our entire stock of Kaysers and
Vanity Fair silk underwear are on
sale at a discount of S3 1-3 per cent.
lhe asorUnents are cood, vests.
knickers, envelope chemise, union
suits. Kayser and Vanity Fair gar
ments are beautiful, and they are
moderate in price at the regular
marked figure. This sale gives you
an opportunity to supply your sum
mer requirements at considerable
Buy Now and Save 1-3 Less Regular
- Price.
Sale of Kaysen? Silk Top
Union Suts, a Suit 82.49
Now you can buy women's high
grade silk top union suits of Kayser's
quality at a decided bargain price.
So we say: Get a Season's Supply of
these Beautifully Finished Gar
ments; shown in flesh and white, bod
ice and regular top styles with tight
knees. .They are all regular values
fromS3.25 to $4.50.
Clearance Sale Price, a suit $2.49
A Decided Bar
gain, Pacific Jewel
Silk Hose, Very
Special, pair '1.59
A very fine quality pure
dye silk hose, fashioned
with seam up back and
seamless foot. Fine
lisle garter top, high
spliced heels, double
soles and toes; all sizes,
black and white only.
An Exceptional Buy at
a pair $1.59
Pendleton's Busy Bargain Shop.
the bar. All you
want; no limit.
About 25 skirts
Values up to S75.0Q
Real bargains
Julv 10-16
tt-M. tl ux .( vWMijuji tiVMfc
9s warenous
! . 'I
July 10-16
Germany's "Dollar Check" for First Payment
? : -I,
! LONHON (l!y Mull.) (Clyde A.
;Beuls, Written for the V. 1'.) The
j port of lopping crowns In Europe,
that became so exhilarating In the
! war. seems not only to have subsided.
! but also to have been followed by Its!
I equal nd opposite reac tion.
! Hungary, though klngless. Id by
, lc(,'lslatl.n of his own parliament, still
!a kingdom. Austria lwis a mmll but
! important Hoyallst party. And Ger
many maintains a strong lennliiK to
wards a king, and a Hohenzollern at
Constantino hns eoine back, though
tt-e regal supports aro wobbly. Old
Kins l'eter of .Serbia, who pulled
tl'rnugli the war more or leas, has
found his new kincdom of the Serbs.
.Croats and Slovenes so pregnant with
'spontaneous combustion that lie
leaves bis son. Alexander, to do most
jof the work. Ferdinand of Itunianla
still has his picture on the postage
stamps, bat is refraining from all
other publicity. And liorls of ISulira
Ha, answering a public welcome on a
; church fuslival the other day in So
fia, was greeted by a bomb which
' killed and wounded several persons
close by him.
! The thrones more familiar to Am
nricans are at present having litle
difficulty in weathering present fair
winds. In Kngland King Oeorgc has
lost by his Quietness what little vestige
f of power bis father by his strong per
sonality was unie to . exercise, rus
popularity was undergoing a slump
until the I'rlnee of Wales came to bat.
The Prince is undoubtedly the most
popular person in the Cnlted King
dom and if be conies to the throne.
which some people though admiring
him doubt, he will probablv wield a
positive Influence.
The most stable throne of all ap
parently, is that of Holland. Queen
Wilhclniina enjoys and chcrlshe the
genuine affection of her people. Til.'
I'rinit' Consort. Henry of Mecklen
burg, Is not popular, but the Queen
'drives about The Hague in her car
with no guard. The men In the streets
tip their hats and she bows pleasant
ly. There was an attempt not Ion?
ugo to hold a demonstration against
her, but she drove without anv guard
to the place where it was to be held
and the Hollanders took the horses
from her carriage und drew her
through the streets in triumph.
ICeign is Quiet.
King Albert of the I'.clgians also
reigns with comparative quiet, kl..
i Victor Kninianucl of Italy, however i
'is in none too good a position tlioug'i
lt has shown signs lately of strepgth-!
niny. I ne King 01 epaiu, aiso man
ages to hang on.
