READ THE EAST OREGONIAN SPORT PAGE AND RECEIVE THE NEWS THAT IS FURNISHED BY THREE SERVICES, A. P., U. P. AND I. N.S. 1 DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION Th net presa run of yeatorday'f Dally j Tim Enst Orca-onlun la Enatwrn l iron's rreatest nprinpr and a f.-M-. In a- force gives to th tvirtlr it twlra- thn Kunmnti-'d pild circulation In Pendleton and Umatilla, count of any other newspaper. 3,210 Thin paper if a mtintv.r and audited by tta Audit Bureau of Circulations. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 33 ,j3A!LY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, , SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 2, 1921. NO. 9868 KNOCKS OUT FRENGHMAI x, i P i k A Pi ii ; ! uu u FOUR ROUND FIG! LARG E INCREASE IN TURKEY RED Tl JACK DEMPSEY CROP HIS YEAR 10,000 Acres of This Variety Wheat Grows Between Pen dleton and Echo on River. CO. AGENT RECOMMENDS GRAIN FOR LIGHT SOIL Wheat Matures Early and Crop Prospects . Excellent; Will be Demand for Clean Seed. Thore la lO Ouu act-en of Turkey ltcd 1 hml growing between Pendleton and Echo along the Umatilla river In Comparison to the 0 acres of HiIm va riety grown In the region u year ago, auys Fred licnnlun, 1'mutllla county agent, who avert thut h II the the wheat land of the territory should be In Turkey Hod instead of any other variety.' It has proved to he the best for the light foil, Mr. Lcnn on state. Tbo Turkey ltcd Is showing up well In comparison to the White Hybrid. Bays Mr. Itennlon, . w ho with (. It. llyslop, professor of farm cropf ut O. A. ..'., and n group of Pendleton farm era, made a wheat tour yesterday. The wheat hna matured early and crop prospects are excellent. Among the best fleldM were IIioko of Dovld II. Nrl on, George Slangier and George Pe terson, wh.'ch fields. Profewior Hyslop says, arc eligible for certification. lVhbt Near Ton u. The farmem, .Mr. Fennlim says, were surprised at the iiood crops In the licho and Nolln region and the fact that the Turkey Hed fields are retting; nearer to Pendleton than ever before. Mr. lieniiion and Mr. Ilyslop are to day Inspecting It. F. Trnmblrys Tur key Hed and the Hard l'i deration wheat grown by Otto lirimuu. Tins to an Australian wheat, for which the seed was obtained by Superintendent Stephens of the Moro experiment sta tlon lit .Sherman county. Will Sec Fctlerut'on. The Hard Federation In acknowl edged to be superior to other spring wheats. Two yearn aeo Mr. Itelmaii sowed eigth pounds of the wheat and got SS3 pounds last year. He sowed additional seed this year und has 3 acres. There will be a greater demand i than ever for clean seed this yeur, Mr. Ilennlon believes. Koine of the furni , ers who made the tour yesterday inadn arrangements to get "urkey ltcd need from the clean fields. ..Li t iff t ' . , , t X 'S&qr t I A' A P Vf" 'I k i - Jew - i jy ''I H f t SULTRY WEATHER GREETS FIGHTERS j . HOW THE FIGHTERS SIZE UP. 'p ' AT JERSEY CITY Great Crowd Thronged Into' Bowl at 9:30; Preliminaries Limited to Eight Rounds. ALL SEATS TAKEN BY NOON; NO STANDING ROOM . DRUNK, FORFEITS BOND, RELEASED FROM JAIL AND LOSES SET FALSE TEETH i: ! I ! Millirtnoirft t ivtiiiiuiiau w Dcmpscy Slept in Bed on Night Before Fight; Carpentier Was in Country. To be jailed for being drunk is had enough, according to the belief of the association of tip- piers, but to have to pay a fine tit llfl for the Indescretion. aad then on top of all that inconven ience to lose one's fulse teeth is the "end of the limit." That Is what happened to John Turner who was incarcer ated in the city Jail last night by the police. Late In the evening, his freedom was secured by post ing of a cash bond. This morn ing he appeared at the police station again, but he was by himself and he was sober. He wanted his false teeth, he told the police, and a search was made In the jail, and the set was round. The plate was broken, but Turner thought he could have the damage repaired. MfMHaBaaMMtaWaM tBMa )fT')iT . fW".