East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 29, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    .".if, -Hi If.'.; !i'.;!t V.WAH
Carps First Look at Arena
. I . I , a! , ,.": i,
Sieeis and Pillow Cases at Special Low Prices
It is easy to buy sheets and mllow cases now, for the prices are less than they have been for years and lower
perhaps than they will be later in the season. So you should buy for both your present and future needs.
81x90 inches in size,
good, medium weight;
smooth even weave.
Special Values, ea. $1.39
AT $1.49
81x99 inches in size. A
good kind for hotel,
apartment or lodging
house use. Note the
large size.
Special Value, ea. $1.49
AT $1.59
81x0 inches in size, ex
cellent quality, smooth,
even weave and will
stand rough use. Fine
for home or hotel use;
good large size.
Special Value, ea. $1.59
ES at 34c and 39c
42x35 and 45x36 inches
in size, made from good
wearing quality- ma
terial, well sewed.,
Special Values at each,
34c and 39c.
Our quality sheeting is
of excellent quality,
smooth even weave,
washes well and will
stand hard wear.
72 inch Unbleached
Sheeting, Special Val-
. ue, yard 49c
81 inch Unbleached
Sheeting, Special Val
ue, yard . . . , 54c
90 inch Unbleached
Sheeting, Special Val
ue, a yard 59c
72 inch Bleached Sheet-'
ir.g Special Value, a
yard 51c
81 inch Bleached Sheet
ing, Special Value, a
yard 59c
SO inch Bleached Sheet
ing, Special Value, a
yard . 64c
36 inch Pillow , Tubing,
Special Value yd. 34c
42 inch Pillow Tubing,
Special Value, yd. 39c
45 inch Pillow Tubing,
Special Value, yd. 44c
TOWELING, yd. 19c
17 inches wide, war
ranted half linen,
smooth, even weave, full
bleached and unbleach
ed. Special. Value, yd. 19c
Hi bit Ps ?W-4!:
i Pi I f h final vmm htnm f -fpJ
There's no hesitancy to our decision to inake this a final clearance of all summer
suits in our stocks now. Prices are actually the low est of the season, simply because it
IS the end of thesummef suit seasoivwith us, and not because these suits are not of
good style. Many weeks of good wear are in these suits offered here so advantageously
LOT NO. 1 32.50 to $13.50 825.00
LOT NO. 2855.00 to $75.00 $45.00
LOT NO. 3 $78.50 to $115.00 $59.50
... f . &ff y'
: ; : -
v ,t " Si if ' vA
;-3 t4 v, ,vsv 4
- - v- ,fl k h
Cwpentier ms nstiiundcd by tho size of M Jersey City Arena whira
Jl vwia Dcmpsty July 2, when he took his ilrst look nt It.' Picture
how Tex Packard, the promoter, yuluuog but aturnt ul lu staUtuia
to Caipcntiui',
JKKSEY CWr, Jiidp i!)- -(Ilciwy U
F-.iiTfll, !'. 1. Staff I'liiTiSF'i'fi'.l'-nt.)
Jorsey f'ily is r'aly lu. its KJitt'S
to Stil.OOi) fKht fans. Tho ihy in pre
liarcd thoiiKh lilokunl'H arxna l not.
Mayor Hai! s;iys th' y!ty Ih all ready.
ThotiHh tin' town hii.s mt a rriitat1on
for 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 i : - fiaht :rowlH, it will tnaUe
a Hiipreiiic fffort to Binl tlm visitors
away without criticism, over 1, 1)0(1
polici? will be itlsitlc atxl outnirlc tile
af pa arid i.OOij firf-mcn will Riiard
ifrainxt fire. Two fire comiwnlen antl
complete Hpparatim will l.e ontsido
the arena. Tln rinn itself Vlll lie
huill today.
JKHSEY CITY, .lime 29. (H. !.)
I Rrllnir In their attempts to liloi k tho
l'iiHHey-tarpentier fiKht liy an In
junction, officinls of the International
Keform Hureau demanded nn Indlct
meiit of the principal. Hubert Wat
fon. vice-president of tho bureau,
voiced the indictment threat, declar
ing that pro.tecutor Carvin, of Jeraey
I'lty, would be uuked to take thn caso
before the Hudson county grand Jury,
charging thnt Tex Ilicknrd, the fight
ers and managers are guilty of con
spiracy to hold a prize fight In viola
tion of Ktate crime laws.
ih:!.s iu:.vr sacs.
SALT LAKE CITY, Juno . 29. (A.
