, . , . FROM THE COURT HOUSE; HATS OFF FOR THE FLAG f fSt -y , I DAILY EDITION- r Sf -3" DAILY EDITION Lf - COUNTY OFT i OVER 3Uu MEMBERS OF HEROIC G. A. R. AND ALLIED ORGANIZATIONS NOW ASSEMBLED IN CONVENTIONS DEADLOCK LOOMS N ING PEACE! Senator Lodge Will Not Give in to House Measure Unless Compelled to He Intimates. SENATE WOULD STAND BY KNOX RESOLUTION Republican Leaders Grapple With Task of Maintaining Peace in Their Own Ranks. WASHINGTON'. June 14. (U C. Martin, l.". I. Staff Correspondent.) Republican lender in the senate far ed the problem of making pence with - Uermany mid keeplnm pent In their own political rank, following the house passage yesterday of thn I'nrter peace resolution and the rejection of the Knox resolution which panned the senate. The senate Insists 011 the Knox measuie and the house Insists on the I'ortcr measure. ' They fear a deadlock, threnten'nR an Indefinite .delay In the restoration of the peace talus. Senator Lodge made It clear he halt no Intention of giving In to the house without a slrujjgle. "We will have something to ray about the final form of this resolution, be mire of that." Lodge declared. He favor the substl tutlon of the Knox resolution for Port era. ' Senator Knox told bis friends he had no pride in the authorship, bin his resolution was carefully drawn and seemed to meet the situation. Treaty In Xewmutrr, WASHINGTON, June 14. (Her bert W. Walker. V. V. Staff Corres pondent) The teaty for peace be tween the I tilled States and Germany must follow the enactment of peace resolution, republican) liciiiKe leader fresh from a conference with the pres ident declared. Such an action is ne cessary to settle the disputed questions arising between the two nations after the final peace resolution passes, to establish the right of the Inlted State to settle the damage claims and fu ture dealings with the Germans, LABOR LEADERS CITE OF STEEL MILLS Secretary of Federation Says Gary Can Not be Very Solicitous- of Men's Welfare. DENVER, June 14 ( J. I. O'Sulll tan, U. P. Staff Correspondent.) Uibor leaders cite the working condi tions: of the steel mills, replying to the attacks on them 1y E. H. llary, head of the inited States steel corporation. Krank Morrison, secretary of the fed eration, declared that more credence would be placed on Gary's remarks ' should he allow his men to organize for their betterment, let them work eight hours a day Instead of twelve and pay good wages Instead of cut ting them at the first opportunity. "Gary can not he very solicitous of the men's welfare," declared .Morrison, answering the Gary speech before the students of the Syracuse university, when he forces them to work long j hours and ruts their wages." Tho labor convention marked t'me while the' committees framed resolu tions, reports and other routine mat- lets. The main part or the convention will not start until the last part of the week. tJlle adverse sentiment is felt opposing the re-election of Samuel (rompers for president. His speech yesterday was generally approved and absolutely solidified his position as a lender. Close friends of John U Lew is, head of the t'nlted Mine workers, admit of little chance In placing him over the head of the veteran leader at this convention. IIAI1R KI TH UKTS TWO NEW YOltK, Jin 14. (f. I.) Pabo llulh clouted two more homers against 'Detroit, Duuss being the vie- tlm. This Is the seventh in five days, and the I! 3rd of the season. CATTLE PIUCKS 1IU1' POhiwAU, June 14. (A. P.) Cattle are ss rents lower, choice steers t are 7.til; hogs are 2 cents lower, prime Unlit l.;f. ftjjs.tm. Sheep are .1 rents h'ghor, east of tho mountain lambs S . MXi f J. 00. Ksc's and butter re steady. OVER RESOLUTIO in I l lfl Wf '. . jp fff ' I - INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT G. A. R. FOLK NOW GUESTS IN SUNNY CITY "I aift find the little creel; I camp ed by 4 years sgirwhen I visited Pen dleton," says n. X. Abbott, of War renton. o. A. It. Veteran who is a visitor during the encampment. When Pendleton was an Infant city two years old, Mr. Abbott stopped here snd ient the night. He wns returning from the Indian wars, of which he Is a