V . t't PAGE TEN " '-'WISH DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 22, 1921. TEN PAGES DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices nd Associated Press Reports Horn Wow Willi Itoillf- hihI Miecji Ntoody l-Yom the oreicon .lntirnnl. i stock trade here show adverse eondl lions a regard" the heavier weight livestock. This applies to nil lines- Al the further tut In price mnde I hogs, cattle and sheep. Inte Motidart afternoon, entile were J Slate cattle were the only offerings ehout steady lone. h"g were slow for heavyweight and steady for liuht huirK, while sheep utiil lamb were considered steady. Development of l;i!e in the live- In the North Cortland Hi leys t the opening of the Tuesday morning trade There were no carload arrivals over IllChl. Price losses of late hnve Iteen so THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley tom wt (7' ' v sJR W w '.xtii -0 ir WA vir a wast on my fr"- x cvk iv -1 MOME K A CRAYON PORTRAIT ACtNT RAM f I J PW;: ft INTO A STOeJM AT SAUE !POK5 &fiif J. "HOHE TODAY- CV rt m.v.L., ..... , f-.. fy a EASTERN OREGON NEEDS 11m' TOmiiKTie and industries of Kustern Orrcoii arc host niilcrsj4XKl by 1.micto Oregon hankers. The nierk-an National has for over Thirty-Two Years studied from all aisles the many problems and va riHis difficulties thai this section Is called upon to mm For this reason this bank Is In a position to render complete) and efficient srnii to Ms custom ers. Your account is Invited. The AmericanNational Bank Pendleton. Oregon. 'Strongest Sank in Gastern Oregon " J HUiilliullllulillilli jMore Hometo!the House s . ,r , ?i t i i yiEROLU VENTI LATINO Porch Shades S THE PORCH SHADE OF GREATEST SERVICE, g ECONOMY AND COMFORT &s Quality Torch Shades arc an invc-stmeni in comfort not a luxury. Hf This ear of all times be careful of the porch equipment you buy. E3 Tou want shade which will not only look well while new but which p? will stand up under the strain of this year's use, next year's and the 2 g3 years to come. Kui h are the AEKOl'X Shades and we heartily recom- JS Erl mend them. g3 liesldes durability there Is more genuine satisfaction In AEROLCX 3 than any other porch shade we know of. With the "Hang 1-iisy" attacdnient anyone can Install them In lesE3 3 than five minutes' Lime. S3 r3 8pllnts uniform In width and uniformly woven form a scientifically 3 correct fabric which s;ives absolutely uniform ventilation from top to 3 bottom and ample protection against th weather there are no looaelj B woven sections nor uneven spaces where sun and rain might enter. gs Adjustable "No Whips," fo'jnd only on Aerolux, hold me tnauti se-zE curely In place and prevent them from whipping and flapping In the wind. Holld Coppere Cord Glides, instead of sticking pulleys or rustingls steel Kl.de Kite a permanently emooth, clean surface for the raising cords reducing weur and friction to the minimum. g They are smoothly filiit-hed they are permanently stained in at- EES tractive, summery colors there are sizes to fit every porch opening 3 and Ituy are reasonably priced. A complete luie of Jorch and KumimT I'lirnihliinir- SHails your In- sctlin. i l .niilrchV'n ir c3 Hamnmn s 1 "Quality Count." M 124-28 E Webb Phone 548 g Your Old I'umltiire Taken la Fxcluuixe I'srt rarment on New g f.ile Agent In Iendleon for Aerolux (No Whip) forrii 3 I (diades. , l"J E .5 t3 3 severe In cattle here that killers are buying at whatever price they offer. Despite this the local market Is just as favorable as the eastern trade, freight rates considered, but quality considered, Portland la one of the highest In the country for the off grade stuff. This may appear to be a serious Joke to the shipper who sends forth a carload or so of cuttle and re ceives but little for It. The face re mains thru cattle prices are In the sub cellar at practically till points In the country. (iener.il cattle market range: Choice steer $ .?! 7.00 Medium to good steers . , 1.00 W ."5 Fair to medium steers . . B.25W 6.00 Common to fair steers . . J.Bfljf &.2T, Choice cows and heifers B.50 ? S.00 Medium to good cows and heifers I.TBff B.50 Fair to medium cows and heifers S.75fr Common cows, heifers . . 5.75 W dinner 1.60W Choice feeders ......... 5.00 U 4.76 J. 7 5 2.75 ft. 5ft S.00 4.00 4.00W 3. SOW 9.50tf 10.00 8.00 f 8. BO 6.00 W 8.00 S.OOifil 5.00 Fair to good feeders Bulls Choice dairy calves Prime light dairy calves Med. light dairy calves Heavy calves Hog prices are out of line locally. Kastern markets continue to advance and on the basis of what It Is costing local killers to bring In supplies from the niithvest, values here should be at least 75o to 90c higher. Killers are taking hold of hogs at the prices listed, but the extreme top quotation was not available during the Tuesday trade be cause there was no diversion stock In sight and home killers paw the ex treme only when the competition lorces them. Lightweight stock Is steady hut heavy stuff la quoted slow and some what depressed here. General hog market rants- Prime light S 8.75fi Smooth hetvy, 250 to 300 pounds Rough heavy, 300 lbs. up Kat pigs , Feeder pigs Stags While there Is a fairly steady tone here for mutton and lambs, most of the business is with outside killers and lew purchases of note have been made by local Interests. Light weight stuff it: sought but It Is difficult to secure satisfactory values for heavyweight mutton. " ' General sheep and lambs range: East of mountain lambs I 6.50 Si' Best valley lambs 6.00 Fair to good lambs .... 