TEN PAGE3 JAGK TEN DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 30, 1921. OUTBURSTS -OF EVERETT TRUE DAILY MARKET INEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports "if&L ') I imtm a CHUfcCM A&OUT TN4 Jli mill Slui'p M.nt, 4 in i lr- Mow I From The Oregon Journal.) Hok ii ml ah.-r-p were steady and rat 11. slow til North 1'orllnnd during tho VVeilneday nu'iniriK st-sslon. Hinht uih formed lh" total run and no )! Ir chiiKH were inn do. Kr the. first time In an extended period 1ipi In 1lw hntf alleys :il I'hica- Ko are quoted higher than Surlh Portland, while on the lusis of what Killers iiy for hoiis In the midwest, this market appears as rank discrim ination against the looal hoR producers and the result Is that with the lowest 1 1 1 iees in the Northwest Portland is re ceivlnR fed boss in its alleys. (".eneral hog marvet ranee: Prime light J S.Tr.iif 9.0C THE OLD HOMETOWN By Stanley U'T - j T-M, v , fVt.l I 'you SAY s WER GARDE 1 NEEPS V HOEING? NO-MO YOU CANT ,fll tell vAncni rji WAY HE5 IfM GOIN THE HOT SUN ANO THREE holes 1M MIS OLD HAT PLAYED A FUNNY TRICK ON DODE BURKrARpS BALD HEA.D- 6.00 W S."5 8.50 & 8.00 T.50 9.00 9.00 7.00 Smooth he&vy, 250 to 300 pounds r.oiiKh heavy, 300 lbs., up Kat pigs Feeder pigs Stans 3.00 Cattle market arrivals at North Portland Wednesday were of limited volume and still more limited quality Arrivals were neither stockers nor killers, being mostly of the half-fat classification. Demand was slow and prices were mvninally steady. General cattle market ratine: ' Choice steers S 6.25 7.00 ! Medium to good steers . . 6.50 W 6.25 Fair to medium steers .. 4.75 W 5.50 , Common to fair steers . . 3.00 Sf 4.75 Choice cows, heifers ... . 5.005? 5.50 .Medium to good oows and heifers 4.25 5.0 Fair to medium cows and - heifers 3.25 J! 4.25 Common cows, heifers . . 2.25(Si 3.25 Canners ... .' 1.25(S 2.25 Hulls 3.75 (if 3.50 Choice feeders 4.50 6. 00 . Fair to good feeders ... . 3.60i(i 4.50 Choice dairy calves 8.00 fi 8.50 Prime light dairy, calves 7.50 8.00 Med. light dairy calves. . 4.50fi) 7.50 Heavy calves 3.00 4.50 El orated Protection Our Safe Deposit Vault, constructed of henry armor lilate. anil massive su-el doors, provides unexcelled proteitliHi for your TohiaMes. ! Individual Ikimw of tlie size to meet Jour exact needs, may lie rented by tlie year at a small cost. For bulky jai'Un',i-s, xpeeial storage space 1 provided. (Oiataiinna Dale. July 10th to 16th Inc.) The AmericanNalional Bank Pendleton. Oregon., 'Strongest Sank in Gastern Oregon Sheep continue to show a steady tone at North Portland with no further change in prices. Receipts for Wed nesday included 1021 head and buying was of substantial character. General sheep and Iamb range: East of mountain lambs S 6.50 O 7.00 Pest valley lambs 6.00(18 Fair to good lambs 6.00 (S) Cull lambs 4.00CT Light yearlings 4.50 W Heavy yearlings 4.00 Light wethers 4.00 0 Heavy wethers 3.00 W Dives 1.00 6.50 6.00 6.00 5.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 S.50 More Home to the House 1 flRQIlSB Procress of Farm Work Is Satisfactory Seasonable temperatures prevailed generally during the week, says the weekly crop summary of the Oregon weather bureau. There was consld erale cloudiness, especially in the northwestern counties, and local show ers occurred in northern and eastern counties. Water for irrigation is plen tiful. The Columbia river is falling steadily, but some low land is still under water. Winter wheat is filling well, and in the warmer sections is ripening. Spring wheat varies somewhat, the earlier seeding being generally good end the later seedings fair. In the warmer districts early spring wheat is in the milk. Winter oats are ripening in southern counties. Harvest of bar ley has been begun. Corn is doin; well. Apples are growing well, but there is complaint of heavy drop In prices. Strawberries and cherries are plentiful, and raspberries and loganberries are being marketed in increasing quanti ties. The second cutting of alfalfa is in general progress in touthern counties, where good haying weather prevailed. Cutting of the first crop is progressing in Northern and eastern counties and will soon begin in the elevated centra! counties. Cutting of clover and vetch continues in northwestern counties, where some has