East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 25, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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' DAILY EDITION 1 SL , "'TT'M '"" """X ' " ""
by the Audi, Kure.u of Circulations. J ( dJSmi g tfffSljjS S
lh Kurt Orsfonlsn Is tern Ori
son's irritMt newspsper nd mm
log force lee to the sdrsrtlsor 0?r
twice the ;nrnted pid circulation
In Pendleton and Umatilla, couai? t
nf other newspaper.
NO. 9862
VOL 33
Reprimand for His London
Speech Regarded as a Closed
Incident by Naval Official.
Admiral's Demeanor as He Em
erged Left Impression
Conference Was ' Cordial.
WASHINGTON. June 25. (A. I..
Bradford, I". P. Staff Correspondent)
That 8lmB regards Secretary nf
Ihe Navy'H reprimand um u cloned In
cident, In Indicated today. Mix friends
described IiIb emotion an follows: (I)
He has no intention of resigning from
the navy; (2) Ho 1b not bothered by
the reprimand, nor does- lie feel
"squelched": (3) He In Horry he em
barrassed the administration, but
holds the name opinions regarding
Great iiritnin and Minn Fein, us he
stated in his speech. Sims resumed
his station as president of the nnvul
Wur college at .Newport, Ii. I.
Took StliiK From Reprimand.
WAHHINCITON. June 25. (A. I.
Rradford, 1". I". Staff Wre spondent )
The president's conference with Ad
miral Sims Immedinlf ly ufter the of
ficer had received a reprimand pub
licly from wrlur of the nnvy
Tor his Ixmdon "Jackass" speech. Is
believed to have tuken some of the
NtltiR from tli reprimand. There is
no offirial authorisation for such un
assertion, but the admiral's demeanor I
as he emerged from the while house
lent the Impression the conference had
been cordial depiln his official naval
ASTORIA. June 25.- (P. P.)
Johnny Angberg, seven years of age,
plunged Into a creek and saved Kllza
beth Nortdlnnd, his 12 year old play
male, from drowning. After saving
the girl the boy called an adult to help
resuscitate the girl.
the work or opening it to traffic con- lne "'" ' "'' lo lm" """""
SACRAMENTO. June 25. (U. P.),sists in repairs to the approach. Thel"u,ll""K h:,s ,ef,n 1!"i"""' ''V Hie ac-
A man's head, wrapped in an over- j county has the cooperation of indiv'.d- I lne cm.pernt on of the Pendleton
..-.ui ml enclosed within a valise, has ' ni.ls who are onntrlhnihur iheir b, hor 'oinnie: via I Assis-iation. Several cars
been discovered in a canal by flshcr
man. Several articles of clothing
were also contained In the package.
The sheriffs office and coroner have
been notified.
RIVERSIDE, Calif., June 25. ( V.
P.) One more false start has been
added, to the list of unsuccessful at
tempts by aviator Davis and Springer
to get away on a non-stop transcon
tinental flight. After three postpone
ments for various causes, the big
Clottdster plans hopped off (his mnrn
Itilf. only to be forced hack for an un
announced reason. The flight has
been postponed until tomorrow.
PAN' ANTONIO, June Sft. (A. P.)
A Mexican Tlty dispatch says th-'
Pablo C.oniales and "o men, crossed
Into .Mexico near Lareuo anu thai loo
Ohregon garrison si Lamuaros has re
olted and burned several bridges.
WROWN8VII.LH, JutK. 25. (P. P.)
Linn county nlonceis closed their
successful teunion with splendid
program tncliHlIng- singing, addresses,
music, picnic, airplane rides and base-
ball. A. X. Templeton was re-elected
Here's how a k!ir
laugh the king
v. .'