The question of a king for Hue.,
gary is the puzzling one. Karl is the
legally crowned monarch. After it s
recent fiasco his supporters in Hun
gary Insisted that he would lie bick
in six months and the announcement
that he is ul cut to go to Spal.i itfvcs
lome (tredenee to the opinion vhat he
may try another coup, be.-ansc in
Switzerland he is very elorelc pus1 id
ed. He has put himself in .1 lather
ridiculous position however, oy hav
ing left Hungary twice now, each lime
I tlln. 1.,, Wil'IKI'
DETJU.UT, July 5. ( liy . s. & L...i, ,u .i. i..v !!,. the
; Sixty years ago. it is claimed, l'eter ,,,.,. Kntente. supported. tho-:f;h
(oiraia. scum or one of Detroit's most Homi.what casually, by the HI' One.
prominent famines of the day. mar- ,H u,.,erniined not to have a llupsbu.7
rid a half breed girl In the Michigan I on tm, throne. e Is, further, a
w Ids. A daughter was born to the .....i.ii 0.1 -i,ito the cihnllra a -c
-mjfwm.f.gZZm, W
' ,T . .
Recently her charms 'and ability In j
the ballet of the "league of Nations" I
in London won fur Miss I.ee the en
thusiasm of the Maharaja of Kapu
thala, a man of tremendous wealth.
Miss I.ee was born in Mexico City,
Missouri, and educated in New Or
leans. She is 21 years old.
It was recently reported from Lon
lH-acamim fears that some people
may think tho broken hand of ls Idol
is an excuse for the defeat.' -. .
Poor (ieorges, what a day he 1ia.
I'P early and out In the road at 7:30.
with a siig on his Hps und a -cheery
lest. A unlet morning at his farm
house reading tho iienspaptrs. Not a
sigu of worry, if ever a miin was con-
don that a yo'.uh nmned Omnncss, , f. dent, It was Georges,
RranOson of the originator of Citiin-
ness" Stout mid a relative of Mrs.
Benjamin Guinness of New "York, be
came o enamored of Miss Lee that
his mother appeared at the theatre
In which she was appearing and en
tered vigorous protests wilh the man
a?er. The young man's attentions
ceased forthwith.
Confident I'ntil Second.
From the moment he enUireil the
ring, Carpeiitler peared at his ease.
For one thing, the crowd was with
him, and he felt K.
"1 am sensitive to such things." said
Ceoiscs, "and do you know I wan
honestly a little bit sorry for Jack,
whose own countrymen wore favoring
I Tl;e. daughter, now the mother of
; three married daughters, has brought
i stilt in circuit court here t& obtain a
j share or the Girard estate, valued ut
ll.'iO.nun. k
1 She is .Mrs. Anglies Cella Poole and
ls opposed in her nuit by Mrs. Caroline
strong in West Hungary, a large pi.
of the country Is Calvanistlc.
Since Karl's last departure, seventl
rivals have sprung up. Admiral "Hoi -
thy, designated governor by the par
liament until a king was selected,
was. according to stories in Vtenn.i
himself to have been set up by chi
small landowners party as king. Tint
Ai kennan Girard, Peter's widow ami i however, fill through. Archduke ,lo
senh und Archduke Albroeht not 11
have strong wollowlngs.
j only the twitching of Ws flnger as
1 hp sat In his corner, and a trick of
I welting his lower lip with his tongue
I si, owed that arpentler was more ner
vous than he was willing to show. He
had much better control of his fca
,,.ies than Dcini-sey. who wan frankly
I on edge. ' ' ,
"1 kept my confidence of ultimate
.(Uv, victory until the second round," said
Frank Getty, l V. Staff Correspond. 1 Georges. "Keen when I loit vemv
ent. I Georges Carpenlicr was taken j sey's hard body blows, I felt I could
back to his quiet .Mauliasset fi.rm by ; beat him.
his friends a broken hearted man. I "la the second round I made my au
The gallant-Frenchman took his de- preme .ffrrt. aild know I Dornp
feat gamely, but the terrific blows sey breaking W
with which Jack IH-mpsey sapped his) my hand cracked on that "on Jaw and
strength and heat him down cost him ! from then on I knew I -was thlougn.
his life's ambition. j
In his dressing room. Immediately j
after the fight, Georges told me that
despite his Injured hand, he "believed ,
Uempscy was a better man than htm- j
self. ',
Is Greatest Champion.
"He is the greatest cnampinn that 1
ever fuiicht,'' said Georges.
The Frenchman was very wnbbl 1
for an hour after the fixht. His eye ;
was swelling from the blow which j
rroKe open ma lett cnecK. 111s nose.
was badly swoolen and the delicate ;
bones were beaten out of place. Over
his heart he hnre the marks of the
two right hangers which helped fin
ish him, while his skin over the kid-
no's was a vhld purple.
