i' $ t ' t V f r"V' - . DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, JULY 4, 1921. PAGE TITO WOMAN SUFFRAGE IS STUMPED . IN ITALY BECAUSE OF POWER OF POLITICIANS, LEADER ASSERTS Politicians 'Behave' in England and U. S. Where They are not Feared; Italy Should Copy. IJU CLAHA WOLD (International Tv'ewH Hcrvlee Special Correspondent. Milan, July 4. Not the least eager for the resignation of Mr. (jiolittl as Premier are the women who ure work. Intr for miftr.ijrf In UjifJ. "Mr. fllollttl has been tho tno.tt phlegmatin and Impregnable enemy of woman suffrage In all Italy," said Professor Mnrgherlta Aneonn, chalr- ' man of the Milan Suffrage ortianlsia- tlori, In an Interview with the Inter national News Service. The, nil nation l or suffrage, accord lpir to her, Is very had; lint the Immi nent end of dollars administration will do much to raise the hopes of Kalian women. Twice a hill has heen pawed by the Chamber of Deputies of Italy granting auffrugc, hut both times a new election has been called before the question was taken before the .Senate, and bo has had to be Intro dticed again In tho Chamber. "Politicians In Italy,- sne said, "are like politlcuna in an umer uoumn on the subject of woman's vote. The 1'opiiure declare that women suf frage will add voles to the socbilM I'oity. The Socialists declare It will bring votes to tho Popclare, and the ( !onst It uiloniillsts are afraid of both. Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 LET US CONVINCE YOU This is the logical grocery to shop. Price, Qual ity and Service considered. We give you the best groceries in the market at the lowest pos sible prices and aim to make our service ideal. We have done our share to get the business, and our cash prices are getting it, If you are not dealing with us, give us an opportunity to show how we serve our customers. Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court STEFANSSON IS COMING Vilhjalmur Ktefnnsson, noted explorer of the frozen North, will lec ture here on the. coiid night of Chautauqua. No more Interesting Htory is heiiin told on the Ameilm platform today thun this one by Btefansson. For five years he was lost to the world In his explora tion work In the Arctic regions. His party carried supplies for one yeur only, Ilia other .four yearn they 'lived off tho land.', This lecture has been puclTing the (treat auditoriums throughout our large cities. It la illustrated with splendid views -taken in the North by the fUef ansHon party. , .... Seven Days Packed With Big Attractions Make Chautauqua week your vacation week. You will never rcgrkt It. It will be seven dujs filled with interesting and Inspiring lectures, splendid music ami wholosole entertainment ftr you a week you will long remember. Other prominent lecturers are Peter Clark Macfar lane, Father 1). J. Cronin, Hunt Cook, Tom Kkcyhill and Burneil Ford. Ten concerts during the week by I.leurance's Little Symphony Orch estra, Koach-Freeman Duo. Walter Jenkins, The Orpheus Four and Th Jugo-Hlav orchestra." On the fifth night a big New York play production. Season Tickets Now on Sale AIH'I.TS, $2.74; Students, $1.50; Child's $1.00. No War Tax. ' PENDLETON, JULY 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 - .. . . nam i mmt i , U.,l-!J.J.l.-i. X J L-U'l-Hi-JIIOI 111 In addition, there are those, conserva tives who want to limit tho vote for men and so would never dream of glv. Ing votes to women, However, If the government Introduces a bill, which We hope It will whenever there Is a change of Premier, (he Socialists and Popclare will both have, to Vote, for It, and it will again pas and go to the Henate If the next Premier does not go to tho country again before that.' iHsplto the general discouragement of the suffragists, there are a few op UlnislH whij arft already preparing for tho day when women willhave the vole.' Hignoru Resno, of Home, has or ganized a woman's party, the Unlotte Pnlltica Nazionale, 'which, she de clares, will work for the Interests of women and will enter, the elections, when women have tho vote, with Its own electoral lists. ' . Dissension Within 1 tanks Already the women of