East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 14, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    , y, ,,.' . .v w.w.'.' iw . : jvrt-TtfT(n'vM"ns , ,w,iii'i' ww. wvVVrV yorvi'v
r t rf lilt J J1 f J J I," .
,miL.. - i u nm. u ui 11 m mmmm w I l i ill iihumjuj8
Including Pendleton Price and Associated Press Reporta
lloaa HK'ailr J lilt
sille himI hhrcii imip
(Prom the Oregon Journal.)
There were 140 carloads of livestock
reported in the North I'nrtland allays
over Sunday, hut lj carloads of theie
wn direct hipmems to outside kill
pro and were not offered here. Hons
were nirady to a quarter hlKher, rattle
were lnw with a low of hoc In spots. I
while dpiiriwiliin and 2So tn 50c indi
cated In sheen and Inmha.
Ii wns i record run thnt struck the
iheip nllcya at North rortland for the
iiwk'i opening. Struck b. a very good
word In describing Hie aitiiatlrm. for
Willi a showing of 6fi4 head of new
arrival In the alleys, the market stag
ered considerably at the openinr.
Itcmilt m an early loss of 2Sc to 50c,
while trading was extremely low.
The quotation on rooiie cowa drop
pert 50c Monday morning and 50c
Monday afternoon. With the fartor
of quality considered, however, the
.ollar drop amounted to only I Sc.
(ieneral aheep and lambs ranite:
r.aai of Mountain lamh t ;5ff 6.73
HeH valley lamb J. 00 St 8.25
Fhlr to good lambs 5.00f S.no
full lanilw 1MB 5.00
l.Uht yearling 4.60 W 5. IS
Heavy yearlings .r 4.00f 4.50
Ught wethera 4.00 4.50
Heavy wethera J.OflM 4.00
J Ewe
1.00? 4.00
of the cattle market at
North I'ortliind for the week's open
log will rather poor, liver Sunday ar
rivala In this division were llleriil with
a tot.-.l of ;S4 head as compared with
the showing of 14 70 head Inst Monday
and 24 head for thla same day a year
At the start tnere was a loss of about
60c In the price of steers as comparer
with last week final figures, tint trad,
was slow and weak in the entire divi
sion, and while there were few reall
worth while cows and heifers In sight,
the depression In the steer section gave
the entire market a tinge of weakness
that could not he shaken.
Choice cows and heifers dropped 50c
Monday afternoon, and the top price
for medium cowa and heifers to good
cowa and heifers foil 60c.
General cattle market range:
Choice steers $ T.iOff 7.T5
Medium to good steers . . ;.00f 7.50
Pair to medium steers .. (.000 "
Common to fair steera . . 4.A0 4 t.OO
Choice cows and heifers 5.5flfr (.00
Medium to good cows and
heifers 6.00 6.50
Fair to medium cows and
heifers 4.00 f 5.00
Common cows, heifers . . J.OOfi 4.00
Canners !.00fi S.00
Choice Feeders 5.25 5.60
By Stanley
masssasiEsasazBiiaBmiaMsTa P00 we tee r
iiT hes been discovered why the proprietor.
VWtora are cordially invited to ute our rent
writintj-nxims, trk-phonew and hank facilities.
The American National Bank
Pendleton. Oregon.
'Strongest Sank in Gastern Oregon"
Preierve your Health
Protect Your Family,
buy them an
. Refrigerators
This refrigerator is seamless, porcelain lined, used In over a
million and a half homes In America. The materials used In the
Alaskan are seven walls of Insulation, overhead circulation sys
tem, cork filled and equipped with removable, rust proof wlr
shelves. -
No. 907 E, ice capacity 25 pounds $22.00
No. 622, ice capacity 60 pound $36.00
No. 623, ice capacity, 100 pound $44.50
Other (tyle moderately priced.
Cruikshiink & Hampton
"Quality Count."
124-28 E. Webb phone 548
Imr Old rural uire Takra In dchaxve aa Part Farment oo New
EarJualTa AxvoU in Peodlrnn for Arroltu (No Whip) Porch
J.0 4.T6
.60 10.00
S.OOdji 1.60
(.00 o .oo
3MQ (.00
Fair to good feeders , ,
Choice dairy calves . . .
Trime light calves . . ,
Med. light dairy calves
Heavy calves
While several loads of hog were
sold early In the Monday trade In the
North Portland alleys at 9.!5, which
Indicated an advance- of ilc over the
previous market, trade conditions were
substantially the same as the closintt
of last week. Then there were no di
version hoju offering- and the best
brought $ In the alleys. Diversion
hogs were offered Monday morning
and sold at $.S5. Thla la substantially
what it la coating packers to bring
hogs from the midwest.