After he had lain down for 'JO min
utes, with Gus Wilson ministering tn
him and Ocscbamps and his friends
doing their" best to console him,
Georges f .-It able to dress and insisted
upon doing so blmseli. He was wob-
bly on his legs 'us he tried to pull on
his trousers., 1
There was no question about
Georges' hand,. It was swollen at the;
base of the thumb to the size of a j
goose egg, and pained him so that he -t
was unable to use It In dressing. Les- ;
champs fluttered about the dressing
room, mothering 'Georges, his only j
thought to make things easy for his 1
"enfant" as he affectionately called
him. He. toot generously gave Demp
sey all the credit In the world. "But
look, look at poor Georges' hand,"
spluttered Descamps.
ItrnipKcy Too Strmig.
"It was a ease of the greatest llitht
' This ts Germany's tii-t yniTit of its war debt to Fram e. It is for "Ten Mililon Dollars of the Standard
of th Lnt'ed Stoles." It is payable in Pari Aug. 31 atid has the words "wilhout protest" written on it.
Miss Mary K. Pierce, an adopted dau
,ghter. Peter married Caroline Ack
, erman. Mis.
Poole alleges, after di
iserting his half-Indian, half-French
1 woodlands bride.
- Though no Justice or priest wul
Peter and the half-breed woman, It la
In Austria In spite of flic royalist
partv and the members of the nobll
Itv, who kept their titles only hv
courtesy and persistence, the chances
of a kingdom are small. .Many people.
Famous Ar. tie tli,ri r and dbcovirer or -the blonde Eskimo." He entiles to Chautauqua
with a itniiirkabl" ill, strati 1! bi-tuie 01, bis many yjrs of exploration work in the frozen North.
"Tills 'story Pas t t. attracting gt eater crowds th-ourhout the great cities of the country than any
j'" I'lr: evi-fit li, Y'TMit years.
line of our g-eat Ai'ictiiiiti writers who mk-s his initial ChKiitauqea tour this summer.
IVmim nt eontribtitor to all of U t-ot.iiti-y's leading periodicals. A forceful writer, a famous ,01
m -i.oiidi ut. a noted interviewer of treat, men. a brilliant tptaker. author of two of the ' best sel
lers" of the present da. f-'ixih night.
Kroni Favt -n Kuropc comes to "s one of tho most unusual and attractive musical com panics
w.- yve ever prrwuted. The Jugo-SIav Tarxi.'iin ica Orchestra Is absolutely unique the only one
ot Us kind in Am.-rt.-a. T!i- -upi-va. in tile bright coloiful costumes of their native land, singing
not oely their own Slavic in uric, but the popular songs 01 me nay un,i inc sianuani
.. I ,r..-...l I... ... ... r a .n.i.x !. t t. It fvr.t..l
... oe-t:,j uy I'OOIC s ailOmeVS I hill no V -" , i,o,;i..ov, ... v
IJJ they were actually married bv the onlv i before the war, and think that lliev
HS'laW the woodlands knew that of! would come back automatically with
agreement. la restored monarchy. . J ne tniiiKert.
, Peter (iirard, who in later life wasof Austria, however, say frankly that
3 justice of the peace and postmaster at Ith" financial burden of keeping up a
: onnor's f:reck. was seventeen years royallty would be luioioraoie.
!of age when he ran awav from" II... I There is, on tho other hand, u part
troit to the lluraga county backwoods. !1 France supporting the Idea of a
lii: had quarreled with Christopher monarchy especially In Austi id for the
3 iOlrard. his father. He was twenty ' purpose of preventing a union with
;uiion ii. ,. n,i x.t ... 11 I,i'mii ,, v. This nollcy. though be-
jJulft Countwai Tebeau, the half-breed.
Mrs. I'oole relates a dramatic story
; -of the desertion or her mother by her
- father. Later, alter she hud become
3j a mother herself, peter recognized
.Mrs. Poole as his daughter, she al-
; leges, Peter Girard died in St. Mary's
, hospital In 1914.
all-1 pl-i.-.liie
of ail t ii.i
Seven Davs Filled With Splendid Attractions
A Big Play Product ion!
