East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 25, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    V ( If- . . (, (I J j1(, y.4. ,
"i i t i 1 ; . ? s ' ' ' ' ". v ' ' ' ' ' ' . "','" ... -. ,. . .. ,. , ,. ..
Exiled Russians Would Return '
to Their Country if America
Will Advance Them Capital.
American banking groups: It will need,
American brains ami energy and or
ganizing ithiltty.
Meanwhile, if Americans will sot
Tlf TTVTCTl?r DPTVrr l T TVT",, ",,,ir llllm,s to " intensive study of
llllllul Jlill i LilL VT. LiVUrr j Russian problems and Russian psy- j
g lehulogy, wc Bliall lie able in the future!
loavom inucn waste motion, inucn lossj
Hit in Tropic's m
News which I received from the In-1 of time nmi effort.
The whole world
I ,'fior ft -1J Itucitl fa AHAAtn.nivt.in Tl. I , L- I
Former Prime Minister of Russia,
(Written Especially for International
News Service.)
PARIS. June 25. I believe that the
situation In Russia is now rapidly
clearing and that the time .'s not far
distant when we Russians shall see our
Vast country again at work, helping in
the reorganization of the world. Thou
sands of Russians everywhere, exiles,
a wall as those at home, are bonding
all their energies to a single end, with
out regard for political creed. We all
realize, 1 think, that at a time as por-i
tentious as this, all haggling over dif-J
Terences of politics must cease If we do
not rlsh to obscure our dim. It is a
time when the world needs Russia and
when Russia needs the world.
, ing men everyw here are doing their
utmost. In many cases, no doubt,
their real is a poor guide for their ef
forts, but there is encouragement in
the fact that at least they nil are try
ing for the achievement of the same
ends. The result will surely be Bond.
RiLvsiu X-ds Anx-rUim Money.
My message to Americans at the
present moment is to urge them to
study Russia, to get better acquainted
with Its possibilities, to cherish the
friendship wklch already exist be
tween the two peoples, to continue the
bonds of sympathy and faith and good
will. The friendship and kindly inter
est of America Is in "Itself a great en
couragement to us. May that friend
ship continue and grow:
Then, when the time comes as
come it will ere long wo shall count
on America to help gloriously, as she
has always helped those who struggle
valiantly for the right. The new Rus
sia will need many things from Am
erica it will need grcnt gifts of char
ity: it will need the utmost credits of
Old Settlers Attention
Persons named below, if living, or heirs if deceased, will find it to their
advantage to communicate at once with Major Lee Moorhouse, Pendleton, j throughout Europe
from a long Illness, and each national-1
ity fefls the weakness of the long,
struggle. We must all put our shout-'
dors to the wheel If w e wish n speedy
and thorough recovery. To move that
wheel will require enormous effort.
and the help that Russia can give isi
no small Item. I
ltiisxlnns Have Virtues. j
study the Russian character and i
you will learn to love the Russian. He'
has his faults, hut he has great virtues
as well. And they are the faults and!
virtues of a virile race which seeks and
is worthy of your friendship and ho,lp.
Our relief organization is a continii-l
ation of a movement started early In
the war to aid our soldiers. The or
ganization now embraces all the lead
frs among the two million Russian
refugees w ho are scattered throughout
Kurope We do not concern ourselves j
with politics, for we are composed of
men of all parties and all schools of'
political thought. Our committee Is'
composed of thirty members, half of
them living In Paris the rest In Lon
don and in the Palkans. They in
clude constitutional democrats, social
revolutionaries, socialist populists.
Mensheviks and many other croups
We are joined together with one
t nought to help Russ'a through the
preserving and succoring of the miser
able emigres who are now scattered
I Y! Si
i- j " n ;;
''i ft
3e 1 '
' I,, ts
I'5. V- , -'I - l , U , V ' !
Oregon, Information desired as to addresses: i
Anderson, Louis F., Rftltizore, Ed- cobson, Abe, Johnson, Eric, Johnson,
win E.. Booscr. Geo. F.. Burns. Thos. I James K.. Johnson, John J. Johnson.