Y'-"'"" ! T"i T i 'ii ,im wilMpw SBJil 'W
vn ' i,H
W " -
U f.: ,.zt l' i ' ';
V. V;. J - j'.dh
jinr iii in e njiciiimr m mi. lien i'r;ingle flub In Uindon. It amused
iliieen, too. ,
MINERS AND OWNERS,"1" "oi1 hmiding h, jn teach-
; p jers from all over the eastern part of
LONDON, June :,. fA. P.I The I lh UiXe :'"d flTm "'any other state
xtriklnir coal miners and mlneowners wl" ' "'P'steie.I fur the six weeks of
have accepted the Invitation of Lloyd- I iiu truct ion that will he concluded Ati
George to confer with him Mnn('iv, to ;'
try to reach a settlement of the cnr,l j -Monday will be devoted to registra
Mrike whic h b:is been in nn,crM rtnr. : tir.tl which Will be done between tile
ir.K the three months.
Improvements on the Mission bridge
on the Indian reservation across ti c
I'mntilla river, which has been out of
commission for some time, is being
made now by the county.
High waters recently washed out
the south approach to the br dge, and
land teams In the work.
The national government paid two-
I thirds of the cost of Initial construe-
lion wh ch amounted to J20.000 the
county paying the remaining portion. i, help by calling tne otlue aim volun
The cost of maintenance. hi, ev ,- I leering the:r s. rvices.
was left to the county. i
.1 1 i.l ire K.-lim.,. s .i.i Mvs mnen ),, i
! that the reason for the washout Is thai ;
I the bridee was not correct Iv nlnceil hv i
i the government engineers. The im-!
lute of (ho ground makes a recur- j
rence of washouts highlv probable, hut
,i,. . .,r ,, i,,., ,i, ,,-,.,,. .i '
I be prohibitive, the Judge declares.
I It Is thought thai (ruffe may be re
I slimed w thin two or three weeks.
IKS MOISTS, June :,. (I
P.1 i
X'orthern Baptists convening hero, '
leaning toward the "Bine l.tw" nnd llsl
I enactment are reported as favoring re
formation ,,f movie films and rienonnc.
i ed the dance halls. "Movies are slead-
Mv growing worse," the report said.
"It Is admitted on all sides that lh.
present movie Is a grave moral mon i
ace. Pictures are often v'ross. sngges- !
live, portrax- crimes, hichwuy rob'oery, j
nssanlt, murder, caricature minsters!
I and make light of religion. They sic.
crsi licentious Ideas, and contain con-!
! Mnnt excitement of sex curiosity. ' j
' The conference recommended a strict i
! censorship and a united strike, until !
Iho films are purge,!. "The daive:
l ull," the r.'pnrl said, "men under the ,
I I est of conditions, needs w.itchinv'.
Dances have recently undergone u j
I marked change for the worst in most j
1 tf nimnnltles.'' i
nrvrn rii,i.ows "wild partv
PORTLAND. June IT.. ,( I . p.)
Mrs. Andrew Super Is dead of tetanus
; following Injuries sustained In her leg
when she leaped from the roof of a
porch last week. An alleged "wild
party" hi said to have preceded her
of Kncland. Some wittv wlirht tolrl
The second annual session
! Oregon Normal ik-hnot. to be
of tlic
held in
Peii(l!etiin vvi!l lie nueneil Mnndiiv nl
hours of S and 10 o'clock in the morn-
.n. Following this there will be a i
general assembly when the objects f
and purposes of the school will he ex- I
pla ned by II. K. liikiw. director of the j
chool. Assignment to rooms w'll i.l- '
I ,
E. so nc
:are tin
i he issn
so be laade for those teachers who '
inassigned and meal t.ckets w.ll
ned. '
1 tine of t lie special attractions fori
j the teachers will be t.he c;ileter.a:
I luncheon that will bp served at the;
!high school every day at noon free of!
charge. Arrangements have been.
made with some of the restaurants
whereby special rales will he secured
for the students in attendance.
Transportation for teSchera from
are nireauy piengeo to mahe n s
wo,'k Possible, and Secretary C. I.
,U"'r "M ," ll,v ln,,t ""'ri' miBht ,,,!
h'1 of "l"1' mach.ncs. ( -wncrs ran
Theie arc three Instructors
for the
school who are interested
in eduen-
"""al work i
county. Supt
I'endleton or I'matilla
II. :. Inlow V
'" '" ".um siiperiii.euc:,i
"vnoois ami .m ss ucna r.usn. pnnc:- .