Italy are di viding on this question of whether or not there should he a womnn's party. Within the ranks of th'ose who ore fighting for suffrage there has come a further split with the recent elec tiona spilt that grew out of the fuel that many women took part In the party propaganda preceding the elec tion. In Milan, ns well as elsewhere, the more progressive leaders of suf frage declared that women should urge the election only of those men who had pledged their votes to suf frage a programme very like that of the National Woman's Party, of the 1'nlted States. This policy was defeat ed by women who were eager to sup port one party or another, however. Professor Ancona, who was particu larly opposed to women taking part in the election expect on the suffrage issue, says: "The reason we don't get suffrage In Italy is because the politicians are not afraid of us as the American poli ticians were of the women there. It would be impossible to adopt a femi nist militant movement in Italy, but It would be an Excellent thing if we could. Probably If Mr. Ololittl had been made as uncomfortable us Lord Asqulth won In rCnglaud or President Wilson In) America, h would have done something for suffrage Instead of sitting dumb." "s-a BUFFALO, July 4. (I. N. S.) Ni na Morgana soprano of the Metro politan Opera company, was married here to Kruno Ziralo, secretary to Kn- rlco Caruso. Their wedding wax or Iglnnlly set for April last, but owing to the critical Illness of Caruso at that time It wus postponed. Had Caruso not been forced to go to Italy for his. health he would have been best man at the wedding. How ever, Caruso delegated Clovanni P.en- chettl, of Buffalo, to represent him Miss Anna Scheeler attended the bride. It was a simple wedding. Fol lowing the ceremony tho bridal cou ple and a party of eighteen had a wed ding breakfast nt the Iroquois Hotel. After their honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Zirato will return to New York on August 1 and occupy Caruso's lux urious apartments In the Hotel Van-derbllt. i Caruso before sailing bestowed this present on Zirato. In addition he gave a beautiful diamond ring to the bride. Among the many messages of felici tation was a cablegram from Oiullo Oattl-Casazzw, director of the Metro politan Opera Company, who is in Milan; others from Oioanni Martinel 11 Claud! Mnzlo and Ada mo Didur. who are In SourTi America, and still others from Giuseppe Ie Lea. Tetraz zinl and Tltta-ftuffo, who are In Italy. The bride wore a gown of wh'te sat in, trimmed with white feathers, and a georgette hat. She was gi'en In marriage by her brother, Charles Mor gana ; vice-president of a local motor company. Miss Morgana Is a Puffnlo girl. : THE TABLE SUPPLY JUST WHAT THE NAME IMPLIES Your every table want at the market's lowest prices. At any time our Groceries or Meats don't make good WE DO. Try a month, beginning now ! "THE TABLE SUPPLY Phone 187 739 Main Street Pendleton CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietors The following County Warrants, were Issued prior to July 1st, 1914, may be had by writing or calling at the office of County Clerk; '.f not called for within Sixty days from tills date, tho same will be cancelled. Her. No. Name A nit. 3 7D1 I B. Andrews, Mrs,. . 3.2 02 226 Chas. Alspach .v. ..... 4." !'2. 433 Alice Adams . ....u- 1.70 92 78 J.H.Austin ''.. 1.70 94 1 Fred Brown 2.20 94 27S Ed Buhrer . 1.70 94 261 Kmmett Browning ,.. l.r.O S4 228 John Bramble ...... . 1.70 93 674 Hugh Poll 3.00 93 4S0 Mrs. Chris Breeding. . 