t-'V,t t PA 32 nVB TEH PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON.. OREGON,' FRIDAY JSVEITHTG, JUL? 1, 1021. CallM by I Unci, v Mra. Jchmh Anllnx will l'in e I bin evoiiliiK f'r (JiildrlD, wlirr- lii .In ttnll. d by the hwUhih lllnRMH of littr danxh wr, Mr! It. Q. i'-iiirxt. aIih, tMUKi (Tftoittm HiilinjO inirti-rwctit a miijor i.lii'iulion at Onliirlf) ycxtonlnv. Hlic liua bcn In Knn hifiiltli fur honiH 1 1 ink Rising Star -i XJ L- ,.T V , ,M- r ILL, nr- u, , .3 ','! V TH aaa.i.m.iJii.iiii v ? -'.0 People Here and There . 1 .... 1 1 1 i W. Bolllna, auperlntemlent of Irat division of the O-W. K. & panand through pendleton thla mam, tng on No. 24. the compnnlnd her hunhund to Hot I.ak l)er of guns and ammunition wore cnp- N. .wnpre n look trentniPiu for thru- liuroa neur ivenuy wncn in nu matlmn, and Bhe went to Imbler whre i force mirprlned a party of republican , T. M. Hnnfleld of the contracting firm of Parker and Manfteld has re turned to hi home at Portland after an Innpentlon of the program of the work on the Qreullnh and Matlock theater on Main Mreet. . It in exported that the building; will he ready for oc cuparirt 'oh or about Heptembef 1.- ' , Justice and Mr. Joe H. rarkna have returned to Pendleton after an nb aenre of a few daya. Mra. Parke nr- he war the gueet of her winter, Mm. Qerald Tuttle. The condition of Judge Parkea la much Improved. 1 J. W. Etter wan here today on bua Ineaa from hi horn at Pilot Itock. Richard HIchardKon will leave thin evening for. Portlnnd where he will vinit frierula over the Fourth. preparing an ambuah. kinn n:iims axiv. kim.rd, HKI.FAST, July !.(!. N. H.) Two NEWS NOTES OF PENDhETON : " : So Hoport Tomorrow. ., , . There wlfl be ho market rc'pdrffrom the Chicago grain market tomorrow 6r Monday, according to word received today, by Overbeek & Cooke, local broken. All exchangea will be cloned Blnn Pelnera were killed anil a num-1 Saturday and Monday. t I THE PUBLIC . The following prices go'into effect at our shop' JULY 1st: LABOR 81,00 PER HOUR GAS ........ . . 32c PER GALLON OILS .Monogram'; No. 7, Waverly) $1.20 PER GAL. ' . . . . j t ;, .-, ;.. . : ; v ? This reduction in price will in no Way effect the high' quality of .our repair work. With our equipment and long experience, we have always given the very best and will continue to do so at the above prices. If you liave car trouble on the road and need help JUST PHONE 780 DAY OR NIGHT, - , For our Service Car that is built for Service. Newsome & Gumming For the Best Automobile Repairing . 701 W. ALTA ST. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Let Government Bonds Abso lutely Guarantee Your Oil Stock The New Way of Peveloping Fortu nes in Oil THE DAY OF THE GAMBLE IS PAST-Oil Investors need no longer "take a chance." RELIABLE oil operations should now be just a3 safe as preferred industrial stocks. DEMAND IT! If you are at all interested in makiog money in oil, take advantage of THIS opportunity, wherein the element of chance is so simple and reliably eliminated. We Offer Ever- Investor the Squarest Possible Deal and Ab solute Security Our ryvt!r4 ha bona flat knuaw a sir Sifl't I su:rm at itt prjft.s oil land In th gTat Ince Crk Wfmty. idir.'nt t Ln:(lt. Wja. Lii. in Frtn Sxtxcnx! Rifik ct Iji.k. We want to ink a wn aiui huosn't tHn amrewiiirv ir.rsueT. Tat tlt w gt W. n4 har tn th Im cvn e prof.ti that are a.