I"" '"' om m i " " on
the staff. Five of the other instrue-
Ilors who wi!l be on the laculty have
: arrived in Pendleton. They included
I Miss liagon. Miss McNalighleu, Miss
j Hales, Miss Houx and Mrs. Pratt.
I The instructional staff consists of
regular instructors from Monmouth, J
vvitli other Oregon educators as fol
lows: H 1-?. Inlow, Superintendent of
' Schools at Pendleton Director and
i Instructor in School .Management,
i K. I. Kcexel. Professor of Kdnca-
tlon, Wh tmnn College Physchology
i it ml School .Measurements.
(Continued on page 6.)
ST. ANPUKWV, Scmlnml. Juno 2N,
ll. N. S.) Joi'k Huli liinsoii. ;i pro
lVssii)n:U of Chlrauo, won tli UritiNli
oprn rolt rluunplonslilp, tJclVuthi,
(igT WftlMTod, tlo P.riiish uiiintour,
1v a nin sInko nuirin.
nut u aiis si'.vr opt
VAXfOl VKIi. Wash., June 2 ( I".
P.) Circulars remaining full descrip
(ton i of the two nlleed s'aycrs of lien
ll'ch, the UliK'iifield councilman and sn.-tn'md In an act'on handed down
chaotivn ,0" the n.rienn Legion, wlio here today by District Judge Frank P.
was found bound and gagged and beat-: Langan. The state attacked (he dl
en to denh on June Nth. have been rir. t ie degree alledlng collusion.,
cnlnied. sheriff Thumps m has been!
win kin- on Ihe case, and est ibllshc l j 1 IVI'STCCK ItKM AIXS STKIV.
fairly good rescript Ions cf (he men and
ae ounl of the happenings the morning
111 man was kllh d.
E 10 !
Lloyd George Plans to Issue!
Epoch . Making Manifesto!
. . i
! to Bring Peace in ireiana.
i Irish Question Will be Taken up
I at Length by Proclamation!
i ' Written by High Officia
I ON HON June "5 (I N S)
; Premier Llovd Ueo'rgc Is planning to
issue Immediately an epoch-making
: manifesto of the Irish question with
design to bring peac in Ireland. The
International News is able to state
this on the authority of one of the
i prime minister's closest advisers.
I piieals for Omferem-".
! LONDON, Juae 2.".. (A. P.)
j Lloyd George has sent a letter both to
I ICnmn.in De Valera, the Irish repuh
I 1 can leader, and to Sir James Craig,
'the l"ls;er premier, declaring the
British government is deeply an.lou.
that- King George's" appeal for a re
coiicilaticn In Ireland s;.toi not havi
been made in vain. The letter appeal:-,
for conferences.'
I s hipped last year, according to an
jam-cement of all the leading shipper?
.-.i- wsteruav as an outgrowth of the thtn-
Peace is m Sight Since Allies jnlng (1(.mo,1(,tI-ation hrui by Fred j
And Leaders Of Both Armies' Bennlnn, county agent and C. L. Lous, i
j horticultural expert from O. A. C.
AgTCed On Withdrawal.. The shippers, including the Lnm'i)
PKRl.IV June 2-,.-(l. X. s.)-t
n.... i t ...,.. .i, ; uiht I
according to the
Neue Ilei liner jjfi-
lin.ir wile,, th ullie General Hoefer. .
commanding the German defense (
corps and Adelhert Knrfantv, leader
of the Pnt'sh insurgents, agreed to
1....,.- U...I, tt, ,!nn.utu imH ill-
' ., ,, ,koi. u,Cs The i
Lvi,L,.,i ...m h.i oj,,,. nccord- '
withdrawal will begin Sunday,
ii il to the newspaper.
FrailCC, Great Eritaill and Italy
' l icnes, l nice trees weie irii uiiiiiiii-
Would End Hostilities Be
tied so that a check may be kepi.
tween Turkish-Greek Troops " ZiZPZX?
ibe picked separately and the niatket
' alce placed on the different lots.