V., Cantrcll, Edgar, Carpenter, Ho
mer V., Carroll. Rosa, Carroll. Wm. J.,
Citughey, Louis B., Chapman. Chas. A.,
Chambers. Robt. I... Chambers. Robt.
VV.t Charlton. Tep A., Cheney, Lemuel
VV., Combes, James E., Crowner, Mrs.
Mary S., Ia1d. Edith M., Dumbeck,
Chas,, Duncan, John W.. Esterbrooks.
Elisha G., Fisher, John, Fitz, Robert,
Korbts, Fred'k L., Garoutte, Geo. F.,
JIackett. Thos. L.. Hall, Beriah B
Haney, Harry M., Haney, Iero" S.,
Hicks, Wm. A.. Hughes James J.,
Huntington, Hattie L.. Johnson. Axel
K., Jones, Wm. H., Jordan. Samuel.
Keppinger, John, Knapp, Henry, Love
Samuel W., McCarthy, Wm., McFar
land. Edw B., Marshall, Edwin P..
Meredith, Dotson H., Misner, J3H F
Nelson. Thos. T., Peiser, Samuel.
Perry. James O., Porter, Archy E.,
Porter, Robert E., Powell, Calvin R..
Rehnke. Albert I., Ryan, Lucy, Salis
bury. Roy. Serell. Otto W.. Smith,
Julius, Stark, Edw. H., Stickler, Chas.
H., Stickler, .Emanuel, Stickler, Fred.
Taft, Louis, Vaughn, H. C. Vogal
Lvdia A.. Wade, Wm. N., Warren.
Merritt L.. Wildman, Frank, Wisdom.
Albert B., Whiteford, Wm. F., Woody,
George P.. Wood, James M., Mc-Carthj-,
Maggie R O'Rourke, Michael,
Mansfield, Geo. T., Koeppen, Herman
O.. Wisdom, Elmore U. G., Coffin,
Geo. A., Thomson, Archibald D., Ad
cock, Edward G.. Albay, Wm. G.,
Ashley. Wm. J., Austin. -Henry J.. Al
len, Lena M., Bull. Carlton E.. Bur
den, Wm., Buroker, Wm. H., Buzan,
Ira, Basking. Wm., Bills, Hiram G.,
Brown, Joseph W., Mrown, Wm. M.
Bailey, Jacob, Bainbridge, Benj.,
Baird, John R., Baird, Thos. L., Baker,
Barton, Basye. Thos. H., Bateman, A
G.. Beagle. Wm. M., Bealc. Francis J.,
Beekman. John, Bennett, 11a K., Ben
nett, John D., Berry, Ira W., Black
Charles, Blair. Emma C. Blake,
Frank G., Bohn. Daniel W., Boon.
Elizabeth A., Eorden, Alfred J., Borst.
John F., Boyd, Jefferson M., Boyer,
Eugene H.. Brock, Green W..
Broughton, Thos. Brown,, James E.,
Brown. Martha E., Brown, Robert A.,
Bryan, Andrew C, Calloway, Alfred,
Calvert, George, Campbell, George, W.,
Campbell, Mary, Campbell, Omar M.,
Caplinger, Sam1 R. Caplinger. John,
Carmichael, Geo.. Caniell, Patrick A.,
Carncll, Wm. P., Carroll, John, Caron,
Joseph, Cart, John, Cheley, Oliver.
Childers, Vlonzo W., Childers, Spencer,
Chrisinger. Robt., Chrieman, Chas.,
Chrisman, Wm. K.. Chrissinger, Itubt.
M., Christ'ansoa. Anna. Church, Man
uel G-, Clark, George B., Clark, Phil
lip. Clark, Richard ' Cleghorn,
John E. Coe, Samuel R., Coffin,
George A., Coffins, George A
Collins. Henry i.- Conrady, Imbert L.
Cotton, Wm. L., Costcllo, Thos. B., Cox
John L., Cox, Josiah P.. Coy. George
W.. Coyle, Jerome I!., Crawford, Geo.
A., Crawford, W. S., Crews. Wrenney
E., Crowell, Sani'l A., Crye, Wm.. Culp.
