' l.- If TWELVE PAGES SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, 1921. PACE EIGHT DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, Belmont Girls Learn Swimming MOTION PICTURE NEWS . L'j n SUNDAY, 26th MONDAY, 27th FORCED TO BATHE BY A T(r$n dp Th i CHICAdi), June S5. (I. X. S.) aim m:Jrirtnv j iMirn, i.u vi ; .n to ! woiik ix run r.ii! It n well known that every lour'st ! 'ho v .ts l.os An-rplrs is nxion tn roi- the inni'.n.i picture studios. I'm u j ! a rirw f "minx call but few nr..-1 rh'i rn."' 'the prcvsurp of work is in tense mid it Ik rl i f i i rr : i ! t to Kit beyond the rate of 111'" HV'ia'e f;'lll plant. , In tmiking '"Th Witch rg Ho ir," a Vtirafionnl l'io'uio wh'oh w-11 ''t Show:i Ht the rs:lc il'Pii'ri- S iioinv ,rl Mr.mlHV, Will'iini I). T:ylr oceoe.l n n lilR theatre scene. Kvcry availablo etor wa called ami still nut enough ' fcad been Necurod. Finally he thought of inviting the fiicnis fioni wu-rnl of the fashionable hotels. The (iiios'.s nearly fell ovor th. -mlve tu n. 'I'!. ninil) na tion of seeing h st idio end worl'insr in n actual pet'ire v:i too ecul to m'ss. A x reult th," tnire of "Th "V j t f h i r sr Hour" presents one of ilv r ?t t ,:rnl ."'otv - ' u 10 ' h-s'.o Vc.Vhv re p fri in New York, IVs ln:i. Ch'caco rind oMr his circs ar .entered nil tl ionah the s t. In fa t r-lcre nlsrvers will ho a!ce to ycc1 ,nut f" 'es f.unoii: in national sociot: circb -. J" suees-el wis h's experiment that Mr. Tylor plans t.i call upon the tourists aea'n when he needs an es P'ia'lv tnrre n -mber of i-onle. Rl- wn V . . ' lle v'a the "low down" on liuthtnr t harles Henry Mackintosh, nil nd jyoitisins' exiiert, blanies It all on soap advertising. I Says t'harles: I "Duly a short time nso we liathed ionce a week and Reneinlly on Sntur jflay. We even sklppeil once In a while. Then came a flood of advertising liy 'soaii niatiMfactiireiH until we were iiHiisuadocI we wern't I'hrlsdnns nnlessi Sve took a daily bath. We were ud ivortlsed int'i it. Advortlsini,' out,'ht to liaise the standard of living." I Z.ae daughters of Mrs. August Belmont, Jr., took ndvurrage of tl 2 free swimming coune by the Red Cross during New Yens "Spies;." week. Alio la show teaching Cecilia to BWiiu, while Uirbara watc'.ea. , Sh Itth Altai linicnt for I'ront Wheels An extivmely simple runner attach. "e't for tile front wheels of an amo mohile, enaldlnff il car to he usod erfec , tlveiy even In deep snow, has heen In i vented. It does not reipiire the re I moval of the front tires and th,- oon jstriictlon Is such that the n'ltoinoblle equipped with the attachment will run land steer with great accuracy, owing j to provision of ribs on the under aide of tile runners. liott Dexter, Ruth Reniok and Wintel Hall have the leading roles i:i "Th Witching Hour." ALT A MDY AXI MONDAY KKKX t )MKIY IX KY H AWLI'Y riW An American colleee trlrl IF "ANNUAL TNCO?IE ANNUAL EXPENDITURE RESULT NNTTAL TNTOMF. ANNUAL EXPENDITURE 2.000 .... 2,010 MISERY $2,000 1,990 RESULT HAPPINESS" Mr. Micawber. The experience of Dickens' Mr. Jlieawber is the Eme as that of thousands of us whose whole lives are made miserable through the folly of living be yond our means. five rart of what you earn'and inve?t it in our Pre fevM Stock. Even though you lav aside but S10 a month, you can soon own a share. If ycu start NOW, the dividends will amount to 7 per cent on your mon ey. Aok anv of our emnloves they're our salesmen, or tear out the coupon NOW mail it TODAY. Pacific Power & Light Co. A Ilnslmss which of NiVpnilj Ik IVriiiaiietit Fill This Cut NOW; Mail it TODAY PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, Investment Dept., Gasco Bldg., Portland, Orecon.. Send me (1) 8-page illustrated booklet, "The Story of an Opportunity at Home," (2) Information about your Preferred Stock, (.") Details of Easy Payment Plan, (4) How to Judge an Investment. American college story. Thai's what the Alia theatre will offer to its pat rons when Wanda Hawley opens there on Sunday in "The S ioi," a ta'.e of 'Ci.ninus life and toot'.mll by milium J. Neidig. A better choice of star for such a phky could hardly have been niiide. Miss Hawley is a true epitome of the real American fjirl. Rom in Scran ton, Pennsx Ivania, and educated in Seattle (Wash.) hish school, she has lived the life of the typical American young woman. From high school she went to the I'nlvcrsity of Washington i:nd, after a period there. tftiiKht music in Bremerton (Wash.) schools. And she hasn t forgotten iiev school days, either. Omy PASTIME THEATRE ,111 MSI Jesse L. Lasky presents WILLIAM U TAVLOR'S Production MING HOUR mk ELLIOTT DEXTER Fine story with a great cast One that is sure to please. Sunday, 2Htli Monday. 