(ieneral hog market rant-a-Prime
light $ 8.T3 T 9.i'
smooth heavy, J50 to J00
Pounds 1.25
Smooth heavy, SCO and
"P 6.250S 7.25
Hough heavy 5.00 T.OO
Fat Pigs H.OOti) 9.26
Feeder nima a &art r.
stags j. no 1f
traction Continues
On Stock Market
NEW YORK. June 14. (A. r.)
The general reaction of the Inst four
weeks was substantially extended in
the early and Intermediate stages of
yesterday's stock market but a sharp
recovery occurred and many specula
tive favorites replaced losses of one to
five points with actual gains of the
same amount.
Shorta figured prominently In the
morning"s reversal, but their opera
tions apparently were secondard to tha
liquidation of holders t long stocks,
notably steels and equipments.
Other elements of weakness Includ
ed oils, shippings, sugar, tobaccos,
chemicals and utilities at gross declines
of 2 to 5 points. Motors and their ac-j
cessones trailed at more moderate recessions-Many
railroad shares until recently
regarded as investment issues were
offered. Northern Pacific and Great
Northern on which dividend action
waa soon expected, were among the
few stocks to manifest little recupera
tive power.
The final hour's recoil was laid to
technical conditions. leaders includ
ed Studebaker, Mexican Petroleum
American Sugar and American Wool
en. Sales 1,085,000 shares.
The money market waa quiet and
easy. All call loans were made at six
per cent, probably because of last
week's large gain In clearing house re.
serves. Only a moderate inquiry for
brokers' loans and commercial peper
was reported.
British, French and other Important
foreign exchanges were firm or steady,
the only noteworthy exceptions being
Dutch, ."Swiss and Scandinavian rates.
Private cables from London referred
hopefully to the British coal strike.
Liberty bonds were heavy with un
even tendencies In other domestic Is
sues. Mexican government fives fea
tured the International list, gaining
3 4 per cent on advices that Interest
payments on those and kindred issue
were to 6e resumed. Total sales, par
value, 12.JT5,000.
Wheat For Future
Delivery Makes Gain
CHICAGO, June 14. (A. P.) Fu
ture deliveries of wheat Jumped yes
terday to new high price records for
the season. Extreme gains, however,
were not held. The market closed un
settled, 1 U to 4c net higher, with July
1.394 to JI.40 and Sept. $1.27 to
fl.27. Corn finished 5-8 to 1 6-8c
up and oats up 5-8 to lc. In provi
sions the outcome varied from 10c de
cline to an advance of 2 '4 c.
With reports current telling of damage-
from hot winds and of prospective
damage from black rust, the majority
of wheat traders rushed to the buying
side when the market opened. As
much as six cents a bushel in some
cases waa added to values before the
eagerness to purchase was overcome.
Then the market began to slip and at
tention turned largely to gossip that
country offerings had materially In
creased. The fact, too, gained notice
that hot dry weather tended to facili
tate rapid progress of the harvest, even
though leading to Injury where growth
was still needed. Bears made much
also of seaboard messages telling of
lack of export business and of for
eign offers to re-sell. Profit taking by
holders showed a lull in the final half
hour and the market was rallying at
the last.
Corn and oats obtained their
strength from the action of wheat.
Demand came chiefly from shorts.
Provisions were irregular, influenc
ed on the one side by lower hog values
and on the other by the upturn In
Rrown Sugar IIi-iujih
Low Price at Orleans
NEW OULKANS, June 14. (A. P.)
Brown sugar sold for 25c a hundred
pounds here today. Five) thousand
bags, brought here last year from Gua
temala In the "sugar rush" brought
from one quarter to three quarter
cents a pound at a government auc
tion. The prices obtained were not
sufficient to pay the duty.
All Grain Supplies
Show Some Increaae
NEW YORK. June 14. (A. P.)
The visible supply of American bond
ed grain shows the following changes
Wheat Increased 1.891,000 bushels.
Corn increased J.102,000 bushels.
Oats increased 679,000 bushels.
Rye Increased 100,000 bushels
Barley Increased 80,000 bushels.
Stf -c,
law is thnt which keeps one person
from asking another for the two-bils
the one ltit the other.
Yes, Jasper, an artist Is the only man
who can draw a bottle of beer.
A surgeon has performed nn opera
tion to give a baby, horn without ears,
a pair of them, if It had been a girl
Instead of a boy. Its mother could have
done Its hnlr up In the fashionable ear
j pads, and saved the expense of nn ope.
His Name Is Mudd
One of Maryland's congressmen Is
named Sydney E. Mudd. Now we
know where that famous saying orlKi
nated. Psalm of Summer Life
Tell me not, In manner whining,
This hot "weather makes you sick!
Don't forget how you were pining
For this very same: Why kick?
What though days are somewhat tor
rid And the temperature appalls
"N" perspiration down your forehead
Rushes like Niagara Falls
Let us, then, forego the holler,
What avails us to be sad?
