East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 02, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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S5V, .', ' A'
'.f V jf " M . T '' " IB ' ' ' 1 -.4. - ? f . i L V ' f i vi?"' ' 3
President Has a Visit from :
the John Eurroughs Club
2nd Asks Them a Ques
tion That "Stumps" the,
Youngsters Who Are To;
Report Their 'Tmc.n .
1TH the President of theVnitc J
Sta"es as the "Juviee" and ike
,'cha Burroughs I'lub, of ;)ie
rtr:e Siliool in V4sninetun.
"jury." 'he fa-e of the ois
ir alue to man Is being triuii.
it nil happened this way. To mark An. erica is div.ried into eight t.a.a
'M end of l-'orest I'rotectioa Week. ' and the screech owls into naie by the
l!-e John Burroughs Club decide d to scientific men who spend thiir lite
rail upon rrident Harding and tell ' studying such thin?. Thoy agree that
Mm how they were goibg to keep ' an owl can see just as we'.l in the day
rltht on preaching furest protection 1 time as a: niiilu and thus much nurs
nd wild life protection 52 we..ks In, cry rhyme and ancient lore is ru;!i
the year. Harold Roach the president j lessh destroyed.
of the club presented the President ! The loss Uuo to prairie doprs. jrround
With the book "Hirds In Vashiiiston," j squirrels, pecket gophers. Jack rabbits,
ind then told him how the birds de-. meadow mice and pine mice amounts
vourrd the insects that In turn would' to over 150 millions dollars every year.
destroy the forests and the crop3 if j House rats ar.d houns mice torm ?.n
rot checked. . 1 other loss of over 200 mill. on, not in-.
Right there the President asked the ; eluding the loss by human dlseast
stumper." He wanted to !
hat they would do with birds;
that lived on 01
her birds. Two owjsj
have been seen in
the White House;
grounds and as the children wanted ;
to try and find them the President Ue-
elded to ask them If in their opinion I
"Herbocia! Value" A Tale of the Blue Ridge Moun
tains -"Wet Gold" -A Prize Winner-A Little
Chap from War Ridden France.
M her latent film. Jltr fto ia.
Value," Katheriuc-MacDonaid take
the part of. a t-'f-'P gui, iaii"
i When Jlailoa went home to tne
jrnodeot fiat. v. here the lived with her
h.'er Hcrtha, iad Uerlha's husband
Joe. she seemed ap;.ier man
it had been a hard day at ine K.'e
ecun'er of the department store, but
h had met James Lodge, a young
At dinner when Marlon spoke or .ne'
jncetlng with J.odtre all were emphatic.
In. their warnings that a man ' :
ledge's position does not play !,h I
phop girls for any pood motive. Iodge
ta also 'old by til frl nds that j
would Le bitter to drop the Pirl -
jVlhar heeded the warnings and thy
re married. They soon learned
. . t -a u na lLinir out in .
..,,). huslness and social way,
1. .wmratkm Marlon appealed to
T.fl.it, a fai-t friend and busuit-ss rival
of i ,";. jsii." " - ----
WUi lf's I"" tor her a fake clci e-.
,,t was planned between Marlon
n-1 Trent. Msrlon leaving a note ex
tmlng to Lodge ,ovd
,.,r man and hoping he wou.d for
h,r. They were surprised at the
..f Wy Uvds. JJ racelvad the note.
it tr7rr-; - - 4 - - -M .2.1
v- Isr v- 'vv . . i
the uvU shoiilii be kUlcd. He ihenj
appointed tht del-Ration from trie clubi
a "jury" to rach a conoluion and!
rtrjort bark to him. j
Xlne Sprrit-s lit Xorth Amrriiit
lucre are only n.ne specu-s of the
300 found In North America, but
.-i)ine of mere are found eve:yhere.
The Great Horned Owl of North'
ran.-nn-.iu v, mv-c
days when the maintenan-c and :n-
crease 01 too i
portant, the va.t-e 01 own s 01 uie ;
utmost impar .aj.ur.
A Great Variety Ol Kte's ;
Owis yary from the elf owl in the;
f --y it
, sent j rem away u' "
j appeared blimtetf, wiring Marloa thai
;She could bave ner rreeuom ar.u inai
' it wnnM h useltsa to look for him.
