TEN' pages rAQE eix DAILY EAST OREGOKUN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 29, 1921. 1? Social and Club News . . FINAL MEETING OF CHATTER The final of the season's meeting of Jlushee Chapter, Older of Eastern Pilar, ua marked by an enjoyable hsnquet whlrh followed the business setons last evening. Mm, P, J. Pelltnger acted as chair man Jt the banquet committee and she was assisted liy u committee of twelve women who served. Miss Isa bella Marry entertained the party with a pleasing selection on the pinna The business meeting was taken up with a report of the delegates who re turned from Grand Chapter In Tort land recently. The members of the Mr. Sawtelle will remain In Seattle for a time while Mrs. Sawtelle and chil dren. Emmy lu and Richard, will go to I'ortlnnd to visit Mrs. Sawtelle's mother, Mrs. John McGinn, 6405 44th Street, South East. In letters to Pen dleton friends, Mr. and Mrs. Sawtelle state that they have greatly enjoyed their stay In British Columbia. PICNIC ENJOYED. Scores of children and grown-ups enjoyed the Sunday school picnic Kiven yesterday al Hawthorne under the auspices of the Church of the Re deemer. The merrymakers motored Pendleton chapter who made this tripito Hawthorne and spent the day. Per- were Mlrs Emily Mcllroom, worthy matron; Mm. Edna V. Woodworth, as sociate matron; C H. Conroy, worthy patron; Mrs. Mary E. Johnson, grand treasurer, and also secretary of this chapter; Ms. C H. Conroy and Mrs. I.eota Brown. Mrs. Johnson was not present lust niKht as she is convalesc ing from an operation and is in Portland. P. OF V. TO MEET Daughters of Veterans will hold their first business meeting on Thurs day evening at 7:30 in the club room of the county library. Several new members will lie obligated and thv general work of the organization will be launched. WH,l, I.F.AVR VANCOUVER Mr. and Mrs. Royal M. Sawtelle, for merly of Pendleton, who have been sojourning In Vancouver, B. C, plan to leave Vancouver July J and after a few days there will go to Seattle. feet weather and a bountiful lunch added much to the enjoyment. MISS TEMPLE RKil'KNS. Miss Vera Temple returned last evening from a trip to Portland and Eugene. While in Eugene she at tended the annual breakfast party of Kappa Alpha Theta, of which frater nity she is a member. LITTLE GIRL BOR.V. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Chisholm are the parents of a baby daughter born to day at the home of Mrs. K X. Niccolls, 80S East Court street. The new ar rival weighs seven and a half pounds. MISS WYRICK RETURN'S Miss Harel Wyrick. returned this morning from Portland. She was In the city for medical treatment and her health is improved. RETl'RN TO PENDLETON'. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fowler, (Hilda Holpa) whose wedding was an event of yesterday, returned today from Willi Walla. Tltey will be domiciled j In apartments in the Association I building. . MRS. Wl'RZWEILKIl IS Gl'EST Mrs. Albert Wuntwellcr, of Portland, i is a Pendleton visitor and is a guest ut the home of her cousin, Mrs. II. W. i Collins. Mrs. Wurxweilcr will be lum- or truest tomorrow at a "no-hostess" picnic at Bingham Springs. The fol lowing matrons will motor to Bing ham Springs tomorrow morning and will spend the day: Mrs. Wiii'.weilcr, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. H. W. Dickson. Mrs. R. E. Chloupck. Mrs. Richard May berry, Mrs. Frank Hays. Mrs. George Strand, Mrs. I. a. Frasier, Mrs. Moor house, Mrs. Willartl Bond, Mrs. Her bert Thompson, Mrs. Fred Earl, Mrs. Benjamin L. Gurronghs and Mrs. Alvin Sltisher. LAVENDER CLt'B TO ME FT The Lavender Club will meet tomor row afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. Thomas, 706 Aura street. Mrs. Thom as and Mrs. J. M. Cook will be hos tesses. MR. AND MRS. IH'RKE COMING Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Burke, formerly r.f Pendleton, now of Portland, are ex pected to arrive in Pendleton tomor row. They are on a motor trip and will spend two days here. t LEAVES FOR WALLA WALIA Miss Dorothy Robertson, who has been in Pendleton in the Interests of the Ellison-White "Chautauqua, left