Lay aside your linen collar.
Don your Bceveeaeze be glad!
After a little talk with Bill Lydny
we decided that It Is more profitable
to argue with a fool than a cop.
On Osculation
A girl's first kiss is childish curiosity
her second misplaced confidence, her
third carelessness, and after that they
may be said to mean anything. T. B.
A. Magazine.
That is distinctly a mnn's kiss, not
a girl's.
Ordinarily, a girl Is always sincere
in her osculation. In race cases when
she Isn't, any man who has Been hon
estly kissed four times can see it. An
experienced he-klsser can't be fooled.
There Is no such thing as a lady
vamp, but all masculine demonstra
tions should be discounted 90 per
cent. We accept all feminine goods In this
line, from baby to grandma, at par.
A curious reader asks a Portland
paper for a definition of the nnwrlt-,
ten law. That's easy. The unwritten
(I'nited Press Staff Correspondent)
NEW YORK. June 14. Unless
Australia pulls the unexpected with a
i team of youngsters, America and Ja
I pan very likely will fight It out for
the Davis Cup next September.
For the first time In years, the ten-
. mo viuoniv win titr. iuru WIIIIVIII low
i veteran N'orman Brookes and Gerald
Peterson, Australia's ncea of yester
day. '
Brookes and Patterson have both
been left off the team nominated by
Australia for the Davis Cup matches.
Backing youth rather than age and
experience, tie Australians have nam
ed J. B. Hawkes, N. Peach, J. O. An
derson and either R. V. Thomas or
W. Todd for the team.
Australia frankly does not expect
nucn trom me team In this year
competition but the radical ?han$e In
the personnel of the squad v:us made
with eyes on the future.
England and France may show
some unexpected form but with the
Australians less formidable than an
tlcipated. It looks as If Japan will fur
nlsh the gTeutest opposition to the
American Cup holders.
Schlmldzu, runner up at the Biitlsh
national championships last year, has
been able to get a leave of ubsem.e
trom his business in India and will
play In the cup matches Kumagnc
and Kasiho also have been named for
the team.
William Tilden, star member of the
American team, predicts that the Japs
will be the hardest to beat.
Spain already is out of the compe
tition, having been defeated by the
British Isles team In the first round.
French scientists who experiment
with radium lire using gloves lined
with lead. Wooden tables lined with
lead save the legs of the experiment
ers and the rest of the body is pro
tected by thin metallic sheets.
Hairpin Wedding Ring
PORTLAND, June 14. A, P.)
Vnless there is another hot spell,
causing a further rise, the crest of
the flood has been reached. The up
per Columbia and the Snake rivers
are dropping. The Willamette liver
is stationary with a forecast of a slow
drop for the next thrtt day.
I,. , . ; 4
! v ! - J
f 1 I
.'TV , S V j
Thi iwcepinfr rtdnction of $140 is made by the LuIIey
ljffht Corporation by arbitrarily accepting a heavy loan,
believing that no drantio a reduction will result in in
creased gale, which will in time wipe out the loot to
Already farmers hav responded in large numbers know
ing that this offer will expire Mar 31st., uulcxs sufficient
orders are received to keep the Wley factories going at
full speed which only can warrant a continuance of
this low price of $485.
So yon should take advantage of this opportunity NOW
to get this highly refined I alley IJght at a price actually
below pre-war level. In the New, Bigger, Better, Mure
Powerful I Alley you gut:
Th Ifodel II Ijalley vritK (U ampU porer cavacit)
Tk 11 odd H 1 Alley vilk 11 yeart' vnporalleUd suctem
Tki liodd II Lalley, tht most rimpU in contttntctitm
Th Model II IMley that is the most accessible
Tie Model 11 lailty that in every respect "Doe Mart
and Does' It Better"
The Model 11 Lalley backed by a yeat guarantee
Dost wait a day longer. The time ia short. Come m and
see the Lalley in operation, or phone or write for full
particulju-s. Learn how the Lalley will pay for itself.
Sturgis & Storie
Walla Walla and
Regular ice delivery will start Tuesday,
June 1st. Call 178 for an ice card or stop
our drivers and ask for a card from them.
We invite criticism.
Kindly report any inattention oour
drivers to the office.
Phone 178 "
Quantity Service
Gloria Swanson in "The Great Moment," Elinor Olyn's flrst photoplay.
, She is married In haatt and uses pia (rem htr bair, twisted Into r circle,
as a weddJBf rtac . . .-
Nature Pays
A Bonus Now
This Is the season when you Ret double comfort and satlBfuc.
tlon out of every mile you ride In an automobile.
Any-ar earns blKiter dividends In happiness for the next six
months than at any other time in the year.
Tluy now. .
A Dollar Enjoyed is a Dollar Saved
Oregon1 Motor Garage
Phono 468 .