Adam D.. Custer, Josiah, Custer,
John. Clark, Marshall, Clow, Belle,
Irs., Coffey, Alex L.. Cox. Horace M
Craft, Steward C, Damares. Amos U,
lavis. DeliKnn, Davis. Thomas O.,
Iavis! Wm. R.. Davis, Wm. T.f Day.
Wm., Day, Wm. A., Delevan, Jas. S..
De.pnis, John C Derrick, Jesse C
Devine, John, Dewar. James M., Dial,
Wm. Arberry. Dodge. Isaac N., Dona
hue, Thomas, Donally. Andrew M.,
ionc. Frank A.. Doty. David K.,
Dougherty, Jos. T., Douglasa. James
Douglass. Robt., Dtwd, John X.,j
Downing. James T.. Dugan. John,
Dupont, Frank, Daniel, Geo. R. O.
Inckey, John S., Downing, J. W., Ends.
J.;nt.ls, Eastman, Thos. V., Egan, Wm.
P., Elgin, Jame Ely. Charles. Espe
lund. John C. Evans, George W
Farrow, Emmett W., Ferguson, J. F.,
Kiniey, Alex .K., Fitzgerald. Vm
FoHter. ' Tilman. Frakea, Joel T.,
Frasucr, Krauk, Fraser. John, Freder
iekson. Geo. L-, rulh r. Chas. W Ko
!. Charles, Gage, Alex., Galluher.
Jaii J. Galvin. Andrew Darbcr, Joseph,
Garvey. Peter, Gerklng, John E. L..
Gilbert, Isaa: W.. Gilchrist, T). It.,
Glnlvil, Charles. Goriser, Edward A.
Gordon, Jame Gordon. Wm.. Grant
.1-,,,,.- i:rv. NMdiolas Gray. Wm. C.,
Greer. Jose.h. Griggs. Wm. H Gris
wold, Charles H., Grinwold. Henry
Gonscr, Kdwurd D.. Holleinann, Fred
crlrk. Hupann, Ellaibeth. Horgan,
I'atri. k, Hoult, Wm.. Howard. Frank,
JUnna Frank r., Harris, George W.,
Jllltun. Frank W., Hager, Amun, Hal
dernwn. Wade. Hale. John C, Jiale.
John V.. Haiiiilton. lewis W., Hardts
ty. kumii . llardwlck, .lani.-s M ,
. Hn, Newton V."., Hurrah, Harford,
lluitinnn, Jacob, Huyward, Alonr.o J.,
Hea!r. AoUraw J., Heirs. J--ob K..
Held. JUKloa, Henderson. Win. B-
lleiidrlotss. Alfred H., Hendris. George, Isaac
Hemv l C. HetiKon, Iwl M . Hess vm
HaraH N'.
Willard B.. Joiner, Seaborn M.. Jones,
Wiam F., Jones, John. Jones. Marvin
F Jones, Wm. R., Jayne, Daniel R.
Jones. John, Jones, Richard A., Jun
kin, Sam'l M., Jones, Solon S.. Kanp
Dan'l W., Keefer, Eugene. Keene,
Charles A., Keeney, John H., Kees,
Andrew, Kees. Lucy E.. Keeler. Mary,
Kester, Jas. P.. King, Alfred T., Kirk,
Daniel, Kirk. Daniel J.. Kirk, Win.,
Kirkland, Ale. P.. Kline. Geo. A..
Koal, John. Koenker, Henri.
Kremer, Wm. F. Kees. Luoy.
E.. Kilpatrick, William J., Lalng,
John, I-iof ield, T. H., Litrken,
Wm., Lawrence, Joel, Lawson, John,
Leasure, John C, Leighton. Geo. v..