last evening for Walla Walla. HOrF'S UPSTAIB8 SHOP Great June Clearance Sale SUITS. COATS, SILK DRESSES, SPORT APPAREL AND BLOUSES. WONDERFUL REDUCTIONS , On All Spring Apparel. You cannot afford to overlook this sale. VISITORS FROM ATHENA Mrs. William Ferguson and Jvatberine Froome, of Athena, Pendleton visitors today. Miss are .MOSCOW ON JULY 12 CHICAGO, June 29. (A. P.) Dis trict Attorney Clyne received a radio from big Bill Haywood announcing he was leaving Moscow July 12 and would surrender on his arrival. jj Harvest Supplies We carry the largest and finest stock of high grade groceries. We believe that it will be to our mutual interest to let us figure .on your harvest bill. New Shipment of Santa Clara Fruits. 90-100 Santa Clara Prunes, 25 lb. box $2.50 30-40 Santa Clara Prunes, 10 lb. box ..$2.45 20-30 Santa Clara Prunes, pound 25c Fine Quality Apples, pound ... ;20c California Apricots, pound 40c Bleached Raisins, pound 45c Unbleached Seedless Raisins, pound 35c Seeded Raisins, pound , 30c Hal fed Pears, pound 35c Muir Peaches, pound 25c Dates, package .' 15c Figs, white, pound 20c Figs, black, pound .: 20c Orange Slices, pound 50c Apricot Slices, pound 50c Fig Slices, pound 50c Don't forget Chautauqua Dates, July 10 to 16 Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phone 28 " Only 1 Quality the Bett THE SHOP OP BETTER TAtUES FRE IE HOME DEMONSTRATION . SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS FOR BUSY HOUSEWIVES SACRAMENTO, June 29. (IT. P.) A mysterious Japanese woman is sniiKht In connection with the discov ery of a human head in a valise float ing in the canal last week. Clothing was found with the head, and a let ter in Japanese in the pocket of the coat. Reverend Mary Howen, pastor of the Japanese church, is aiding the sheriffs office in an attempt to estab lish the Identity of the person to whom thf1 head belonged. The human head may be that of a Japanese woman who disappeared four months ago, according to information reaching Sheriff Ellis. The woman disappeared "under unusual circum stances." Sacramento Japanese are believed to be implicated in the case. A letter found in the valise with the head Is being deciphered in an attempt to establish a clue. LONDON. June 29. (I. N. S.) An important Turkish town, lsmld, was wrecked by a battle between tlin Greeks and the Turks, according Constantinople advices." . , ta PLANS TO REORGANIZE ENTIRE PROHIBITION , ENFORCEMENT UNIT This Saturday and all week until next Saturday, one full size cake of the new Klenzo Toilet Soap FREE wfth each purchase of a new, large family-size, 50 cent tube of Klenzo Dental Creme. KLENZO TOILET SOAP is pure, cleansing and sooth ing to the skin. Gives a thick, creamy lather and leaves the aromatic, deep-woods scent of pines. v KLENZO DENTAL CREME makes the teeth white and shining, the mouth clean, and leaves that Cool, Clean, Klenzo Feeling. Giant, new 50 cent tube contains enough Klenzo to brush your teeth twice a day for nearly four month. Most families use dental creme and soap fast. Why not save by getting several tubes and cakes now? You'll have to get them soon enough. Remember the date SATURDAY, JULY 2nd up to and including Saturday, July 9th. Orders reserved by phone, if you wish. It's a very big economy, and peo ple buy shrewdly these days. Better make sure of yours. inn on. CHAUTAUQUA DAYS, JULY 10 to 16 Auto Camp Grounds are nice, but the ground is usually pretty hard, so be sure to take along a GOLD MEDAL FOLDING COT Single, $5.75 Double, $12.75 Have You Seen Our Window of Middie? Middies of Drill, Linen. Serges and Flannel, from $1.50 up O. D. All Wool Army Blankets, now only $4.75 "Why won't my jelly Jell?" Is a question repeatedly asked by the housewife. Many women have the theory that it Is because they use beet sugar, but no reason is known fbr such an effect, as experiment has proven again and again that chemically there is no hearing on the problem unless alkalis which counteracted the acids were left In, and this is highly Improbable in a refined product. Fruits vary in their Jellying properties from year to year and from time to time