.f'rv v . TEN PAGES PAGE TWO DAILY EAST 011EQON1AN, TENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 23, 1021. 101. 3 . .'i On our stock of Voiles for 2 days only, Friday and Saturday A Sale of Thousands of Yards of plain and fancy Dress Voiles at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES i - - fikm time to make up into warm weather fiwk conies thi offering of beautiful Dress Voiles at QUICK CLEARANCE PRICES, that 'do not begin to tell the storv of their real worth and desirability. When such beautiful fabrics can be had for so little there is no need to be without plentw of dainty summer dresses, for'after all what is prettier or more serviceable than a dainty voile dress? There is an air of freshness, a suggestion of youth about a voile dress! that is chrming. Even woman needs a voile dress for wear on a number of occasions, for it is appropriate, cool and decidedly fashionable. THERE'S A LA HOE COLLECTION OF PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM. Most of them come in 40 inch widths and you art4 sure to like the lovely patterns, or the designs-are all original, as for colors, shades and artistic combinations, there are so many, all so pretty, that you must see these special lots and choose the very nicest your self. Our Quick Clarance Prices w ill surely save you a lot of money, so come. ' s Our Entire Stock is Arranged In Four big Lots as follows ' ' LOTl LOT 2 : LOT 3 " : LOT 4 Quick Clearance Price, yd. lie Quick Clearance Price, yd. 39e , Quick Clearance Price, yd. C9e Quick Clearance Price, yd. SI .09 Our regular values to 30c yd. Our regular values to 75e yd. Our regular values to $1.25 yd. Our regular values to 1.98 yd. w Mi -1 mum Clearance W omen s Prices 9 On FRIDAY AND SATURDAY every suit in our women's wear department will be reduced. - Look where you will, these offerings are without rivals as to quality, style and low price. Every garment is from our regular stock which sold for far more at the beginning of the season. All sizes are represented in some style but all sizes are not here in every style, but every single suit is a big bargain at the price. Made of the best fabrics and in the most favored styles of this summer season. The choicest suits are grouped as follows: LOT 1 INCLUDES SUITS VALUED AT 832.50 to $48.50. CLEARANC PRICE LOT 2 INCLUDES VALUES FROM $55.00 to $75.00. CLEARANCE PRICE . .." LOT 3-INCLUDES SUITS FROM $78.50 to $ 1 15.00. CLEARANCE PRICE- . ale Starts Friday iliorning 1 A small charge w ill be made for alterations ; '! : ; . ' 1 d ft if P items $25.0 wi mm jr I j ' mit r f. r t fh h ill J If Sfl r -. if MEN'S SUITS $36.50. WONDERFUL VALUES. N . H n m i mmMM WHERE IT PAYS TO TRA P E ' fEMES! 3 n IT WILL PAY YOU TO WATCH OUR ADS CAREFULLY. BACHELOR ADMIRAL WHO ADOPTED 7j RUSSIAN ORPHANS WRITES RULES OF INSTRUCTION TO GOVERN TRAINING ' AN1JKR.SOX, S. C. June 23. (I. X. S. ) Th duy b-forv tin? xchvilulfd ar rival hrrr of Hfitr Arinrrl ,Nt..n A. McCully'n t'Vri U"ssUm rirplians, wlio vi-rr lirouisht from Fe!rtri'P"l filling! on six months uk ari'l from Ulirr to thin H' ("- in !!" i '.-1 HifM v.erf I"-kimi to mk thp chil dren full-fledged South Carolinians, a .1.1 ft.nri.v i)uKHi4e was (leUvrpfl ti Mrs. Carrie ilK'ully, nu th'-r of Ad miral il(:('iiil'. at w hose hom 1 he KtixJ:an chihlr-n, their Jtussiun Rnv- i friit-s an 1 At Vina Patrick, an Kna SiK,i tutor, arc now staying for Iht somTi:'. This ia l:ai; (onta'nffl a tyie-rltten iloctiment of Instructions hy which the conduct of the children is to be Kovi-rned, and whs prepared by Admiral Mci'iilly himself, who is a conf.rmed bachelor. This document containing several thousand words, provides work and play for every minute of the children's time, from 7 o'clock .'n the morning until they retire at S o'clock In the cvcnlnc. Cnder no conditions must these rules I.e violated except hy per mission of the Russian governess or Miss Vina Patrick, a niece of the ad miral, who has been in Washington with the children seven months. The day must be(rin with all alike taking eymnastir exercises to develop their bf.dies. then a cold bath, when they are ready for breakfast, which consists of -miii iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimimiiiiiiiiiii 5 I . . TT- I C CASTLE GATE I EGG COAL PHONE FIVE FOR FUEL J s Z 8 3 e s ; THE BIGHT SIZE FOR THIS WEATHER . CLEAN AND UNIFORM D L. BURROUGHS He Has