East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 24, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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PAGE flVfi
,i . - .' - -i . J
People Herefand There
C. F. Wll, manuKcr tit Famous l'luy
0ih with offices ut Portland, In In Pen
filotoii.i He In motoring over Iho state
tn t ho Interest of li Ik office.
It. Alexunder, prominent retired
Pendleton merchunt, Ih In Iho city to
attend the funeral ot Ilia brothcr-ln-law,
W. J. l'utteim. Mrs. Alexander
Ih also here, having been vlsitlni? her
KiHter, Mih. Patterson, foi; tlit) pusl six
week. Oregon Journul.
The hnxhioHK of the Oregon Klre He
Hcf Association Ih mlshty good. That
"Ik tin- word that L, M. WauKuman,
ashler of the orRuntaitlnn, brlnxs
with him from McMlimvllle. Ho was
In MIH"n today and will return to Mc
Miiiiivlllo u Moon as ho can.
White lllleB of (treat fruKranoo are
line nftbo possessions of. Mr. M.. M,
jViiMiiKnrdnertlmt prove very altrno.
tlvo at her home, 1413 Went Welili
street Thu lilies are of the Hoso
variety and formerly grow wild In
I'lah. They have been Improved b
cultivation. '
J. M. Kecney, formerly Connected
with the CimnliiKham tiheep and Land
Co., before It wan Bold to V. W. Fal
coner, 1b In Pendleton today on a
business mission.
Business rondllloiiH in Kouthcrii
California are good becuuso of ' the
tourist trade, cay A. H. Cox, who hut
leturried from a. motor trip to Call
lornla, accompanied by Mrs. Cox, and
Mr. mid Mra. W. D. Humphrey. Mr.
"ox nays that in Northern California
I u bI liens Ih not bo Rood. ' The party
Bpent two months in California and
vbdtod rTiti Juan. Mexico, also. Mr,
Co Ih much lmiiovol In health.
For Saturday
The Table Supply will be a Mecca of good things
tomorrow. You will find all fruits and Vegetables of
me season in abundance. Now is the time to get yout
canning fruits.
In our Meat Department we will have an nbund
ii nee of Springers, and and all cuts of Beef, Mutton.
Lamb and Pork.
Harold Warner will leave 8atuida
evenluir for u Irio to S ,l,m j.n.l Port.
land, and then to Euttone fur the state
convention of the American legion
where he will represent the J'cndleton
post us a delegate. The convention
will be held Juno SO, uud the find
three da.H of July,
J. II. Htanton of 've. clerk of Din.
I Hot No. HO, was here today on a busi
ness mlHBlOll,
'itis having been sent from Pendleton
for the hencflt of the China Near Earn
iieilef. The total amount uloii b
:inatllln county l t.&MM. Then
ere l0i barrels of flour sent to tin
"amino stricken people with thin
money. J. J. Handsacker, In charge
;f the slate work, Is in China now
whore the flour Is being distributed.
Vote; to Consolidate.
lteturns from the recent annual
school election in District Nos. US and
2 show that they voted in favor of
consolidating and forming a new dis
trict which will be known as No. 38.
lOcloctodl Directors
A. G. Hull. 13. P. fensen, H. Van
Myko, c. K. Demurls and Roy Howard
T crc elected to serve an directors of
District No. 3, composed .of Milton and
adjacent territory, at the recently hclo
school election,
Phone 187
Clerks Submit Hooks
Clerks of school districts in I'ma
tilla county arc submitting their books
to the county superintendent of schools
where they will be held pending "an
audit which will be made under the
direction of tho district boundary
739 Main Street Pendleton
t Proprietor
Take ApH'al In Case.
An appeal In the case of !'. il. Rudt.
kc agaiiiBt Moses Taylor lias been
taken from the court of Justice Joe
H. I'arkes to the circuit court. The
suit is for 1(14. S3 which is alleged by
the plaintiff to be due as a result of
goods furnished by a mercantile firm
or which be was u member in lMli and
AckiMmkHlgo final ltcvl)4
The sum of f.'a.TS has been ac
knowledged by Ward W. MacHenrv
KOIt KAI.K CHKAP Vulcan fras
range almost new Inquire 410 K.
Webh St.
WAItKIIOl'KK IS Ill'llNKl) '
One thousand dollars is the loss es
timated after the flic which partlajly
destroyed the Cmatilla Flour and
Jrain Agency warehouse, 1300 West
lta, shortly after noon. The building
was burned und all the feed. The loss
was covered by Insurance. Mr. Oli
ver, who put in the alarm, fays thai
lie how a spark fly from west bound
train No. 17 and in a moment the
warehouse was in flames.
PARIS, June 24. (A. P.) tlladys
Marie Deacon, of ISoston; lieeamc the
Duchess of Marlborough, the second
American girl to assume that title,
tvhen she was married to the Duke of
Marlborough, who gave his ago as 4S.
Iho bride did not give her age.
