East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 22, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    ' : " " V V I V
V. - y
Lawyer's Assertion Thst They
Are Always for Convictions
Denied by Leader of Sex.
(Written by Margaret Mi for Inter
iiiiilunal News Sonli.)
KV TOIiK, Ji.-io IS. In our
cout.iry there Is n hold rholii-n -
no not M. ae.irs.es I' u'ii:ii r. T'lavor
Hum (hiil, th. j
While (he Cialli- C.i-onr.s liivtv.
tr llhle with till I V ill" Mnmir ,i.
coitrlder 111 tet-crit, of K. At. lt-;l- :
lard, t'inolnna'i liir, who cu'.W nil!
-4imn mrrci.ess, .i deduces h will1
sits Hie only woman judxt' In u crimi
nal colli-,. I'lol -lice Allen, firsi i f IllT
si v lo serve III u court of sennal jilr-
i; do liOll.
i JuiIm Allen's own vi.ws on Hie
woman juror van brought to our at
tention by Mrs. Itaymond ltrown.
number of I In- Nt'W York State
1 1 mew of Women Voivin, who has
lomniented upon the opinion of til-
Ohio luSvyer.
Woman JuHt' Views on .lumrs,
"The best answ'er to thla charge is
ouiuiiinut in un article by .Indite Allen
l:n a recent nnml,er of The Woman
I'hiiten." said Mrs. ltrown, who 1s nj
,:;o managing director of that suffrage
j iiublication.
'She )Hiints out one phase of the
jw-omnn jury question (hat Is worth
IviVi' hone of ( in on the jury w iL-h ; considering that it Is difficult to uet
wi ' p. im iiikiii 1 1 -c ' of his rli. it. j in r, of inielliKcnce anil eiluoation to
Walter Hroiktiuiii, i-haivud with first jsei-ve on juries. They are absorbed in
dicn-e murder, r.lnlr business and try to make ex-
'1 challenged off all fivi womi-.i jeiises.
peremptorily." he said. "o, I iUin'1 , "Such men feel they simply can't
mind staling- niy re.isonn. The record
thus far In mmhutl ras.ss tin shown
that women jurors always ure for
coin Icllon.
"Women are merciless, much more
Bo than men," he told the Court.
afford to pive up their time to jury
duty. Hut there is a larce cliiss of
intclllKviit women who have the lei
sure for this service, nnd they shouM
be Riven the opportunity for it.
"Women are usually suspected of
This from the state of Ohio, wiieie'n inc too lenient on juries, and ,1 ml ire
i imp
Mes cannineasicr
CANNING is & real pleas
ure when you have a
good oil cookstove.
Just light the burner and
the steady, clean, intense
heat is driven directly a
gainst the cooking. The kit
chen tays clean and com
fortable. To insure best results use
only Pearl OiL Pearl Oil is
clean burning and uniform.
Refined and re-refined by a
special process. Most eco
nomical to use.
For sale by dealers every
where. Order by name
Pearl Oil.
Allen brings out (hese polnls In (hese(
parasraphs." Mrs. Hrown sahl, ijuot
lllK the Hi'tlt le as follow;
"There has been tome uuovtlon
whether the women jmois would not
be too xyiupathctic and let criminals
'sti scct-frco or uII.mv them undue
i leniency. This doiihl leitatuly has
1 not het n borne out lit my experience.
John Axaarello was tiled for rist-de-iltree
minder hefoiv me and found
uullty; the only woman on the jury
Iwas steadfast for conviction. We
I have lately tried Frank Motto lor
' first -rieKife murder In my court. He
jwns found isuilty without a recoin
jiuemlutioii of mercy, which means,
that he received the death penalty.
jThe foreman if the jury wus a wom-
an; in fact, she wus tle only woman
Ion the jury. From the first she ile
Inmudeil the death penalty for the
j murder, which was peculiarly wan
ton. The Jury which has just Kiven
the death (lenalty to i'lirpeia, an ac
complice of Motto, Included four
women.' "
Mrs. Itrown then called our atten
tion to the following:
"However, in the preliminary se
lection of jurors for these cases.
many women were excused because
they were opposed to capital Minlsh
nient and would Hlirinir from sending
to the chair another mother's son. It
is evident that Kenerallwitions cannot
I be made as to women Jurors any mure
'than as to men Jurors, so far as leni
ency Is concerned.