-" 'w""''lt fc? D X t- J Jack Dcmpscy is younger, taller, heavier anil of larger proportion Keuer ally than Ceorges CarpenUer. who challenges his right to the title of world's champion hcuvyw eight. The following table gives the measurements ot the l-rimipals DKMI'HEV CAKI'KNTIKl: l!KI t'.'l .... ft. I 111. . Iti'i In. ... M in 4f. in 4 in n in ... li In ... !' t In 33 In I " U in. ... 13 1-4 In. " In Weight . Height . Neck (.'hest (Normal) 172 ft. 11 i4 in. 16 in. 41 in. (fexpniHicd) 4314 i,, Reach ' 73 (,, l lceps 1 4 v in Foreann I : in W:-!t ; T4 in W.i 1st 31 i f'ligh 23 i f'l'r 164 in. Vnkle :. j 14 in Itl.NCSIDK July 2. (A. I rrcna" opened ut the crowd. The saucer of yellow pine, which 'when the sun was out. glistened like a giant brass bowl, was soon fleck ed with humanity, but unlike ordinary saucers, it was filled from the brim down Instead of the bottom up for the first to arrive was the gallery God with a periscope eye. who Jiad camped all night outside for a $3.50 seat. Gradually however, the wave rolled dirw'n the ringside. There were many women in the crowd. The day sultry following a hUnid night. iun tried" to pierce" "Thf " screening clouds that gave threat of rain. Many of the spectators had their sun glasses, field glasses and pillows. i FIGHT BY ROUNPS j . (By Associated Presij.) Dempsey Is Victor. . Georges Carpentier finished flat on his face, his legs and arms outstretched. In the fourth round Jack Dempsey, world s j heavyweight champion, knocked him out in a few seconds after ' the round opened. , fV ! Dempsey sent Carpentier heavily to the canvas with a short right hook to the chin. The actual time of fighting in the fourth., round was one minute and sixteen seconds. Previous to the i knnrknn. Carnentier was floored with a left to the body and a right to the chin. Carpentier took the count of nine - before cnrimrinir Viia foot wViprp T)pmnsev measured him with ' a seat at the ringside at ii:4n. By noon ; pUnch f0 the chin which ended the battle. ;. hTd iZdTnd 1: r: i r Dtmi,seyod rr ,thi fal,eii Frncliii0 i3nTll about the outer rim was occupied. j finished and then tenderly picked up the bleeding and dazed i Frenchman and dragged him to his corner.. cariM-nticr l ull of ifp DemDsev crave Carpentier an unmerciful beating. He open- 1 1 J HUSKY CITY. N. J..! .) The gates to the big MAXHAftVETT. July 2.- 9-:hi and in nooiied 'ieorges carpentier, eager for AFTER SHORT ILLNESS1 v was a member of the Catholic Church Funeral services will be held on Monday morning at 10 a. m. from St. Mary's Catholic church. Itev. Fathel an llmmii.-scn will officiate. A green parrot swinging In u tree In l:allHloll. Illinois, Jammed truffle for blocks by calling out, "Not so fast go slow! Htop" The same sound of of ficers who raptured the parrot round ed up un or (tun grinder who had a monkey trained to climb Into second story windows und pass out articles of value. When captured, the monkey had a valuable vu-c uvd luvalliero which he had stolen from a bed room. James Cornfield, aged 5S, a resilient of Pendleton for the past Is years, (lied today at S:lo a. 111. at St. An thony's hospital. Mr. Cornfield has been ill for the past month. .Mr. Cornfield was born In Hamilton, Scotland. lie came to thu I'nlted States ut the ago of four years and aft er spending some time in the cast came to Pendleton in 0I3. Ho hud been engaged In the contracting and liousetnoving