veteran as well as being an old Civil War fight er. The O. A. II. encampment being held in Pendleton Is the fortieth encamp ment of the state organization. J. T. Butler, of Gladstone, depart ment commander, says he will Join the rnnks of past commanders tomorrow. Other past Voinmanders who are here are 8. R niythe. of Hood Kivcr, Dr. .1. K. Hall, of Portland, 15. H. Turner, of MrMlnnvlllc, W. J. Heach. of Foresl drove, and Kam Taylor, of Kugene. Twenty-eight years ago, when the fl. A. II. encampment was held in Pen. dletnn April 12 and 13, n. H. Turner, G. A. R. VETERANS ADMIT THEY LIED t44t4t4 SOME ABOUT THEIR AGES IN ORDER TO HELP ABE LINCOLN A ND THE FLAG An Informal Ananias club: Ordinarily, most any Individual Is likely to get pee.vlsh when he Ik placed In such a category as this, hut veteran members of the Grand Army of the Republic who are in Pendleton for their annual state encampment are forming Just that sort of a club. The qualifications are not determined by who can tell the biggest II-mt, fib now. Rut the men who can belong are thosa who added a year, or two, or three, or maybe more to their ages when they enlisted In the l:nlnn army. The legal age was IS for entrance, but there were a lot of men who fought In the wsr who lacked a lot of being that old when they held up their right hands and took the oath that bound them, body and soul, to the cause of the North in the great con fllct,. Veterans smile now when accused of having sworn falsely to their age when they enlisted, "I guess I'm guilty,'' confessed R. M. Abbott, now senior vice-commander of the Oregon department. ,"I was only sixteen, but I Rot In and saw a lot of service." George H. Perkins of Monmouth who saw service as a member of the 49th Wisconsin Infantry admitted that there was one time in his life when he "doctored" the truth the least it. "I was Just a little past IB," he sn'd. W. H. Hay of Forest Grove enlisted at Perorla when he was 1" during the last year of the war. "' 'an n"'v from home when I was 1 J but my daddy came and collared me and took me home nnd gnve me n liri 'nir," he said with a smile. David Weaver who enlisted In Illin- OAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 14, 1921. THE HEART OF THE NATION of Mi Xiinnvillc. attended. He Is here today and Is lool.lng for other veter ans who were Pendleton guests In days gone by. He recalls that H. H. Northrup was department commander and that J. C. Cooper, of McMinmille. was electfd new commander. Mr. Turner Is himself a past commander, having served in J903. He was. dur ing the t'tvil War, a member of th Indiana Volunteer Infantry and is one of the youngest looking veterans In attendance at the encampment. The patriotic colors, Red, White and; Tllue. predominate in the lovely Pen- cilotnn flowers which are used in deco- i rating the i:iks loiige room, library and f I. . . P. hall where the enenmnment sessions are being held. Red and whij roses and blue cornflowers earrv out the Idea. A vteran of veterans Is A. J. Coop er, of The Dalles, who because he is III hts nineties. Is the oldest n. A, R. tun n here. Mr. Cooper Is In good hoalth although his hearing Is failing. o s was also under nso, but he still re fuses to tell how much. "Yes. j 1 ed a little, but you know it wns hard for us boys to htay at home when we paw the hoys who were just a little bit older poln away. We weren't any good at home, so finally our par ents would Just let us go," se said. D. H. Van Kl'k was with the lth Oh(o Infantry, and when pressed," h will admit that he forgot just the exact late of his birth. He formerly lived In Oklahoma, hut he is at Hillsboro at present. ".o, I didn't lie, because I couldn't," was the way j. T. Dnywald keeps out of the club. " had three older broth ers, nnd my folks nvuie nie stay .tit home until I was 1 s." He served In fh 4Sth ( ihlo Infantrv. Other additions are expected to the membership of the club as acquaint ances are renewed. "It was serious at one time to' ad mit that we lied, but I guess we are oh' enough now to tell the truth nhout it." ime -veteran said, and comrades who were i landing by smiled and nodded their beads. WAMINOTUN, jnm- 