ATHENS, Jane 25.- (A. I i set N Heavy
Gree.ee has declined (he offer of ; yjr Dcnn'on says thai the ft of np
France, Great lii-itain and Italy to ; .-ip js rn,,SMiill- heavy t'v's yea". On
mediate with the Turkem nationnn-'s
to end hostilities between them and
jthe Greek In Asia Minor.
I 111-:! 1. INGHAM, Wash.. June
i H. p. i Jack Kiclt. a half breed In
! dian, staged a gun battle with the
imp.ly siierifls of Columbia valley
r.eur the Canadian bonier late yester-
MIDKW Nov., June 25. (A.
! Mary Pickford's divorce from
I Mi or obtained March 20, 1S20 was
' I. Ivesloek is steady; e
'are. weak. -
I :.. A.
:gs and
Republican Leaders do not Dis
cuss Bill; Say it Would be'pQNS-WINNECKE AND
Unwise to Push Measure.; EARTH BOUT MAY BEAJ
WASHINGTON. June 2r,. L'. P.).!
The question of refunding I he allied
war debts is declared to he an obstacle; A prir-e-flght which may rival in in
in the war of the mi-called bonus hill teres! the Dempsey-Carpentier cla
ior ex-aoldiers.' Other obstacles sic will be staged in the heavens next
which have arisen to the veterans ad-. Hunduy and Monday when Pons-Win-justed
compensation act, may delay. necke. Is scheduled to ffive Old Karth
the past.ine of the bill several months, a wallop.
nale lenders declare. The republican ! i-ons-Wennecke, be it known, is not
leaders are reticent in discussing lliea hyphenated American but a comet,
measure, and merely say it would he just now comet and earth are engag
unwise to push it at this time. ed in a celestial marathon with Pons
It is expected that Senator Mc- about 12.000,000 miles ahead, so that
cumber, of North Dakota, who is the comet is fue to deal a blow at the
handling the bill In the senate and earth, which is expected to cause a
other advocates of the hill that the i harmless meteoric shower.
'funds for paying veterans compensa
ition will not begin until after Juh'
I 1922 and will be derived from the In -
terest on foreign loans. The unexpect -
! ed attack by Senator Borah on the
j bonus bill is also said to have had an
I influence in the change of plans. If
j the bill is pressed, it might make such
legislation unpopular with the country,
I President Harding takes no definite
position on the measure, but reported i
'that he favors compensation.
NO Summer Apples LeSS ThaiH
m o Vnrth Tr..hM in
- - - - ! I (Jlllt-I III I IK ' ,tr """
Diamater tO be Accepted. glo-Japanese alliance, the renewal of
i which is being discussed by the Brit
,h imperial congress.
t oxen appics sniiieu iimh, im-
ton-Krecwaier district this season
j must be 25 per cent larger than those j
Fruit Co., H. S. Dennison Co.. Shields
Fi'-it. Co. and Milton Fruit Growers
I'nion. decided that the Wiuesaps.
V 1
'onoeii ,i..i.-s nii.i .... - ...
Golden apples must total 20u to t!-,
with 175 for fancy and C prade
apples. The mininiuin number for
Piagmen. Windesap, Arkansas Black,
ellow Newton. Koine Beauty and Ben
liavis apples was set ai n i. i
eonra'e the growth of larser apples
the shippers agreed on a special price
differential for 96, 13S and lfln and
larger apples. No smaller apples less
than two anil a fourth inches in diam
eter are to be accepted.
IVniuiistriitioiis Success
The th'iin'ng demonstrations, which
took place in the orchards of W. C.
Hopion. J. F. Plover and W. Mumford,
showed the fundamental principals of
tbinninu in relation to size, color, mar-
I.- . i-nlne nwt llie vipnp Ol' The UeP. I
Three trees were th'nned w'th a dis
tance of e'ght to 10 inches, three with
a distance of seven to three inches and
three with a distance of three M four
the trees where the eight to 10 Inch
th'nninsr was used, 2.21" apples were
lllN-en off.
