TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OKEGON, SATULrAY EVE1TING, JUNE 25, 1021. page five . ' ' I ..II '. .I.,-,. .1 IMH.,1.. I. -,,....!,. I. - -. 1. People Here" and There R.I.R.R. Beauty THFRF IS i REASON1 Clifton A. 'IiII1Ih ur Klgln wiih here yt-Htrndny. ' Edylhe Hoyil here yenteriliiy. of Htpin' Hlioppeil Ray Pefforiilt' of Wiilla Wnllii Hprnt Frlriiiy In IVmlleton. J. 1,. Weitviir of KntrrpriHP Biiinit ypstenluy In Pmdlnion on IiiihIiichh. Hi'IIIiik nil klmlH of ini'irliamllNc Ih thn IjuhIiihhk of Martin MniliHon who whs here today on a IjiihIiii'Sh nilRslon. lie Ih proprietor of the gi'liiMul Htore Ot CayuHe. .Murriiif,'!' Uivn. (ranltl. A lli'i-iiHi- to w-l him licon Knitilod to Lee Julie, of m. Grand!-, a railroad man, and J.ela Ueeouiwy of Pendle ton, ' NEWS NOIES i OF PENDLETON ! MnliirlKt I'lnol. I U. 1). l.emley wiih lined $.1 tliU mor nlnif In jiollen court for hnvltur pnrked Ineorreetly. .'or drivliiff on a Hide walk C. V. Jirurher of pilot JiorU paid a fine, of $r. Major K. ftwartsslander, of the tlnui tllla Indian Afrenry, and nun, I.hw renre Swurtzlunder, left today liy unto for MIxhoiiIu, Monluna lo meet Mih. Swartzlander. Bhn in returning ufter an extended may at Devlin l,oke, North Dakota, where nlie waR failed by her father's death. Kl'GAIl TAKFH DKOP SAN FHANCIHCO, June sif,. ( L'. I .(--One of the larKent reflnerleH an noil need a deereiiKe of 1U cents In the price of wiKiir, lirlnKing it to f liitndredweiKht. I.llilil Ituin Wcilid A Hunt ruin would aid In filling thf hendH of the wheat, my fnrniern, who are hoping for June Hhoweid. A heavy rain would prohnhly do damage tint a little niolxturp would be moat welcome, nay w heat growers. ' vrrrcitAX si'cckkiw immnki,f (Continued from page 1.) i About tliiM time of year the weath er sort of "hru" up In rinatllla coun ty, which In very Rood tieraiiHR the (train fiehlH need il. However, thone who can do (to try to Knt away and bo Mr. and Mi'h. 1.. I,. Hotel's, their two duUKhtera, unil Mr. unci Mih. Harold P.urnett are motoring to Seunlde. The purty Ih reninleri cl ul Hie Imperial. Orciconlun. I; To be Kovnrnor of Oregon for u few days Ih an honor that rumwi to not every man.' Heniitor Hoy V. Itltner Is anions the few. He left last nlirht for fiulem where lie will lie the chief Mute executive diiilnx the time that Gover nor lien W. Olfolt Ih In t'uinp Lewis to nee the nation::! Board iinltn. The Pendleton man'H first icntminiitorliil duty prolmlily will he to prcHlde at a heurlntf In Huleiu on a ri'iiulxltlon from the governor of .!:iHHachii"i-tts for the extradition of Samuel Ki-irul, now in custody In Portland, und who Ih wanted In Uostoti on a non-support ehurrre. Inspector Harrison Ih here for 8!Kul, who will fithl extradition. FX-Pltl SUM N'T VISITS fOntT WASHINGTON, June li-V (A. P.) Houtlruw wilKon appinri'd In per Min In the chambers of Chief Justice .McCoy, District of Columbia supreme court' to be admitted to practice. e A .f.o-calibcr maciilne pun has been developud by the I'nited States army, caimble of firinit a bullet which, ut Jim yards, will penetrate one-Inch ar mor ptute. LewiK said there was no Ul-feellnK, no rancor In hlH mind. "I have used honorable methods. I w.-is not n Hearst candidate and know nothing of the trouble-between him and (iompcrs. I appreciate the proxresHive note of the convention, wiiTcii wuh indicated hy the vote tur mi: 1 am content with t ho vole. The convention will be concluded tonight with the last matters com ng up. They probably will complete their work eurly tomorrow. (iulliTlcK Were ii-owiliil. DKXVBIl, June 25. The vote wan taken amid a dramatic scene in tne auditorium. The Rallerles were pack- cd hy supporters of both factions. The floor of the hull was crowded with spectators. Delegates applauded every announce. I vote. This vvus the time tiompers had been strenu ously opposed since 1SH4, when Miner defeated hi iii for