-arert. Amf jrni 4.rn inr, j'l.n:;- tn- B perai-.f.ti to auffer it, tat Here's Our Safety-Guarantee Phn: Aheohit'ty tfr moet tu.u arsit mimi'ti.n nnu.nttjia; Blun: ywtt -afrdJ IMa oil plAweertnc. far rvxty dollar elwrib4 aa-i t3ifi wxl miir Taturxea. ( iwe ai noceyal. titrty Konrfs of tart, taliie ufr. pnrHM tr flumt f Hull! (sr. wiuilr i f wwirtcy far jwr monej. At th 4 4 a er, w'n V1'.lf. that hr l eii an am' lt-iiuinrt, yun nlia.il r.aai irit Uttwti aw.epttiiK tok tn cut Htmfit ' df:.ntir.g jour lbo.l.i. En't fllnf AilmiK a.t lur aiu io.r an opportunity of artiriafoi)ff lo II, wi'ti tail fcmir '4u-utl im .nli wirliu nr. rwliiji rft n.iuaf frrnti of le, a oil tTr ld f ? I You Simply Cannot Lose! liuU pttnutrl motify us ! ruJ n iartnolly -!nr ha ant. Tta ! . I9w rf- firm fa .rM AnI tui u aruf u(' tlimw 1M .i-iwt-:i.rs vt a t b oif.Vim xr) RtMv ror l.e lf, rourat it a p..nr IOr. .. TU. aititlt t fortoBAte tf ACT WITII US NOW J Rifh l iw;H-vif r. rtnitii: wir'iiili'.rt'jo. Hti4 Ho Motir to IV AH f'lwri totntw r.lVir Flrrnw Pi5iuitini! Kudmao' romar.-l.tI Triwf. M ff afly 14lr. oil farrimwf, Knw TDP.lt . i-om(r. data, an.t .Ji-rj.il of B J ran (h ltoorT wMiRmut fjltw.jr tw- lumaii fci ttaiw.. Ilr" lb ky t mtrrm. tlx lti mvurxa,' air-unt f.w. Fi-Hnf- Rir1anin Aft'. HtFl THIS cmTr TOO T An!", 'afi f aim ia. llilnniiiM ArHvc- '. ll)loina fur IV ndlctnn' iitiuliTitH who mici'MiHfiilly riNwil th wlKlith riado Htiile xnmllintlutm hftvn nrrlvnil and iuillii may receiv thi'in liy all liiK t the ffk-. of II. K. Inlow. clly acliool aupi'rlntni'iortt. In tli- 'Hy hull or at hlH office In tho JVndli'inn hlitli nohool. , ' I1u'riinilH tliw! Miiiuliiy, Tim thnu' public il;i.VKrouii(lH, Irt cttt(l at tl) 'Hoiiiid-I'ii iiftrlt, 'I'loni'iM' pnrk and court hounp Iiiwii, will nut be opn on Mondiiy, Iiccuiimh of I he hull, day, July 4, any Ml YlrKlnlit Haifa, aurvlaor. The. jilnyKrmindH urif oja hik h dny, fxv.fiii Huinlny from l a. m. to 11:8(1 11. in. and fnm 7 p. m. 10 8.3(1 i. tn. Kix li pl.iyif roiind In ril pnrvafid by oih normnl m hool Hindpiit liiachrr In the irio-nlnfc while two lire on duly In Hip evwnlnK. Thu ntt'Tid (ince In vory (rood, (iceordlnK to Mliw Haifa. s OFFICES AND OFFICER '.1 , ' '" ' " . "". .. :.,rt (irantnl Marrltticl- l,lviinr. A lliwnn to wed w.-ji ra nl "l thin morninj,' by the rounty cli-rlt to ''lyd William Ilpt', a' laborer, and nianrhe. M. Holln, both of Nolln. To AltT f'ompliilnt A motion to utrlltn porilona of the orlginnl complaint of W. (. Carter frrainxt CTinrli-a l. I- f.d 1 1) and C.TiorlMi W. rjondyeur him been broiiKht by IVterwn, Ulr.hop and C'lnrk In b hlf of the defendanld. Nlta N'fltdl la Womlnf ivorlte with hiovls fnn, nporiant rolea In "Llfo" ;XIeHmre, Hhc ouitht quit a, Kh has and In to x a Ruby JULY'S BIRTH STONE It in a plcn.'iirnf cunlum to rt'incinlitT ono'H birthday with a tfift "fribialyifijf thfir . birth stone. ' The Ruby for July The beautiful ml of th ruby lit iulmlr ml by all