been damaged by rain. Pasture and lower ranges are drying i p in many places, but feed is still abundant. Sheep, goats, cattle and horses con tinue in good condition. Large num bers are being taken to the high sum mer range. Hops continue to do well. New po tatoes are pltntiful. Late potatoes are growing well. Gardens are generally in good condition. VENTILATING Porch Shades, THE PORCH SHADE OF GREATEST SERVICE, g ECONOMY AINU LUMtUKi Qualltv 1'orch Shades are an Investment in comfort not a luxury This year, of all times be canful of the porch equipment you buy. Vou want shades which will not only look well while new but which will stand up under the strain of this year s use, next year's and the years to come, tsurh are the AKKULl.'X Shades and we heartily recom- mend them. ..,.,, Hi Hcsidi'S durability there is ior genuine satisfaction in A r. ROLL a lhati any other poich shade we fenow of. E With the "Hang Kany'' attarhrntnt anyone can install them In less g tliun five minutes- time. Splints uniform In width and uniformity woven form a Scientifically correct labrlc whii h gives absolutely uniform ventilation from top to S bottom and umple protection against the weather .there are no loosely woven wet bum nor uneven spaces where sun and rain might enter. gsj Adjustable "No Whips." found only on Aerolux, hold the shades se- curcly in place and preterit them from whipping and Happing In the wind. HH Solid Copper Cord Glides, instead of sticking pulleys or ruling jg steel glides gtv a permanently smooth, clean surface for the raising CO., reducing 'wear and friction to the minimum. They are smoothly finiMied tbey are permanently stained in at- g tractive, aumniery colors there are sizes to fit every porch opening klid they are reasonably priced. 5 A CXiinpUie line of IHircli und KuinnM-r I-urnMiiiigs awaits your ln- pciui. Cruikshank & Hampton j "Qualify CounU" 124 28 E. Webb Phone 548 g Voar Old ninitmr TaUen in rxcluuui as Part rayment on New g lle Aft rendition for AitoIui (No Whip) Porcto ggj fcuadea. frl m F I I 1 i f i I'mlcrtonc On Sto-k Market Praviled NEW YORK, June 30. (A. P.) Business on the stock exchange was dull, but a firm to strong undertone prevailed. Buying for both accounts, notubly, among steels, equipments, domestic oils, motors and speculative speciaUies, effected further recoveries of l to 4 points. These were irregmarly scaled down In the final hour on the rise of call money from 5 to 6 per cent, tho maximum quotation of recent weeks. The net result, however, showed a ma jority of gains. Accumulation of steels and equip ments was accompanied by reports . . If Ivy.... : y. 1. 1 rairUT AMD APTIT T SiOT IM KroE r made fOR A cefiTAtsj serr amo tmci ySHER lt-lJ n tv mis - mm v v that railroads soon would enter the market for much needed supplies. Coppers "trcnKthened on foreign pnr-cha.-t ot th. metal. Rall vere Irregularly higher, ul thougl, many May statements of earn ings again proved disappointing. Southern Pacific annual report, show ing net returns equal to 10.57 per cent, exerted little Influence. Sales amount ed to RSr,i00 shares. The higher rate for demand loans and small offerings of time money oc casioned little surprise. Federal re serve banks will withdraw an addition al $30,000,000 tomorrow, or a total ot $62. OOO.OOfl for the week. Foreign exchanges again (were gov erned by London, where sterling and most continental rates moved more favorably to this center. Liberty bonds were irregular, the 3ViS declining to 86.44. within a frac tion of their low record. Total sales, par value, $11,375,000. OFFICE CAT Pear Prii'Cs Down 10 Per Cent This Year SAN FRANCISCO, June 30. (A. P.) The California Tear Growers' association has announced opening prices on the 1921 crop of Bartlett pears, nearly 4 0 per cent lower than Inst season. The new price Is $61.75 a ton, net to growers, for No. 1 Bart letts, and $33.25 a ton for No. 2 Bart letts. Last year the price to the can nets was $100 a ton. The tonnage offered to canners this year will be limited and probably will not be more than 60 per cent, Presi dent Frank T. Swett announced, as ft result of the eastern demand for fresh pears due to the frost damage there to apples, pears and peaches. OAKS SHIT OI T LOS ANGJ-TLES. June 30. (A. P.) Poor pitching by Oakland and