Religions (VrenioiiT Tomorrow
l'AHIS, June 24. (I. N. f.) The
civil ceremony uniting in marriage the
Duke of Marlborough and Miss (Jladys
Dcason, of Boston, took place at the
l-'rltish consulate. Tho religious cere
mony will be held tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, June 24. (I. X. S.)
oi'i-M;ir nf the Navv. Denbv ad
min istcrcd a nubile reprimand to Ad
miral ijims for his "American jackass"
peech in London. "The navy depart
ment." Denby stated, "expresses un
qualified disapproval of your cdnduct
and you arc hereby publicly repri
manded." Dcnby deplored the neces
sity to reprimand a flag officer of the
American navy.
Spokane Man Searched- 12
Year to Find Something;
to Help Hi Wife Tan
lac Restores Her.
"I spent money enough on medicine
and treatment on my wife's health to
have bought a nice little farm," said
Angtirt Anderson, 2230 E. Sprague
Ave., Spokane, hut Tanlac has reliev
ed her completely at a cost too small
to mention.
"For ten or twelve years she suffer
ed after nearly every meal from acute
pains In her stomach, palpitations,
shortness of breath and nausea. he
had awful headaches and hot flushes
all over her body and was subject to
fainting spells and attacks of dizziness.
She never slept well and suffered from
ncrvotsness day and night. She com
plained of being weak and tired
much of the time, couldn't do her
housework and, in fact, was forced to
spend a great deal of her time In bed.
"Hut Tanlac acted different from
any other medicine I ever found and
I have been surprised and delighted at
the way it has brought her out of her
troubles. She sleeps like a child and
never-complains of an ache or a pain
of any kind. Jn fact she Is bo differ
ent that she wculd hardly be taken
for the same woman. I feel like I
would be dodging a duty If I didn't
give others the benefit of my wife's
experience with Tanlac.
Despain & Lee Cash Grocery
Phone 880 209 E. Court St.
Special Special
special $2.00
5 lbs. Hill Red Can, '
special $2.00
25 lb. box $1.75
12 lbs $1.00
100 lbs $7.75
Pn re cane sugar.
J gallon can $1.45
to reduce prices instantly in
case market conditions indi
cate lower costs. This gives
you advantage over merch
ants that wait a long time
after a drop has come in the
market. ...,.
7 cans Salmon, 1 lb $1.00
8 cans Corn $1.00
8 cans Tomatoes $1.00
5 cans Peas .'. $1.00
4 cans Eagle Brand Milk .... $1.00
8 cans Carnation Milk $1.00
8 cans Borden's Milk ........ $1.00
10 cans Canyon Milk, limit
. 10 only $1.00
12 cans Hebe Milk, limit
12 only $1.00
12 lbs. Sugar $1.00
14 lbs. Small White Beans. . . $1.00
10 lbs. Lima Beans $1.00
12 lbs. Best Head Rice $1.00
9 pkgs. Corn Flakes $1.00
6 lbs. Bulk Coffee 1.00
5 lbs. Armour Lard $1.00
3 lbs. Walnuts ; $1.00
5 lbs. Ginger Snaps $1.00
3 box Crackers, large size. . . $1.00
3 lbs. Fancy Cookies . $1.00
C cans Kraut $1.00
6 cans Solid Tack Tomatoes. $1.00
12 Lbs. SugarSLQO Saturday Only, 100 Lbs. Sugar $7.75.
We have a number of customers that take advantage of our special
prices regularly. ' They have found that we save them money. Wc will guar
antee' to save you money, but first you must buy your groceries from us. We
are fighting for your business either small or large. The volume of business
is our objc.t. Your trade will help build that volume and every dollar you
spend will help us lower the prices. Now is the time to save.
July wheat closed at $1.30 today,
ittinii, iitlnir vesterdav's closing price.
I while .September wheat closed at l.-'4.
a fourth of a cent higher man yester
day's closing. Following are the quo
tations received by Overbcck & Cooke,
local brokers:
Open High I-ow Close
.Inlv 1.32 1.S3U l-3'l'l 1.30
Sept. 1.2 i 1.2S 1.23-4 1.21
Julv .Si4 .63 .62 62U
Sept. .6t"4 .63ri .62 .62
Wheat There was very littlo pres
sure on the market during the early
trades. A great disposition to recog
nize the seriousness of the northwest
ern crop was apparent. The absence
of out-side buying power, however,
was again predomtnanent and prices
at the finish eased off to last nights
close. Country offerlnga to arrive
were reported fairly liberal. There
was said to bo some export business
U.nder wav but only 250,000 bushels
confirmed as having been worked
The forecast Is for continued fair
weather In the northwest, and until
rains occur to relieve the situation in
that territory there is litle liklihood
of downward turn in prices even
though buying power be sufficient to
maintain bulges.
with crooked legs and arms. They are
bound tightly in order to straighten
them. Tho grown-up Seros have
straight arms and legs. What belter
proof could be desired.
I'rhlny Ih Inlucky.