with the sea son, degree of ripeness, and the like, so that from a record of tests issued In the Farmers' Bul letin 329. using beet and cane sugar, the results show conclu sively that the two sugars gave equally satisfactory results: Many fruits, delicious in flavor such as strawberries, pineapple, and peaches, if used alone, will not make a firm jelly because they lack pectin. If pectin Is added to their Juice, a film jelly with the color and flavor of the fruit selected can be made. Pec tin in large quantities can be ob tained from orange and grape fruit peelings. Cut or scrape the yellow rind and add while Jelly is boiling. DELAY TREATY RENEWAL w v C0STS JF J LESS ' TO MIIIF-TFIM 13 BORAX SOAP CHIPS I Hill Wkw I..ONDON, June 29. (I. P.) Great Britain asked Japan for three months delay in renewing the alliance, accord ing to reliable information. The rea son advanced in the note is that the British premiers are only beginning to consider the question and wish the premiers to reach a decision before they sign a treaty. No mention was made of the American attitude toward the alliance. .WASHINGTON, Juno 29. (IT. P.) Prohibition Commissioner Hayes has announced plans for the reorgan Ization of flying squadrons of prohlbi tlon detectives to oover the entlro United States under his personal direc tion. Me also announced'he has plans tc completely reorganize the entire prohibition enforcement unit. THE THOMAS SHOP A NEW SHIPMENT OF Summer Dresses SILK SWEATERS AND HAND MADE BLOUSES. These summer dresses are coming in late. We will put them on sale at 1-4 off. Silk Sweaters at Special Price $12.50 Kilty Against Two. It Is not rea sonable to expect two weeks, of outing to overcome the effects of fifty weeks of confinement. Take Hood's Sarsa parilla along with tu. It refreshes the blood, Improves the appetite, makes sleep easy and restful. On June 21, the Inky-black, bottom of a fourteen hundred foot mine at Homberete, Mexico, is suddenly flood ed with sunlight. It Is an annual event as the mine Is on the lino of the Tropic of Cancer, and at noon of each June 21, the sun Is vertically above the excavation and lights up the shaft to the bottom. (JETS AXOTIIKIt OXK N'KW YORK, June 29. (A. P.) Babe Ruth made his 28 home run to day. The entire town of Nicola, British Columbia courthouse, post office, stores and resiliences was purchased by a South African capitalist who in tends to convert It into a model Eng lish village. A village green will re place the business section and model farms will he. laid out on the twenty thousand acres surrounding the town. ROOSEVELT PAID HIGH TRIBUTE TO STEFANSSON Theodore Roosevelt said to Stefuns son, the famous Arctic explorer who Is to lecture at Chautauqua this year: ".Stafunsson, there are few men la the world whom I envy, but you are one of them." Harpers' Magazine said recently: "All the world's heroism has not been concentrated on the battlefields during the past years. While the war has en grossed the world's attention, this ex plorer has dared gnd won Important bloodless battles against snow and Ice and darkness. For Ave years Viihjnl mur Stefansson was extending the boundaries of the scientific world, his progress only guessed at by those who waited eagerly for news of him. For over a year be was given up for lost until the good news traveled south, ward that be was still alive. "His success marks a new era In Arctic explorations. Like great mili tary commanders, Stefansson has solved the problem of supplies. Here tofore explorers have been limited In tlieJr trips by the amount of food they could carry depending upon eating their docs on their return. Stefansson, traveling with a minimum of provl-1 stons, has lived off the land for months ! and returned with bis entire crew of dogs In good health, "ne has explored and sounded 100.