East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 02, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    . t r 9 MIHMfl'-'
e Here and There
r 1
ilov.W. H. Cox, who recently resinn
ed us pastor of the Jlaptlst church of
this city, left luMt evening; for Van
couver," Washington, on u business trip.
J. Jacobson, of tho F-cmilcton Auto
Co,, nnd Stanley Sayros, will louvo ttiiH
evening for Tucomu where tlicy will
nee the auto races. They will leave
on this evening's truin ami will remain
until after tho Fourth of July.
Lowell Kern left, last nlnlit ' for
rorllund where lie will joh, , Mrs.
Kern for u visit over the nVmrth m.
and friends, f
V, T. Hurbour and small Hon, of
Weston, were I'endlulon visitors yes
torday. Mr. Harbour Ih owner of the
Weston Ilrlekyurd, one of the largest
brickyards ln l!inatllla county.
Mme. Curie Says Goodbye to America
ltutiBtll Turner, frankly admits that
he cume to rcndleton with but one ob
ject in View, namely to get tho Dpmp-Hey-Carpontier
fight returns. He re
sides at Umatilla and with' his father,
It; M. Turner, Is engaged In farming.
Arthur Hallcy arrived this morning
from his home In Portland to spend
a few days us the guest of his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hallcy.
(Continued from page 1.)
The famous French woman scientist anil iHrnvrr(.'H.j t..
KsrieOtrle. tailed for home with her duaghtcra. Eve om Irene aftor
tour. Thty too hick IHO.Oto w,rih at rJi, i.r.
Take Along a
Picnic Packer
Make your. Fourth of July lunch
complete with Delicious Golden West
Ice Cream. We carry 2 quart, 1 gallon
and 2 gallon packers in all flavors.
Packed to last all day. ;
Order from your dealer.
various parts of the crowd separated,
and prevent motion picture operators
from falling Into tho spectators laps.
Hull Is TCMed.
Facing the main entrance a tripled
horned amplifier has been erected to
nui It e annouccmcnts. The big time
keepers' bell sounded like a fire gong
and could be heard throughout the
I arena. The bell was tested particular
ly to prevent a recurrence of the To
ledo affair, when tho bell was claimed
to have been unheard once, and pro
longed the round. French colors are
all over the place. Tho Stars anil
Stripes ore mingled alternately with
tlie tricolor.
X Decision T(cimItcI
MN-OHmB. July 2. (A. I'.) In n
few minutes the sprinkle ended. In
accordance with New Jersey boxing
laws no decision, was rendered In the
preliminaries but Curtln Was general
ly conceded to have outpointed Del
mont In the first tilt which was ft
featherweight match. The second
bout, between Paekcy O'tiatty and
Franklc Burns, bnntamwelghts, fol
lowed Immediately.
Tickets Purchased at IWxitlis.
JKl'.HHY CITY. July 2. (A
At one p. m. the crowd around the
houae where DempBcy was staying be
came so great that mounted police
were called. The defender was deep
inp calmly tipxtairs.
Governor Kdwards and the military
staff In full regalia paraded by the
house on foot on their way to the
: arena. When notified Hint Lompey
J was asleep they did not stop. Score
jof speculators faced heavy losses. The
icrowds were apparently disturbed 1y
the reports of counterfeit tickets and
made purchases at the official selling J
booths. Speculators with their hands
filled with tickets were offering $5(1
pasteboards for V15, $40 tickets for
$25 nnd cheaper seats at similar re
ductions. They were the objects of
ridicule and banter from the hioders
of box office tickets.
IoncMoys Call Georges "Buddy"
IUNGHITVB. July 2. (A. P.) Car
pentier entered the arena at 2 o'clock
Your every table want at the market's lowest
prices. At any time our Groceries, or Meats
don't make good WE DO.
Try a month, beginning now !
739 Main Street
I Ruby I
It is a' pleasing custom to remember
one's birthday with a gift embodying their
birth stone.
The Ruby for July
The beautiful red of the ruby is admir
ed by all whether in ring, brooch or pend
ant you will find here a gift that will ex
press your best wishes for birthday happi
ness. "GifU That Last"
The Largest Diamond Dealers In Barn Oregon
his appetite. When the call came for fourth bout between Griffin and Cos-j
dinner Jack was the first among those iter was stopped in the sixth round I
present. Hefore luncheon the chain-1 when Cosier was Kneeling on tnc noor.
li on enuajied in a pool name with
Mayor Uaker of Atlantic City. Later
Mayor Hogiie of Jersey City and other
city officials, called. Just before one
o'clock Jack stole upstairs for an
hour's nap hefore getting ready to go
to the ringside.
