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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1921)
PACE EIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OEEOOH, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, 1021. TWELVE PAGES r st1' Social and Club News MRS. TK1.I. HOSTESS .For th f inn I m'liir of th Klvrj !) NwellMmft Ohil thin yrnr. Mm, William Toll wa hunt cm yritorclny nl br horn. rurinr the first hiitirs of; MISS ItADRR IS VISITOR IMUS. HOYDEN HONORED. Miss HhzpI Rudor, formerly of IVn- I Hoiiorinif Mrs. .Mary hnyuVii, who dl'ior, as a visitor in the city last with l'r. uml Mrs. Uuy lloyiUn will t vMiinn 'n route from Berkeley, Cwli- leave soon for T'ortluml to make lier forniu. to Walla Walla. Miss Raler. home. .Mis. ,1. J. Ilamley ami .Mrs. J. the afternoon, twelve itarments were , v ho was formerly a memher of tho j" r,SI "'' were hostesses yesterday rompleted for the Wnverley Hr.hyi niversity of ( reon faculty, is tiowjmorn'"K for a deliKhtt'ul breakfast at llotn. instructor of physical trainlne In oneilne Ilamley home on Jackson street. Tj,tA A, fV. . I K I. . 1. ....K. 1 I. 1 .. . . Pint." lIU 1 I .!'.. I t).A t.lltl.. w( "i - , u iip uir r" it. in ... i j ii l l n III,, ll li lliK'ia "I IWI . i Nellie chisholtn nnd Mrs. Alex Mann- lr carried off the prises in a unique i MISS ROW MAN WEDS j rnenslnn contest. The rooms of tnt Announcement of the marriajra o: j Tell home were attractively decorated Miss Palom.t Howmnn, formerly of ; with ianterhnry l.eils nno roses. Mrs. j l'emlleion. and V. r. Peterson, were Pred Hrown. of P.rei'cewooil, and Miss j received in Pendleton yesterday. Miss P-dna Iteinlng assiste,! the hostess in I owncin was graduated from Pen crvlim. Idleton hish school in 191S and is Mm Nelly Morton, of Newherg, a charter memher of the elnh w ho is In 1'endiwon 8 the Sliest of Mrs. Ed Morton, was nmonc the guests nnd ft hern were Miss Mary Ritner, Port land; Mr. Znne Ijinsdale, Mrs. Ed Morgan, Mrs. Edmund Mabie, Miss lveininir. Mrs. Manning, Mrs. Ohisholm. .Mrs. yrel Hronn. of (Ireecewnnd; Mrs. Anna Siorie, Mrs. Arthur Perry nnd Mr. Henry Tenny. MISS PHKl-PS lfETPRNS Miss Margaret Phelps has returned from Euicene where she attended Uni versity of Oregon durum the past year. Miss Phelps has completed the junior work and will he graduated next June. ni'SY PEEiS NOT TO MEET The Rusy Pees of the Maccahees will popular in Pendleton. The ceremony took place in Salt Kike. RETPP.N FROM SEATTLE Thomas Thompson and daughters. Miss Edna Thompson and Miss Kath erine Thompson, returned yesterday hy auto from Spittle. Miss Katheriiv Thompson was graduated from Uni versity of Washington and .Mr. and Miss Thompson were In Seattle for commencement. WILL LEAVE FOR PORTLAND Mr. nnd Mrs. I E. Penland will leave on Monday for Portland nnd the Willamette Valley for an Indefinite stny. They will make the trip hy mo tor. (IPE-STS IN CITY Mr. and Mrs. George Ronnell, of rot meet on Tuesday, as was planned, j Marietta, Iowa, are Pendleton visitors. Th meeting ha been indefinitely They are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. postponed. I E. S. Evwin. HOCK'S I! I'STAIBI S II O I Great June Clearance Sale SUITS, COATS, SILK DRESSES, SPORT APPAREL AND BLOUSES. WONDERFUL REDUCTIONS On All Spring Apparel. You cannot afford to overlook this sale. Pink roses centered the table and 111 ! the living: room yellow and white flow- , ers were effectively used. Quests, ; besides Mrs, Hoyden were Mrs. P. .1. ! liegeman, Mrs. I!. W. ("oiitts, Mrs. i Anna Storio, Miss Mary Ritner, of Portland, Mrs. .1. McMoiiies, Mrs. 1 Alice Munro nnd Mrs. Kenneth 'Me- ; Rae. HOME FROM" NEBRASKA ; Mrs. Grace PuRcis and daughter, ! Genevieve, uvho have been visiting in Nebraska, have returned home. Mrs. P-iPojs is a teacher in the school nl i Adams and will attend the normal in ' i t-attieton. I MISS PROERSTEL HERE ! Miss Dorthy Proebstel who has been ' a student at the normal school at j Monmouth during the past year, from v. here she was graduated this June, ! returned to her home last night. MISS HAM LEY IN" SEATTLE Miss Gladys Ilamley, who recently received her diploma at University of Washington, will remain in Seattle for the summer. She is engaged in Y. W. C A. work on the campus. WILL RETURN TOMORROW Mrs. George PerinRer is expected to return tomorrow after a visit to Port land. Her daughter, Mrs. John Dolph, will remain for two weeks. EXPECTS TO RETURN SOON Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Lnutz, who nre away on an extended motor tour, are expected to return here soon. They are now In Florida. RETURN FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Ihirton Greulich have returned from a fishing trip to the Deschutes River. UNDECIDED? Make it your business to see us WE SATISFY! HARVEST TIME Now is the time to buy your Groceries for Harvest. Be sure and come in anl get our prices before you buy. ' QUALITY GOODS AND RIGHT PRICES Most complete stock of Groceries in Pendle ton to pick from. