East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 28, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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World's Biggest Mule
; fc FfT fjgjgl I
Sieefs and Pillow Cases at Special Low Prices
It is easy to buy sheets and pillow cases now, for the prices are less than they have been for years and lower
perhaps than they will be later in the season. So you should buy for both your present and future needs.
BED SHEETS $1.39 '
SlxOO inches in size,
godd,' niediiini "height;
smooth even weave.
Special Values, ea. $1.39
-AT Sf.49
81x99 inches in size. A
good kind for hotel,
house use.
large size.
Special Value, ea
or lodging
Note the
AT $1.59
SlxPO inches in size, ex
cellent quality, smooth,
even weave and will
stand rough use. Fine
for home or hotel use;
good large size.
Special Value, ea. $1.59
ES at 34c and 39c
42x36 and 43x36 inches
in size, made from good
wearing quality ma
terial, well sewed.
Special Values at each,
34c and 39c.
Our quality sheeting is
of excellent quality,
smooth even weave,
washes well and will
stand hard wear.
72 inch Unbleached
Sheeting, Special Val
ue, yard 49c
81 inch Unbleached
Sheeting, Special Val
ue, yard 54 c
90 inch Unbleached
Sheeting, Special Val
ue, a vard 59c
72 inch Bleached Sheet
ing Special Value, a
yard . 54c
81 inch Bleached Sheet
ing, Special Value, a
yard 59c
90 inch Bleached Sheet
ing, Special Value, a
yard 64c
36 inch Pillow Tubing,
Special Value yd. 34c
42 inch Pillow Tubing,
Special Value, yd. 39c
43 inch Pillow Tubing,
Special Value, yd. 44c
TOWELING, yd. 19c
17 inches wide, war
ranted half linen,
smooth, eves weave, full
bleached and unbleach
ed. Special Value, yd. 19c
AlvP0(l Iff hi MmMMM iM Akh
ml ' -:- -' ':,,iwM t
We Have Received for Summer Wear
You will be delighted with this
new showing of dainty Summer
dresses. They constitute the crea
tions that are at the present time
reigning in high favor.
The assortments include
models suitable for all occa
sions of wear fashioned with
the richest looking materials
you ever saw.
Women and misses of all heights
and builds and of all ages will have
no trouble in making numbers of be
coming selections from the varieties
presented for choice; at these prices
$11.75 to
H. B. Dran, Anderaon, Mo., says his gehlle niulo, Jaik, It tho blKV-t
mule in the world. JacV'a six fet high unci weishs a tun. HU driver,
shown iu the picture, ia said i bo Uie amalUuit mule skimior io tUo world.
(Kii.st Oregoniiin Speoi.il.)'
JIKAOHAM, Jim.' 21 fiemitv
l SlieiHf Rldjrway came up from Pen
dleton londuy on luinim-...
A. J. Smith und wile motored to
1'endleton Mnndiiy cveninir.
Clumlu Kstes 1ms been on the nick
list IhiH week.
Will. John und l.en Whliley left
' Monduy for Pendleton. They will
take in the hai-vesl.
J. W. fates was a visitor In I'cn
dleton Tuesday.
1.'..... fpAin lrnillr..
j ..-.H, 1 ..III'. U(' !.'. . -
ton Wednesday to speiiu a lew oajn ,u
the hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hogg left for
I'nlon Thursday.
Mrs. liable Hoone went to Pendle
ton this week to visit with her moth
er, Mrs. J. M. Hyde.
Lewis llurker returned home Thint-
day from Pendleton,
.1. 1. Casev came tin on o. IS from
Portland Saturday evening.
Hob Shaw and wife tame up from
McKay to visit with l. W. Oranaer
and wile this week.
Karl (.inlanders and wife ppenl
Sunday at the hotel.
The first dance was held 'n
Marlin Warehouse Saturday evening.
About 35 couples attended.
Huckleberries are going to bi plen
tiful this year. Will be ripe in nbout
two week.