Lemon, Wm: A., Lunsford, Walker B
Lennox, Jeremiah, Lent. Fred F.,
Lewis.'J. V., Lindsey, Joseph B., Line,
Welcome H., Lockwood, Franklin, M
Long, Andrew J Ivnch, Cornelius A.,
Lisle, Samuel J., Miller, John W Mil
ler, Joseph H., Minard.f Frederick,
Mock, John F., Milsop, Wm. J., Moore,
Asa A., Morgan. Bidler, Morris, Jos
eph, Mumford, Clinton W Murphy,
John D., Murray,' Daniel, Myers, Frank
A., Myers, John G., McC'onnell, E
Jene, Marsh, Cephas D., Morton, John,
Mullen, Samuel M., Murphy, Charles
W., McBride, John G., McClure, John
P., McColl, Gregory P., McCollum,
John, McConnell, Jas. G., McConncell,
Thos. P., McConnell, Wm. B., McDon
ald, Angus, McConald, Peter R., Mc
Ewen, Andrew B., McEvoy, Patrick H
McFarland, James, McGrew, Cornelius
A. , McKenhie, Alex., McLaughlin,
John, McLean, John H., McMannin,
Andrew J., McMurray, Lucretia, Mar
tin, John, Martin, Laura B., Maynard,
las. H., Meehling, Aithlon W., Merrill,
B. J., Merrill, Byron J Michels, John,
Metzger W. M Miller, Henry, Nelson,
Edwin A., Newman, Frank A, Nichol
as, Junkin, Nicholson, Norman, Nye,
Adam W., O'Harra, Dalles O., Oliver,
Robt. L., Overton, Edward A., Own
bey, Jefferson, O'Neill, Patrick,
Palmer, Alfred C Palmer, Franklin,
Palmer, Edgar D., Palmer, John, Pal
mer, Wesley, Parker, Aaron F., Pr.r
ker, Geo. W., Parker, Harry F., Par
rish, Louisa E., Patchen. Robert,
Payne, Thomas I., Peck, Ebcnezer M.,
Perlnger, Jasper, Perkins, Newell M.,
Pennington, Wm. A., Perringcr. John
W., Perry, John F., Phillips, Samuel
E.. Pitner, Thomas A., Post, J. B
Powell, Cyrus, Powell. John L.. Powell,
Thomas H., Price, Jemes D., Pugh,
Thomas W., Qufts, Robert P., Rags
dale, Theron 1... Raymond, Raphael,
Iteaney. Thomas, Rees, George W..
Reith, Jacob, Renick, Wm. R., Rice,
Rosaloo A., Rich, ChrlKtian, Richards,
Elizabeth; Richards, Jos. M., Richard
son, Eugene W., Richardson, John,
Richardson, O. J.. Richardson, Thos.,
Riefel, Jacob Ricth, Eugene, Riggs,
Charles, Roberts, Dexter, Rogers, Min
ton M., Rohwer, George, Roper, Wm.
SV., Rose, Wm., Russell, Henry.. Rus
sell, Sims, Russell, Timothy, Rector,
William. Reese, Walter L., Sams, Na
than, Halade, Frederick, Saling, Jess?
K., Salisbutg, Harold, Sanders, Charles
L., SttWtelle, George W., Hayre, Nohlc
F Scales, John I. Scott, Slith A.,
years, Joseph, Selling, Amelia, Ketzer,
Hellar A., Shannon, Frank, Shumakcr,
Frank, Sherwood. Wm. F. Shell, L J.,
Sielverter, Alfred, Smith, David K.,
Smith, George, Smith, John H., Smith,
John S., Simpson, Invid B., Smith.
Wyle C, Smythe, J'w. H-, South, Fre
mont. Snahr. Samual K.. Spair, Ellhur
K., Speer, .Maria, Spencc, Archibald.
Slahl. Thos. C, Stamper, Jesse L,
Stamper Wm. If.. Staley. W. S., Stan
field, Robt. A., Stanton, Bulford, Still,
Alexander, .Still, James, Stinnett, Reu
ben. Stockwell, Alex. W., Stonebraker,
Isaac, Storie. Wm., Stover, Henry,
Struve, Hans, Sundgren, John. Sutton,
Joseph. Swaggart, Benj. F., Sweager,
Jas., W Sweaer, Jas. W., Sylvester,
Isaac, Schwab, Peter, Sloan, James B.,
Starkweather, Therese M., Swezea,
James W., Taylor. Wm. If., Tedrow,
Rachael, Terry, John H.. Thomson Jas.
('., Thorougliman, Aaron U, Thrasher.
Hurley B , Tilman, Albert G., Tinaley,
Elmer C Trihble, Geo. W., Turner,
Kmma J., Turner, Wm. J., Tustin, Fred
Page, Tyson, Charles, Vanckave, John
H Van Cunliinshain, Elijah, Van
Winkle, Jason S., aughn, m. 1-.
