. page rims DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVWlNO. JUNU" 20, 1021. EIGHT PAGES I'J Hot? Naw! People Here and There ruiiillc-ttin'H tilfr red file truck Im of i llomco Hulilm, iirlnclpul (if I ho Inti'ieNt lo l. I. lAMiilvr, of Downlink, . achtiol ul Dry 'roel(, uceoiiipiiiikd li MkhlKun, wh In hero on a vUlt tohlH fiitlior-in-luw, I.. I Jiickwiii, wore IiIn nun, Muurlra licndiT. The fact of j hero thin inuriiliiK. Mr, anil Urn. the mutter In, Mr. I.enilor In the Hill Hulilm oxpoi-t to tal u trip IhroUKh Itlnttold of IiIh home town 11 ml nnHwern ' California thlx NUinnicr, mid they will lo the tltlo of "Chief." Mr. and Mr IhIko vlnlt In Old Mixlio, Mr. IIiiIjIjh la lender nnd Mr. Leader left today for a visit to Crater Luke. J. 8. Duvla, rvpreMCntinK the T'uthn film Co. Im In thn city on uimIiickm. IIIh homo Ih In I'ortland hut h formerly rexldcd In Jowph. Mr. DhvIh Ih the father of u baby (IniiKhter who recently nrrlved to bo tho little uUter of threo brothers. ; TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Nollre of Ktot'kliolilri-H Mri-llnir I'ontlletoii, Ore., June juili. ltHM. A meetliiK of the HturkholdeiH of the IIAI'I'Y CANYON COMPANY will be held, In tho room of tho romlloton Coinmerclal Amoiiiillun on Friday ovcnlriK, June 24th.. at K o'clock I'. M.. by order of tho hoard of director, for tho purpoHO of elcctlnir member of tin hoard of dlreetorH and triiiimicllng Kilch other bUMlneHs uh may lesally he considered. K. CUANhTO.V. Secretary. J. V. TALLMAX, l-rexldent. aligned umler the 12-montliB contract und took Ilia miinincr trulniiiK luHt yeur. Dr. and Mrn. C, C. Stiuxln and noil CyruH and Mr. Una H. HtiirttlM of H"m ton, Mana. arrived hero today to be th" (CiiextH of Mr. und Mix. J. II. rituiKi;; durliiM their vuchUoii. Minn Mable Maey, who tauilil at the Tumuluin Hihoid duriiiK the pant year Ih Inking mipjier work at Columhlu iiii vernlly ul New York Cl(y. Hlie ban coutraeted to leach In the Milton Kreewaler whools lur:iiK Ihu coming your. LewlH Fernard und family left thin inoriiiiiir for their honle at Maker. They mopped over on their way back from I'ortluud on an overland trip. roit 8ALIC tOU.HU taken Rood milch cow If taken thin week mum Hell for leuvln town. Cult IN 12 W. Jlall road. Phone lOJU-lt. WANTKD Young- Rlrl to help cook for men Phone "19. MIhh Veldu Ituork, who him been n Htudent In the Oregon Hlato Normal, him returned to lier home In Pilot Hock. Hhc u'uh hero th-'a mornliiK. , Ilyron minim returned r'atunlay from u hUHlneHH trip to varioun points of the NorlhweHt, In the IrrteieatH of tho Pendleton Woolen Mill. Mr. nnd Mr. c. J, Manning And Mm. lOttii Woverlon und Hon of Pilot Hock rpent Katurday In I'endleton. Mr. Joe Oliver and daughter were here tfuudny from Lu Orunsc. S. H. crahlll of Athena was here tranwictini; buHifieHH Saturday. OFFICES AND OFFICERS ISoKeil i uni Colli nui il. The Miae of William IloKert und I Jimmy Madden, the flrnt ehai(?ed with inaintalniUK a place uh a public uo-! nance, and the latter with pohhchh n Intoxicating lliiior, were contain ucd thin inoininK when they were called for trial before Juilue I. M. Kchmi.o n The continuance wan taken to enable couiiHid lo Hecurc cnpicH of u recent dc cIhIoii covering hucIi condition made by the Hiipreme court, Holh men uro under bond of li'jU. Cherries for Canning Royal Anns Bings . . 8 l-2c per lb. 17 l-2cperlb. "THE TABLE Phone p 187 Pendleton 739 Main Street CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W.. GOOD YEAR Proprietors I'lncd :.0 liy .Indue. Huyden Aldermun, n roHldent of the Atehna dlntrlit, wa fined 1250 tit morning by Judge I. M. Hchannep when he pleaded guilty to u charge of having Intoxlcutfng liquor In hj pox HeHHlon. He pud the fine. He wuh re cently cuught by members of the sher iff' force In a raid. NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON Mrs. Van IIiiimh Itcturnx. Mrs. Kditli Vun Dcuhcn, home dem- oiiHtiution uifent, returned lal nigbi