Wm. I.. Jewell spent Saturday at Pi
lot Kwk. He returned here Sni.l.iy
Al Slnsher came up from Nolir Siir
day anil spent the day at his father's
headquarters camp.
i (East Oregonian Special.)
i Of ROANE, June 2H. The Chap
man home was destroyed by fire Sun
day. Charles Kly Jr., made a trip to Pilot
I Ili.ck Saturday, returning home Sim
. day.
Frank Chapman and wife made a
trip to Pilot Hock Saturday, returning
borne the same evening.
; The home of Haker Chapman on
j Butter Creek was destroyed by fire
Sunday afternoon. Nothing was wiv
I ed, chicken house, garage ami imosl
all outbuildings going. Mr. Chapman
land Wayne were in the mountains
with the sheep, while .Mrs. Chapman
land Ray were in Pendleton. Chap
man's barn burned to the ground
j about two weeks ago. The cause of
j the fire is unknown, one man beinu
i there on the ranch.
! Charles Kly has fin shed sawing at
jlhe mill for this season.
Mr. and Mrs. Ioc Corley. who have
been working at the Kly mill, are vis
liting with Hoy Montgomery and fam
ily a few days.
Horn, June 2r,. to Mrs. A. O. Hile-
man, a girl. Moth lire doing fine.
Pat Corby was given a birthday
I surprise Sunday at their home on the
'.Minnls ranch. About eighteen friends
land relatives brought their lunches
land had a picnic dinner. Walter Wil
bur and Arthur Jones. Hill and Idell
I Blackburn came up from Pilot Rock.
I Velum Hayes is visiting with Mar
! jory Montgomery a short time,
j M.uie Mettie Is helping her aster,
I Mrs. hCapman, through haying.
Willie Troxel made a trip to town
! Saturday.
I Jack Frenche made a trip to Pilot
Rock Saturday.
' (East Oregonlnn Special)
STANFIEI.O. June 28. The second
annual five days chatitauiinu came to
a close Saturday evening. The spucl
out tent was well filled ut each en
tertainment and each number on the
program was welt rendered, several
entertulners were real artists. The
Chauliiuu.ua will be un annual event,
the committee have signed for four
days next year. ,
Work on the new high school build
ing has started, the excavation is fin
ished und the concrete foundations
are being poured. The brickwork will
begin this week.
Mrs. '. E. Everett is In Pendleton
being treated for ear trouble. Her par
(nts Dr. und Mrs. Alexander Reid of
Haines are with her.
The Christian Endeavor met at the
county home of K. A. Itaker Sunday
evening. Alter the melting adjourn
ed refreshments were served.
Mrs. Matt Ulllianan Is in St. An
thony's hospital, having undergone
an operation for uppcndleitls.
Mr. und Mrs. Win. H. Oaughtrey of
Portland are upending a few weeks on
the t'matilla ranch.
Bub Adams is spending bis vacation
hunting und fishing In the Blue Mountains.
Mrs. Pauline (irevelle of Echo was
vlsiVing her sister Mm. Emma Preg-
niu the first of the week.
A lurira number from Echo and
llermlston attended the Chautauua.
Father Butler said mass Sunduy
morning in the Catholic church here
Mrs. C. A. Ila.en returned to Plea
sant Valley alter a week's stay here.
Mrs. John H. Knight hua returned
from a two week's visit In Portland
and Vancouver, Washington.
Mrs W. T. Reeves has us her guests
on the Meadow View Farm her bro
ther and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. U,
11. Plttock, of La Cirunde.
Hlchard Atterbtiry has purchased
the I matllla Band Office on Harrltnan
Charles Hocgard made a business
trip to Wallowa the first of the week
The legion boys gave the last dance
of tho season Krlduy evening In the
Watts auditorium.
Miss Alice Howard of Milton was
ih L'nest of Miss Ruth I'aucett for
the past week.
(East Oregonian Special.)
