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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1921)
THE EAST OREGONIAN WILL HAVE THE FULL WIRE REPORT OF ASSOCIATED PRESS ON THE BIG FIGHT BESIDES U. P. AND I. N. S. REPORTS ' 1 hBaaM&SiS$ TWELVE PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 12 TWELVE PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 12 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, 1921. i iln' to the thin they cull the "pink." The novelty of getting off the tread mill meana Humethlng to DempHi y. H'h like a tonic. I onu appreciate Juki j how he feels knocking off even a day. und It will not hurt him in the leam. i I ! SOLVE YANK TWiRLERSi Blood-Cleansing, Appetite-Making Strength-Giving Corbett Thinks That American Can Hit no Harder Than Any of Good Heavies of Past. Ry JAMES J. COKBKTT. (.Copyright, 1921, by the 1. N. 8.) ATLANTIC C1TV, June 25. in nix ing tip prohnhllitlex in the DeuipMey. I'arpentler fight there Is one point It In well to remember tliut Dempxey will not have a Hlow-moving object to punch. ' Oarpentler in faBt and aliifty. lle'H tricky, too, and he him a habit of waltzing about, feinting with bin heurt und coaxing an opponent to lend that may aeem rather forego to the champion for the reiimn unit he has not met a man of Cleorse's epecd. Cm not trying to take anything nway from Dempxcy. Neither am 1 trying to convince anyone that Dcmp- dey In going to win the big figlrt I M'l'K V IS. SAN FRANCISCO, June 2.1. (A. I'.) Ouklaud won a poorly played gunle from Halt Ijike, 13 to 8. The Heea knocked (-'elliold out of the box In the flint inning . and acored four num. while the Oakn gave lould snn llar rough treatment fur five tallica in their half of the name frame. Winn, who replaced Scihold, was ' hit hard, hut not KiicceH.ifully enough i for Kali I-ake to catch up, while rag ged fielding by their IroubleH. tiie Heea added to i roi'llaml Again. : I'OHTI.AND, June 2.1. (A. I'.l isan Krancii-oo walked away with an j other game from Portland yesterday, j The final Bcore was 15 to 2' Terrific h ttlnif netted the Sealn i five runs on five hits In the nixth and 3 to 4 Vernon. LOS A NO-ELKS, June 25.- (A. P.I Vernon overcame a four-run lead and defeated Sacramento. 5 to i, Hy att doubled In the tenth and Shellen bach ran for h m. Schneider (sacrific ed, Shellenbach going to third. H.m na hgot a base on balls and .Sliellen hnch acored when French forced Han nah at second. or seven runs on seven hits In the ninth. that Carpentler has an even chance or hut it wasn't altogether poor Sain better. I'm almply picking out points I Itoss' fault. Fach rally started after for my readers to consider. I errors had wrecked chances to retire Detnpsey is a mighty hard hitter. He I the Hide. practically knocked Jess Willard out In tho first round Just as be did Fulton, MorriB nnd others. He can knock out any man he can hit but so could Jef Irles, Filzsimmons, Rulllvnn or Peter Muhr. Detnpsey hits no harder than most n (he hard-hitting heavies In ring hiflory. For instance, I think Hint Mahi r could hit as hard as uny man who ever lived. If Maher could ho.e had the slow moving Willard In fr.'ia j of 1 tm In a championship battle 1 think he would have knocked him int as quickly ns did Dempsey. The s-.nie goes for Jeff, Fit and Sullivan. ?li ch depends, then, on how Car rentier gets Marted. He may fail in get away to a good start and if he does he no doubt will have to suffer for It. But he Is a dangerous man, quicker than Dempsey i n his feel and the champion had best look out not to get In his way. He has a great right hand. If he get off to a good start his speed and cleverness are o,ulie likely to bother the chnmpicn and an J)uunCi: lnJUed to s uxli mere is no ten might have upon him. CHICAGO, June 21. (A. P.) Am-, erlcan college pitchers have proved! too much for K. Tanaka, centerf ielcl- on the Waxeda University hall team now touring the foiled Slates. In the Toklo college league Tanaka Is known as the "Habe Kutli, of the league. He holds a record of six home runs In 8.x games during last winter's season In Japan, but thus far he has failed to solve the American puzzlers for a circuit clout. O. Taniguchi, the Japs- star left hander, has been likewise unable to duplicate his record made in Toklo, I dining his American trip. Last win ter Ik Ditched two no-hit games, but I thus far every American team has j scored on him. His