from (t. A. C. where she utU:nded Home .MakciH Week. Kbu reportn moat aucccHHful conlcicoccs. one ol the ppcukcr being Mrs. Mux Went of the Children's Bureau of Washington, I). C. Mrs. Van Dcuhcii was aceom- punled homo by her son Ted Vun Ueu- Ht n, who bus been attending Man- ford. iltle Oaucliu-r Dies. The infuiit duughter of Mr. und Mr. Krunk Von Katon Olininiliellc Joiich) of Hpokunc died In thul city to day. The little girl wa born yctter- duy mornlu. MrH. Hobert Jonea, 1h- tcr-ln-law of Mia. Von Kuton, and Mrs. Hoger Kay. Hlater of Mrs. Von Kuton, urc In Spokane und Mr. Yon Kuton'a HlBtrr, Mr. Krnet Temple, left toiluy for that city accompanied by Mr. Jonc and Mr. Kay. Neyv Arrivals AT THE ARMY STORE. 4 lb. Gray Army Blankets $3.25 Just the thing for saddle blankets. Screened Sides, Smoked Goggles $1.00 Munson Last, Herman's' Russett Shoes $5.50 Good wt. Khaki (cotton) Shirts $1.25 The above articles are new stock, having just ar rived. You haven't seen them' yet. Regulation Army Russett Shoes are now only $7.00 Men's Heavy Coveralls, only $3.25 Come in and see the new Herman officer's dress shoe, cordovan color, rubber heel 'nevcrything. Army & Ivy Sales CO. 546 Main Street PHONE 861 Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less Despain & Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court " Phone 880 Eagle Brand ; Milk $25c Despain & Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 hp rs 4; MM , t ir ' , fA ill LUllo Annie Malono of Cincinnati has tho right plan to keep cool on a hot day. A cake of lea, aji ice crcarn 'one and a (an. REALTY TRANSFERS llrotlur-in-lw 11cm. 1 William J. I'ullerson, nued 54. brother-in-law of Mr. K .Alexunder of thl. city, died th.'s mornimr In I'ort land. according to word received here today by Mr. Alexander. He had been 111 for Home time and Mrs. Alexunder una called to Portland by his Illness. He was formerly a merchant of Buker and Inter president of the Northwest bond and Investment Co. of Los An Keles. He Is survived by a son, Wil liam, Jr., of Baker, and a daughter, Charlotte Patterson, of Oregon City. Mr. Alexander will leave tonight for I'ortland to attend the funeral. Nothing I.Ike ISim len.f One truth learned by actual experi ence doe more good than ten experi ences one hear about. Tell a man that Chamberlain' Colic und Diar rhoea Itemedy will cure pain in the Htomach and he will most likely forget it before the end of the day. Let him have a severe attack of that disease, feel that he is about to die, use this remedy and learn from his own experi ence how quickly It pives relief and he w ill remember it all the rest of hi life. ;.! Adili-e lo Trawler Whether going to the mountain or sea shore, taking a Journey on loudness or pleasure, never leave home without a bottle of Chamberlain' Colic und Diarrhoea Itemedy. It tx'worth many times It cost when needed nnd may Have a life. If TroubKil W ith Indigestion HiIn Will Inlcrcttt You. ' "Some months agovhwi was Iron. bled with Indigestion, I used Chamber lain's Tablets und am only too pleas ed to give this medicine my endorse ment, for It not only cured me of stomach trouble, but Invigorated my whole system. I like these tablets bet ter than anything of the nature 1 have ever used." writes Mrs. Albert Homer, Hamesvllle, N. Y. for the sSloioacb und I. her "About two years ngo I took two bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets for the stomach nnd liver nnd can praise this remedy highly for the grc;it good It did me," writes Mrs. M iry Haven. Sandy Creek, N. Y.. "I liavc since recommended this remedy to some of my friends who have also used It with good result." IMrotibled with Indi gestion or constipation, chamberlain's Tablets will do yon good. i)i;i:is. W. M. l'ciiny to Cora L. Kino. 10 NIK 1-4 NV 1-4 NW 1-4, .Sciv 84 Tp. 6 N. 11. 