P.) Salt Lake opined Iim lour peeks'
stay at home by shutting out the Sac
ramento team yesterday 8 to 0. Wal
ter I.everenz pitched a fine game, be
ing especially strong in the emergen
cies. The Hoes bundled four hits with
an error for five runs In the third and
added three in the fourth on hitting.
Duffy Lewis mud his fiist appearance
with the Salt Ijike club and played a
star game, making a sensational catch
scoring twice and getting a hit and
two walks.
I LONDON', Juno 2!!. (I. N. X.)
Lady Randolph Churchill, an Ameri
can woman, died at her London home
today as the result of an infection due
to an amputated foot.
Motor . Inn'. Garage 'flooured
by Now Auto Dealers Who
Start Business July . 1
The Iluynes Halt's & Serv'en Co, l.
the latest addition to motor row In
I'endleton. VV. A. Chase and B, E,
Alford are owners of the new com- -puny
and have the Haynes agency for
this territory. It was announced to- '
day that the new company has leased
the Motor Imi Oarage on Cottonwood
street and that the building Is now be
ing prepared for their use. W. A.
Uoagland who has had the' garage
building under lease; will move his
paint business to the upper floor of
tho building.
The Haynes Kales & Service Co. will
open for business July 1. .Mr. Chase
is well known to many here through
having been with the transcontinental
freight bureau for somo time past.' He
Is resigning his position with the bu
reau and will devote his time to selling
Haynes cars.
Mr. Alfo'rd, who will have charge of
tire shop, has been with Jewett &
Dimlck as a mechanic for some time
past. He is a specialist on Haynes
cars and formerly was service repre-'
sentatlve for A. C. Stevens, northwest
Haynes distributor.
Nothing Lllio KxpcrtL-nce .
One truth learned by actual experi
ence does more good than ten experi
ences one hears about. Tell a man
that Chamberlain's Collo and DIar.
rhoea Itemed y will cure pain In the
stomach and he will most likely forget
it before the end of the duy. Let him
have a severe attack of that disease,
feel that ho Is about to die,-use this
remedy and learn from his own experl
enca now quickly it give relief and ho
will remember it all the rest of his life.
iis)d Advlco In TrnvehTs
Whether going to tho mountains or
se.i shore, taking n Journey oh business
or pleasure, never leave home without
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and
Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is worth many
times Its cost when heeded and may
save a life.
ir Troubled Willi Indigestion Tills Will
Interest Ynu.
"Some months ago when I was trou
bled with Indigestion, I used Chamber.
Iain's Tablets and am only too pleas
ed to give this medicine my endorse
ment, for It not only cured me of
tumu h trouble, but Invigorated my
hle system. I like these tablets bet
ter than anything of the nature I hav
ever used," writes Mrs. Albert Homer,
Hamesville, N. Y.
For in Stomach Slid Liver
"About two years ago I took two
bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets for
the stomac h and liver and .can praise
this remedy highly for tho great good
It did me," writes Mrs. Mary Haven.
Sandy Creek, N. Y., "I have since
recommended this remedy to some of
my irii-riuj. who nave Also uaea it WHn
good results." If troubled with indl
Kestlon or constipation. Chamberlain's
Tnhleis will do vnu ironil
. TiT 1
eopies warenous
where; pt pays to jrape WfWE
- ri'HI.IN. June iS d'y Frank K. Mason. International News Service Staff
Correspondent.) iln.m movies arc the vogue in (iwmany today and the rnnv-j
le fan who feels the need of a screen latiKh stimulant has a hopeless hunt.;
IVnse tracedy with a shudder guaranteed for every thousand feet of film is the!
older of the day. ' - j
i iicrniany wants to, htugh but the film producers have forgotten how to
mix the wreen mrcim cuckta:l. The selection of film stars has developed,
into a national vamp n? contest with the attendant horrors of betrayed blond j
wives. V"isn d birthday cakes and sure death In the last reel. j
The most hi irlblo film on the screen at the moment Is probably 'Thei
J lack l'lacue." wM't Is Bprop.igand i production p during the French troopj
4 occupation in the Khiueland awaiilt'ng white women. The advertistngj
i.oster bows fi nccToes In French uniforms fighting over a screaming white
l-'Irl. ' ' I
"ilve in x iiietWng at hich td laugh: we l.ave enough troubles of ourj
own without going to Uie kino to see some more," Ib the appeal of the the-:
ntciKiiers. luit the lUrman film studio Is pra tlcally without comedians.,
Tin t are iniy xtars wh..i-e immn ove r the iheairc entrance mean (hat a new
Mieitun of hutrors are to be ecn witl.ln f r Hie payment ,f twenty marl s, j
. Ther is not singls Uermao film star whos name is synonymous with
Hogs and Sticcp
Lower; t'atili; Ktitidy.
fiMAlIA, June 2'J. (IT. . liureau of!