the presidency. liompeiH Is hack in the position for next year. iomiers' triuinpn is be lieved to he an Indorsement by labor representatives of his administration of cautious methods in preference to the swiftly movlnif methods of I.ewls The old leader could scarcely control his emotions. He was xlven a tre mendous ovation. The movement to ward (rompers assumed an appear ance of an avalanche, with 1-evvis and his own delepation badly split. Lewis ot only Iwo-thlrdH of the miners' vote. l ows Hiiu'er I roin Hand John Winn, McKay creek farmer, Is convalescing at St. Anthony's hospital after losing the middle finger of his lift hand while unloading a harrow recently. The finjeer was badly mi)Hh d and amputation was necessary. Mr. Winn lost his rlKht arm when a child four years of age and It was' feared that the recent accident might caime the loss of hlH other arm. He will leave the hospital on Monday. ' IT ; ' r Si:--' "2s; j. a ft . ft I;. Vlslls Walla Walla District ft. A. nottcher, aBslstunt I'matlUa forest BUpervi.ior, is in the Wenhaha division of the forest checking up on the fire flKhtliig equipment and re pairing telephone lines. C. I. Keitlily, recently transferred to the Walla Wal la section from Heppner, will Join him ' today. Two districts in the Heppner region have been consol'dated, and for this reason Mr. Keithly was transferred. R. Rail are holding' Miss Mae Helen na Been (elected to represent ituvn ones i feet 2 e weighs 10P and is fond ot dan. t and tennis. I. R. R. stands for Rock Island tvuaa. iou see. the rnllr,,i a beauty contest . Hllbrlck. Chlcar t: Claim ItnmJ Is Dangerous. Parties who have been over the highway between ftcho and Xolin re cently complain severely of the condi tion of the hlKhway between Xolin and Echo, in places the road is badly cut up and there is also much dimmer from the lack of fencing at the short curves. It has been suggested that ef fi rm be taken to get the subject he fore the highway commission with a view to correcting the troule. Sales for This Year Almost as Good as They Were in 1920 When New Record Was Made "We really see with the hack part of our brain and not with our eyes," NivH an eye specialist. Safe Willi far INFANTS & INVALIDS ASK FOR Horlick's PortnfaM.!nvll! n!OrowtniCh!Mri The Original Food-Drink For All Ages The Original Avoid Imitations ut Substitute. Rlchjltltx. Multf .1 Oroln Butract In Powder No Cooking-Nouruliinc Dlgellbl (iorfkle Huts Home. Max Gorfk'.e, proprietor of the Eastern Hide and Junk Co. on his re turn yesterday from a trip over the "astern part of the state where he has been on a buying tour closed a deal with H. K. Cook lor the purchase of a nice new residence ut 414 Garfield street. Mr. Corfkle will move his household poods here from Portland, and Pendhton will be his home in the future. Mrs. Corfkle has been here several weeks. Start the New Month Right With July at hand now is a good time to give the Table Supply a trial order. It will pay you to buy your groceries and meats from this clean, sanitary, cool store, where all perishable foods are kept under refrigeration. "THE TABLE SUPPLY Phone 187 Albors I-; in IWul Stah. That flenry Albers Is no longer con nected with the Albers tiros, milling ompnny Is stated by Frank Chandler, representative of the company who is here today. Mr. chandler says Al bers is completely retired from the business, is nearly blind and otherwise In bad health. Morris Thomson of Se attle is new bead of Albers Pros. In ill tin re are !IS stockholders in the company, asserts Mr. Chandler and a number of these men are overseas vi t erans, three having been in the Ar gonne campaign. 739 Main Street Pendleton CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietors i OREGON Theater STARTING MONDAY June 27 3 NIGHTS . MON.-TUES.