ECHO, June IfiXl Mrs. James Oeorga
and Mrs. J, H. Parker left-for thelp
home at Huker CTty, Saturday even'
lug, after visiting here since Thursday
at the home of Mrs. George's nephew,"
F. T. (ieorge, Mrs. fieorgn and Mrs.
Parker stopped here on . their wnv
fiom Is Angeles aml Lnnv Beach,
California, where they had been slnee
last November. ,
Miss Margaret II Ills wlio was a stud
ent at O. A, C. the nust year. , left
Monday evening for Pendleton where
she will attend the Summer Normal.
Mrs. F. K. Everett was taken to St.
Anthony's hospital In Pendleton for
treatment Friday.
Miss Constance Mitchell stopped
over night In Echo. Saturday, on hep
return to her home In Walla Walla,
sfter visiting with friends In the valley
for several days. .
Miss Kutherlne Wolff. who was n
teacher In the Vancouver schools the
past year Is now home for her vacation
with her parents, Mrv and Mrs. E- L.
Wolff. ,-
Mrs. C. H. Esselstyn spent Friday
and Haturriay In Lexington ... visiting
with her husband who Is manager of
tha lumber yard there, ,
The baseball game, Sunday ,fter
noon, bet-ween the married men and
the single men, was called off at the
close of the seventh Inning due to tho
sudden relapse of Tom Thomas, who is
seriously 1,1 at his home with pneu
monia. The score at that inning was
I to l.
Mr. and Mrs. William EVselstyn are
now the owners of an Oakland car,
p.irchused last week.
Mrs. F. A. Davis left Mondny even
nr for the valley where she expects
to make her future homel
Mr. snd Mrs. M. R. F-ssolstvn arriv
ed In Echo from The Dalles, Thursday,
to visit with friends and relatives. Mr.
Esselstyn returned home tho following
nav but Mrs. Esselstyn wilt remain
here until the middle of the -week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scholl, Jr., re
turned to their home at Wasco, Sunday
lifter spending about two weeks
In this city attending to business af
fairs and visiting with friends.
Vivian Jordan arrived In this city
Monday, from Portland, to work In
this viclnltv during the hurvest season.
Mrs. Ralph Singer and two small
sons are here from Wallsburg, Wash
ington, visiting at the home of Mrs.
Singer's parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alex
Mrs. K. H. Schell and Mrs. li. W.
Jones returned to their home at Fort
Collins. Colorado, Thursday after visit
ing here for some time at the home of
Mrs. SV-hell's daughter and Mrs. Jones
slsler Mrs. K. I Wolff. Mrs. Schell
expects to. return in the full to make
her home here.
PORTLAND. June 28.-HI. X- S.)
Jac k Whitmore, an Omaha traveling
salesman, was instantly killed late
Saturday night when an automobile
driven by Mrs. Lillian Hanson, of Port
land, failed to take a turn In the high
wav near Clatskanln GO miles west of
here, and crashed Into the railing
Whitmore whs thrown from the car,
his breast striking a board torn loose
from tho railing. Five other members
of the party, bound from Portland for
Seaside, escaped without any serious
injury. The automobile belonged to
Mrs. C. A. Peterson, whose husband Is
proprietor of a woman' clothing store
In Portland. He told that his wife
wanted to use her car for a business
trip to Seattle. Three bottles of whis
key are said to have been found In thj
( pjist Oregonian Special.)
ADAMS, June 2s.-- The resular Ad
fltns l-aptist romiiiitnily H, V. P. U.
Vuiiiif p.-. .pie ImM t)ie:r regular
m.'Uthly buslne-s nitrating anil ejal
n Sai ui day ut s p. m. at the city res
idence of J 1.. Lleoalle.il. After the
I ,tnie i: .lll if fleets were elected
;is follows Pies..n;, Key Marlow;
Ww it ruoin roltage facing thv
ix.-in. Hath, but and cold how-ritV-nrtc
liglits. open lire place,
li.-nt I5U per mo. for August.
t nets ! t r ino. and up. Ad.liesn
(Jeo, li Kampeon. Twin Ro ks, Or.