I'rciK'liinan l.ic Way.
P.) i ltlNUSIOK, A. P.) The challenger
lost his direction on reaching the 30
acres and stood puzled outside as to
which way to take. Two guides went
out and piloted them in. Francol;
Descbamps. the Frenchman's . man
agcr. entered the arena chattering to
himself with Parisian abandon and
gesticulating as he marched to the
dressing room.
Hunts Has Advantage.
Frankie Burns had the advantage
on points in the second c ght round
preliminary. The referee stopped the
Herman-Metramra bout of the third
preliminary In the fifth round 'when
Metranga was hanging helpless on the
Jack lpes Crowd.
JKttSKY CITY, July 2. (A.
There were comparatively few per
sons turned away for presenting coun
terfeit tickets.
loniscy (Hhh to Arena.
JF.It.SlY CITY, July 2. Dempsey
at 2:35 left for the arena, from the
home of William C. Heppenheimer. a
bank president and millionaire sports
man, where he spent the night. Demp-1
sey was given a rousing cheer by .sew'
eral thousand as he emerged from 1 1 o i
house, escorted by Chief of Police I
Bentley. The champion entered an I
automobile and. preceded by a squad i
of motorcycle policemen, was driven I
to the urena through a lane of cheer
ing admirers. He smiled and waved it Pay C&Sh
In Mie belief that prisons are too
comfortable to serve as threats to
those of criminal tendencies, a justice
of the Brooklyn supreme court advo
cates the judicious use of the lash in
certain cases.
All doctors and dentists entering
Mexico must pass an examination.
Those who have been practicing three
years in that country may continue,
provided they register diplomas from
foreign Institution of good standing.
QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices
East Oregoman Printing Department
Receive More Pay Less
ISoxers Greet One Another.
KIXGSIDE At 2:57 Carpenticr
into the ring and in two minutes
Dempsey came ln. Carpenticr wore a
long gray bath robe and Dempsey
came Into ring and in two minutes
ing trunks ami a maroon sweuter coat.
He greeted the challenger with a
friendly "Hello George," and they
shook hands in the center of the
if Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
'i 209 E. Court Phone 880
The champion entered one of the Trc- jecntcr of th ring.
mcnt street entrances of the arena tin
observed at 2:40. The large crowd I
waiting on Montgomery' street expect
ing him to enter there were disap-
jand went immediately to his dressing pointed. The fifth preliminary was
room. A squad of doughboys, wear- stopped in tho seventh round when
The Wholeome Butter
;lng banners In their hats attesting
sympathy for Carpenticr, who was do
I scribed as a "Buddy," was followed by
ia group of Cubans loudly proclaim
ing their Interest in the French chal
Rounds Arc Announced.
RINGSIDE. July 2. (A. I'.) Be
tween the rounds a boy in white ducks
encircled the ring carrying a sign
proclaiming the rounds. The crowd
still was apathetic, munching its
lumh as the preliminaries winded
their weary way through tha program.
.lack KnJo Dinner.
JEH5KY CITY, July 2. (A. P.)
Dempsey did not let the bout affect
Koldier Jones was hanging
oti the ropes.
Hot! so Was Sold Out.
t ItJNGSlDK, July 2. (A. P.) An
nouncements made at 1:30 stated the
"holme wax sold out," meaning that
1 91,600 seats were occupied. A patch
iof blue sky appeared at 1:30. 'jout
2 o'clock the crowd began shedding
their coats and it soon became a shirt
sleeve party. Carp's arrival was un
noticed by all save nine of tho spec
tators. The challenger looked as dap
per as ever. He was wenring a gray
suit with a cap to match. j
Very Few CoiniU-rfrlt Tickets.
RINGSIDE, July 2. (A. P.) The
Hc-ioatnis is Critical.
P.INGS1DE, July 2. (A. P.) Ron
jamin Teddy Hayes, Jack Kearns,
Mike Trant and Bernard Demrsey the
champion's brother were in Demp
sey's corner. Dcscamps, Journee and
Charles I.edotlx were in Carpenlier's
corner. Iesramps went to Dempscy's
corner and demanded the right to ex
amine the hand bandages. He ex
citedly pushed Dempsey seconds away
and watched carefully as the tape was
wound around . Dempscy's fists.