Markots.) Hugs -12.00(1, generally
15 to 25c higher; close steady on pack
ing glades; bulk, lx) to 240-pound
buichn.s, ?S.30fi D.65; top. .70;
butchem. 2ii0 pounds and over, rn
S.30; packing grades. $".60i .i)0.
Cattle 4 S0, all classes generally
fteady. Few early sales. Steersj
strong; top bandy-weight steers, $8.25.
Sheep .13.00(1, Iambs steady to 25c
lowcri bulk western, 19.501 10; top,
II 1ft; nitives mostly $9; top $9.25;
sheep strong; ewes, top, It. 25; weth
ers, f." 2.'.; feeders slow; few feeding
lain bs, S.
S : x
arnKssesBSOBBBasstmh: IF ? ' t r II i
. 'A , - '
lb v ' -i - I II
if 4 it
I ; " i, V
Minn'e J. Martin to F. M. Lock wood
Sr., $10. X 1-2 Sec. 31, KW 1-4 XVV
1-4. NW 1-4 SK 1-4 and XF. 1-4 SW
1-4. Sen. 34. Tp. f., X. H. 34.
Charles IS. Owens to Win. C. Owens,
$1.00. Lots 7 and 8 In lilock 4, Ad
amn. II. K. Cook to Max (iorrkle, $54100.
Lot 10, block 2, Llverniore's Addition,!
I'endleton. '
Isadore Whltehull to the T'ooplcs j
Whse., $3000, 1-2 interest In SW 1-4
ISK 1-4, Sec. 2. NW 1-4 NK 1-4 See.
11, Tp. 4, X. U. 33.
. F. T. lirown, Admr., to Eva llrehm.
$2110. SK 1-4 Sec. 31, and SK 1-4 i
NW 1-4 and NIC 1-4 SW 1-4. Sec. 31,
p. 4, S. It. ,12, and K 1-2 NW 1-4, Sec. i
fi, Tp. 5. X. R. 32.
Kiien l.ivermore to K. R. Schiller, '
$450. W 1-2 lots 3 nnd 8 In lilock S,
I.lvermore's Add. i'endleton.
Kllen Livermore ,to (luy II. Johnson, j
$150. K 1-2 Lots 7 and' 8, Hlock 21
Lvermores Add. I'endleton.
John Mcl'hule to J. W. Earl. $1(1.
Strip of land 100 feet wide off of
south side o'f N Wl-4 XE 1-4, Sec. 11,
Tp. X. It. 3.1.
We Will Make It Hot For
: You
A Big Dandy
We are using a new
and most up-to-date meth
od of bread making in our
shop now. The results
are nice, golden brown
sweet flavored loaves, one
you will enjoy eatinjr and
Euy Your Sugar Today
$7.50 per tack
cash at the bakery. Not
320 E. Court V Phone 122
i , ,
John Runny and Charlie Chaplin, V. H. A., were the fun favorites In Germany
before the war, but the (lernian government has put a bun on film Importa-t.on.
liu4orica! tragedies are done very well in the C,crmun photoplay. "Annel
Rob yn," showing in America as "Deception," and ".Madame Du l'iirry," sell
ing to full honsi j; as "i'ashloh," were both taken in Herlin studios with (ier-
man actors in the leading roles.' (i'-rmany is clad that America is enjoying her!
tragedies, but would like a little Doug ;.nd .Mary in exchange.
) t-'an Francisco pounded Doll's of
ferings all over the lot yesterday and
won the opening game from Vernon,
17 to 4. In the eighth Inning, when
the Seals put over 1 2 of their, runs,
15 Seals came to bat. Cavuney and
Kamrrt were up twice and gathered
two runs and two hits. Dell was re
placed by McGraw in the eighth. 1
In the belief that a wife's place Is in
the home and not in the schoolroom,
the Chicago school hoard has dism'ss-j
ed till married teachers and replaced I
them by vlngla women, - I
Having leased my sale floor and shop at the Mo
tor.Inn garage, 722 Cottonwood St., to the Haynes
Co., will give my entire time to Auto Painting. The
new firm will be known as the Haynes Sales and Ser
vice Co. Motor Inn Garage. '"
Wish to take this opportunity to thank the public
for their generous patronage in the past and invite
all wishing high class work to bring us their cars.
j . - " - ' '
Not as good, but the BEST is our motto.
Upper Floor, 722 Cottonwood St.
Phone 132
pointed third man taTl
Dempsey and CarpenUw miet for
ih.Jj r i . njunpionshlp of
' Wr '? Juy 2- Ertle to city kar!
Ward A. Hoagland