- 000 square miles of the Polar seas and has discovered new lands which will j alter the map. In recognition of this service to the world, Stefansson ha? already been awarded gold, medals byj all the American Geographical S cleties." I One-half of our citizens who Are eligible voters fail to vote. 111 Phone 507 hours t a. m. to 6 p. m. DR. OHMART Modern Dentistry ' In All mn'lic. TIIK "IIEAIi-AI.I." OFTIIE1XDIAXS There is an herb which grows wild on our Western Plains known as "Manzanita" and to which the Indians attribute wonderful curative and heal ing virtue. There is no question hut that nature has bounteously provided in the roots and herbs of the field a remedy for mnnv of the ills to which human flesh Is heir. This is demonstrated by the wonderful success of that root and 4ierb medicine, I.ydiu K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which for more than forty years has been relieving women of America from some of the worst forms of female Ills. It will cer tainly pay any woman who so suffers to. try. lu "WfUWIUM CINISATIONI" mm A Prv nratian. nl" COMPOUND COPAIBA Mid CUBEBS AT YOUR DRUGGIST-- Arte r lYJIAMf prlJ,Y otl SuMHirtlM Special for This Week Only i You can get the Automatic Refrigerator for what you pay for an ordinary ice box. Before you buy your refrigerator it will pay you to see our stock of Automatics at these prices: $92.00 Automatic Refrigerator for $78.60 $78.00 Automatic Refrigerator for $62.40 $51.50 Automatic Refrigerator for $41.20 $46.00 Automatic Refrigerator for $36.60 $38.50 Ideal Fireless Cooker for $28.75 Three Burner Nesco Oil Stove, best oil stove made $30.00 CRAWFORD FURNITURE CO 103 E. COURT ST. PHONE 4ft We are 01081110; out certain line3 of our shoes, pay you to get ome of these while they last. It will Army & Navy Sales CO. 546 Main Street PHONE 861 BIG DANCE COLD SPRINGS HALL SATURDAY, JULY 2 Good Music -Good Eats Good Road Tl OF AUTHOR IS BROKEN: NKW YORK, Juno 2!). (I. N. H. ) Friends of Miss Oraoe Helen Tal lot, daughter of the late Roy Merrick Talbot, and a KraddaUKhter of the late Thomas Talbot, one time gover- Inn. U.,.uQnhiiu.tu liVa laiarlll.,1 that Imr eiiKaicoincnt to Robert Hus- ted Chambers, son of Robert W. it. numbers, the novelist, has been bro jken by mutual consent. Miss Talbot, who li a niece of Mrs. Victor Citm ! iio-k. prominent in Manhattan soci- iul circles, has gone to fcnrope to !s,etid most of the summer. Her aunt lis accompanying her. The engage-! jment of Miss Talbot was announced last winter. Khe Is a capable sculp- j tress. Mr. f'hambers who Is an un-; dergraduute at Harvard, being In IiIh Junior yeur there, Is said to be follow ing In the footstes of his father and is generally looked upon ft h'"1- THE BEE HIVE bates its claim to your business upon its ability to serve you adequately and well with the merchandise which we carry. Merchandise of known merit and excellence. It has always been the policy of this store to sell on a fair margin of profit and to give full value DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR at all times. BARGAIN COLUMN. Rubber Gloves 29c pair Rick Rack UU: and 15c Cotton binding tape .5c Perfectlonelte Hair Nets ...10c Iice Collars and Veslee Rets -IWc BARGAIN COLUMN. Crochet Thread 9o Knitting Cotton 5c Aluminum Percolators ...,$I.RV Cups without saucers 0 for $1.75 Mush bowls, first quality ... .25c MERCHANDISE INTERESTINGLY PRICED We have received another shipment of The Jim Dandy Day Sulta This one has peg top dutch pockets. It hoe prov en a big seller with us. . . .91.30 YOUR SATISFACTION IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING WITH US IN RUNNING THIS BUSINESS We are pleased to announce the arrival of new pattern In Dlnne-ware, made by the Mo Nicolls pottery of thin country. . v give Most people realize that a merchant cannot things awoy; they know he has to make a profit; he isn't In business for his health. In the face of this statement we still claim we are giving you part of our profit by being satisfied with less than is usually exacted. This gains greater volumo and after all we get the benefit. Rut you share In' it. You will find a prevalence of grey In the dec. oration, which is the newest color to be used In dinner ware decoration. It will be a pleasure to show you this pattern. Reasonably priced, quality considered. "The Store of Low Prices" The Bee Hive "More for Less" ENDLETON ,unu OREGON "Always at Your Service" u dint author.