-WED. ! BELIEVE ME YOU'LL LIKE THIS ONE AND DON'T FORGET THE DANCE .. AFTER THE SHOW Fred Sieel Stock Co. PRESENTS BELIEVE ME "Mobs" YOU'LL LAUGH, EEUEVE ME Would You Bet $20,000 That You Could Commit a Crime and Avoid Arrcit for Cue Year? See How Xantippe Dees It I'lsli Arc Tlirivliuf The million and a half fish recently I laced In the hatchery at Isinttham SprlnKs are thriving, s;iyn Marlon .lack who as a former member of the state Fish Commission was in charge of the placing of the cbiis at the springs. Be cause only half a million eggs were expected, the quarters were so small that some of the fish smothered. The cbks hatched almost immediately and the fish, says Mr. Jack, will be ready to feed in a. few days. In Movember. after the fail rains, the fish are to be transferred to ptreaniH in this county. The Pendleton Itod and Gun Club will co-operate in the work of distribution. Ivftgs from Klks Iake are to be trought to Hinghum also, Mr. Jack rays. Recent reports slate that Andrew Carnegie established 2.S11 libraries. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WORK WANTKD by one or two color ed pirls on chambermaids 1'hone .?13-il. LOST Ladies purse Friday ufternoon about "i between post office west on Altu to Aura, north to Court. Contain- ' coney und key. Reward. 324-J. One year after! On June It. 1 92H, after 1 1 months of night and day preparation which turn, cd a cabbage field into a group of buildings of concrete and steel, repre senting the largest Industrial plant of its kind anywhere tn the West, the first Coodyear tire 'was manufactured in the new Los Angeles factory of the Oonriypar Tire & Rubber Company of California. It was less than one year from the time ground was broken until Good year tire No. 1 came steaming from the iniilil for it is a fact that the rapid completion of the plant represented progress never before eipialled in this western territory. I No one your of actual production has J passed, and Goodyear tire Xo. 345,012 I has been seleeted from th'! production j of June 14. 1921 as a milestone marker (and W'ill lie on display in the Inhibi tion Mull "f til" Chamber of Commerce at Los An-'eles. In speaking of the extraordinary progress of the Goodyear factory dur ing its first year of existence, Mr. Slus ser. General Superintendent says, "Al the beginning the present factory was but a framework of brick and steel. 1'nt, In spite of the then existing short age of labor and material, and despite the handicap of a serious railroad tie i p. the work was rushed to completion with a surprising thoroughness and f-pecd. "'Actual production began on June II, 192'l, and from that date on, it bus never ceased. I'p to June 14, 1921, just one year later, 34,012 tires and 394.US6 tubes have been manufac trred in the California factory to mee; the demands of car manufactures, tire dealers, and car owners here In the west. "An average of 12",fl employes have been carried on the payroll during this, the first year of the factory's ex istence, to whom approximately $2, 3S2.3ul.74 have been paid in salaries and in wages. "The peak for tire production for the year Just passed was reached on June 4. V.I21, when 2ST1 tires wcr built. The peak for tube production was on September 4, 192H, when 3325 tubes were produced." Ill commenting on the work of the sales organization Mr. .1. R. Reilly, Pales Manager says, "Despite the fact that the lust year was an unusual one in the way of sales, in that sales Pi most lines were in excess of those to Cull ho had during normal times, we have this year. In the face of adverse con- Carpentier in Society i 5 te iis , jl "JT". it 3't-.S3il!T ' .vV u i . H Tin s f. j i i( - v it-v3 "riff i i k if ;? DSHX i CarpciUler.atUnJod a lociety garden rr:y at noslyn, L, I., slvn for C.c Tree Milk for Italy i'luid. The lad' vKa L;;a Ut Ur. Frank C. Uua teon, th IsiMteM. - - . . ., . 