1.70 93 93 B. L Barnes 1.70 33 217 Hugh J. Bell 4.50 93 1 It. W. Blcakney 2.00 T ROUND -UP SOUVENIR ENVELOPES Use them for your corre spondence Neat, attractive, Picturesque. Send them away Advertise the Round-Up. Can Ilo Had at tho 'VHastWfOreonicmi ONE CENT EACH JsRATTLE, Wash., July 4. (I. N. S.) Here's another bur.ed treasure story. Fred ( Andrews of Centralla. Wash., has a map supposed to direct the way to burled Spunish money on Swan Island, In the Carrlbean sea. Andrews says he received the chart from his undo, who in turn bad se cured it while sailing on a merchant man which was attacked by p'.rates In tho Caribbean in 1847. M. C. Xvinson, president of an auto accessories company of Seattle, was Induced to finance an expedition and, in company with Pole Marshalton and Louis Lehner, of St. Paul, Andrews and levinson set out for the elusive "pot f t gold." Securing the forty-ton fishing schooner Patsy, under com mand of Patsy O'Shea. they sailed from New Orleans on April 10. They found the spot marked on the map but no sisn of the treasure, Qn tho return a viola nt quarrel arose am ong members of the party, and none (of them would speak to Andrews. An drew says he has not given up hope, however, and will try iigaln. He states the party left the island too soon. Swnn Island, a small coroanut pnlm covered bit of sand off the coast of Honduras, Is the subject of traditional tales and ii: said to have been ore of the rendevonx of Otpt.iln K ilil of t- " ' 1 KITTEN COMES INTO WORLD WITH DATE OF BIRTH STAMPED ON FUR LONDON, July 4. (I. N. 8.) All Loililon i nleiested in a kitten lhat has just been born. It is generally tabby, hut on its white stomach is "1921" dis- tinctly marked In gray fur. The theory Is tbnt before the kitten's birth the mother's fa- vorlte resting place was a spot where a stu k marked "1921'' was continually before her eyes. "How fortunate it Is,'1 he- marks a morn'ng paper, "that women are not horn with the dale of birth on them." 92 18 92 92 94 9.1 92 92 92 93 93 93 I 2 M 92 94 94 91 94 94 93 93 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 93 93 93 92 17 92 92 92 20 93 93 92 93 93 92 92 94 94 93 92 92 93 92 93 93 93 12 2 93 3S1 480 79 38 23 4 35.1 313 f.!i 15 DO 91 407 S00 748 473 B90 2(3 313 r.3 6S7 744 747 308 ' 442 " 74 71 D5 48 80 512 388 94 426 a 25 23 562 4 269 47 497 5 423 409 35 76 498 835 783 311 .942 69 996 13 3 19 560 357 65 77 817 549 960 563 761 8S6 992 615 679 7 6 75 8S7 M 40S '412 411 410 . 540 811 22 36 679 813 232 246 2S0 313 332 90 67 861 988 999 6 3S3 351 46 4S 76 73 lot 870 72S 836 434 656 578 260 394 259 John Bryant . . .: Wm. Burnap . . . H. M. Beck W. P. Benedict . Tom Crowner . . W. K. Campbell J. S. Carter J. T. Rhortridge to C. I- Simmerly 1.00 SW 1-4 BE 1-4 & V 1-4 Sec. 24, Tp. 6, N. It. 34. Fannie Lee to W. D. Humphrey, $1. 1-7 Interest I.t 9, Block 4, Llver more's Add. Pendleton. T. A. PInkerton to J. E. Moseley, $30,000. IC 1-2 NK 1-4 NE 1-4 & SW 1-4 NE 1-4 NE 1-4 Sec. 23, Tp. 6 N.' R. 30. Thelma C. Blanchet to Eugenie Blanchet $500. Lots 9, 10, Block S, Res. Add. Pendleton. Chas E. Hall to J. M. Smith $1.00. Lot 6, Block 3, Kilgore's Afld. Weston. I ; Ruby " 1 f JULY'S BIRTH STONE M I, It is a pleasing custom to remember if I ! one's birthday with a gift embodying their jr I birth stone. 'I W The Ruby for July I The beautiful red of the ruby is admir ed by all whether in ring, brooch or pend ant you will find here a gift that will ex press your best wishes for birthday happi ness. "Gifts That Last" OUR CHAUTAUQUA, JULY 10-1 6th -demelery The I.aririn Diamond Utmmta In EatTM it'lC'i Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices- 2.00 2.50 1.70 1.70 1.70 2.00 2.20 Dr. Chen 1.70 Kd Clark 1.70 j S. , I7UHI1C Ceo. R. DeMott 1.70 Henry Doty 1.70 Maurice Dakin 1.70 j Joe Forrest .' 6.00 j Peart E. Freeman ... 17.50' W. H. Cnlliford 3.20 James Criffin 9.40 Walter Oilman . : ' 1.70 Robert Oihhs 1.70 H. L. Oilbert 1.50 Wm. Gillette T 2.00 I Dave, firaybeal 1.70 J Hotel Oregon 5.00 John Hatter 120 H. Hess 1.70 W. A. Hall 1 LOO Fred Hodeen ....j.il' l.OO Frank Helm J.50 Alfred Hiatt ........ 1.80 John Heitzman 2.56 J. E. Hatter ; 1.20 Helix Com. Club 4.00 Oeorge Hertier I. J. A. Hayton I. Y. F. HWdcn .... C. M. Hutchinson 1.70 C. Harris 1 .70 S. J. Hosklns ' 1.70 Oill Johnson 3.60 Mose Johnson ! 2.70 J. E. Jones 4.50 Spokane Jim ' 2.70 Pete Kalyton 2.70 H. Koepko 2.00 F. J. Kelly l.OO Ester Kidder 1. 70 J. A. Luck 6.00 S. F. Leaf 1.50 Francis Lincoln 3.90 James Lavin 1.70 N. D. Laughlin 6.00 Ab Iiok 1. 70 Frank Malone 2.20 J. W. Miles 5.20 C. Marshall 2.00 Christian Mack 2.00 Martin Madison 2.00 James Massie. 2.00, Adolph Molitar 1.70 Toney Masters 2.20 D. C. Mnhoney 1.70 J. H. More '. 