Ill I.AUiHIk HI-: H
vice pieB.iient, I'erry Harbor; ;cre-l.-uy
tia J!laKe, and treaa-irer, Roland
Jiarr. Niame.s were idayed and re
freshments v.eic Ht rved. 'I'hose who
afieijoed were Doris a:id Dena l,!e,i;il-
l n, ila I I. ike, irei.e iuplliS, He'.-u
I'o.wr, i r iui.i l.ieuallcri, Peir Pa
ter. Uoyd Wallace, i-iurance Parr,
Mjliow, J'diri '.v'.illa-.e. :iur'rii-- , arr,
Clarence pee-.ird aral Mr. and Mrs.
Hoil . !rrr-.;n, J.!in Hales, Joe
I'leiii, n ami i ;,r.l .b-Atee, Ben arid
Tom Siio'.Mori and Prank Dames all
rr, oli. ltd to lite river Sunday.
J.u-I. I.ei k and Haloid Goi deck of
l'eri..iiei'-ii iiwtoied to Adams Sund:iy.
jlrs, H. -iii-.v Wbilely and family "f
PeiulJetori are the guests of his moth
er, Mrs. Heiich.
ily drove to Adams Saturday. i Pete and Iaurence Mclntyro
Henry Whitely and Will Whitely of Alherri were in Adams Stinda
pendletmi were in Adums Saturday.
.Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hales and John
motored lo Pendleton Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. I,. I.ieuallen and
(!aunh'ers motored to Pendleton Sat-ur'i-''.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. M'-Fall and Kath
!lene niotor-t;d to Adams runday and
j were the guests of .Mrs. ('. Howling
land Krl.-ue.
Mr. pott and daughter of Pcndl
I motored to Adams Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. .b.l.n motored tit
,Adan-.s Monday.
! A b.rihdav party was given Satur
J day evi nir;a at the home of Mr. and
Mis. I'M Wallans in honor of Kenneth
W:,lhm :irnl KUL'cne :ilues.
Mr. and Airs. Karl Hurh of Idaho, Will HoMrnan aril Mr. C Howpng
are tlie geiisis of her mother, Mrs. Joe and daughter Kilene motored to I'cn
jlarues fi.r the summer. Ciletori Sunday.
I Mrs. K. A. Meirnt of Athena motor- ' Mr. Nelson of Milton, was an Ad
d lo Adams S;turday and was the am Istior Sunday.
jtiL-si if M isse lieiert nn,7 Ha hlake . Mr-.t. Wallace Nelson and son are
and ii.oiher. the gue-'ts of .Ml. and ills. E. (!. Mar
i Mr. uud Mia. Julia l ii-rte and faro-lnuoi.
I Mrs. Oarth Sioil went to Pendleton
(Monday. ,
j Miss May KMa Baker of Portland Ik
the Ku...st of Mr. and .Mrs. Will Hover:
j The Adams l-'tdies' cub w it nuet
at the home of Mrs. C. O. Richardson
.June '",). Mis. Bertlui Kern tiler and
Mrs. fi. O. Ricanlson will be hostesses.
.Mr. an I Mrs. George Bradley and
j daughter, deiu-gia, motored to Adams
Ion, J Monday.
.Mr. and. Mrs. Martin and family of
.Milton were the guests of .Mr. and I
;. O. Richardson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wallau and Hon
Hilly wcr- the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Christian Sunday.
j Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lieuallen motor
ed to Adams Sunday.
SALEM, June 2. ft'. P.) Elsie
Schwuubeaur, Is years of age was
drowned in the Willamette river Mon
day while canoeing. Tho body has
rut bevu luuiiii.