14. (A. f (NnnmHtider Ratsltm Holm ok, rapt m In "f the rts'fltMH!n1 yarht Mnvflnwer vns fonmilly ilosimmttMl yostonljiy nk nnat it to IVPsitlrnt HnriitiiR H w II ront nuo in vontmnnd uf th Mayfti.wcr. His brother, J. C. Cooper, was elected commander when the G. A. R. met here i!S years ago. John Simpson is official elevator man at the Klks temple during the encampment. John Is assisted in handling the crowds by many Boy Scouts in uniform, who live up to the scout creed by doing not one, but doz ens, of good deeds each day. (3. A. R. encampment visitors are renewing friendship with Claud Barr, secretary of the Pendleton Commercial Association. Mr. Barr was secretary of the Astoria Association last year when the veterans and ladles visited that city for annual encampment ana he Is recognized by scores of dele gates who are expressing appreciation of Mr. Ban' efforts to make the visit a pleasant one. Mr. Barr is assisted j by Mrs. Lowell K. Kearn, who is in charge of the accommodations and in- ; toimation desks. j An honored guest of the Oregon en- c unpment of the G. A. It. is Dr. M. W. Wood, of Boise, Idaho, veteran of the Civil War, Indian wars, Spanish Am erican War and of the World War. Dr. Wood served in the medical corps of the three latter wars but says the proudest days of bis life were when he carried a musket in some of the bloody bat ties of the Civil War. . For 1(1 years S. F. Blythe, of Hood River, wb.i served during the Civil War in the 2id Ohio, was editor of tha I Hood River Glacier-and he still takes j an Interest in newspaper work. His; son, Ned lllythc. is chief copy editor I on the Oregon Journal. The elder Mr. j BlMhe is a past department command. er. ' ,8im Taylor, past department com mander, served In the 13th Pennsyl van'a Cavalry. Mr. Taylor Is in charge of the Soldiers Home at floscberg. Gideon Stolr.. G. A. R. man from Sa lem, owns a 'cider factory in the capi tal city; Mr. Stofc Is one of the pio neers of Oregon and well known throughout the state. Any woman who wears the liuiirna of the Daughters of Veterans ts a ; daughter of a IS. A. It., while the Iji , die of the O. A. It. are wives, ilanh itern and sisters nf the heroin. Hlood rctaUoiiHhiii to a tnemher of the O, A. : It Is not required hy the Women's Relief t'orpn. Of he three women's ofKH-nixution. it membership Is Kieutest and in this state totals 4 &nn. A year ukA there were 2 members lin the-Drum Torps of the (i. A. R. Today there are seven. I. S. Vaughn 'and W. H, Rrooks played at the fu ineral of I.innoln Mil K. M. (run( uses the very sticks he used years awo (when pluyltifr "Hail o i;.e Chief i when thn jjreat emancipator reviewed I the troops at Petersburg. J. T. tut - ler. department commander, is a member of the corps, and uses the sticks use4 In CivU War days. Mrs. Jennie Small, librarian for the ladies of the (5. A. R'., is the daoRh- trr-in-liw of Mrs. Rebecca Smalt, of j Albany, one of the early presidents of Continued on page two THINK GARDNER SEEK DAY A! CASTLE ROCK Man Answering Description Ordered Breakfast But Did Not Stop to Consume Meal. 1 , , . FUGITIVE DISAPPEARED, MARSHAL IS IN CHASE Suspicious Actions of Man Caused Officers to Accept View He is Lost Prisoner. CASTLE KIK'K. Wash., June 14. (A. P.) A man believed to 1e Roy (Jardner was thought surrounded at "The flock" half ji mile south of here this morning. The suspect first ap pealed at 6 o'clock and asked Henry Wend where he could get something to eat. He was directed to the Royal restaurant. He entered the restau rant and ordered a meal, but was frightened when he saw Wend pass the window twice, and ran south, dis appearing behind "The liock" from which the town Rot its name. Sheriff Hogsiatt was notified. He gathered! a posse and Immediately surrounded the vicinity. A force of special railway agents was rushed from Kelso to aid in the hunt. IT. William-son, propr:e- 1 tor of the restaurant( said the- r.wn answered Gardner's description. He was coluirless and bad four days' growth of beard. He had gold filled teeth like Gardner's. POIiTLAXD. June 14. (F. P.) - ! Apparently a definite clue to Roy j Gardner was phoned from Castle I Rock today. A man with large gold I teeth entered a restaurant.: ordered food, saw a man on the sidewalk ! watching him, left his food untouched and hurriedly left. Sheriff Hoggeti a no posse leu ai once in pursuit. 