: g() bothi ,n tryjng lo help the other,
; haJ Iailed
j JIonlhs afterward, news w as had of
, teniae in the West, -Marion, having
Lodge in the V.'cst
.'.news of great value regarding worn
Lodge had done previoua to .Ms disap
pearance, goes to him, but upon ar
riv.ng at the mining camp hear. thai ,
LolKe is iove with liell. j
Wili-,e v,-ai,illg tr a train a section;
rus),es into the station with the'
nej, that a land tilde has buried i
L(J(je , nl3 cab!n and medical aid j
uusi be nad ul 8,.e. Marion return- !
u;th the doctor, linds Ud.-c badly:
Bhukcn up an4 nur. him. Kxplana-
t,onJ reu!t , a ( f.ari,.g up cf i-11 1
. , ....
d.fficulties and much joy.
'The mazing TrMl-
The ry of a young pliy-nclan
lose nerves are thattered in h;s
search for a polT.t st rum and who is
si ill to the Blue Itldge Moua'alus 10
r twain Ins health. A a pU'.n woods
man he is accepted by the prim.'ive
community tad j ili.in U.to a cha'n
of thrilling events which not only
brings back his c.entaj poise
,,,,1 miMiiniinni'"
, , -
'It P " x -i
Southwest, fibou; iiu-in s Ions. 10
thu great sr.iy owl of Nor: hern Cjn-.nla
thut mtuurts -7 tr.'liej in icnia and
Iu:iy live ftt-t from t.p to I . i. i'.ic fui-
ors are brur. aal trays iho'-ua some
-pecics rc diftim-ily yeilow.s!.. o.h.r.i
reiUlisli brown, and Hie snowy owl. ut
the Kar North, largely uhii--. They
are similar in haa.'. Thej U ;-
Uig the day in ho. low trees or asain.-.t.
'.he trunk, and the more th v rc-embli!
the bark or ucud vvwii, tile lesa likely
are they to be disturbed. The wood
laud owls, are mottled, v-ttvakeu ana
barred v.'.'h varicis shades of gra
and rown. Th- head. of a r.uir.bvr
of species are adorned w.th tufts of
feathers calltd horns or ears, which
give them a jtir.d contour and ren
der the protective eo'oratiun the more
effective. The shcrt-eartd c.vl.s that
l:vrt in tl-.e ranrh.-s are yellow and
more striped like the dead vegetation,
the burrowing owls are more sandy,
nice the soli, and trie snowy owls, u -ioi.S.ns
to ti'.e froifn Norla. are much
whiter tiiar. tile averat,'5.
Willi sharp Mlr-iis; and s'rorrly
hooked bills o.vls ars similar to hawks.
Ileei'use of the:r re-inblr.n-? a eh.s.-.
r?!ation.ship w.-s tlieutiht to et.-ist. hi;'
r. ,
vwycs&yy yW
net and his !
ally .Molheri
bring 11.111 !
aw til ens hit ' tent. tin ins
pn.-,e.,l pr.-v. .".. InctHJi
Nat or" ' aft 1 I.'an '-'upld
hi al' 11 and h-ppin -
I'at Ami I.i joi-ic , j
V.'utra, wuira! M..rjirle Haw will)
sor.r! Lain tl.e Ii .-h J,K if i'at u'M il'iyj
baa I. Is nay. 1'it Is putti.'i.- Mirjj:ie
I through the step, between sttnua at
or;:l iioloi.-ts now Uftkve the similar-;
i;i litu been In-cut; lit about ly like ;
fted. lis luihits ami thai they
reality, waleiy sep-irau d groups, t.tc
owls Ln-ina mare eiosely rcla.cd to the
ni? ht-haivk.s and wliip-poor-wii!. e.'.'
d.ii.-.-etiee In.: -.t un tne !ia-a !n t'i
owls, i the owls hav; I n; r - 3 -i
li.-.uovai-'y in their sock .s -ami at
ilie f.-onl of the skull, so that both are
(iireeted forward. For thca reason, an
0. has to tern Its head in the direc
tion in which tt wishes to loak. Owl's
eyes are uiiii-iially l.'.r. so as to admit
as much lliih! as poss.ble during their
nocturnal aetivities.
fan Sic In Iali!il
Owls can tea vety w. .1 in the day !
for the ir.s can i.e drawn vety clo.-
until .scarcely more iight cntcri than;
would with tl.e roriiial aperture at .
,icL- Th. ho"..f nr.-.:. il,'- ..n-in i r ii
ill the lameness or s'upidily of som-
specie.- which permit tie raselves let be ;
c.-iptiir-d diir.t 'he d .-.. The hnw-k '
owl and snowy ovl. huat by day and
the. shor'-earo! and great horned hunt
on dalk days when they hav.- young to
feed. Then too the owl is not depend
ent upon 1-ls eyes soli iy for hunt.nrt
ysy yPAiw ts(?
the Ku-llo every-ilay. i at see tJ-j plca.K d
with !ii M'lio" in '.true-tor. Who
wouldn't .', t 1 ' -' "
R-i'T'h' :"''" - - '
"'iree In. ,oae actor, -director,
leie Hiat Is.ltalph Inta. ) dl-,c-l
"Wei llil'l.", opt; of the moat
iual i.ii.tiir,.. is eve.- illmed. i4iiy
l yt i- wujseri U&u at ii Ut
r CMap::; enemies, for his hcurlns Is
acute. The stiff radiating f.athers
about the eyes, that g.ve owls
stranr,Q human expre-ssion hav
.ion of (..roteciins t;s jtn!njr of!