" TarticiDation of women in jury
service, both on the petit Juries nnd
on the grand Juries, ma::e for intelll-
frent interest in the courts. 1 he com
munity has not understood conditions
in the past .and because of that Inef
ficiency, delay and injustice have crept
into our Judicial system. I am confi
dent that the participation of women
in jury service Is an essential step
toward the realization of tha'. univer
sal justice which is one of the noblest
aspirations of our republic.
Woman l-jlitnr Iicnii-s t Harm-.
Miss Virginia Roderick, flie new
editor of The Woman Citizen, is rath
er skeptical of the Ohio lawyer's con
clusions n KardinK the hard-hcarted-ness
of women in general.
"I don't think Its true," she said,
"that women are always merciless on
juries. I do think they are very con
scientious and intelligent In dealing
with such serious matters.-
When the women of the l'nited
States received the vote last yr the
l: v-s of Ohio made all electors igible
for i-.irv Rei-vii-e. Women should be
made use of on Juries because there
iby the chances of getting a good jury
xre doubled."
fCead-in Heart y
f " - i
r C;
'v 1
Lawrence Betterfleld of Blooming
dale, N. J., baa Hve ihots In bis
heart and 14 In bla lungs. He boa
been discharged aa cured from Pat-1
eraon General Hospital, lie waa .
abot accidentally by a jalaymate.
WASH1XOTON, D. C, June 22. (I.
N". S. ) A possible means of relieving
the economic depression of Chile, due
to the slumping of the nitrate mark
ets of the world following tho war, Is
now under consideration by the I'hil
ean Government, according to reports
here today. This project, which con
templates the building up of coal
-I export trade to replace tho depicted
nitrate Industry, provides for the con
struction of ft i-ailron.T across the
Lower Andes, connecting the Chilean
railway system with that of Argen
tina. I!y the construction of approxi
mately 155 mllea of road, It Is stated,
c-nsy access cnuld lie had from Central
Chile to Ruenos Aires nnd Rabia
Rlanca, and the chronic shortage of
coal and lumber In Argentina could
lie alleviated by drawing upon the sur
plus stocks of Chile.
The consumption of coal In Argen
tina is estimated at more than 20,
11011,000 tons per year, all of which, it
Is believed, could be supplied by Chile
mm hoc tUo m)i7
Ami it can spoil the meal, too. Haven't
you had any number of wonderful dinners
spoiled by the sharp, bitter taste of the after
dinner coffee?,
But when you use Folger's Golden Gate
Coffee you top off your dinners with a most
delicious coflec flavor pleasingly smooth
and rich; and this flavor is uniformly good.
You'll find Folger's Golden Gate
"Different in taste from other coffee and
Tell your grocer you want it.
San Francisco Seattle Kansas City
SUizuud, Japan
! FolrtCoJccj
at the price of firty Chile paper poses 1 1 i nu-riy i.eriveu uom tne nitrate in
per ton. A government export tax of liustry. The prospectB of developing
five paper poses a ton would probably "10 lumber exports are believed to be
he levied, nettine tho Chilean iloveru- good.
inent approximately ln,IIO.no poseaj It Is also predicted that he road,
pnnually, or approximately the Income "would carry a considerable pisenger;
traffic. The rout J of the proposed ex
tension which is from Ciira-Ciiiitln. In;
Chile, to Zapata, in Argentina,
through the rich Chilean Valb
r of
Uinlqiilniay, which la suitable for cul
tivation of all clauea of agricultural
products. The Ancles In thla dlatrlct
are low, ami there would lie no neces
sity for tunneling, the maximum grada
being moro than 2 per cent.
LONDON. June 2-'. ft. N. S.)
There will be wonderful developments
in Kngland shortly In the service of ulr
Mure than twenty landing grounds,
or air "parages," are now available
throilghout the country for Journeys
by aircraft, and a Inachine may be
hired to carry a pilot and two pas
sengers for $35 an hour.
As the particular sort of aeroplane
that is used for this purpone moves lit
an average rate of ninety miles an
hour, it means that ".super taxi"
transport through the air costs about
twenty four cents a mile.
Improved aircraft are nearlng com-
pletion for hire. They will carry four
passengers Instead of two for the same j
expenditure of power and at the same 1
rate of hiring-. This will mean that
individually, if a party of four hire a
machine for a rapid journey, the cost
will come down to not more than
twelve cents per mile.
