3 twyMf-inW 1G2 tlGHT DAILY EAST OREGOtflAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 18, 1021. TEN PAGES. Dressed Up ARCAD Sunday Monday MOTION PICTURE NEWS raStime ""Monday Children, 10c Children, 5c Adult, 30c E Adults. 35 rAHTIMi: H VIHV AM) MDXIUV vutuva w.urov xMi(. IN "AM, 1K)I I 1 I I l" Cindy Wnllnn. the hrrlimr of " I "I i K T'ltlim." Milch tilrl. fwoi dirl" nnrt Olhrr Vcnt (MirrrwoM, IU Tu sron nl 1h Puptlin Thcnlr nrxl Sunday mid M-mdiiy In "AM Ihdled Ci." R hI.tv h Juhn tilton pi-iOneed f.ir rnlveraal vndcr Ihr dlrrrtlnn .if Kollln Stiiri'n. ''All Ikllrd W rtmooftiB pipl Mile hnp ltl nml h rirh -I'lrslw V.'huKff llV Hffnil'H iH'iVtllt' MrarCt'ly Irvolved. An thr- yniy open lhr lii'p rtrl I men frlllns u vry frifliv trmis menti to the Kidnnier hn whiinTi o her thul hr In lo imirry KtMtolphu, iho rurnouK tenor. I'nor liitlp Marntir, the hop girl, Kinllm pnvlmtidy, for thr only tppriMKh In love which she hurt pcrlcnred llir 8iiKVcstiv( ad Vliict of the xli-rli floor wnlk-r. M.T.X M N1Y AMI MOMMY Klibtbcth Median William-", who app-ar In "The Plaything of ISroad H'Ay.' RHlnrl'a jn'oond marring vrhi tle for JiiMlnr Johnsione, ih tlv center of h marlntrxm of commcm lnrt UmnlT raiiicerulnjt t It appwirnnce of Women In public In bathing rosltir. Mim William!!. ip of the tusi known American wnnipn nvimmers, ttKH tn rtinrfp of the municipal bathing boarh at iH-trolt. Pally loseons were given tliprc to nunitn. ami to excite ln tt rpsr In thp bench nnd Its ailvanuui'a 2Uls Wllliaiua and city executive planned a mermaid' frolic. Many of Detroit's best known (daughter atrrecd to appear tn the frolic, which Included a parade through the businoiw section of the City. The parude was staged, the rarticipants. In costumes a la MacK Sonnett, riding cn large trucks. -V,- V - f -: i - V - ,7 ' t r " ' - J f J; , t The wrist watch orr "Sugar's'' law is iart of his daily street cos tume. Sugnr Is owned liy Mrs. C. J. Colo of Yvnice. CaU m )C0! ip; AIUWIH? Sl'XDAY . AM) MONDAY I ' Memliers of tne sporting fraternity J tho enthuse at the sight of a thor oughbred racehorse and who. in a pe riod now almost gone, have thrilled al J the hair-raising finish of a grent met- j lopolitan handicap, mill rpvel in the many spectacular racing st-enes which j featur "The HVmie Stretch," Douglas i Macljean's latest raramount picture j "hlch will be presented at thp Arcade ! Theatre for two days beginning Sun- j day next. ' The tensp moments of waiting for the start, and the murmertng shout of : "They're off!'' the stirring finish and the feverki excitement of the betting PORTLAND." Tune IV (l ! Mis Ellen t'hamber'.ain, of Portland the first woman ever elected to the. presidency of the Oregon Pioneer As sociation, was raised to that off.ee at the election las night. IMS. OFFICIALS WASHINGTON. June 1M. (I. P.I - tibservers here of the trend ol ring will rcuwaken glorious memories world affairs are becoming- impressed of the days when llolmont Park, with the evident desire of Japan to ton la. Saratoga . springs. Ascot and feel ucipiuintetl with America. Rmeryville were the w-orsh'pptng Bhxlncs of the disciples of Chance. While some rather .IngoiKtically re- I gjird this with apprehension, the gen ; erul oiiuion among officials and MICADE TODAY (members of ct:)Kiess here is that li tine ever?- five years, there comes a pan is taking the right means of nii'k (reet crook drama. - " ling the I'nited States ami its people - In 150 there was "Jim the Pen- j Known to Japan and its oeople. and man." ithut. therefore. It is by that much !i- ' Jn 1)1S there was "Ieah Kleschna." I mi-ishing the danger of serious Ji''- In 11 there was "Alias Jitnrav I fc-rnee between the two nations. Valentine." j TSe evidence of the Japanse desire ; Now in ls eomea od Browninsjto &t acquainted with America, what, xelth "Outside the Law," an under- jever the purpose may be, is seen here ! Vorld epic, starring prlscilla Dean and jjr. the presence constantly of a sub ' n hlch appear txm Chaney. K. A. j stunt ial continfjent of Japanese news ' Varren. Ralph Iewis. Wheeler Onk- paf-cr men. The visitors' register in man. Melbourne Mai-Dowell and Wil- tl e senate press gallery, where for ton Taylor. Whether this will be an- eiirn journalists inscribe their names. Kther cHassis of crookdom. of cours. jshow that during the present and the Cannot safely be predicted. But thel-ist s-ssion of congress ti vten Ja))3- fa"ored few who have already viewed I n-'se .ournalists looked in on the s this Universal-Jewel feature film, pro nounce it a smashing human drama ate. This is remarkable when