1.70 Royal Nelson 1.70 E. B. Osorne 5.10 ; C. Owens 2-25 Roy Parker 2.75 Oeo. Propeck , . . .8.90 Oeorge Pappas 1.70 J. W. Parkes 2.00 W. J. Feebler .2.00 Perry Pike 2. 50 W. M. Record 1.00 ("has. Reinhardt .... 3.00 Louis Rodie 1.70 F- P. Help 1.70 Earnest Bitter 1.70 Etta Hitter 170 David O. Rltter J.70 Mary Rltter 1.70 Martha Shnesbips ... 3.00 Jacob I Stork 3.85 Hiram Ptinson 1.70 Henry Siruvo 6.00 Al Storey 3.00 D. D. Smith 2.20 W. M. Straw 4.50 S. Pleeman 4.50 E. F. Slranghan ,f 50 J. V. Fmlih 4.50 YOU'R GOING OUT FOR' I A PICNIC DRIVE I Tou need a nice lunch. Let the I OREGON II ' BAKERY III 3911 Foct Pnii.-f Cr,.aAt I I III vlflv AUO b VVUlli UllVVIi III I X I ..... Ill m iuiicii Ma-nnei.. nave ijjj m a complete stock of good eats. If Fresh nuns, Pics, Cakes, tilg jl i (Dandy Brcail. j OREGON Theater Tues. and Wed. July 5 - 6 . Fred Siegel Stock Co. , Presents Dance After the Show C. B. Rturdivant 4.50 Thomas .Slnttery .... 1.70 i Mrs. H. K. Scott 2. 50 Hud Scott 1.70 Walter Smith .'. 2 o O. H. Sams 2.00 I Mary Sim.ird " 2.00 Jerry Stone 3.00 Corn Swiiucr 2.20 Rpookt 2.70 Walter Stewart 1.70 A. (1. Simpson 1.20 J. W. Turner 1.00 R. M. Tattle 2.40 John TodhunUT 1.20 Mary Wlnnerling .... 1.70 Maty Wlnnerling ... 1.70 O. A. WolMngford ... ,1.70 Samuel Warner 18.60 Claude Walker 2.20 Wm. Mcltobvris 1.50 Fred McMullcn 11.85 Frank Young 1.50 Dated July 1st, 1921. H. T. HROWV Cell;. iians. Hettle Powers ' .to Mary DeCruw ot 17, Elk 13, Westou, Let United States Bonds Abso- j lutely Insure Your Investment The New Way of Developing Fortunes in Oil THE DAY OF THE GAMBLE IS PAST Oil Investors need no longer "take a chance." RELIABLE oil operations should now be just as safe as preferred industrial stocks. DEMAND IT! If you are at all interested in making money in oil, take advantage of THIS "opportunity, wherein the element of chance is so simple and reliably eliminated. We Offer Every Investor the Squarest Possible Deal and Ab solute Security Our syndicate has bona fide leases on over 5.000 acres of deeded prospective oil land In the p-eat Lance Creek vicinity, adjacent to Lusk, Wyo. Leases are in First National Bank of Lusk. We want to sink a well and haven't the necessary money. You help us get it. and share In the Im mense profits that are assured. And you are not going to be permitted to suffer loss, for Here's Our Safety-Guarantee Plan: Absolutely the most unique and careful financing plan yet Introduced Into oil pioneering. , For every dollar subscribed and deposited with our Trustees (we receive no moneys), Liberty Bonds of eual face value are purchased by them and held in trust as security for your money. At the end of a year, when we PROVK that there is oil on our holdings, you shall then decide between accepting stock In our company or demanding your bonds. Isn't that about as fair and square an opportunity of participating In the great wealth daily being earned by oil, without risking the usual percentage of loss, us you ever heard of? You Simply Cannot Lose! Only sufficient mpnty to do what is actually necessary 'Is wanted. The fewer In. the greater pro rata profit. And we want the profit of those who co-operate with us to be something worth while. If YOU have the courage of a pioneer, YOU, TOO, shall be one of the fortunate ones. If you ACT WITH US NOW Right is reserved to return oversubscriptions. Rend No Money to Us. All funds go Into the Kscrow lepartmcnt of the Hellman Commercial Trust & Suvings Hank of Los Angeles. Newspaper srace prohibits explanatory justice being done this remark- able plan for safely developing oil fortunes. Write TOHAY for complete data und details of how you can win In oil development without taking the usual big chance. Here's the key to success, and the insurance against loss. Hecall Mr. Rockefeller's beginning and ACT! mail this corroN today California-Wyoming Oil Syndicate, S3.1 C. C. Chapman llldg, Los Angeles, California. Send me further Information In Het.il! regarding your safety-guarantee plan for developing oil lands. Kscrow Ifc'partmoiit. Hcllmaii Commercial Trust Sating Uank, funds am! rcrcreiu'e as to legitimacy ami reliability f this plan I ,os Angiics, lcM.llry for all . i