whether in rinjf, brooch or pend ant you will find here a jfift (hat will ix-pn-KH your bt winht-H for birthday happi- Ti(!H. ' "Gift. That Lt" OUR CHAUTAUQUA, JULY lO-lCU. , ioIWU V(- T)i r.arftxt IUmoQil Ururn n iJitrrn titi-vm 3 wixo lrl afu-r playing la 01m with mi UK tnoM. Urida For Ilalntlff Th title of the plnlntlff, ficorK .1. feanakspnltm, to a bltf r.inrh In the valley Ju below Kleth wiia mintalned yeaterduy In a decision made by Jnde i. W. I'help in rlrciilt court. Tho defendant In th action waa Oorife Kographoa. hm Ixillar Han d H1iwnl Trn Ind ia r IwiriU'd. The avcr.iKe man doe not nave to j cucci'd ten in r cent of IiIk enrnli:rn. ! i He tniit H;iend nlno dollar In IiVIok ; j expenaea for every dollar davert. Thut j i belnjr the rnne. he can not be too care- ! tful about imiic 'ee.anry eiM-tiw. Very i iifti f, i few "enm properly InveMed, I like buylnit eed for hi rlen, will rnve wvcrnl dollar outlay later on. ; It Ik 'he darne In boyltiK Chamberlnln'a 1 Colic arid Ijlarrhoea. ((efnedv. It rwd ' but few centa, and a botile of It In i the houne ofti'n"ifive(i a doctor' bill of : acveral dollar. ' i . ; Scckn Recovery ;f (,. A ult. SK-ainat th O-W. C V. f'o. to cur poax'rmilon of a Mil of house hold itoodn held by ihe railroad com pany for a freight bill ha been Insti tuted In circuit court by Kranklln V. f'.ox. If the company rcfie to de liver the boose hold Koods. the plain tiff aeek darnaireit to the extent of 11,600. The plaintiff. Ix rcprewmed by H. A. l-w!ll. 30 lirnivn, 12 IfOffxi. IJITI Ian' Cupid did not hare j ererythln.fr ittn own way In I rrriiililal county even ddrinif the rnonto of j .June, popularly .et aside an the month j of brlilea and ros. The rword fori the month have just been cornplle4 by IHtpoty 1rk Cyril I'roetrs'el, ar.J they show that th licenses to wed were The Name KrertwlMW The editor of 1'alxa. Akhbar, a natlv newspaper of Jjihore. India, wy, "I have used f.'harot'erjaifi's Cf.lic and t;larrhoe f.ernedy many time monff my children nod aervanta, for colic and diarrhoea and always found If effec tive." !;llfou'ic anil (tmstlpatkn "for year I "tm tronblrd with hll l usne and constipation, which made life miserable for me. ily appetite failed me. I lost, my usual for'- and vitality. I'cpsin preparation and c,!thart.c only made, matter worsw. I do not know where f should hav bf today had I not tried Chamberlain's Tableta. The, tablela relie th HI j leellot at once, trnihn the i live functions, hepin the sYt i do iw work naturallv, writes RKMEMBEH THAT YOU AUK BUYING For the Fourth There will he two holidays for which you will have to buy for tomorrow. The Table huppiy will be filled to overflowing with every thing on the market for you. We will have plenty of nice Hprintpr for your lunch. We vill have Red Raspberries at $2.75 per 'crate, 1jgnn Berries at S2.H0. Dew Berries, Black Caps, etc. 'Hie peak of the berry market is here and do not put off your canning if you expect to get the bwt of these delicious berries. tb til dijfes- ; T item to Z n Mr. ' "THE TABLE Phone 7M Main Street CHAS. SUPPLY 187 Pendleton I l:iu l',t:.8, fiirTninstham, Ala. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR , Pfoprletori granted dnrtna: th rnooth, an averascej 4,,j.twIi f.-ytu Irw for th- Ht'tfnacti t I of one a day. While CupM was k-i- I -n liter. tin In hut lick, the divorce mill was , "ChmWljtin'a faolets for 'h mnm- awo OMT. tt!v. wjtw tor tbe dts-ia,n uv gr n,,nma, I nver solution of marriaif vow wer insli-; ,ir, fif ,..-.Unr my frier.ds and niltf- tut4 dnrtn the i day. j o,,r, ,,f tf,.tr ()?ltte4- write Mf- j jn'ilitom Voflnvr, Kaswortd, T. i Vhe-t f.iBo'is, f;on.ip(ed or fronhlefl with indigestion, ittve thefB Wlal. ! Swfc laiut-nirKr'f. Wuit to hare a P'.rtSon of a contract lntrd into be-tween herself ar,d her i ihuataJid. Anthony R. Klllott with her T I himband'a stfnifle brother Kldridxe f iF.lliott revoked has leeft hrnneht by (Audrey FHlsolt In the rtneoit t.trt. The J j.iliei-aii&n made In the complaint are t the effect that she wan persitajlejri" J to strn away her dower nhl in the e ijfate the tola! ralne of wr,ch t rpr- isente! to be f The mffl o' liOO a month ttt f!2&4 & p CKe icoirt amm fit, t aotjfct trp- tine pi.in- The plaintiff aft'J fter h JSfivi !are not liTtnse tos-e'her. ccyrdir, x to 'Ithe complaint. ji QUALITY PRINTING at KcaaonaWc Prices Eat Oregonian Printing Department. icour IFIOMMUBOF j PORTLAfD IS BURNED , f'ORTLAN'O, - Jaiy t. if. V.I ; ; TJt fanvwi FViar. Ci:t. of tati.; ; Hie. 1 in r.fi fotuwlr a pecc.il.r ' (fire. The frame ft itl,-t,iiaf km n4 :'R ! the o!J fh?s a. a- fur renter t, roi- houM and (ran-. tvl . R ta.err IE anreitWNt anairy time. feraJtan, oi'ie of rh rrtfjM. fo-.o'.is g,.ani!,.,iar f. ure of Che north resf,. orfev-j g-o-nc. The pla.ee ae a a (Urc hlt lately. t t . , Clara in Film j.)raewflp. ix ivri ..K.;-J.-e I r . 1 Jf r,s. " - ClMi') Hwm au as'ti(Ni' uv nww. rtr n IWr W exeerw Sllie Aiil it ''&.'' ativ tui' jinoxva clHi-a am JWti tatt eiw " rat sr.m;e. rm Mirav ri iMK'ti f aiv eil' miiliARtut'v anf imliticxi leiuter. Chmt w civwwe .Irilninr'. t.-Hik. at t4 lUtiriiur f .ltitw (L. Hkeuwik t( aiaf:la.'a aa Despain & Lee Cash Grocery 209 K. Gurl St. Phone fflO Special Special Special SOAP SPECIAL 14Uar Palmolive 81.00 24 BarRoralW.S1.00 4Parka2PCitnM. 31.00 SUGAR 12 Pound 100 Pounjlfl 81. (X) COFrT.E SlUMJ. B 82.00 31h.HillnBIuo..e.aV 5 lf. GoM Shil 81.90 61. Bulk Coffw 81.00 CRISCO 6 lf. Cri-o, 8L10 No. 10 I A rL f;c. 8L"0 No. l.arfL Snc... . 7- IOIIh. net Armour Lanl 8La 31b. net A rmoiir Lard If. uiowr: Jrift. 81.60 SATURDAY ONLY H Cans Corn $1.00 6 Can Peas ................. $1.00 fi Cans Kraut $1-00 f Can. Hominy .............. $1.00 7 Can. Salmon, 1 Ih. nt $1.00 d Cam Med Pork and Ban.. 1M 11 ftH. Small White Bean llJ 12 If. Pverl Mexican Paw S1.00 12 Urt, IJest Head like $U)0 10 Ifw. Lima Ikan.t $1.00 If nar Palmofire Soap ...... $1.00 21 Bars Kyal White .vap $1 C Can. Clam. $ LOO 9 pk?t. Corn Flakes $1.00 f) pkjt. Vml Totie $L00 1 1 pkK. (Jaaker Com fTak. . SLOO 12 Macarori $1 4 1. Calomel JiakJns; PrmrJr $l.fJ0 1-2 CaLMazola flil ti Can. Peach ...... I Can. ApTtrot , . 4 Can Pear Can Campbell ?wap 5 flap Jark f'Tour ... $JJ $1.00 YOUR TRADE. X E SAVE MONEY FOR YOL. Karo Syrup, Dark or Light, Saturday Only, gallrn imilllllMIIHUMIIHlnillHF""""" " aimiiiif