hard hitting by Los Angeles resulted in shutout, the final score showing Ts Angeles 1 1 and Oakland 0. There were :io outsanding features. The Daily ford Joke There are a lot of times when a fel low could get by with a Ford car if the blamed thing didn't have the name iitamped on the front of it. Tlie Difference We pondered upon the difference between man and woman today when we saw one of the men-who-care com ing out of the men's furnishing de partment of T. P. W. Just as a girl left the ready-to-wear department. From our observation, he wonders what the deuce is the matter with his clothes when people look at him. Shu wonders what's wrong with her clothes when people don't look at her. (? J BY JUNIUS Names fs Names B. A. Rooster lives In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Daylight saving appears to be the only saving a good many folks can make. The average husband doesn't earn as much as movie stars, but the stick ing qualities are much better. A Toast Here's to the man in a motor car, W ho sets the Juice on high. Who wrinkles his nose at the price of clothes And makes the dust mount high. Why expect everything in the fu ture? Why not enjoy a part of the present ? One reason why one should respect his enemies is because of all the free publicity which is received. The quickest way to get through a crowd is to stay away from it.. Tho fellow -who discovered that Fgypt had Jazz bands and home brew 600 years previous to the Christian era cannot be credited with affording much consolatln to the Christian era. Summer Schauer lives in Ohio. Osborn, A man ran fool some people about nis ability, but he can't fool the women. What has become of the old fashion, ed man that use1 to carry quill tooth picks In his vest pocket? ABOUT THIS TIME 0' YEAR v THE- Sport Skirts Were Never So Popular As This SeasonNew Models Every wise woman includes a Sport Skirt among her wearable These are exceptional in style and finish with the new pocket mt effects and offer a fine color range from which to select. The Prices are as Low as $5.90 to $14.75 NEW JERSEY SPORT COATS $7.90, $9.90 . Popular belted models with shawl collar and plait ed backs. Button trimmed pockets are a noticeable feature. Colors are rose, gray, navy, brown and green. LACE STRIPE MIGNONETTE $1.79 Y ARD Wonderfully becoming for blouses or skirts is this lustrous fabric with self stripe of lace design. Made in tube form which simplifies making. Shown in henna , white, honey dew and shell pink. See them in our south window. Yard $1.79 WOMEN'S TWO STRAP KID PUMPS $6.50 An advance number of our mid-summer shoe styles. Fine quality black kid, Goodyear welt sole, imitation tip, two strap fastening,' military heel, widths are AAA to C. Pair $fi.50 'enneyjis- Smsm' m 'JiuwrAOTnW ijlj DEPARTMENT STORES Remember Pendleton Chautauqua July 10th to 16th. rTSrl IT 'J :I.W SHOW HER YOUR BANK BOOK The young woman who takes the chance of tying her future with yours has practical, serious prob lems ahead. No doubt you want to provide for her comfort and happi ness but good intentions will not pay for a vacation, a pleasure trip or comforts that mean so much. Show her your bank book be cause she has a right to know what you have been doing with your money and what efforts you have made to provide for a home. Show her your bank book for your own good. It will bring home to you the need of practical man agement of your income and time. It will strengthen your resolution to save and provide for her. QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Oregonian Printing Department The Strong Dealer Remains to Serve The purchase of an automobile involves dealer responsibility and service for a period of years the entire life of the car. You are not through with the dealer when you have accepted the car. You need him henceforth and thereafter. Included in the price of the car is the value of his permanent responsibility for the car's behavior for your satisfaction. For these reasons we are putting the foundations of our business down to the bed rock of this commu nity. We are here to Rtay and serve. BUIGK Oregon Motor Garage Distributors BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET Phone 468 Lf-em.m.m.i.HWH k . )iii,.i.....M.i.i..iliiii.l..liii..iiiiiii,iiiu,M.iiiiiiiiiliiiliinmmu