The swallow has (he largest mouth
' in porportion to Its size of any other
, 1'lrU. ';
neath the surface, is a vital one.
France's policy is unquestionably one
of building as many small stutes as
nisslble. for two reasons that of
holding the leadership of Kuropc and
that of maintaining her security. If
she call strew kings about Lurope,
she can lessen the danger of amalga
mation, thus walling Itassla off from
any expansion westward and Ger
many out of Mittel-Kuropa.
King's Doctor
if'n lal
uses at the I
on e ot tie 1 .1
iiitri.t of 1 be Orpheus Club of Los Ang"h . winners of the pir. t. pri.r tor male rhoir.
ana ma-Pan ut- Kipo-i'ion. Ti. Or Inn-. Four is acclaimed by iiiuiical critics to b
'1 If not the t,.-s, .n;..f q:i.irtets In ibe I'liHed States. Two conceits on the third ila.
noted American composer
11,11 !
l' t e 1
,.raiiiitaiii,ii .-r.att-1 and couched by Thttriow Lb uranci
, on Indian iiuh-i- . Om' of ti,'- f',h-t rfrlngcl orch'-siras in the Chautauqua worjd.
"Pl-.ig. ii iittalto. Mdoist. Two concerts 01, ti.e last day.
Adults, ?.L72; Students, $1.50; Child's, SU'0.
No War Tax. ;
.la lie
1 Mvmpi 1 1
r - - i i i ' ,- - " i'iiiiiIi ' hi mi f-Mm ii mt- J - t ti'I nil fr
p JULY 10, 11, 12, 13, 11, 13, Hi p
u - '
t ( llNOrOEl? YWEN
(Py International News Hervlee)
-With 110.000,000 self-slnrtera
in our nation, there Is nothing
to prevent the most wondorful
prosperity -In the history of th
world. If they realise all that in
necessary Is to apply the aolf-
heavyweight in the w rid ngulnst the starting principle to social and
greatest heavyweight," the little man: economic problems." declared
saui. 'Ieiiipsey was too heavy and !
too strong. It was like Stanley Ketch- I
el trying to heat Jack Johnson. j
In the defeated challenger's dress- j
ing room were his seconds. Journec
and Charley Ledoujc. They wore long ',
faces. It was all little Ledoux could i
do to keep back the tears as he help-
ed Georges with his dressing.
Dr. KM ward Amherst Ott, in
dustrial expert, lecturing liefore
a local audience.
"Think good times. Talk
good times. Hturt buying. Give
work to somebody. If It's only
for a day.
"Come ,,n. let's go!"'
The Latest Vanity Case!
This is a Ovlonxs kid on the
to school with his "book." It's k
board with the. lesson printed on 1'
M hen be learn th lesaon he ll set
-ai-- ' '
' fjy International News Service)
j NKW TOItK. July 4. Who aro the
' eleven men, New York Is asking,
! whose ardent suits have won Miss
! Virgin'a loco's "yes" and who expect
cn her reLurn from abroad to become
her husband'.'
t'ndulnnt. slender-hewed Miss Lee,
whom Miward Chandler Christy en
thused over as "'the Ideal Christy
girl," has confessed to friends in
Purls' that she Is ofruld to return to
New York "'because I've got eleven
(lances 'and they'll all be waiting ul
the pier."
Among her Intimates In New York
the names of several men who may
be. on the list have been mentioned.
Three of these were In eager attend
ance whan Miss Lee appeared as a
show girl in "Tho Greenwich Village
Follies." II, it none ot her friends can
list the entire eleven. And perhaps
their names will remain a mystery
until Ul? vessel (JneJui, j
-. f ! , IIAf
f TrS ' J
k : .em
I V Is u
I J I V I v -
Vanity. VanlU', ill Is ymilty
ven an umbrella handle. Allldred
llnrils. leading woman In I'ara
noiint rieluien ho son the girls
with the vanity rase lHirse. the
wrlsi vanity ran and alt the other
open-faced make, up effects, on
better. While apparently R-trlng-abstrni
tedlv at the end of her um
brella handle she li really ar,ns
If her hat Is on slinlght. Th
liilri'oi w hi, h may be pressed back
by a tinv spring reveal, a imnlj
powrtv ut,
t r v . . . .... ... v
oj.M'.i," .,tr..i '
!..it)A'i -A At