1 ne man answered Gardner's description. PORTLAND, June 14. (F. P.) Roy Gardner was supposed last n ght to be near Silver Luke, a youth havin seen stranger dodging through the! brush there. The Castle Rock episode makes the third place Gardner is sup posed to have been seen, once in t swamp near Kelso, then at Silver Lake, then at Castle Rock. Posses are working all three clues, hoping ohe may be right. Marshal Holoban is untiringly directing the posse, urg ing the importance of speed to pre vent Gardner going far. An escape from the SJver Ijike country seenm unlikely, due to lack of food and the wild country. 'C-onttni-e rn ri-iee GALLANT FIFE AND DRUM CORPS TO HEAD GRAND PARADE OF VETERANS TOMORROW: PARADE STARTS AT TEN .'i) parkin of curs will le permitted tonxniinv morning on Main street be tween Alia and the Rridue until after the O. A. U. parade. Orders this effect were issued this mnrnins by the mcmhers of the police committee of the city council. The action is takeii lo insure a cleared street for the pa rade. Xo traffic will ie permitted on tho street dur'n&r the parade and any ef fort to break through the parade on i th part if motorists will cause the ar ! rest of any such offenders. Parade forms at :.10. -Startu at 1 o'clock sharp. . j All plans have ben made for the holdtnir tomorrow moruinsr if the parade In which Pendleton's guests of j the (S. A. U. and affiliated orsaniza tions will lead the way over the streets of the city in the march to j Pioneer park. iH'tatls of the event arc in oharae of a special committee j headed by P. 1,. Idleman. commander; of the Pendleton post of the American Legion, nnd all now that Is needed is tor the Pendleton organizations to d" i ther parts as well as the visitors will ; do theirs. j The fife and drum corps has mad1 1 such a hit during their brief stay in! Pendleton that Mr. Idleman declared j h's niornins there is no Question hut i tbnt the corps should had the parade, : And "with the'r cylors they will follow: right behind the marshal!. Next In line will be the veterans of , h- tii ami Arniv of the Republic in command of J. T. Rut ler, departments i emmander. A majority of the vetei-j rs will walk, but cars will be provided tor any who prefer to tide. I Following cloe behind them will be i the mMuluis of the ljid.cn of the 13.' G A. R. RECEPTION AND ! Formal Welcome to City Will be Given at Lodge Room at 7 p. ra.; Veterans First. The public reception for the Grand A,'",,y ,of "' r- panizationH unl the annual Huff Oay exercises of I'enflleton lolfjp of Klks will vomprlKft th.H vveninic program of the G. A. K. convention. The re ception anl exercises will open at 7 p. m. in the VAkn lodjce room anrt the public is invited. Ji eatinu the fftieMtn preference will Ik; ifiven the "veterans und other visitors. Music by the famous G. A. R. drum corps will open the evening program and this will he followed by the invo cation. George Hart man, mayor of I'endleton. will Rive the addrem of 1T !,"1 '"v" wi" be,b T. Ilutler. dejiartinent commander of i the fl. A. ., Mrs. 'ora Mcllrlde. pres ident of the Women's Relief Corps; All's. Carrie Courier, state president of! the O. A. H., and Mrs. Klorenre M. I Studivant. presblent of the Daughters j of Veterans. The remainder of The program. ' under the auspices of the Pendleton Klks. is as follpws: Music, "Star Spangled Hanner".... McDonnld-FTHnseen Trio Introductory Kxercises, Kxalted Huler and Officers of Pendleton Lodge 288 II. P. O. K. Prayer Chaplain Song, "Columbia ttie Gem of the Ocean." Flag Record Hex Gray Altar Service. Solo, "My Own I'nited States".... Stanislaw j Oswald Olsen Klks' Tribute to the Flag Frank .QuInUn , Stars and Stripes Forever Mi Don i "Americanism" Il-Franseen Trio l.t. Col. -Cbas. W. Furlong . . . .Audience Song. "America" i ' ntn WiLL CELEBRATE 4TH t The members of the Knights of Pythias of I'matilla County will Join . together in celebrating the Fourth of I July. All