business. (.inno.NS to MKirr so.mmi:ijs. SPOKANE. July 2. l P.J Mike Gibbons meets Al Sommers in a 15 round bout for a purse of $10,000 on July 4. Mike Collins, Gibbon's mana ger declares Gibbons will bo the next middleweight hamplon. Carnival of ISIows Marts niXCSIDK. July 2. (A. P.) The carnival of blows, with tens of thous ands massed about tire 18 foot ring, opened at 12:12 with the preliminary bouts serving as cocktails feast of the battle between and Carpentier for the boxing title. The first bout was be tween Mickey Delmont and Jack Cnr- 1 tin. All six preliminaries were carded to eight rounds. Other bouts were P.abe Herman versus Joe Metrnnga. Paekey O'Catty versus Frankie P.urns, Dick Griffith versus Midget Smith, J Gene Tunney versus soldier Jones and Jack Henault versus Billy Miske. Would Marry Jack Xi:W YORK. June 2. (I. X. S.) "I'll many Jack Dempsey tonight or tomorrow no matter how the fight comes out." said Sylvia Jocelyn, of Hollywood California when seen at a hotel here, confirming the consistent report that the champion Intends ooarding the good ship matrimony. fight was up early, full of pep. took a cold shower and greeted the re porters heartily. Carpentier tool; short workout and then drove to Port : Washington, where he embarked on a j yacht and sailed for Jersey City Great Crowds saw him off, though he I managed to escape the throngs by em- ' barking a short distance from the, docks. He appeared extremely ut ease : and seemed unworried by the proxi-l was I mity of the battle. Th KntiTiahied h.v Millionaire JEHSEY CITY. July 2. (Henry L Fnrrell. C. P. Staff Correspondent.) Jack Dempsey spent last night at the ! house of William HenDenheimcr, millionaire sportsman, slept in the Clinch hnrrprprl him virSousIv the cu up a cut unuci Lite Liiain.ii' ' w'- " " - , - He' around the head with vicious rights and lefts until Carpentier s face was swollen and bleeding. Carpentier fought gameiy oacK at the champion but was outclassed. - Rcuni One. ; Round one started at 3:18. Carperftier landed a left arid range in clinching. Dempsey was short with a left .to the head, range i nclinching. Dempsey was short with a 'left, to the head. Carpentier missed a right but oftnected with ,a left hook. Dempsey punched him, beating him unmercifully. , ' Carpentier was groggy and bleeding at the nose; Dempsey missed a right swinjar, but beat Carpenter as ;th.ey!Hehd. . Carpentier sent left to the body in a .clinch. . Carpentier landed light right to head. - Clinched. Carpentier landed up percut, right to chin. Carpentier jabbed : to face ( with , left. Clinch. Demcsev Dounded back of head with right. Carpentier millionaire s bed. ate his breakfast in missed right to head. Dempsey pounded right to sides. Carpen tier missed terrific right to head. -Pounded - Dempsey s body -with left. Clinch. Dempsey holds and hits with right to head, staggering Carpentier. ,One punch cutting nose. Carpentier landed terrific right under eye, Dempsey hooked left to head. Clinch. Dempsey uppercutted face and hooked le'ftto nose. Carpentier missed right to head, clinch. Dempsey smashed Carpentier with right. Carpentier missed with right, he fell Hirough the ropes in trying to avoid a punch. " He flew into Dempsey when he crawled back into the ring and landed sever al blows on Dempsey's body. At the bell Dempsey had the bet ter of the round. ' . luxurious atmosphere and tool thiims easy. Thousands hung around the house, hut the champion managed for the ' to pet away for an early morning trot Dempsey and had a good sweat when he came heavyweight in. Hoiiipscy Visits Arena. KINGSIDE. July 2. (Henry I. Fai rell, U P. Staff Correspondent. ) Gray clouds arc hanging over the