37,. Florence Cregory to Vernon O'llar- rn, ;:.. Lot :,, bloik 13, or.ginal town of Weston. August Noreen lo I'ertha I.'lgin N"- reon, 1, lot 4, bhick 7!t, Kes. Add., I'endleton. Walter H. Brooke to L. A. rteinc inan, $10. Mete and bound tract in NW 1-4 HU 1-4 Bee. 34, Tp. ;. N. K. K. I'. Uodd to A. C. ltilbolls, I0. KB 1-4 Sit. Ill, SW 1-4 SW 1-4 S-e. 2. SW 1-4 NW 1-4 f-ec. 9, and NK 1-4 NK 1-4, See. 30, Tp. 5, S. It. 31. It. H. Lev is to Wshop l'ailih.ck. 3.)H Lot 1. block 5, J. II. Koontz. Ad.l. K?ho. Sarah It. Alexander lo Win. J. War ner SI. Lit 12, block 1."., .Newport Add., Hermiston. .rowers Storage and Supply Co. to Freowatcr Box Co., :!', mm. met., and bound tract In NK 1-4 SK 1-4, See. 2, Tp. 5. N. II. S5. J. W. Dykes to Mary A. Dykes, SI. IjoI I. Vert's Heuvant View Add. and lots 2, 6. and 8, block 7. McCoy's Add., Milton. l'eter H. Wilson to Oswald M. Johnson, $71. Lot 6,1 block 2. Colum bia Heights Add., Milton. Louis Muller to Karnest and Kmil Muller, $1. SB 1-4 and S" J-2 SK 1-4, S. Sec. 23, Tp. 6, X. R. 34. and S 1-2 See. IS and N 1-2 Sec. 1? and mete and bound tract, Tp. 5. N. It. 33. Declares Tanlac Did His Wife More Gccd Than Every thing Else Combined "r'rom the good Tanlac has done my wife I don't believe il has an pipial," "aid 'ail Johnson, 1215 North Chest nut St., Hpokunc. "She had been a s ifferer from slnm ech trouble for quite u spell. Kood ji st wouldn't amee with her and seemed lo do her more haim thai Kood. Mie was inteiiMi'ly nervous, hardly ever got a goo.l night's sleep, had dreadful headai'hoK and was con tinually taking something for constipa tion. We tr'ed everything we could iblnklof and even cbanited climates, but nothing ilid hT any good. "We had read so nntiii about Tan lac tint we decided to try it. I saw ft milked improvement after she hail finished the first bottle, so she kept on taking it and three bottles have made her fl wdl woman. Her appe tite is s'mply splendid now and every thing she eats agrees with her per feeily. Her aehes and pain are all g"iie, Mhe gels around better nnd taker more interest in tilings and says she feeh belter than she has in a long 'Inn. We are strong for Tanlac at oni h'Mise." W Tlio KiukIUk of OiluiiiIjiM iiiy? laii ntnfc tu piircham' twtn('-ix HtjndrcU aches at NassiHi, Iahnnia hLuihIk, which includpH ihe. auth'intc hUhk iluct of Chrlfc-tojihor roIuinluw, tho patron nuinl of the order. The estate will bo maintained in perpetuity hy the New York stale council of the order. ( Kiist Oregonian Special.) VKIAH, June Miiw Amies Mef- tie and Mivd llicknt l.nth if Tkiah were married at the hmne - n( the hridefl parents Mr. and Mrn. ,1. H. Met tle at hili ii'Hin .Isitie 16, Py Father Butler of Pondlet'in. In the evening a ilaiiee was ien hy the Krnfni to their many friends at the V. Ft. !etr Sfu hall and eoffe and Kandwiches were wrveil followed hy eiaars. Mr. and Mrs. Rlckert are pupular youiifi people of I'kiah ,where they havj many friends and ail wish tficm u Ions; and happy life. Mrs. I-;. It. (lamhee of 1'or'land ar rived Monday evening to attend the wedding of her niece Miss Amies Met tle. When returning from the base hail Same at Alhon last Sunday. Miss Mos- Kit Mettle and Miss Zetui Mettle whh rendered nnconKcioiiH when the ear driven by Frank Chapman threw them from the neat when the ear struck a bridge near the Endicott ranch and while the bruises were very painful at the time they are not Mr- iiUH. Mr, ami Mr. (Iravier mid son of Pe truit, Michigan arrivwj Tuesday even ing to attend the Kickel-Mettic wed dinsc. Monroe Taylor of Fklah was Injured in a runaway a few day ao having a hone broken in his unkle and waa taken to Pendleton Monday for treat ment and Is now at St. Anthonys hospital. Mrs. Jim Johnson and daughter of Kantce were quests nt the I'kiah ho tel Tuesday nisht, on their return from Walla Walla. Walter Stark had his ankle badly (prained Tuesday evening while break ing horses for Albert Peterson. Mrn. Kotl meter of Alhee was in I'kiah Monday on business. John Lorenas left for Pendleton Wednesday after his wife nd infant oaimhter, retumlns Thursday and hae taken rooms