'Why You Cannot (n-t Our Bread from' ! u: .y (iH)i in Twi J They can all have It at any time. At 'the time of the fire the water tank on the oven was bursted, doing damage : to the oven, and has bothered ever Mlnco.hnl U'lll ttn nut In iiu,'l r,.n,li tion at once. We use the very best of materials In all our baking goods. Very little wa ter, mostly milk in our bread: plenty of sugar and shortening to make It the lest on earth. Ask for it demand it get It. Others are doing this. You can always get it hy phoning 122. True, we are not the largest bakery In the state, but henceforth our aim Is to be the. best. Our oven, 10x12 feet, holding over 3ii(l loaves at one filling, will bake just as good as if it were as large as the Pendleton Hotel, no better than a 22 Inch in the best range. Did you ever notice how nice a change Is once In a while? Every now and then I ftep out and buy a loaf of Harvest or one from Mr. Hohbach. Relieve me, I take them home and cat them. I fay they are both good. Couldn't get better if I went over 200 miles for it Did you ever stop to think what a nice deal Portland people get? Their Pa lters ship bread over 300 miles, pay from 3 to 3 1-2 cents a pound express on same and get no more at that point than they charge the'r home trade. Would they do you the same? I say they would. Your jrrociTj-man miilan the same oommlKsoii , our Ibnio: as on theirs. Demand ours. YVIicn you want to make a cluingn, do It between your homo bakeries. Try IU; UAXDY Next Tirno Oregon Bakery ' n r- -T c - - ' rU.12 . and ELLT EUCKLL3 With hot weather the coat has given way to the shirt brigade. A belt is a neces sity and every man appreciates a good belt, especially one with a sterling buckle. We have the good, dependable kind perma nent buckles in sterling, gold and silver plate. Our t.YOO belt anil buckle Is a wonder. An extra lieavy sterling buckle nnd the best of katlier. vemelev The Largest Diamond Dealers In Eastern reen '1 tt 1 iL , 1 t timet r I HI 320 E. Court Phone 122 (iltions, brought our sales along stead ily, and now, at the close of our first year of actual manufacturing here on the coast, we find that we are not very far behind our sales for one year r,g. "Sales for last year amounted to approximately a little over $15,000, 000,000 or an average of over $1,000, 000 per month. "This year, so far, nnr sales have averaged very close to $1,000,000 a month. "As the automotive industry as- j sumes a better tone we are doing everything possible to foster a new and better kind of tire dealer for the future." You can hrdly realize the wonderful im provement to your skin and complexion your ' mirror will rrwul tn vnil ' IffiXvl 6'cr "siogGouraud'sOtiental rzrV ! Cream for the first lime. Stmt I Sc. tar rrlal SUt FERD. T. HOPKINS & SON New York J'iu C?T Almost 1 - Unbelievable i I Pay Cash Receive More Pay Leas f Despain&Lee Cash Grocery X J09 E. Court Phone 880 A Penney Saved We welcome a comparison of prices. Then you'll Iknow that you are getting a hundred cents (plus) in lvalue for every dollar you spend here. Not only do iwe sell on the closert possible margin of profit, but we are always on the alert to purchase to the best ad vantage. You will find your grocery bills consider ably reduced by paying cash at this store. X . I Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 09 E. Court Phone 880 BUYING MOST WE BUY FOR LESS 34.75 SELLING MOST WE SELL FOR LESS Your Suit Fine Navy Blue Serge Is Here m II. i ' - i i. . t ' 7 A 'Incorporated W iW 312 DEPARTMENT STORES You Pay Yourself a Profit Buying Your Serge Suit Now THAT) Blue Serge Suit, you've promised yourself why not buy it now while the selection is the best, the sizes complete, the values unquestionable? This is one of the biggest Blue Serge seasons in Men's wear and the J. C. PENNEY COMPANY has concen trated its great buying power on the best in the markets. That's why we can assure you of Better Fabrics, Better Tailoring, Better Fitting . Suits than you can find anywhere else for the money. lvtMiicniluT lVndlelon Chautauqua July lOlh to 16tli.