Vest, John, Vincent, F. D-, Vincent,
Fred W., Vogal. Iwiu A.. Wolfer,
Charles, Wood, Albert C, Woodward.
Moses W., Wright. Wm. T., Wyrick,
Elizabeth F Wllmoth, Randolph T.,
Walker, Joseph A., Ward, Mrs. Har
riet, E., Webb, Geo. W., Waddle, Geo
W Walden, John Waldon, Jas. P
Wulker, Alex., Walker, 1-fayette A.
Walker, Hold.. Walla' e, Evan A, Wall
man, Eva '.. Ward, Mary K. Warren
llenr E., Warren, Win. O., Weaver.
JiunnM H W-bb, Arthur G., Webb
Maltland It., Webster. Vulua, Welch
B., West fa 1 1. Frank, Weatfall,
Weston, Martin I., Wheelan,
Miss Frieda Bethlg, of Chicago, is
tlnilling Central Amenenn audiences
on her second violin tour. Clitics
there proclaim her as one. of Amer
ica's greatest.
I . ' AND
"e have been watching events In
Petrograd and have been hoping thati
some opportunity would come that!
would enable us to help the thousands
that are suffering from hunger and!
disease and privation thorp. Our re-!
sources are limited but we are ready
to go with help and counsel wherever
we can do good and whenever the ne.
cesslty arises. No one can predlc'
when that will he, but we are organized
so that we can do emergency relief in
stantly. We have been taking care of
refugees in Europe for so long a time
that we can cope intelligently with
anv new problem . I
Most of the refugees wish to return I
fo Russia. They will do so with the
iirst opportunity and with one idea 1
only to help build up t'herr country in I
H. 1 x ...
me ofsi hou most emcacious way
which offers.
Want Oipitnl and Advico.
Perhans the greatest problem which
the outside world must solve is the ev
act method which shall be used in
helping Russia. The Russian psv
Chologv is perhaps a little In'r'eate.
and only Russians can deal v!th it sue-
-The annual
At the start of the motoring season you are enabled
to purchased the best tires at an enormous saving.
Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co.
305 E. Court St.
Wholesale and Retail.
WM. DUNN, Myr.
(East Oregonlan
school meeting at rmnp'ne was at-
tended by about thirty patrons of the
district. Ed Hoon was re-elected clerk
for another term w hile It. K. Bean was
also unanimously rv-elected director j
for a three year term. Expenses for i
the school year were about $ 16,oi0 In-
eluding teachers salaries. The annual;
budsret was not voted upon as the new i
school law provides this be done lit a!?n
separate meeting.
On Sunday June 1 ;i a baby girl was ' " "
born to Mr. and .Mrs. Waldo Rerords I hospital at Walla Walla this week as Terence in session In the Moscow dls
and also on the same date a baby girl i the result of a accident last Friday.' trict riJrlug this past week. They are
Phone 135
Cessfully nnd efficiently
A certa'n i
freedom must be accorded to Russians '
to administer the capital which will be I
Invested in Russia by other national!-1
tiei. ' !
rtursia Is normally the world s great
est nrodueer of fnorlstoffs and raw ma
terials. She is also the world's most
important consumer of manufactured
goods and a potential market with un
limited possibilities.
The new Russia, which. I believe will
come Into being very soon will under
take a strong economic advance almost
Irrlmrdlately. The new Russia v.!M
aim to develop ts farm'ng possibili
ties at once, and for that It will need a
whole new equipment of farming ma
chinery. Much of this will be manu
factured in Russia, and Russia will
nrnvide the engineers and worVers.
asking only for advice and capital
from abroad.
The things which New Russia will
need for her economic reconstruction
will come mainly from America, or
from Germany. But all Russians
would prefer Aerican goods nnd Amer
ican co-operation. The American gov
ernment is the model for the govern
ments of all the new repuhlios of the
world and it becomes thereby whether
or not it wishes, a sort of godfather to
these new republics.
was born to .Mr. and Mrs. David ' Thursday evening she attended the
Sprasiie. commencement at Walla Walla hlith
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Phillppl and U.nd was returning to the home of Mr.