5.00 Cull lambs 4.0049 Light yearlings 4. 60 Heavy yearlings 4.00(g) Light wethers 4.00 fa Heavy wethers 3.00 Dwes 1.00 j 7.00 6.00B) 8.7 5 S.BOifll 3.00 ti 9.00 8.00 7.00 9.00 9.00 7.00 7.B0 .75 0.00 5.00 5.00 4.50 4.50 4.00 3.50 Hecovery Features Stock Market Activities NEW YORK, June 22. (A. I) The stock market's descent was check id yesterday after a brief period of weakness in which United States steel again was conspicuous. Many leading shares recorded extreme recoveries of cn to five points. Further easing of money rates and a growing conviction that the extended reaction had exceeded the bounds of caution' were among factors which prompted hurried covering .of short commitments. There was little In the movement, however, to indicate more than tenta tive public participation. Sales were 1,000,000 shares. For the first time since October, 1919, call money opened and remained at 5 per cent on the exchange. In the open market and on prime collateral this quotation was shaded by to 1 per cent. Leaders of the rally comprised in vestment rails such as Canadian Paci fic, Northern Pacific, Great Northern, Union Pacific and Reading, Mexican Petroleum, General Asphalt, Royal Dutch and numerous unior oils. Cru cible Steel, American and Baldwin Lo comotives, International Harvester, General Eelectric, New York, Air Brake and Pressed Steel Car. Shippings, motors, motor acces sories, food, leather and chemical spe cialties were only moderately bene fited. American Woolen, Sears-Roebuck and Coppers showed little, If any recuperative powers. All foreign exchanges were reac- OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE "SA MY rr( (CNJt5 WHlCtl "fHCf CUfifAlN S IDtMM L IvANT TO A3R YJv) lr Vou Icrueve That oSTtvCH CM m.t5 IT-Sts.cr Wf SHOVtMQ ITS H6AD tKlTO TH2 S'IM'D. . -.,-1 I - -ii-i.''Ti 'HSU, Titers JvHt- .T-f-T-o NOT 'E)AL.T T COMBINE fOUfl OR TWe LONQ HIRS OVSR THe Top op-. YooR p v ' " tlonary, sterling losing nearly 2'tc with declines of B to about 20 points In French, Relglan and Dutch bills. Scandinavian remittances also tended lower on moderate offerings, but the Canadian discount eased. In the bond list, liberty Issues were irregular and some convertible rails hardened, but industrials were mixed and mainly lower. Foreign Issues ral lied from early heaviness. Total sales, par value, 10,75.0i)0. Drouth Causes Spurt In Wheat Prices CHICAGO, June 22. (A. P.) Drouth In the domestic spring crop belt and also In France did much to stimulate buying of wheat today and cause prices to ascent. The market closed strong, 2 to 414 cents net higher, with July $1.28 14 to $1.29 and September $1.23 'to $1.23. Corn gained 1 to 1 cents and oats 4 to 1 cent. In provisions the outcome was unchanged to 20 cents higher. Bullish sentiment in wheat was giv en its first impetus by a leading au thority, who reported from Aberdeen, 8. D., that fields, were firing hadly an.l that In some places the crop had been destroyed by drouth. He asserted, also that wheat wa heading very short and would not recover with rain. The fact that the New York stock market was rallying from yesterday's acute weakness tended to lift wheat values, which however derived strength from gossip that drouth In France was fhe worst since 1SS3. Talk was current, too, that exporters were after wheat in volume. Meanwhile, disappointing threshing returns, continued from the southwest, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, and It was generally admitted that the movement of new wheat was slow In getting under way. Apprehension of damage by drouth was largely responsible for tho strength of corn and oats. Provisions averaged higher with hogs and grain. Tone of Murki-t Steady at Kansas City KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 22. Cat tle Receipts, 10,000. , Beef steers stteady to 15c higher, top ' medium weights, $8.5.0; best yearlings, $8.35; heavy, $8.25; bulk of sales, $7fi 8.25; calves, steady, 25c-higher, top $8.75, bulk good and choice, $81 $8.50; Blockers and feeders, slow, steady to weak; bulk Blockers, $5fi 6; good kind, $6.30; all other classes steady; few cows. $6; bulk, $4.25 H 5.50; canners mostly $2ft2.25; bulls mostly $45. Hogs Receipts, 13,000. Opened around 25c higher; most hogs sold 30 ft 40c hlerher than yesterday's average; top. $8. B0; bulk good and choice, $2.10 i 2.25 ; pound butchers, $8.35lr8.4fi; bulk of sales, $8.104)' 8.50; pigs, scarce and steady, few choice kinds. $". 