at the Constants no te I. Mr. ..mid Mrs. Alderman of Pendle-j ton are visiting at the home of Mr.1 and Mrs. Clyde Heimick, Mrs. Alder man is a sister of Mrs. Heimick. j Mrs. Mapuie Walker and dauehter returned Monday from Hermiston going on to their home near Dale. P. O. Smith, proprietor of the hotel at Ppray, and son Clarence were Ukiah visitors Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Ganger at tended the dance Thursday night. Mrs. Mary Peterson moved a for cays aso into -their new home, recent ly vacated by 1. R. Iauraance. Mrs. Ire Terry and son arrived In I'kiah Friday evening to join Mr. Terry who has purchased the black smith shop. They have rented rooms from Mrs. S J. Heimick. V. R. Peterson and wife left Thurs cay for Spray on a business and plea sure trip. County Judge Schannep of Pendle-1 ton was a I'kiah v.sitor Thursday night, looking over the roads. i Jim Kinder of Range was a husi ness visitor in I'kiah the first of the week. Mrs. J. I. Kirk left Friday mornin;; for Racine Wisconsin with her a'4ed mother, Mr.s. Kwins. who came west about two months ago expecting to make an extended visit here with her daughter, but she finds the high alti tude to much for her. so decided to re turn to her home in the east. Mr. Reed returned to I'kiah a few das ago and is breaking horses, for Albrrt Peterson. The weather has been cob! and cloudy for the last week. tieorce Ness left for Pend'eton Wednesday returning Friday. Mr. Woods, ranger, was in trtwn Fri day from. Kills Station. Mr. and Mrs. Schlarbanm. Mr, and Mrs. Chris Sturm and Arthur htnvilto f Alhee attended the wedtling dance Thursday night. Virgil Peterson and Miss Cressie Manpiis visited at Jlidaway Springs Wednesday. The Hostess WE GUARANTEE WITHOUT TIME LIMIT Here is a new pattern of the famous Wallace silver plated ware. Guaranteed against time, yet sold at prices that are most modest. Our window gives a representative show ing of this beautiful nilver. Notice the soft platinum finish effect the dijrnity 'of its deajgn the new bowls of its serving spoons and ladles. We will gladly tell you all about it and give you the complete price list. , Teatpcon: fhe et $3.25 -deujeieiy fWvton riM l.urgr-4 Diamond I Haulers In ! rii im-- m IqUALITY SERVICE SANITATION This Is Your Store It is your store just as it has been the store of hundreds of other satisfied customers. Here vou'll find a service that will appeal to you, just as it has to many, many others. Wholesome, pure and appetizing in every thing that comes from our grocery line. A trial will convince you as to our superiority. Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 435 -If It's on the Slarket We Have It' At the Sign of Service n OREGON Theater STARTING MONDAY June 20 NIGHTS MON.-TUES.-WED. FRED SIFGEL STOCK CO PRESENTS CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED Eager to Join Cup Team KOEITEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE -tSWhTIIIIIKiJ A. C. Kocppcn & Bros. The KrtiK Ktom Tlial Kpi-tm Vim IIC fct-iit Salt' rcoplc-s Winvhousp, I Yf- nmii-e K"rpo flT bluiw with oai li vi it admis sion ul V.-K!inun-FjkIo Hall Uiiiioo only, t-oii-plos .UK-; Iodic 5c 1 Divorce Question Vlncnt Kirhnrrts. ty terniln klnff. ta ttt!ln(f for a place on the Davis cut. team which will defend the cup this fall In a aerlea of matches agalnat 11 other nativ. Criik-a call lurn a miniatuw ot Big EiU TUden, boss o' tennlsdoro. - CONROY'S CASH GROCERY Buy your Groceries all week, these are not Sat urday special hut every day prices. Carnation Milk 8 for fj.00 Borden's Milk. 8 for $1-00 Laid, Armour's, 10 lbs. net $2.00 Lard, No. 10 tins f J-JJ Schillings Coffc, 2' 2 lbs $1.00 Schillings Coffee, 5 lbs. $2-00 Hills Red Coffee, 1 lb. 45c; 2 lbs. $1.10; 3 lbs . 2-20 M. J. B. Coffee, 1 lb. 45c; 3 lbs. $1.35; 5 lbs. $2.20 Hi Bars Crystal. Yhite Soap $100 1( bars Boh YVhite Soap $1-00 Gallon Sweet Tickles $2.00 No. 2'i Tins Teanut Butter 40c 5 lb. Tins Peanut Butter $1.00 1 j MI