Cnnwnticr Is Cheered
Promoter Hickard has called into
ring and shook hands with both fight
ers. Hurry Ertle nervously paced tho
ring while the gloves were tied on
Carpenticr who was Introduced as the
pugilistic idol of the old world and a
soldier of France, getting a tremend
ous cheer. Dempsey was also applaud
ed when he w.is introduced.
This is the logical grocery to shop. Price, Qual
ity and Service considered. We give you the
best groceries in the market at the lowest pos
sible prices and aim to make our service ideal.
We have done our share to get the business, and
our cash prices are getting it. If you are not
dealing with us, give us an opportunity to show
how we serve our customers.
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
Butter Ma ki no
It Iff
Tit? U
ri rl i1iTA ) -:s .
i . - - - - M .
S7rAyyyG &c7-.7r? OAVyxj-
Scientific Methods Applied To the Development of
Farm Industry-How Exact Knowledge of Reasons
Why Has Taken the Place of Rule of Ihumb
In the Production of Butter.
By AKIIIIK Bl 1)U . . . .
lfc t:TTER Asrilcularly ood but
W ir 1 a luxury. W r
I a torifl'nlv luxiirlnua ueople,
"u nwitlit Baturally be mpposfd
'"I our per caplla ronsumpllon of
''iier w'.tu:j be greater than that ol
"y other natiofi.
This, however. Is not a fsct. In th
'car 1829 the people of the United
Sitr connuined. per rhp!ts, fourieen
rid a half pounds of buiter. Canada
'enty-even snd lhr:e tiliricr.
P'undi. Aulrll lwnty-flve and a
imlf pounds, and Crtat Britain seven
iren pounds,
The fundnnental rfqul.H fr
P'flducUon of Rood bulir Is ctesn
willf. and In the modern up-to-date
RlT cleanliness li absoluiely de
'ntndcd. A Alorlrl Dairy
Thrre Is a wash room In which em-
no- Iployeps are rf quired 10 wnn me..
audi hands wl;h sosp and naiibrusn Deior
in"kin: after which they must P"
n clean white lilt n'i fresh-boiled
thread glows. Kmployen must be In
perfeet heslili; a sick, man, or one In
whose family there Is a wk member.
Is laid off for the time bein. Cans
aro aterlliced !'" Th
milk while still -warm '
through sterPe 'n' Por"1'"
vat, which feeds the fluid to a cooler
herp it is reduced to a tomperatute
of 40 degree Fahrenhsit
The domestication
of the bovine
animal dales bacK 10 a ""1. I educaied palate,
ror in"j i
been cutomai-n
lv nreh'stone.
kept under conditions on.y '
and unsanitary than tho. to which
,h. unfortunate pi
The up-to-date dairy In Its h'Uneji A, a rM11, tnPy nave oeromr " , xvh,.n -Ve, lo frst.rate better lis
dvlopment Is not Inferior In cleanll- - frBly disensed.. T,,sro . 1 dl'inctive taste and aroma. What CiillureV In Dottles
ta ih hnnschold of the 'most i,eotl ,pread neiongr them. nu ;hese little workers lack In sise they A number of species of very deslr
et'ful housewife k1"'1 r,avln pr-naitj. n (n,,),,, up ln nuni'jrs, for s p;nt of ( a bio bacteria have been Isolated. Such
Id . k... i.'h.a iih concrete, estimated that 1 r"r rnu "criam may contslr thousands of mil-.a culture l s little bottle of skim milk
.n1 u . , , , ., a new rw, of tubc rulnns a.nong humsn be- cnntainln, a few millions of bacteria
"4 all times Is kept nca r, pf bnvin- orltin-l. c. .MTlb-1 ,. ,n.,r crMm ,0 of R soortprt. ,nd 0,r kld. It
Pin. Each animal hss at lenst l.oou o ,f(,c.on from m Ik. this. . ,t(lul , t w,rln v;a(.e for 8 few hours es pr. pnrrd by sterilijlnif the skim
uble feet or air and seventy square n(,fd)p ,. is p.rlcu.ar!y hard onbpf0.s riltl)ninS p, ln ord,.r ,;,a,, ; m.:k ,nd t .cnatln? It with a few of
't of floor ipace. Kl;es are excluded bles. they sy, H may "ripen." This ripen- jibe erms, wlfleh thereupon proceeded
by screening the larre windows whlrh nnw KI s'nw,e ling process 1 the effect of bacieriai ! rsplrtly -o mtiltlp!.