! thr t.-t. V.'tsj tufts cC fc.-V. Vi.
i-tV-J '.wV.' tnat aeiorn the
' h'.-'tr ay species Wave nolhinir.lo
'. do with !ru tars. With the owls, how.
1 ever, there is a true external ear in
; the form of a fold of skin und an un-
I derlying groove which extends
j thu eye, around the side of the facial
I disk to be law the bill. The facial disk
f protects tim front edge of the ear and
! several rows of somewh.-.t curlu.'
I feathers the rear edge.
s,,rt l'"lll!'!'s
Feathers of owls, even those 'of the.
w ings, are cxtrci.i-.-ly seft, so thai the)
very little .:Uie In Oym-.. T'ic
If.dlan name for the ow
luisa wa:g"
ref.rs to this. This permits tin 11 10
t!v through the woods or low over the
meadows without f.-iihteninu the small
r-.avil;, mKint, '..rl
most sma.l ar.tmais are nocturnal and '
most birds diurnal, the chief fojd ol j
the owls i-f small mammals and birds
suffer relatively little. They are th-re-1
fore, anion? the most hem ttol.it hii.l!
torn of the sea.
' .Mr. Inee. who nor only directed
"Wet Gold." but a'so played I he lead
ltK rt In Ihe story, has been acting
- for ihe soreen sine the days of IU
' .i.U Y-i
: -wyyW70y yy
lhat.we have, for It is al'solutcly noc
essary th.it somo uhecl: be placed upon
small rodents,.
.l6vcme11U of some owls make them
the more ellloicnf protectors of our
crop for (hey move from place t
place, seeking ubundii'U food. l'iu
lieul u lv ihls true of the short-cared
ottl lor i-time that mradow mice
Income ai.ii.-u;.i:.v abundant in a local
ity a Hi lit. of these owls usually fol
lows. They remain In the lu'hled
t.rca, mstintf 1.' need be, until ro
dents once asaiu oecatne hum:?, when
Ihcy move on 10 another region.
Ciii'iit llonifi! Owl
Prejudice against owls Is due larjuy
to superMitllion and to the desirucfoii
that is occasionally wrought about Hie
poultry yard by thu treat horned
specie- This blr.i can leiny off full
mown fowls. It f.imetimcs kills for
the mete Joy 'ci killing. d'siroyiiiB
luany fowls during a : f a I - night. On
poultry and game farms, It is a bird to
be feared and pcrslsunlly trapped, but
,,1 the woods, wnei-e ia.mi 1 rs.u Labile. The Western form lives
and weasels are plentiful, It Is far 1 ln (he Aof (()wnj
more beneficial than destructive. , Klorlda ow, aigt 1(s own burrow.
Thejiarred owl Is o.ten confused Then we hv t)e fam, knowB
with the great horned W i." ,er the,,, t . , 4
of "hoot owi ' is nearly as
as. irr .11- r,i i.- -.nea ..u. n .m-
i...-c. the "lioius" on the head and
hits none of the yellowish brown In
its plumage characteristic of the great
hornc The calls of both birds are
hoots that can be h ard for a half a
mile or more. The snowy owl Is
somewhat larger than either of these
owls and it is uniformly white, lightly
barred with brown.
In ear tufts -the long-eared owl re
sembles th? great horned, but It Is
much smaller and more slender and
does not have the white throat patch,
it I- usually found in evergreen thlrk
cis du!ng the day ii"..' except during
-. "e nesting sra--on, ail ;e owls tf the
vicinity may resort m .n. e smii t),P-kt
t 1 roost. The ser'ce'i owl. the lust
common fs not much larger Hi:'.', a
-ob!r. lmt much heavier. It Is fn.md
! In l'
t 1 ' 1 1'
heart of large cities, In hollows
rs or in er.uees ohout bnildi.tK.