7th recently I T ne wnie tne nr.:sic ac.u 'ni'ius iui Name Address a song which has been adopted us the official pons of Seattle High i-chool. That is matter of which -he is pr'Uider even than her success in the screen world. "I am mighty happy to appear hi a college s.oiy,'' she said at the 11-al-art studio recently, "espei ially in a tale which carries such a v.'hob sone. democratic spirit as "The Snob," Chtise of you who read the story in the 'Saturday Kveninir Post' will recall that I play a wealthy girl who falls in love -with a college football hero, only to snub him on learning that he waits on table in a college dining h ill. Hit friends, however, detertirne to teach her a lesson. And they do! The hero, ine conies to realize what a snob sh" has been and what a splendidly de mocratic place an American college reaty is. It's a dandy plot and puts American-college life in pust th-.' HUhl I like it I est." In "The Snob" Miss Hawley !s sup ported by an excellent cast including Walter Hiers, Sylvia Ashton, Hdwin Stewns. Julia Faye. Richard Wayne and William Lawrence. TEXAS IS WARNED THAT ,' (IALVKSTd.X, June 2T,. n P.) The weather bureau posted storm warnings of the approach of another gale from thte Carrihean sea. Disturb ances have been reported in the vicin ity of Swan island, northeastern Cur-:-ibbp:in sea, i ccordinp to the warning. Fiosh winds are due within the next hours. A second storm is feared. "Breezy Eascn" and 'Mickey THE EIG . ADVENTURE In nil iibyorbiie treat Tor young; ami old, (;MI l)Y "OH! LISSIE A Reel Full of Real Comedy AeLnissicn OLD FOLKS ...20c KIDS 5c : : 4 1 !! ! . j ; ! j ' : : , : ; I - , 1 - t 1 : i 2 buiwdu- Cc-.nedy Faramount M aszi're, chowbj "BOBEY PUMPS" The invincible P.obbv ere Ues trouble galore ADMISSION Adults, 35c; Children, 10c Alta Theatre! - : SATURDAY, 25th l i : ! ' ' ! Tractor Production in 1MI! Statistics on tractor production in the year liiia just made public by The imp-aa of puldic roads of the I nitud ,-tatcs department of agricul ture place the number of tractors produced bv eight1.' concerns in that year at 164,510. The production fell eoosiderabiy short of estimates fur nished bv trc? manufacturers in the tall of 191S for the year 1K19. Car Repairing and Overhauling Your automobile will run only as long as it receives the proper care. As your body needs the proper attention, so does the engine of 'your car. A litle defect here or there is going to cau::e you trouble some time have it attended to now enoy the season's best motoring weath er. Our Service Will Fiea:e You Mills & Geker i QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices- East Oregonian Printing Department. Alta , Theatre SUNDAY, 26th MONDAY, tfth , i Docs Caste System. Prevail in Democratic America? COULD MAKE GROUP OF WOODEN INDIANS SIKG H 717 Garden Street Night Phone 330 That's What They Say About Walter Jenkins, Song Leader. That community nin:in? is "gno-1 medicine" for every cnitum'.nliy is the belief of Walter Jenkins prominent community song- leader who come to Oinutawiun on the fifth day. He j;ny, "When v.e sin? together our moods draw closer together. We feel alike; we think in tonus of ti e primp." Someone has said that "Waller Jen kins could make a group of wooden Fhone 445 A..-S' fc...... VChon one pretty woman cried on his i-houhbr he agreed to help her Secure a divorce and then hi- fiimcee s'e;i.ed Into the piclur-. Comedy plus action, marks this Owen Moore picture A-l. i i COMEDY A ROUCH HOUSE, featuring FATTY AREUCKLE doing tho rough. VAUDEVILLE J ' r f o 1 i y" if X hA vjVvi x X'th PERRY TAYLOR That Coiiduriiig Ciisr-, TRIXIE AND DAVIS The ril ls with tin; curl. t X X Indians isiiij;." He ci rlulnly possesses the uucanny ability of iuitiiis every audience In good humor. During HUT and l!ilS he wax Northwest Song Lend er for the Army antl Navy ('aiiiim and since that time has been Community Song Leader of Portland, Oregon. Dur-, ing his pioraiii Mr. .Tonkin will also present a lew blritope solos. ARCADE THEATRE TODAY Jpssp L, Lasky presents Jl G'EbRGB MELFORD PaOOUCTtON 9hemih ' ADDED FEATURES EDUCATIONAL COMEDY ADMISSION Adults, 35c Children, 10c 1 'WW? Reakrt Pictures Jreseits WANDA HAWLEY fteSriofi" Adapted from the story by WILLIAM J.NEIDIG Directed by SAM WOOD Photoplay by ALICE EYTOM Tin me of "THE SNCR," Wanda Ilawley'a latest photoplay, opens interesting discussions on American snobbishness. Added Attraction INTERNATIONAL NEWS VAUDEVILLE JIMMY GREEN in Character Comedian. SPENCER. SISTERS AND WILBUR in Tricks and Tunes teHLI,t