brightly light the I' erlor while f- .. . tnt practice of pasteurlsin- !-ow t h In ;he flu d. Ti; eresm Is1 TV.e cresmery manager heat a pan-
fardlng perfect vcn'. lion. Overhead ..., ., Mfe. Hsw milk isifalrtv shee Rlth n-yilsds of thse'fu! of rreltm to 1J3 deprees Fahren-
'roileys bring the I I and carry oin;m '" ,rnln)7ed ss bHrg unssfe. mieroji nnlc plan
refuse. All reccr-iscles for rooogcnr,. y riJ ph(
. No dust Is ftlewed In enter dr.n r ,,
PrttUat Md stalls r sprayed w.in.temaie , . ..1o,1(i enlc,n. rtttleiiM.1 and tae The f-en.m
ateam before milking, and tneistan'P " , . .... . .un...r i thu b.id ones ui.l oneour n hid .ine.s
I 'V-JslSf ' ' - 7 l-y- j -- - - (
of diseased aninuts. age the good one..
Oood butier Is distinguishable from I Each fpecles of bacterid multiplies
poor butter by a delicious fragrance j most rapidly at A certain temperature.
and a peculiar flavor famil'ar to Iheiwnen the rarrr.n- r,tftps n: rrear.i ai
What produces thtfe ! degres of Fahrenheit wmrti experience
qualities? Not aweei grass and vluv.-r. i has taught him is aesirame. ne is en
nor yet pure breeding in ;o. They I eoitrag'ng the multiplication of the
are ntti ibulable to minute vegetable good "germs" and discouraging the
organisms, called bacteria, which feed j bad ones. But in a creamery this ob
on the cr am and thus make a fer-1 lect Is achieved In a scientific way by
muni u'hieh K'h in fr.i.ni. h.nr iis.the ue of what arc called starter.
nryrlads of Ih se
nith'a a short lime
I jfler milking. psp. ef -h., (t,
time sj ! to hii'ter s r .T-s.vl ser sn.1
m4 t.ef"a e'hr rt"r. c'rlbme a
of cream becomes a culture of the de
sirable microbes, and, when some of It
has been transferred to all the other
parts of cream, the entire stock on
hand Is provided with exactly the
kind of bacteria that will produce In
the subsequent butter a first-rate
flavor and aroma.
si Vi. ih'rthy kll'ltis " ,h bacteria It! The cultured breed of bacteria may
rn'ains. Then he p-.-mrs Into it the j be perpetuated from day to day in
- e.,Vu' srtd tl ed germs! cream or ii sk'ii mitji. At the end ef
n-fr i"tvy In uh niTibrs about ix weeks, however. It will
said ln this connection that the much
esteemed apecles of bacteria were
originally obtained from exceptional
ly excellent butters. Also that they
are sometime sold not In bottles, but
In dry form, put tip ln tablets with
milk sugar.
The bacteria used In this way are of
kinds that produce lactic, acid. This
they do by feefltair en tho sugar con
tained in the milk and breaking tt up,
therebv giving to sour milk Its recn-
n rs-i'd'ty as to shut out ; "peter out." and a fresh bottle of I liar ftaror. "The enwnf of IM ereaw.
preliminary to the making of butter.
Modern Method
The old-fashioned method of
arating cream ln (hallow pan la ob
jectionable because the surface ta ex
posed to the a'r, and tho cream la
liable to aboorb or develop objection
able P.avors. Furthermore, tb skim
milk retains a considernblo percentage
of the butter-fat. T centrlfuga.1
separator does the wortf much better
ln a few minutes, k I mining so "cleat
as to leave behind only tract) of by.
ter-fat Tho cream slwultf bo placed
Immediately In cold wer and RMrred
until the temperature as below t d
grees. Twolv hour Hfore mrnlnc.
It should bo warmed about T de
grees, and allowed t atatii int!l It
htcaone and ta wlldsy g-sasr. Tha
??f V. Vil'jUf gloomed dallj'.
Tims llw whole ogitful j "siartej" must be used. It should be up to a
certain point. Is a neceirurn!ng tak l to sf 'jr
I taMMMSa4mit. 4tU iAttsf