1 0. Sheep Receipts, BOOH. Lambs BOW 75c higher; Arizona. $12: natives $11; sheep fully 25c higher; Arizona ewes, $3.75; few nallves, $4; Texas yearlings, $7.25. "If you had an eye behind you you might see more detractions at your heels than fortunes before you." Shakesiieare. As a result of more open-air sports British women ore developing larger Waists and flatter chests. OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS An Irresisaihle) Force. (From Seattle Post-Intelligencer) The marcel wave has swept many n man off his feet. Kclah! Beneath a mossy mound, In the cold and soggy ground. Is sleeping poor Tolllver McOce; He wet his thirsty throttlo From a likely-looking bottle. But he found it wusn't what It seemed to be. According to the Kansas City Star, several residents of Clay Center, Ne braska, got their tonsils sunburned re cently while watching; the airplanes Olsappenr. Iome. Fame is a funny thing. Some seek It a lifetime and muff It, while other J. C. Penney Co.. A Natlon-Wide Institution The Store-of Every Day Economies People who have tried our ca$h selling methods know positively that they can depend on what.they buy here as being a real value in every sense of the word, dependable quality, satisfactory service and lowest possible price. If you are still paying for someone elses "credit service" vou'll be surprised at the di vidends your cash can make in savings at the Pennev Store. DRESS GINGHAMS 17c YARD Checks, plaids and stripes in pleasing and practical color combinations, good quality, about 27 inches wide, yard 17c SMART NEW SPORT SKIRTS $5.90 You need not pay extravagant" prices for ready to wear when this department of our store has so many savings for you. Sport skirts of wool or silk in new wanted color combinations, checks, plaids or solid colors made up in popular plaited styles, each $5.90 JAPANESE CREPES 29c YARD ' This popular summer fabric in dainty sum mer shades, best quality, 30 inches wide, com pare the quality with the higher priced grades you find elsewhere, yard 29c CHILDREN'S PLAY SUITS 89c New shipment of excellent quality play suits, heavy blue denim or khaki with red twilled trimming, blue and white stripe with red trimming. Plain blue with white piping, all have drop seats, short or long sleeves, ages 2 to 8 89c BOYS' OVERALLS 89c, 98c Good quality denim, full cut bib overalls, ages 3 to 10, pair 89c 11 to 17 years .'98c Men's Work Sox, pair 10c, 15c and 2 pair for 35c. Men's Overalls, pair 98c, $1.19, $1.39 Men's Elk Harvest Shoes, crome turned sole, pair ! $2.98 Men's Muleskin Harvest Shoes, pair $2.49 Leather Faced Canvas Gloves, gauntlet or wrist length, pair 2Jc U'VX,,, DEPARTMENT STURES n I 4 I 9 i 69 el 8! J. C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution ABOUT THIS TIME 0' YEAR. have It forced upon them. Barbara Frictchle achieved It by poking her dome out of a window and telling Stonewall Jackson where to head in. The boy who stood on the burning deck did it that way. Mary had u lamb and. no doubt, should never have been heard of otherwise. Other exam ples will readily suggest themselves. it should be understood that all this stuff on fame Is from heurauy. Fame Is a good deal like a cream puff. It's nice to think about but when you get It there's verv little to It or In it. As n. n.iA when ono becomes famous there l(i little for hlm.to look forward to but a capacity crowd at his funeral. "In n suggestion of the Wild West." Well, we know the Unites aren't wear ing much these days but we are won dering If Flfl wasn't a little chilly In such a garb. The older the car, the luxury It becomes. more of a First lawyer Did his speech curry conviction? Second Lawyer It did. Ills client got five years. Teacher to music class "Can yoti tell me the name of n great player?" Bright Pupil "Ty Cobb." At u meeting of a girls' club In Lima, Ohio, It was decided that it Is quite the correct thing to have' neatly tanned knees this year. Tanning is all right In its place, but if we were doing the Job wo wouldn't place It on the knees. Dear Offuscai: If you were a young man with n de sire for sweets and were able to buy only five little chocolates for 20 cents would yon believe that sugar Is down to $0 the hundredweight, wholesale? What would you advise me to do about this? SWEET TOOTH. Wo read In this morning's paper that Mrs. Flfl Potter Rtlllmnn was attired : : lessens Labor : 1 1 I , Goes Farther j; I ! rrrn illMipi ; --'- ul OA Is- SI GRIPS I Guar- emre f What So Rare As a Day in June" No pleasurable experience in life can compare with that enjoyed by the motorist on June days. Then the car pays dividends of contentment that make him independent of any dollar and cent consideration. The BUICK will do its part and as dealers we accept full responsibility for the satisfac tory performance of every . car we sell. BUICK Oregon Motor Garage Distributors BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET Phone 468 iiiHmiVtr,''?MMii"H!i(t!itiitiiliMiMi(tmtiiH!n!m MHlUlHMIlimiUlUUbUliUiUUWlUllUiUlUUlUUillUUUIiiUlUilUlUlUUUUUUU