Shippers are glad to ra'e the stand
aid of the s'.e of the apples. Mr. Ben
cion says, as they have had trouble
PsposiniT of the smaller tin t in the
I-aistern market. This spring I.Uu1
.els of fi'e tier apph-s were left in
the market. Several hundred car-
were dumped and several hundret
more sold at Ml cents a box.
p it TIMiiltl-' in.,,, :, il V
-Fire w 1 out. or cause,, .serious j "'"' '''r- ,':'"'"1 '-s'Kes from
Inierv to three generations of a faml'v I ''' aboard reporting vcr s ow ex
' , i limit oViminil. w hilt liitt-r hi he d:iy
W lion liHir U'tijtM, iwn nuiiini. iiimi' i
two children, met their death , I shorts were disposed to ,cover. In- I
i -ni,es. Th-ec other, were ,,,,, creas nslv mnneroiis and serious dani-ij
burned. Two more had narrow
en pes. The fre deployed the honiej"1'
oT .Meyer Suniiley. j
u ix, ii In. i,. ia p I
Fie. en of 11 defendants in. Toledo's
million dollars posteft'i, e robbery were
onvicted b the .lory.
Ill RI.INGHAM. Eng.. June
tf, ,'.) The Americiin polo (cam
won the exhibition match from the
. r
itish team 1 to 5.
I . .
j According to leading astronomers,
the exact time f the clash cannot be
I ascertained. Professor J. . J'an-
; ids, of the Hill Military Academy of
j Portland, says that the disturbance
: may take place Sunday night Monday
r Monday night. The comet has heen
visible with the use ol telescopes
j from various observatories in the
; l nited Stales since June 12. its near-
est approach 1 emg on June i, mii
12.000.000 miles away. It will
remain visible to the earth by meaas
of telescope for about a month but at
no time will it be visible to tr.e naked
i to irMirDTICI! IM
TO AUVtrillot IN
FflRFIRW NFWPAPERStKctio" i"'llnS the strike. i
TOKIO. June 25. (I. N. S.
Japanese government nas s.,.pi..
the Japan advertiser, in American ,
newspaper and other foreign dailies in j
I T,kl- b"" ,he . In"l
When it conies to trading Indians.
Chief of Police Al Roberts claims that
l -.I,-,, I,,,:, i, Hilly Scheer is in a class
all by himself, and to prove nis poun
i, f ,, attention to the otticers lec
erd during the past few days.
Seveial Red Men have been too In-j
t.mately acuuaintcd with the bottles
thai contain fire water recently, and f
they have. fallen into the clutches of;
the officers. They have been short ,
of funds and have taken the jail sen- j
unces rather than pay the cash fines. , fnff c(,nvntil, He Btat,d a Mfi
Billy has been helping the city by col- i f a chanB(. , ,edership was obvious,
-ctlni; a part cf the tines dunng the I e )lld , erltlcine Gompers. Green
latter part of the sentences. , . ' has been aswH-iated with Lewis for
Yesterday. Charley Bennett, an ohl j ye,w
offender, paid J12 that remained due ; : ' IV,B r.atlwd rir "
the city trom a $20 or la day jail sen- j DKNVKR, June 25. (J. I- O'Sullt
,nc,' , . . lean. I'. P. Staff Correspondent.) The
I took Bennett out, and then right j ,nmv.n,iw of the flght for rBd,rh)p
away i ran anoss i ix.n o. ,
he said disguestedly.
"Ain't that the
"Well, you made a pood swap, didn't
vou'.' the chief asken. not rm in
one for $12 and hugged another one."
iuiuiii ululiiu. iw .
onlil cooperate with the Russian toll
J . i ! y wheat closed a fraction of
cent lower than yesterday's price, j f owls Pleased With Vole,
wh le September wheat closed a cent .., wl nterprM the voioe Df lnbor
and a half higher in the Chicago , ,hn )tfM can cvmf whut mny. n
Grain Market today. J!' wl",at j will speak in no 'minor key. oe It to
closed at l.:to 1-2 and September Ule pl.M-dent of the United
wheat at !--" 1-2. 'Suites or the new;naiiers."