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phone 28 Only 1 Quality the Bet ing some one In the store the would he burglars fled. A number of Pendleton high school i Mudents were visitors at the home ranch of Roll and Gerahline Morrison. Those who motoied up were Cyril Me. Atee, Eleanor IHiuglas, Ruth Douglas and Via MeAtee. .Miss Gwendolyn Mclntyre of Helix the guest of Rachel Rams of Pen ral school problems, methods In read ing, arithmetic .language, etc., for pri mary, intermediate and grammar grades, public school music, art and physical training. In addition to the above, special courses of an advanced grade will he given by E. 1. Keezpl, Professor of Education at Whitman College. These courses will include Educational Psy dleton and came to Adams Friday and j ch,; y ,m, Klhual Tests and ! w" Bl'8t "f M,s' chnrles hnau Measurements, and are designed for icr tnt wick ran- ... I normal graduates and those who may Miss Reulah spencer returned to her I (loMli e ,,.,,,, W(jr of lhis . lioiuo in Auaius aucr .siit'iium uiri past winter months In Pullman at lending Washington State College. Mr. and Mrs. I U Lieuallen and THE SHOP OP BETTER VALUES Is Your Skin Tender? Is Your Beard Tough? Even if your skin is sensitive and your beard wiry you can get a cool, comfortable ?have every day. Use the Auto Strop Razor the razor that sharpens its own blades. Built right into the frame of the Auto Strop Razor is a remarkable self stropping device, simple and efficient, which renews the fine, keen edge of the Auto Strop blade day after day. 500 cool, comfortable shaves are guaran teed for each dozen blades. We sell them on a THIRTY DAYS TRIAL. No money down, just take it home and try it for 30 days. 1 CENTR ALIA, Wash., June 25. Mrs. Marion Howell, who lipped the police to the fact that Roy Gardner, California mail robber, was at her ho tel, and Patrolman Louis Sonny, who arrested the bandit, both claim the $5,(100 reward which, they understand is offered for Garndenr's arrest. The postoffice department, however, de clined to pay any reward. One hun dred dollars, to Ue tpvideri between the two, may be paid by the department of justice. U. P. PRESIDENT AND . PHILIP JACKSON SEE GERMAN CHANCELLOR THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE BERIN. June 2.ri.- (U. P.) W. W. Hawkins, president of the United Press, was given a cordim inception today at the office of Chancel, ir Wirth. The two had a long conversa tion and later Hawkins attended a meeting of the Reichstag as Wirth's guest. Minister of Reconstruction Rathe nan will receive Hawkins at his office tomorrow'. Hawkins was accompanied by Phil lip U Jackson, of Portland, Oregon. daughters Doris and Iena are motor ing to their mountain ranch today to cook for the men there for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. T. Doan of Ukiah are the proud parents of a baby hoy horn Tuesday evening. Mrs. Doan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Damp.1 of Adams. Mrs. Dames left today to be with her for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Pert Kirby were call ed to the home of her father on ac count of illness. Miss Rebecca Kempler accompanied her uncle and aunt to Ashland to visit I lor a snort time. Mr. and Mis. r,!ock r.f Culhory, California were the guests of Mrs. Eertha Kempler Sunday. Mrs. Chacley Shaltz nnd children and Mrs. Carl Christian motored to Athena Wednesday. Mrs. Pain. Mrs. Kcne and Lola Kene of Athena motored to Adams Friday. (. M. Kice of Milton motored to odams Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Christian of Milton are the guests of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lieuallen. Adolph Farrow was in Adams today from his ranch. Daniel Kempler and Lloyd Inuian, motored to Pendleton Friday. Joe Cantrel was in from his ranch Friday. leading to graduation from college. Through arrangement with Whitman College, credit earned In these courses will be accepted hy that institution. This work will likewise be accredited at the University of Oregon. First IVrlcr K:(l(l-8: 1.1 Music Fundamentals, 5 Miss Mc Nanghen. Rural Problems. 2 Mr. Green. Physcal Ed. Primary Miss Hales. Elementary Physchology. 