Mrs. Scott were visitors last weelt with and Mrs. Roy Framer at NVhltpiai)
Mr. and Mrs. Jod Kelly at I'lescott! when the horse she was riding started
and also spent Sunday with Mr. and to run. She held on plucklly until
WASHINGTON, June :T,. (A. P.i
A total of 414,067.440 was carried
by the naval bill finally completed by
congress conferees; an increase of
SIS, noe, oiir over the original house appropriations.
I'p to 1930 the approximate value
of property owned by railroad com
panies in the I'nited States was ?!!),-000.000.000.
Mrs. Jim Oliver at that plaea.
Hazel Loraine and I'harlie Saunders
v.rp spending a vacation with their
grandmother Mrs. A. (',. Winn on her
ranch on the Weston hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Montgomery
are home again after a winter spent at
Corvallis. Mr. Montgomery was at
tending (. A. C. at that place.
Mr. Alkinsnn and wife direct from
their hoiiK1 in Missouri move tills cem
inij week onto the twenty acre alfalfa
ranch recently sold hy .lay Wilson.
They have relatives in Walla Walla.
tin Wednesday last, Mrs. Ii. .-'aunu-ers,
who Is head of the canning club at
Vniaplne met at the home of Mrs. 1).
J K'"V and demonstrated to a class of
Ix the canning of strawberries and
ecas. 'lilt woik is aono by the girls i
and another lesson comes this week, j
canning cherries and berries. The
girls attending this week were Hazel
Saunders. Clytle Phillips, Vrlma !
Weathers, Margaret Kirk, Margaret '
Hodges nnd Mildred Records. I
Miss Kelly, Red Cross secretary of i
Pendleton visited one day last week :
with Mrs. Carpenter nnd Mrs. Kirk. i
Ralph anil Ja'il Jones. Willie Dixon ,'
and Evans Kirk are camping this week j
up the Walla. Walla river above the
darn. "
Mrs. Del Valle and son Danny and
her niece Greta Greer of Portland nr- .
rived Sunday night and will visit with !
Mrs. 7d Valles' parents Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Wilfley.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. M. Saunders attend
ed the wedding of Mrs. Sounder
brother, George Winn of Weston on
Wednesday evening in Walla Walla
when he was married to Miss Anna
Peyton Compton.
Mary Howagor. who lives with Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Kirk of Milton, is In the
returning to I'mapine this week. j
Many are planning on attending the i
Grange picnic which is scheduled to I
take placo at the power plant up the 1
Walla Walla river on this Friday.
On Julv first the mango will hold
he became dizzy when she was ... en meeting and all hay growers
thrown und dragged some, distance. , ,tl r,imniiinitv are Invited to at-
For two days she was unconscious but j ti nd. Fred Rennb.n. county ai ent wl'l
is now recovering. The injury was D(. j,,.,lt lui,ross the meetii,
mostly shock but when she was thrown ttl,(1 ,,,n growers of the co-ope-
she struck on nor head. I ,..,tiv union of hav men in other pints
nn Sunduv Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Jones where hi ihey nil pull together for
nerved a most deli'otis chicken din-I bette,- prices on their product. A larri
ner to a few friends. Those enjoying' gathering Is expected.
tho dav were Mr. nnd Mrs. T. . (iooil-I Jens Thlrkildsen 'who w burned
man, Mr. and Mrs. I.nne Hoou. Mr. I last week when the ammonia lank at
nnd Mrs. R. K. Roan nnd Mr. and Mrs. j the creamery exploded, Is s iffeiin
Dan Kirk. tlrs we. Intensely from his burns.
A weddlmr of Interest to t'manlna, Mi. Tberkilds. n is alive today owtws
J. D. Hurrah left .Sunday for a sum
mer short course at Willamette i'nl
versity. Miss lUbbs and Miss Franl.s
are leaving this week for tho tumc Institution.
people occurred on Wednesday at high
noon in Colfax Wash., when Rev. Fir
man Kcnnoyer, pastor of the fnlted
l.rethren church at I'mapine wns unit
ed in marriage to Miss Ida Huey a
Dayton girl. The couple spent their
honeymoon attending th I'. H. con-
t'NIVniiSITY OF ORK'ioX. F.ur
gene. June 2". Knrollment for Hit;
summer term of the I'nlvtrsUy of
Oregon, which opened today, will be,
40 per cent greater than last year, ac
cording to early reports from the reg
isirnr s office. Although ' complete,
figures will not lie available. for tev:
erul days, it is expected that the en-
.oiioiriii this summer win e.xceei
! 3ii0.