it is con- i ' ' ') I ' ' J axh Wll'L t ft; ivy '-g; Taking Johnny as a grocery cleVk, he surely did know racehorses! Tart is he owned the finest, fastest stce that ever l!ut thereby hangs this tale. A romance that speeds past gloom with a grin and beats It under the wile. Thomas-H. Ince . . . .presents i Doudlas MacLean in THE HOME STRETCH11 Q. QhomasKJnce Production ivy UMrcjl'llX ( I i P ! i' ' f iVatch for f "N-acain gin I rirh vaman! - . , , ciothx Strang man ;V blackmo.il V-a oci''j4n- Qee , 'atioTi ' GLADYS, WALTOH ' in ' th pppry story oti 'a. city porovwnoJt j j borrowed plwmagt' brought advn-kuft' A &.' est 'ft 1 1 SOW3W Cirecte4 tyHiH SzUrgeo COMEDY "SHORT AND SWEET" COMEDY "SHUFFLE THE QUEENS" mg her trained observers to this coun try to go among the people, ascertain sentiment, and go back home- better qualified to interpret American atti tudes and policies. The visiting Japanese do not re main long In Washington. For the most party they stay here two or I three days or a week, and then go to other eilies. Many of them have toured the country virtually from end to end. Those who while here ex pressed any sentiments regarding I things American, most politely holi- euted that what they saw pleased and interested them. As 'to antl-Ja- panose sentiment, or hostility, they have little to say. One or two of them, however, huve stated while here that except foi certain localities, they,; found no such feeling. favored with a romance of the under- 'sldered that from no other nation have world nd the mystery of a terrific j there come half so many journalists oriental Justice. Arcade screengoers in double that length of time. Eng tHI have opportunity to form their lish journalists rank next in number. own opinion of "Outside -the Iiw." but the register shows fewer than half when Drowning" play is shown at the a dozen of them. That it is apparent ! Arcade Thealre today. to observers here that Japan is send-j That Tired Feeling U Ji't Ai Much a Warning as I old family medicine Is "Step, Look and Listen." tt indicates run-down conditions nd means that you must purify your blood, renew your atrcngth tone and your "power of resist nre," or he In great danger of se rious sickness, the rrip, flu. fevers, contagious ami infectious diseases. I not make light of it. It is aerious. Give it attention st once. Ask your druggist for Hood's harsaparllla. He knows this good Just the Thins to Take in Spring for that tired feeling, loss of appe tite, debility. It is an ali-the-year-round medicine, wonderfully effective in the treatment of scrof ula, catarrh, rheumatism and run down afier-diseae conditions. "My husband has taken Hood's Parsaparilla every spring for years, and it always puis him in shape. He is 5H years old." Mrs, N. Campbell. Derafhr. III. A miid laxative. Hood's Pills, Hood's Sarsaparilla OVERCOMES THAT TIRED FEELING. BUILDS UP HEALTH ALT A Children 10c Sunday Monday Adults 40c VAUDEVILLE KENDAL & SLATER No Children Allowed. CARLTON CHASE International Singing and Talking Comedian. REALART PICTURES Present '.ftJt il. 12 r-r MM SHOW HER YOUR BANK BOOK The young woman who takes the chance o( tying her future with yours has practical, .serious prob lems ab.pad. No doubt you want to provide for her comfort and happi ness but good intentions will not pay for a vacation, a pleasure trip or comtoru that mean so much. Show her your bank book be cause he ha a right to know what you have. been doing with your money and what efforts you have made to provide for a home. Show her your bank book for your own good. It wilf bring home to you the need of practical man agement of your income and time. It will strengthen your resolution to 4 : ft ' ; i i ; A 1 Alta CHILDREN 10c Today ADULTS 40c Eugene O'Brien IN GILDED LIES VAUDEVILLE ANGELO ARMENTO AND BROTHER World's Taste st Tumblers DOYLE & GRIFFITH Love. and Divorce FOX SUNSHINE COMEDY "HIS FIERY BEAT" QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Oregonian Printing Department f Arcade Today Justine Johnstone IN The Plaything of Broadway .- The pet of libertines and idlers, keeping the pack at pay. was hard. Many men loved and desired Lola, who was the playtiing of Broadway. INTERNATIONAL NEWS PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE A BIO ( hildrcn, lilt; OTFXB5 wk?) v.,, Tfc?. ' Iftjousec this ftlls g&) I womgn tjoull knov i ls? ' J ncr instantlij bij her VI T tx eics ( r Jy "t dangerous smile ' x. ''wr-1 exquisite own : 7K nlmb,e fibers -tbch her! A J y V- 'J I li (rz i Adnllx, 3.MJ save and provide for her. (41 . Il Dii pr -A h, I i f V TOD. BRAY PICTOGRAPji iHil