'iT'j Jwe we h&P
wi ri-m- "
Huge organdie flowers placed at the
proper angle will transform a very
simple but well-cut frock Into a thins
of beauty. The summer silk tallleurs
are divided Into two classes thoso
with exceedingly short loose box coats
and those with coats reaching way
down to the very hem of the skirt. All
the skirts are simple, with but a very
little fulness at the sides. Whlto linen
bordered with strips of color makes
delightful summery suits. Pongee Is
very popular. A charming combina
tion consists of a 'melange" of jade
green and citron pongeo. Foulard also
makes a number of very effective
summer suits.
a; good medicine
for loss of Appetite
Ocnernl debility nnd that tired
fueling is Hood's Sarsnparilla. This
highly concentrated, economical
medicine is n great favorite in thou
sands of homes. It is peculiarly suc
cessful in urifyin! and revitalizing
tht blood, promoting digestion, re
storing animation, and building up
.the whole system.
, Get,, this. .dependable 'medicine ' to.'
day nnd bo;rin taking it ft once. "'
If yon need a Jaxative take IIood,'i
Tills, Iwu will surely lika tteia,'.
king s in:Aiux; is k.(ku.ent.
(OPKXHAC.KN', Juno 2S. (A. P.)
When K'ng Christian visited a littlo
town In Northern Hchleswlg, a Gorman
woman remarked to a companion as
they were passing the king: "You
can't call him good looking. anyhow."
Tho king turned and it'iswered In Ger
man, "but his hearing Is excellent,"
KKOENB, Juno 28. (IT. P.) A
celebration of the dedication of Eu
gene's municipal flying field will oc
cur, Uibor Day. Tho program Includes
a wireless telephone speech and concert.
HtHMl Hlvcr 'terries
All Marketed This Week
HOOD RIVFH, Or., June !S. (A.
T ) The Hood River strawberry har
vest iwlil end the latter part of this
week. A total of SO carloads of frul;
had been shipped up to last night. It
is estimated thut 10 additional cars
will be harvested.
The average will run close to i.!ft
i cra'.e. It li anticipated. The asso
ciation has shipped approximately r,i)
tons of canning berries to Portland for
u cents a pound. -
The valley's cherry harvest has be
gun, the first carload, consisting of
Royal Anno, having been routed last
night. A total of about 10 carloads of
cherries Is expected.
sri:? HIM
"I don't think any one has had
more had luck nnd sickness than I
have. In 19115 I, had two ribs, un arm
and collar hone broken In a railroad
accident. Then I had pneumonia.
After recovering I crossed a pasture
when a bull chased me, tossed me over
the fence und broke my, right leg. In
1910 I had typhoid fever; since then
severe stomach and Uver trouble,
which no medicine or doctor touched
until two years ago I- got a bottle of
Mayr's Wonderful- . Remedy, which
proved the first ray of light In thirteen
tars." It Is a simple, harmless pre
paration that removes the catarrhal
mucus from the Intestinal tract nnd al.
In.vs the Inflammation which causes
practically all stomach, liver and In
testinal ailments, including nppendtcl
tlc. One dose will convince or money
refunded. Irugglnts everywhere.
1-2 lbs. P.oyal Hlend Coffee. . .$1.00
pounds High Grade Corfe, . .$! (W
cans Hill Bros, rtiffeo-' 'f . ', .", . ...Mo
3 Hlue Pkgs. Hill Hros. Coffee ...0o
4 lbs. 99 Crescent Coffee ....... f 1.00
S cans Tomatoes II 00
i cans selected Shrimps $1.00
12 cans Canyon MJIk ...f $1.40
12 cans Campbell's Soup $1.40
1 quart Wesson OH nik!
So. in Tin Smllto Grape Juice. .$2.00
4 packages Heeded Raisins Sf.00
1 lb. Creamery Butter, ,400
12. lbs. Sugar .$1.00
Fresh Kggs 25o
50 lbs. White Satin Flour . I. . . . ,$J.0
why pay sioiti: ;
i-. .1
Demand TtlQ DANDY ttKEAD, Our
Oregon Bakery
320 . Court l'Uoua 12 J