It! yUUIIIUilHIIUlUIIIIIIIIIllUllllllllliUlllllJIIillltllllllllllllllllllllllllllinilUiUJlIllllllJ cereal, milk and etes. There are seldom seen three stronrr er tookinsr Rirls than those of twelve years of aire. They are the housekeep eiH in Wash n'-'ton and the admiral ex perts them to keep up the work whilo they are with his mother, Mrs. McCul ly. this summer. They set the tahle and when the meal is finished nay noth nrr to arybody, but Immediately clear the tahle and If the conk Is not there wash the dishen and put them away. A chart In kept in KnKllsh by ; Mini Patrick and a chart in Russian J tJ'r ivnnn .in ei n-wn. r.iicn (lay the children are marked according to the wav tlwv h.ive done their rluttea J hv red stars. At the end of the month the one. lietl ini? the most, red ntars retq a gold Ur, which they proudly wear. ICach child also receives a money com pensation for the work done. h hirer, Arc I'iiIiI for Work. For one hour a day the Russian rov trness gives a Itussian lesson and for one hour Miss Patrick teaches an Kntf lh:h lesson. They are not speakln.'; much Kmrlish yet, hut they understand very readily what is said to them. The children must be In bed hy X o'clock, liKhts will he turned off at this time If there is any difficulty about i?ett:nK the children to turn In. Electric bulbs will i be removed and short bits of candlei served rut. There are prescribed du ties for each child and fhe:r "titles" ate. gardener and furnace man, nss'st ant housekeeper, assist." it conk, assist ant nursf. f.rrt dorr maid, second dooi malfl and niesrnKcr. The schedule ot j month!'.' pav runt from $l.r,0 for th f'rst to 2'i cents for the last named The children may do as they pleast !w th the money earned, hut each am lount deposited hy any of them In a savings' hank will ho doubled hy ar amount deposited hv the admiral to h1' cr h"r credit. The failure of any child lo carry nut his day s duties Is punish ate bv s'ated deductions from the child's pay. Corporal punishment for any offense is strict I v forbidden. In a chapter en titled . "honor" appear these Instruc tions. "Tell the truth" and Ins that .does not belonn to you Kardlnjr courtesy, the admiral advises bis wards. "Try to help others and they I ners," lb s, ' help you." "He patient and you rule of nood will gut noiiiething you waut" "UouU Jsciuus child." HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL manners will ho taught by the use of (rood manners." For the Information of the governess, whose duty It Is to Take noth- teach these principles of courtesy, the wm ioK,iiiy become the children of Ad i you." Re- ladm'rnl says. In a sub-heading en- m'ral Mcfnllv t tied. "ICrrors In teaching Rood man to teach good manners, but a self-con-Mious child is past help. A final chap ter on "control and tralnitiK of chil dren" leads off with the platitude that "the child must know that 11 has a mission In lifu." Adoption Proceed "(th Sdicdiilccl. ruder u sub-heading the admiral savs: "Aiiher is human, an angry mo ment now and then will not do much Harm unless the t;rown-up should say' noinctniiig that would be better left un-' said." "Orders must sometimes he Kiven," says another paranraph, and "before giving an order consider care fully, since an order once given must be followed up until executed or au thority will suffer. Choose a ptlet moment during which to give tlie cru der, use a iiuet tone of voice and make sure the child understands an order Is to be jrlven but once." Admiral McOully says that tho chil dren arc becoming more Interesting every day. He has taught them to swim, and they are learning American customs rapidly and they will soon be true Mouth Carolinians. When he looks at them he is thankful that they are here and not starving In Russia, he snys. Court proceedings for the udnp. Hon of the children will begin In the June term of Hie court of common pleas, when all seven of tho children ,S.) Naval destroyers sent two moro 'former Herman submarines to the bot tom or the Atlantic In a highly sue cessfnl demonstration of gunfira against U 'boats , . Poller a child knows no manenrs than a self-con-Thvr will b mill Uiu TWO MOHK Srr.R SI NK. WASH1NUTON, June S3. (I. We Have Enlarged Our Stock of , , Groceries - N'ow carrying n complete I1"" ''" fJoods. Soups. ' heei e, Crackers, etc. Our erms are rash. o,lr prices the lowest. "Why Pay More" Remember our flill line of hnkery goods and lomo mua candies. J'liOM; i22. OREGON BAKERY I