It Is extremely dangerous to do any
thing whatever for a child on a Fri
day, which was the Turkish Sunday.
One mother who was asked to do
something for the child on Friday ex
plained that she hud learned by bitter
experience that this must not be done.
She had done so twice. The first time
the boy almost immediately fell off a
horse and broke his legs. The second
time he came down with scarlet fever.
It is a very dangerous thing for a
baby to he taken out of the room In
which he was born until he is -at least
40 days old. Since the rooms have
very little light and air. this handi
caps the baby's prospects very seriously.
Since doctors are usually not within
reach, a variety of useful methods o
do!ng up wounds and injuries have
been devised. Soot scraped from the
inside of the chimney is one very good
thing to apply to the wound. Fresh
cabbage leaves or fresh garlic are even
more hifc-hly favored as dressings for
For eye diseases a liberal application
of very hot fat is recommended. Some
times blindnesx results, but that, of
course, is because the disease is so bad
and not because of the hot fat.
For thirty days before Christ mat
and for 4 0 days before Easter only
bread and beans are to e eaten. For
under-nourished school children, so
restricted a diet for so long a period
often has very serious results.
Without doubt, in serving a large num
ber, errors may occur just as long as we re
main human.
But no one ever found us when we
were not more than ready to do our best to
correct anything that is not just right.
It is part of our conception of service.
We are here to please you and we arq con
tinually improving our store with the
thought always in mind to make it a bigger,
better and more pleasant place for you to
The Larjcrst Diamond Dealers In fistrrn Uitfc-
PHONE -871
Phone 871
1 f
Sanitary Grocery
221 E. Court
The Mo.t in Value The Best in Quality
(Written for the I lilted Tress.)
F.ditor's Note Col. Folks was for-
' incrly Commissioner of Charities in
! New York City. Now lie Is special au
,' visor of the American Hod Cross in
iKurone. At the request of the Culled
; Trees he has written this summary oil
his observations and conclusions in
'Serbia. C. 1'. New York.
I HEUiKADE (By Mail). I have
ljust completed a study of the work of
I the American nurses who have been
1 helping the Serbian government dur
iing its difficult period of reconstruc
! tlon.
Their chief handicap has been the
I fact that medical science In Serbia is
bound up with an enormous growth of I
myths and superstitions, une Ameri
can nurse meets a cordial welcome ev
erywhere in Serbia. The Serbians do
not altogether understand her. they
pity her for being unmarried, but they
like her tremendously.
Getting public health across in Ser
bia is a pioneer undertaking. One doc
tor to 3li.ono people Is about the usual
figure, n ml the traiijed nurse Is un
known. In the absence of the doctor
and the nurse, the Scrb'an grandmoth
ers have accumulated a large store of
traditions, maxims and myths. In re
gnrd to sickness and its causes, pre
vention and cure. Some of these firm
ly established traditions are:
It is very dangerous for a baby to he
entirely clean, for the devil prefers to
take a clean baby. The dirt which ac
cumulates behind the ears and on the
scalp of a biiby who Is properly neg
lected soon forms a sort of crust. It
Is very dangerous to remove this, for
the dev'l would almost certainly ab
duct the child. The erusl of dirt Is al
so useful In keeping away tuberculo
s's and meningitis.
It is necessary to hind the arms of
small babies closely to their sides, und
to bind their legs closely together and
win ii them un tightly 111 order to
I straighten the baby's arms and legs
Tlv nurses explain that babies' arms
and legs are not bound In America and
(hot nevertheless tho Americans have
roli't'vcly straight nrnvi and logs. It
c. ,Iii ("ie'ilt to oonro resl eniivleHioi on
this point however. The chain of:
proof to the Serbian mothers Is ver.i
clear. A1J fSejWan. bable- fir- torn, I
EVERY cent you spend
over the price of Calumet
might as well be thrown away.
You don't get a thing for it. You
can't get greater leavening strength
or greater purity than are offered
in Calumet
It is made in the world's
largest, best equipped and most
sanitary Baking Powder Factories.
Contains only such ingredi
ents as have been officially endorsed
by the U. S. Food Authorities. L
mull ""'I
No matter what you pay you
can't secure as much in sound bak
ing powaer quality.
On the other hand you can
buy a cheaper Damng powaer
n litrlp lower in mice than Calumet
and much lower in merit That's
the worst kind of false economy.
Calumet never fails. Every baking is
perfectly raised sweet, even ana usry.
Used by millions of housewives and is
tee largest selling Drana in me wona.
A pound can of Calumet contains full
16 oz Some baking powders come m
12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. cans. Re
sure you pet a pound when you want H.
1 cap of white floor.
1 cup Graham floor,
1 tablespoon cugac.
3 level teaspoons
Calumet Baking
Powder, 1 teaspoon
salt. 1 cup of milk,
1 egg well beaten, t
tablespoon melted
butter. Then mix in
the regular way.
SltfIIIlt ffilft t " M