5 Mr. Keezel. Second Period H : 50-9 : S.V School Management, 3 Mr. Inlow. Hnral Problems, 1 Mr. Green. Educational Psychology, 4 Mr. Keezel Ijingitnge Methods, Primary Mrs. Pratt. Heading Methods, Intermediate Miss House. Arithmetic, Advanced Miss Rush. Aswlnhly KxerHe. ft. IS-10: 1," Third Pvritxl 10:20-11:05 School Management, 2 Mr. Inlow. Drawing, Hardwork. 4 Miss Ragon. Music Methods, Primary 6 Miss ' McN'aughten. Number Methods, Primary Mrs. Tratt. language Methods, Intermediate ; Miss Houx. I History Methods, Adanced Miss I Rush. ! Fourth Peri.xl 11:05.11:.. Drawing. Handwork, 3 Miss Ra- gnn. -Mr. THE THOMAS SHOP El I 0 O 'IK r mm June Clearing Sale The June Clearing Sales to which to many women look forward are at hand. The same remarkable values which in former years have made clearing: sales Such op portune buying periods are again featured. To insure disposal well within the period of their eeasonableness each article has been repriced radical enough to make im mediate clearing inevitable. See Friday's ad for price list. Bert Lahadore and Mrs. Masenas r.nticaiionai rsycnoiogy, motoied to Adams today. : iveezel. .Mr. Burkman drove to Adams today. I Heading Methods, Primary' Mrs. I Pratt. Si: OM ANNUAL -I (East Oregonari Special.) ADAMS, June 25. Attempted rob herv on Wednesday night of the store of Mrs. Bertha Wembler, was prevent ed in time avoid loss. Several men were at the back door and in remov ing the heavy barr which fastens the door made some noise which awakened David Kembler, who sleeps at ' the store. David saw the flash of a flash lissht and immediately went to the hone and called his mother. Hear- (Contlnned from page 1.1 W. V. Green, superintendent I'ma tillii county schools Rural School Problems. i Miss O. Eldora Ragon Oregon Xor- I ma I School Ait. Miss Eugenia McN'aughten. music Supervisor, McMinnvillc, Oregon Music. Miss Virginia Hales, Oregon Nor mal School Physical Training. Miss Delia Rush, Principal Lincoln School, Pendleton Seventh and Eighth Grade Methods. Miss Kate L. Houx. Oregon Normal School Intermediate Methods. .Mrs. Clara Pratt, Supervisor Teach ers' Training, Crook County High school Primary Methods. The regular norma! school courses offered will he the same as are given at Monmouth, with the same credit allowed therefor. These will include physchology, school management, ru- I Arithmetic Intermediate Miss HoiiX. Grammar Methods, Advanced Miss Hush. .Voon Intermission. 1 1 :""-1 ::!0. Fifth Period, I :i0-2: 15 Pfycholoby, Klein., Mr. Keerel. Music. Fundamentals, 1 Miss Mc N'aughten. MisiClaneoits Methods, Primary Mrs. Pratt. Miscellaneous Methods, Intermedi ate MIsji Houx. Reading Methods, Advanced Miss Rush.. S xth Period. 2:20-3:0.-.. Advanced Physical Ed. Miss Hales. Drawing Fundamentals, 7 Miss Ragon. Music Methods, Pr., 2 Miss Mc Xn lighten. Educational Tests. " .Mr. Keezcl. Ketonth; Period, :t:0O..1:.V, Playground Games Miss Hales. Drawing Fundamental, 6 Miss Ragon. Educational Tests, fi Mr. Keezel. WE HAVE PURCHASED THE EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR Planet Sub Tires . t which are manufactured in Los Angeles, for both Uma tilla and Walla Walla counties. We absolutely guarantee to double your tire mileagre on any tire (new or old) ; also guarantee you against punctures and blowouts under all sort sof road conditions, for a cost of about 1-3 the price of a new casing. i Would be pleased to have everyone investigate with out obligation at our shop, 809 Garden street, next Wil lard Service Station. Jewett & Dimick Phone 486 Pendleton, Ore. ABOUT THIS TIME 0' YEAR We Have Just received a nice shipment of Rockers and Beds and prices in accordance with conditions. This means money saved if you need anything in this line. We also quote you a few prices below on articles we are selling every day as money savers. 8x10 . 8 ounce tents, only $11.00 8x10 10 ounce tents, only $12.50 Enameled Ware at 1-2 price 1920 market Galvanized Tubs at least 50 per cent off t Plain White Dishes, Cups and Saucers, set $2.00 Plain White Dithes, Plates, set $2.00 Lt't us do your repair work. Yours for Service Riley & Kemp ifuulHf Our Wnlt'liword Satisfaction Our Aim llilillPiE LOCK THE BAlKDOORjii jsS I rinn'f TTV. TTV 4 TV T """" A J Tel the UAiLlif AT LIBERTY HALL j TONTfiHT Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Oregonian Printing Department. Have you got your Auto malic Refrigerator yet? Test ed and approved by "Good Housekeeping Institute." 25 Per Ct. Off While They Last 25 Per Ct. Off ON ALL OUR TENTS 25 Per Ct Off While They Last 25 Per Ct. Off CRAWFORD F URNTURE fa "ill i ii 1 ' , ; 103 12. CODIW ST. I'novio 4 1 1 ' f ti Ki i 1 1 tli 4 it ' fn.W til I