Following are the iinotations re
ce ved by ttverheck & Cooke, local
Open. High.. Low. Close.
$1 ;'.l Ji.:il' $1.2(.- J1.3UV,
1.24 1.2' 12J 1.2T. -Otrn.
.fij's .i!3 .SIS .82 r
.li25s -2i
I July
i Sept.
Wheat The tiade today was large-
Iv in the way of .evening contracts I
week end and seme selling took.
age reporis coining liom ii:e iii'iiu- j
the damage lepons are practl--j
ll of drouth and the predict. on Isq
for clear weatlor over Sunday. A;1
j significant feature of today's develop-,:
' meats was the t.i'nness in spot prem-
turns and adv. lining of bids to uri'he
in face i f claims that there will be an
early movement of new wheat. With
the cash situation showing such re.
mai'kable strength on the eve of new
wheal movement u seems more than
likely that the future market must re
spun. 1 to reverse crop reports coming
from the northwest.
Opponent Snowed Under by
Gomper's Votes Before Bal
loting Was Half Finished.
Gompers Told Delegates His
Election Would Bring ; no
Comfort to' Gary or Hurst.
DENVER. June 25. (I. N. 8.)
Samuel Cipmpers, a "1 year old vet
eran scored the greatest triumph ot hi
career when for the fortieth time he
was elected president of the American
Federation of Labor. In an election
rtplete with dramatic Interest, age
won over the younger element seeking
; to wrest control or me tecieraiion uy
j electing John I Lewis, 41 year ot
! age, head of the I'nited Mine Worker
j of America. Lewis was snowed under
I by riompers' votes before balloting was
I half taken.
i The coal 8,rike of 19,9 waH made
i,ne '""din 1"' y Gompers' sup:
Ipurters. who attacked Lewis for hU
022 and Lewis 12,324. ' Amid cheers,
, j fiofnper arose to addresM the conven
tion The defeilt of iwiH ,Ves me no
l rj(le .. m-A (.,im,crs -The real srat-.
iIica,lon is ,hat th nPw.spaper owned
I,,- the mt.lti-mlllionalre, with a clr-
dilation of K.MOa.OOO, cannot coutrol
the labor movement. I ".'i! say 1hr
my election will bring no comfort to
e:ther Oary or Hearst."
James Duncan, of Qtilncy, Mass.,
was unanlmoulily ' elected first vice
president ami J. F. Valentine, of, Cin
cinnati, was elected second vice-president.
Trcmiiidons Apidanse Iivpn fo?nJKM;
DKNVEIt, June 25.J-(C. P.) Ap
plication for brotherhood ot the main
tenance way employes for reinstate
ment Inlo the American Federation of
Ijihor was referred to the cxecntfYS
council. George Berry presided at the
convention. George Perkins, of the
o'gnr makers, who has presented
Gompers name to the convention for
nuiny years.' made the nominating
speech, placing the veteran's name as
a candidate for the high office., A
tremendous applause arose as Perkins
tool; the platform. Wlllbtm -Green.
(secretary and treasurer of the United
Vina f',irlf er ftlneeri f ti' iiunia tut-i
, (l( (he Alnpr(rai, Federation of ljhor
I come today .after a two weeks hlttee
I rnmtiflien Ith their nerye on adirn
I Bfw a slepple!,s nihti delPlateg gnth-
i ered early for a vote for officials of the
! organization. Samuel Gompers and
1 John I l ewis are running a close race
' cr the presidency. . The federation
i after an all-night stormy debate went
! on record as condemning the third In.
ternationale. They disapproved a bnl
j vhevik Russia, expressed sympathy
; with the Russian people and declared
! they would soon have an organisation
! ;hr .ugh which the American workers
Continued - nn pnsr R.I
Reported by Major Lee Moorhnuse,
Weat her observer,
Maximum. 8K.
Minimum. 53.
p.arometer, 29.40.
1 Tonight ftui
Sunday fair.
1 1
VsHsjVl4rfsiVJi 1 A ,?W$. A.gW'' .hZ- j A:"Wii