England is ijromised an organiza
tion of the new "air cabs" throughout
the country, a certain number being
garaged, ready for instant hire, In
each big city.
bia. During the first two weeks of
M-.iy approVimatcly 1 X'tiMioo pounds of
halibut were caught on the fishing
banks off this coast.
Thousands will go
Back East
V this summer because of the
offered by the big cross-continent railroad
Union Pacific Sy s em
v Serving the transportation needs of the
Great Pacific Northwest
and giving through r-r,ie via the popular direct routes to Salt
Ijike City, !.ivcr, Omaha. Kansas City. St. Paul, Minneapolis und
Chicago on tiu-Nc iw ,-!rb tl) flr-4 claes train
"Oregon-Washington limited" and "Continental
I ll' il and including Augil-t 1Mb.
Return limit !ui days, but not later than October 21st.
( llirasil 1 1 IHi.MI Memphis X I I I till Piii tilo
I kin or ;7.4) Miiuiiapollf. IiMiii M. Paul
kanva. llj . H7.I.0 Oiiiaba h7 O.I Si. Louis
t 77.4H
S Per Cult War Tax to P.e Addid
Pr.iMirtionate r dilutions t, many rfiin!s Past. Stop-overs at
,!-uilt-e. H de trips may l:f arn-ril for Vellowstone, Zioll
and Roi ky Mountain .National Put ks.
For complete tletuiu, as lo routings, train iM'tii-diiles. aiile trips,
sleeping i-jr rales and rNervaUoiis, and other Iraiel infuriiialion
J.oed, call on or lelef bone
T. F. O'BIJIEN, Agent, Pendleton, Ore.
Wm. MMarra', ;'ii-rnl rasxneer Aaciil Pmllnuil, Oregon
I It Is estimated that the annual loss
'. bv fire in tho United States is $250,
000,000, while 15,000 lives are lost.
So Sayt Father Cronin In His Lectura
Before Chautaque Audiences.
"A man's lihrary is an Index to his
character," says Father Cronin, one of
the prominent members of the lecture
staff of the coming Chautauqua. With
the fervor, delicacy and art of a mas
ter he portrays the effect on mind and
character of the works of the great
Tip- I
writers of the world. He pleads for
the 1-est lu literature as the wry ex
amples oq which to mold our charac
ters. Father Cronin I; a brilliant speaker
and an Intensely Interesting- one. - HI
Irish wit hubbies out In the most de
lightful and spontaneous manner im-anlnnbk-.
For many years be has been
In constant demand the country orer
ti a Chautauqua speaker.
am pa;.a"aaw i iw .
u. s.
.... ... ..,
Which one of
best'' mileage out of
... .
is tires t
Hart is tha U. S. Unco Tread, with a
long -established standard of service
among motorists who have an eye to
value, as well as to price. While sell
ing for less than the other tires in tha
U. S. Fabric line, the Usco has earned
a reputation for quality and depend
able economy which is not exceeded by
any tire in its class.
EVERY once in a while you hear a motorist say as he
kicks a rear tire with an admiring foot, "there's e lucky
tire 1 " Give him a chance and he'll tell you all about it.
And then you'll find that what he calls "luck" is simply his
first experience with a qualify standard tire.
"Frmtth, v U. S. Tirmn
Hmm dirmci to tho dmmtmr
from his nmighbonng tma
totjf UrmncJi "
It all comes to this buy a U. S. Tire anywhere
in this country and you get definite, predictable
value for your money no matter what weight car
you drive.
The man who has been guessing his way through
"overstocks," "discontinued lines," "job lots" and the
like, will find it refreshing to talk with the local U. S.
' Tire dealer who is concentrating on a full, com
pletely sized line of U. S. Tires.
- For the first time he will hear some straight quality
tire tacts and get the difference
between chance and certainty in
tire buying.
The U. S. Tires he sees in stock are
fresh, live tires. They come direct to the
dealer from his neighboring Factory
There are 92 of these Branches estab
lished and maintained by the U. S. Tire
! I
Giving your dealer a continuous moving
Stock of new. fresh tires huilr rvn th
certainty of quality first every time '' 'us'.'SI'Hm
ttmndmrd Ttnti. "
if f$s To ins
United States II ; Rubber Company
Western Auto Co.
Fhone 530 Water and Cottonwood
at hi . .