To facilitate movements of new
'students on the campus, the buildings
have been placarded nun ineir names
I Information tablets have neon
placed In the administration bnlluin
to the blast striking him on tile chest ,
, ..... Ul.. r I. .1.11.,.. I,l l.rnnlh ,IO
KIHI ll.'l urn t.i.r. ui'.'ii.ih ....
and running for oper. air saved his life
Hist week, l lie DiiniH lire 'immer ins- newlv-comnle
I" bed I nider ' ' y , . . .,
a;ed resilience, in ..c.,.8
chest. He Is not
(he doctors care.
Mr. Therkildsen
manager at the creamery.
Albert i: . Hes.
i:ir W.. Hmlt.
.low rb 11.. Hlronlmon. Jfarhartah W..
Hl.t.lel, rel. Ilodgell. .lollpll II..
HoldridEe liouel V., Irving, ivlward
It. &-, Cliarlei. II., IivUie. John 11., I
,j4va, AMM-H's, iS ' lVltr.vr Ja-
lle wltt. Jan, ps, Wrighlman, Winomla A.,
Hilton, j While, Andrew J., White, Napoleon,
Wlekeri-bani, Iminr X., Willlanifc.
.lame.-. II.. W1IH..0 is. J .!. i;.. Williams
Win. II.. WilliiiiiiKon. Waller T.:. Wil
lis, Maiinen, Voakiim, D. J, Ylung,
t i xyY. j
V w'a. II ' 4
I - 1 .
9 1
!.. I'l-I 1 '.11 . i 'llll.
W hal s b. ttir than a four-leaf clow
Helen fjreeiiwald of W ashlngti ii. Sli '.'
to Wild W (He WhlH House., ......
to send pre
p.rklll' ti.e.lc
' a.d.a
A good iuc
conies to CuiiUtauMiia with a
the froz'.n'Noith. Tills story
eel ure event in
I'amour 'Arctic explorer and discoverer of "the blond Ksklnio." He
i,.t.nl.lA lIlMStnilpfl l..rtiire on tils nmirr vriirs of exolortltloll work in
t..u i.n n,.,.ii,r ,1,.,. r row.lK I liionebout the l-rent cities of the country than any
recent years.
Xoted American writer and eorre,p,n,.,., who mak-s .""'""'i;'" t,X
mer berore l-lllson-w line nuoienees. la- ia.iane is on.- . ... -
Kvening Post. Colliers', and many of the leading nutioiiul niagaz Ho Is ruled as out o.
public speukers in the country.
. , i rpni
An orchostm from Centril Europe that is entirely uni-iuc upon the Aim.i " - i.;IUJlern cn-
I'lrst western i;iianian-iua mm- r ''' '",' r V , , ,,i,.e,, ,ioi.f for generations.
gagctnents. Thry play various sizes of the tambui lcii. their' household tnWtumoMt foi gtijtrat o
Seven Days Filled With Splendid Attractions
j A Big Play Production!
Official fiuuW-of the Orplieiis Club of I.o AngeleH, winners ol the first prim fur ma
at the Panama-Paeifl.. Kxiiosltlon. The Orpheus Four Is acclaimed by innslcal eril es to be
best. If not the best, male .piartot ill the I nlled Slates. Two conceits on the iiiuu .ia.
male ehoiusos
one of the
An organizalion created and coached by Tlinrlow ' l.lctlnince, ni.te.r An.V, li ah' b.Tl..or unci nii-
of the riliest ;:llllgnfl ore nesi rtis in llif iiiui.i.-i
Two conceits on the last day. ,
thorlty on Indian music, mu
son, Chlcugo cordralto, soloist.
Adults, $2.72; Students, $1.50; Child's, $1.00.
No War Tax.
lv it 'i-'" I.
I... ..I..
r vv IV t ii 1
to 16