city. The streets were quiet despite the proximity of the fight. The arena is water soaked from rain but the sun is expected to dry the seats thoroughly. Most of the fans bought reserved seals although crowds came to the arena last night and slept on newspapers li rirnfteM i stifviveil bv Iv's ivi.i.,u ihr .lunehiei's Mrs. - K. lilt and sent to the zoo. Floods have Urcither Attends Pout I". Illepe, of Hermiston, Mrs. o. T. , been prevalent in the tropics and it Is , ltlNGSlDF., July 2. (A. P.) At 11,...,.. i,,iii., n.l r, Vnr. 1 nouir hi he crawiea tnroncn a uori- 1 1 : 111 11 oeHiio 10 s. umie. i.., ... ...e ii.,i...e Iki i,r i..nflleton. tie t hole from a dnittnir tree. sey, uie " ,..i.i..e. ...w A twelve-foot boa constrictor, stowuway from some tropical port, recently arrived in New York Harbor where he was stunned by a fall caus ed when the Hobokcn workmen tore away his resting place. He whs boxed up and sent to the zoo. Floods have Has Police Guard JKP.SKY CITY. June 2. (A. P.I Georges Carpentier arrived here at 12:, in by boat. He ale a light lunch on board and also enjoyed un hour's nap ai on the trip. He was guarueu uy a large squad of motorcycle policemen, when the challenger's party entered automobiles. and were escorted to the arena. Round Two. Carpentier missed with a left and they clinched, Carpentier backed awavi Demnsev hooked him with a fight to the jaw. during the night, waking early to fall . j)ernpsey followed after him, beating him around the head with "Vi'uaVs las. night were dumfoun i-' rights. Carpentier was short with a left hook but he staggered ed when Dempsey walked into the the champion with six rights and lefts to the jaw. arena, looked over the place and beat Round Three. t it. it may have been a binff. curios- Carpentier ducked a left hook. Dempsey backed into the ity or a des:.e to si ,ow s The ; h short ri hL Carpentier landed two crowds assumed enormous promotions r i - 1 ,1 , . u j r . preliminary ' --s taey timt'iieu Letiiuey punched the invader in the body and" Larpentier, nearly ten down when he missed a right swing. They missed lefts to the head and Dempsey punched Carpentier viciously in the infighting- ' Dempsey landed left and right to head without a return. They exchanged left hooks to the chin. Carpentier's right swing was short and Dempsey clubbed him on the jaw with a left I hook. In the clinches Dempsey battered Carpentier into a Cor as the time for the first drew near. None were permitted to enter until well along In the morning. Sport writers, bums, congressmen, women and representatives from all walks of life gathered at the gates early to take their reserve seats and fall around the circus wagons servhig as ticket offices. Drops of rain fell oceas 'onally. Workmen were busy In the ringside until late putting the fin ishing touches to the big bowl. Safety ropes were strung everywhere to Keep ner with rights and lefts at the bell. The bell saved Carpentier from a round. knockout Dempsey's rest PANORAMIC VIEW (15Y I of Pendleton.' lie I hole from a Jey. the champions brother took his fContinued on nsg. lj 'uu"u- - ----- 7n."s.) SllOWL(; (;ret FIGHT STADIUM AT JEKSEY CITY-MEN are rickards. dempsey, carpentier. , , . r. " v-r--- ' irrrTTT 1 1r yae- ' v u jc .1 -v&xW-iia JgOSZimmimMMmmm a ii 1 1 jLMtiiiaaiMiiKtow. Ut.'i, 4f'ti1iiaiiaaiiMtiiiiiiiiiwMWa8 . Vi1 - i f li i ' - V ': ; . ..etm . 'm-il;ii'i.. itr' ."i;''!1'"''''; .:. .... - -V ' "rirni Ma'jj.egrjT"' t h-tliS. & : T.. X- 4 -k -5 - 'a : Ik. - w; . . - v rn - ik-a; - r- . T -iTy; tSiSyi1-- r . iJ- 41 I- JMT yy"lIIHlll if, , .c iVJ '"" i ,S-:- fy..VA ; ..-.... .1... in-1Tili. , , .1 'TV.VA"!TJLIjSflfwW . lfl .nrattir.sfji(iiiiiif- ,-:v. :t J ' X V '.