effectiveness Is i due ma nly to a swift drop, with j which he often retired his opponents, with three strike-outs in a row. Tani guchi is 20 years old and a freshman. Waxeda 1ms two good right handers In S. Matsumoto and F. Arita. In the last of the thiee games series with the University of Chicago, Arita replaced Taniguchi in the 7th inning with the bases full and two out. He struck out the next man up, 'but when Chicago filled the sacks again in the Sth, a sin gle drove in two runs nnd lost the gi-ine and the series for the Nippon- Are the Effects You Naturally Want from Your Spring Medicine And Hood's Sarsaparllla satisfies these needs as nothing else can. This marvellous restorative tonic and blood purifier has been recog nized for nearly fifty years as the best spring medicine for restoring the blood and circulation to their natural richness and vitality. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is more than food, because It creates an appe tite and promotes assimilation of all food taken, thus securing 100 per cent, of nourishment. Thus it contributes to make rich red blood, which carries vitality to all parts of the body and gives the strength and nerve force that nature demands day by day. Take Hood's Sarsaparllla. small dose after each meal, and you will soon note how much refreshed you are, how good your food tastes, and how cheerfully you do your work. Hood's Pills relieve headache, biliousness, constipation. Hood's Sarsaparilla PURIFIES. VITALIZES AND ENRICHES THE BLOOD. Tl l'ADIHK'K VS. WOOIMUNCi PASADENA. C,il June 21. Allen Woodrlng, said to be the only sprinter in the world who ever defeated Charles W. Paddock, 1'niversity oi Southern California's "fastest human" over a 220-yard course, will have an opportunity to repeat his feat at the national Amateur Athletic I'nlon track and f eld meet to be held hen July 2, 3 and .1. Woodrlng is coming to the meet with the dozen or more athletes sent by the Meadow brook Club of Philadelphia. Paddock's defeat by Woodring lUUiasjeame juLJrie Ollymplc. games at Ant werp last year in the mil) meter run which the 1'cniisylvnulnn won in the it : Yesterday was an off day for th" champion. lie felt that he was en titled to a vacation for two reasons one because yesterday was his 26th I Arabian Desert hlrthdny and the other because lie is smoke nor drink. fast time of twenty-two seconds flat. Paddock placed second. hatlves neither (II) I. N. S.) Are Tln'jr Hotter Nowadays? The writer of the following letter doesu t insist that the boxing game has gone back. He simply asks you to think It over. I C'HICAOO, June 21. (A. P.) When Coach Toliita of the Weseda I'niversity baseball team runs over to the third base, coaching lines as his Nipponese ball players cimie to bat, he doesn't let loose a flow of Japanese but yells instructions in the native lan guage of the great American game. All of his players, who lire now touring the country, speak English in some de gree and all of them use American baseball parlance on the diamond. "Even the youngsters In Japan call 'Out' and Strike' In English." Coach Tohita said here recently, when his nine played the I'niversity of Chicago a three game series. "Of course all students in high schools and universi ties in Japan ate tausht Knglish. but cut In the fields where the small boy, play ball, they use the English tetms. Paseball is the Japanese national game. too. si:ciiirr.!tY or the saw ( By I'nited Press. ) In F.dw n Denby the navy has as secretary a man who "was in the ser vice." Denby was a gunner's male during the Spanish-American war and served in the marine corps in the world war. Denny's greatest achievement so his friends say was his success in melting off about 70 pounds of surplus weight during his sojourn with the marines. When he enlisted his wa'st measurement run mi Into so many j inches that he couldn't see the tips of I his shoes. Today he can see them ' without the aid .of a periscope. For all his bigness, great fighting Jaws and trap-like mouth. Denby is j mild and the owner of a rather shy! Have You Ever Used Firestone Tires Material and workmanship guaranteed. We make our own adjustments in Pen dleton. Make the next tires you buy Firestones, they're hound to please. ; ACCESSORIES, GAS AND OIL, REPAIRING 223 Simpson-Sturgis FOR SERVICE PHONE 651 E. Court St. Golden Rule Hotel Bldg. Pendleton, Ore. than i real W hat QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION Choice Sanitary Meats Our meat department is the last word in san itation and cleanliness. Choice meats are receiv ed daily and kept chilled and fresh in our perfect refrigerators. In buying from us you get only the best every day and our prices are lower than you pay elsewhere. You'll be delighted with our service if you will let us convince you with a trial. Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 455 At the Sign of a Service -If It's on the Market We Have It" Dear Tad With all this guff auout the 'ig fight to read lately I often wonder what most have been written about the fighters of a few years ago. Now adays before a fight one is told thai the boxers who aie to f ght are the grim iest that ever danced a step. 1 wonder If mosj. of your, readers believe ihi.i mi ii f f . Do tliev think the leaders in i iig work today are better they used to he'.' We have c neavv-weicht champion, bir about the others'.' Are the bantams as good as Jimmy Barry and Dixon '.' l,i nur featherweights measure up to .McOovern '.' j Are our lightweight kings as good as j McAulirfe. Kmc. Ijivigne or t.ans Have we welters who could with Walcott? Cnubl our middleweight bold Kyan and Ketchel? Could Ivcvinsky or Carpenter beat such light heavies as McCoy, Kid Cur- Joe Choynski, Fii'-wimmons, jai a Jim Parry, Jack Uont ljing .Tack O'Krlen? make me laugh; in V lip's I Coach Tobila, who is 3T, years old. ' h is been playing hall for more than ' 15 years and has been a professional ' c ouch for two years, lie was a star at j Weseda. which is located at Tokyo, land captain of the team in 1909-ln. j His early diamond training was under j Herbert H. Hunter, a former New j York Ciiant, who had a large part in ; the development of baseball at Wase ! da. Haseball. however, has been play- ed in Japan for years. Coach To ! bit a said. j "The Japanese have two seasons of hall," Coach Toblta said, in explaining : their er.tliiisiann for the game "We j have a spring anil autumn schedule, each lasting about two months. In ' Token '-e have a leeeue of four uni- wivities and play a regular schedule. Weseda has about llii.ilOa students but comparatively few of them taki part In athletics. Coach Tohita said. Members of the team expressed ; I great adm'ration for the American ' universities, especially the large gym nasiums wH'cli Japanese universnie: do not yet have. smile. Like Secretary of War Weeks, to Denby has first-hand experience in dealing with the legislative branch of the government, for he served as con gressman from Michigan until some time before the world war. Heci gnizing with other members of the cabinet that the codntry faces no task in the after-the-war rcad- M off ter. Mol'I'ait. fi id or Don't ci acked, llespectfully yours. CK.STCS. Will F.ogcrs says. "Why Import mo vies from Cerniany? Aren't the ones we make bad enough'.'" Canada t'al'i- ClHXTfnl Chirps. Do you believe It possune io i.un with the spirits?" "Well, before we got prohibition, l found' it much easier to talk with i hem than without them." As the movie fan said, in speaking about her favorite actress: "There is some subtitle charm she has that ap peals to me." When Wheat, of the Dodgers, Is at the plate to hat. would you call him llnck Wheat, batter? tint in Kansas, where til. y have tor nadoes they compute distance, the "trow flics. " but as Unfiles." Ti,..v sbiiu lil call It .Nero neci is something he would have been glad to put over on Jlm'. FORD The Universal Car WHETHER COTTER PIN OR COMPLETE ' OVERHAUL Yon can get It in our Sales nnd Service Station. We are au thorized Ford dealers. In our stockroom we carry every part that goen into a Ford car or Ford truck. They're genuine Ford purtn too each made of the same tough, durable Vanadium Hloel as its counlerpart in the Ford car. Our special Foid re pair shop is thoroughly equipped with aerially designed tools and iip-to-the-miniilo machinery so thai repairs, adjustments or complete overhauls for Ford cars can be handled promptly and efficiently. Our mechanics whn will do the work on your Ford car or truck, understand the Ford mechanism and know the right way to tune it up. Ami for the work ou will pay only the reason able Ford prices. We are a part of Ihe Hlg Ford Family and not only repair Fords but Bell them as well. We have more (ban a passing in terest In t lie service we give you. Drive to our Oarage when your Ford needs repairing. For Safetys Sake Have the Authorized Ford Dealer Do It. We Can Rebore and Polish Your Cylinders Too. JACK CHILDS, Foreman Simpson Auto Co. Thone 408 Water & Johnson St. Service not as 'house as it Dl'RLlN. June 25. (1. X. S. ) Th streets of Dublin were swept hy bill lets and filled with the roar of explod ing h.mibs when a bold daylight am bush attack was made against a mili tary automobile. Several persons were wounded. The attack was followed by widespread raids by the police and tin sold mm s. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB ARE IN PORTLAND EN ROUTE TO PASADENA 1'OllTLAND. June 2.V (A. P.l !-n route for 1'asadena to participate In the national A. A. I' meet the tiacl team of the New York Athletic Club stopped here today for a dual meet with the Multnomah club tomorrow. The club held workouts following their arrival Hie Laugh on Ueorges! C i Vi'n tff ito.'iAiinr.i ..Mk, In. AiWWW fifriSni- n? i,. ,y-ir f , , , 1,,,,,,!,, easj justment. Denhy spends long hours at his desk. He has already made sev eral trips of inspection and this sum mer be Intends to inspect the Pacific coast naval institutions. Vewspauer men, with whom be has daily conferences, find In him a ma" who is milck to see "hews." -This is 1 probably the result of contact with j scores of news gatherers during his years in congress. Denby early announced his belief in i a navy second to none, and his encr- j gies are devoted to seeing that tbe I'nited States Is fully-equipped on the j eas. DRESSMAKER MADE WELL Followed a Neighbor's Advice and Took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vernon, Tex. "For three years 1 suffered untold agony each month with pains in my i found only tempo rary relief in doctor's medicineor anything else I took until my husband saw an ad- vertisement of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. I mentioned it to a neighbor and . she told me she had taken it with good results and advisee1 1 me to try it. I was then in bed part ot the time and my doctor said 1 would have to be operated on, but we decided to 1r the Vegetable Compound and 1 also used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. 1 am a dressmtiKer ana am now able to go about my work and do my housew-nk besides. You are welcome to use t.iL k- iter as a testimonial as 1 am alwavs g!nd U speak a word for your medicine."-Mrs. W. M.STEPHENS, 1103 N. Commerce St., Vernon, Texas, Dressmakers when overworked are prone to such ni'ments and should profit by Mrs, Stephen s experience. Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (eonrideiitial), Lynn, Mass., about row health. Your letter will be opened, ead and answered by a woman ani dd in strict confidence. DANCE TONIGHT Union Hall Payant's Orchestra . ' Some Dance All Welcome UNDER AUSPICES AMERICAN LEGION . MMM MUMMMHHM mmiiw, wijiim T ' ill f; 111 SHOW HER YOUR BANK BOOK The young woman . who takes the chance of tying her future with yours has practical, serious prob lems ahead. No doubt you want to provide for her comfort and happi ness but good intentions will not pay for a vacation, a pleasure trip or comforts that mean so much. Show her your bank book be cause she has a right to know what you have been doing with your money and what efforts you have made to provide for a home. Show her your bank book for your own good. It will bring home V to you the need of practical man agement of your income and time. It will strengthen your resolution to save and provide for her. 1 ., it, Jouriice, Carpentier' i.prr!vr partner, laughed when (ledges lipped a.-U rammed his head into h;, goat fashion. Such j. sliv a Hi big tight inigi.t mean Uit Dempsey not only would st Cwk'i "som", THE ROYAL V acuum CLEANER CLEANS EVERYTHING The Royal, with its at tachments, is a complete house cleaning plant and makes an easy task of house cleaning. Phone 130 for demon stration or call at 20G E. Court street. J. L. VAUCHAN Electric Supply House Phone 130. 20G E. Court 1 Best Cane Sugar 12 lbs. . . THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $1.00 Carnation Milk, o cans 81.00 IWdcn s Milk. 8 cans 81.00 Crystal W hite Soap, 18 for 81.00 8 Cans Tomatoes $1.00 Hominy, 9 lb. Sack 45c Catsup. Van Camps, each 2,"c lird No. 5. 85c, No. 10. $ 1 . d isco 3 lbs. (Sc. ft lbs. $1.20 Wessons Oil. pts. .T)C, qts. (55c, i gallon $1.20 CONRGY'S CASH GROCERY WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. o o O : O O o , o o ' o o o o," o . o o o o b o. II It i i