t ir nin e- ia u .n-. n ,i c.-vw.-- pic
f:vc ;
. vl
sii'i!! Species
of owls iro the fyg:ny andl
tne H'n:thwf. Tile former I
'?y hi i 4
i A
I"-" ti- 1'... f Wjf6',
1V5 i V
t' ti'M htJvftlU
1 -vwv m
" -s.Vt i ti ' t J
1 r ' m' vJ
early po,ularlly. I! .sides acting and
dire.tinir, Mr. Inee has found th.it his
allili-tlc prowess Is often called upon
10 make a photoplay realistic. In "Wet
Gold," lie Is eQ diving from a vessel
Is a diurnal bird flying (.round tven
In tho bright un In Us pumuit of ln
.'.ecis. Jt measures i. ar.d a half to
srven and a half lochej In leiiRth and
Is about an Ir.eb knger than th tiny
elf ul. The luU...,iiie Js lis Tayi in
woodptclier hiilci, particularly liloM In
llio liiaiit cactus, and like otatr owl.
re,.-...; i,jt at n'o.::! 10 feed. Th tiaw.
v. lie', of Acadian owi is "he smallest pi
the owls found 111 llastern tnllei
mates, hetng only (Vht lnchea Ipe.
It Is usutilly found during the day In
evciitreen thickets, thorn bushen, or
other thick places, and frequently U
so tame or tlcrp to inundly a lo al
low Itself to be taken' In the hand. In
the Plains regions of Western United
Hta'es and In Southern Florida, occur
the burrowing owl, a atrange Utile
touud headed bird with legs lonper
than most owls because of Its ter-
Tlip. Br lnuch R)lkf jn
Its, but not In slie. They differ from
the other owls In having long slender
legs, and nearly white underparts
speckled with black. The back Is a
very light mixture, of tan and gray.
There Is but one species of barn owl
found in North America, occurring
from the Atlantic lo the Pacific, occa
sionally as far North as New York
and New Kngland. It lives about de
serted buildings, towers, and cupalos
and Is one of the best mouse traps
known to man.
- Most owls lay their rggs In cavities
In trees without any pretense at a nest,
l ilt sometimes, when there are not
available ihey utilize, eld ne.:ls of
ctovt, hawks or even 1'iulrrels. Tim
I short en, ed and snoivy owls regular!
lay r cgs in ariide nests on tne
i: round, and tho barn owl 1- buildings.
All ly pure white, almost split?:;!:
eg? .. The majority sit very cioicly snd
'.! in holes may allow themselves 10
be c.-.plured. Some, however, like the
great hoiued, are u$ually very wary
aid mr-ny even- desert the nest If
moTrstfl. ' " . .
f ., y .' ,JL. If $
Into the water, swimming to the bat-
'.0111 of 1 11c sea and coming up through
an air chamber In a submarine lying
below. It Is a remarkable - athlelio
feat thai has tremendous dramatic
"in: WI!Ilnim,on s discovery of lha
pn-isil)i!:t:es of umler-wuter photos-
ranl'.v." said Mr. Inee, 'opens up an
f illicitly Hi field for.-the motion pic-
ture Not only tho wonders of land, '
but the marvels of the fea may now ;
serve 111 subjects for the photoplay. '
Mid the clement of novelty, of man
struggling with the undercurrents of
the ocean and the Inhabitants of the '
se 1, will open new llelda for the photo
phiywrlght end the ynitr water
photographer." ' ...
Kdnn Whcatmi
' When Kdtia Wheaton went to-Now
York it war her ambition lo bffome I
a successful choir soloist. T-jday. be- ,,
cause sho wan judred the rr.ost beau-
tiful girl of the (1 .(ICO who mbmltted 4
their photographs' In a contest she
promises to become a leading screen '
Already Miss . W'he.iton has played t
the role of "Ileauly". In the allegoric!
may "I'xperlcnce," one of the prises of .
I ihe contest. She will also appear with
I I'.lsle Ferguson In "Fool lights," front ,.
' lilt Welnian's Saturday Kvtu'.ltg Fofct
Stoiy. --
; IMilllppe tt Mcey
i At three and a half years, Philippe
i de Lacry Is a veteran of the R rmte.it "
war In history and an established
movie arlor. Me was born In h ranee,
at Nancy, daring a eJerrjmn air raid
that filled t'ie a!r with bursting .,
shells.- Miss KdlMi do Lncey, nn Amcr-
leap nurse, found I1I1.1 be-iido his dead '.'
moiher, cacti for. hmi, adob'.cd him, .
brought him ta this country, and with- '
out diniciiiiv, found h'm, "work" In ..
plel nres. LIS tin Philippe furnishes a
special charm !n "WJthout Benefit of
Clergy," Uudyard Klpllrut' Ort mo-
Hon picture fr.atuia, , J
. 1 1 1 in , ,r j - i-
- ... - -' -V 1,
' - 1,