members of the order, their lot the Klks tonight when the different families and friends are invited to par- organizations ss well as the public ticipale in a picnic which is to be held j will be welcome. The program will at Cold Springs Camp, east of Weston. be in charge of the Klks, but the vet Promptly at ten o'clock the program 'erans and auxiliary organizations will will start. Walter G. tireason. Grand j he special guests. Keeper of Records and Seals for the! II. (Is for Xcxt Ycor. Dominion of Oregon will deliver the. That the organization is retaining; oration. At noon barhacued beef will I its popularity is seen in the fact that l e served together w ith a basket dir.- ; already two cities have issued invita ner the picnicers w ill provide. The j tions to the veterans to hold their afternoon will be devoted to an ex- next year's encampment with them. tensive program of sports and a gen eral all around program will lie en Joyed. A. R. Mrs. Carrie Courter will he in charge of this unit. The W. R. C. will be in a body and will be commanded by Mrs. Cora Mcliride. The "Daughters of Veterans, lend by Mrs. Florence M. Sturdevant. follow ed by the Daughters of the American Revolution, with Mrs. ;corge A. Hart man in command will precede the Pendleton band. Immediately following the band will be the Spanish -American War veter ans in command of Joe Poyd, post adjutant. The veterans of the late wnr will be in command of Dr. Fred L4eu allen, vice-commander of the post. IVudleton's two troops of Roy Scouts in command of Rev. J. M. Cor nelison and 11, J. Kirhy. then the Sal vation Army workers to charge of Capt. Jen nit Conrad. Pendleton's W. C. T. I, chapter will conclude the pa rade, and any other organizations or imli ulnais who wish will be welcomed If they want to fall in at the rear. The parade will be over a short course, about 1 a shoit blocks in dis tance. The cadence of Pie inarch will be established by tht fife nnd drum corps. The line of march will le from the corner of Alta and College strict wwt on Alta to Main street. From hero the course Aill be north on Main aeros- the river t Jackson street, thence down Jackson to Pioneer park where ceremonials will be held. The W. R C. will oresiot a f'a to the schools, the Ladies of the C. A. R. will present a portrait i f Uneoln to the high scheoi and the Daughters of Veterans wilt nreeitt an American flag to the Roy Scouts. The l-adies Auiliay of the V. R W. V. will also march in Die parade. NO. 9852 i WITH THINNING Newport, Oregon City Extend Bids for Next Encampment; Hillsboro Also in the Race. BUSINESS SESSIONS NOW UNDERWAY AT CO. LIBRARY Official Reception and Flag Day Program Scheduled for Elks Lodge Room at 7 p. m. Illsh SMts in Pogrnm for Vetera lis T:o n. m. tonight, official re- ception and Flag Day program at Elks Lodge room. 1 : on a. m. tomorrow. Grand Parade. S:'M p. m. Wednesday, ban- o,uet1at Christian church. X:fi p. m. Wednesday, Camp Fire meeting in Christian church 4 auditorium. 4 With 31 delegates of the O.. A. R. veterans and affiliated organizations registered at noon, the meeting of the various bodies which are attendant ac tivities of the state encampment, set tled down today to routine transaction of business. The f.rst nieeting'of the Grand Ar my was held this morning at their he-tdtuaners at the county library. j Organization business consumed the morn.ng. action on different matters being taken by t he council. Thecre dentiais committee held Its meeting to 1 pass on the merits-of delegates to the J encampment ! 41 tWficprs- licixirts. This afternoon at 1:3 the first real session got under way with J. T. But ler, department commander in the th.'lir. The i-elinrts i,f ih. vni-lniia heads of departments were received at this meeting. a great deal of interest is being manifested in the Flag Day exercises Newport and Oregon City have already made bids for the privilege of enter taining the veterans, and it Is under stood that Hillsboro wil Ibe In the field to secure the honor. The most interesting feature of the encampment, if one can trust one's eyes, is the little informal gathering! of veterans which are held must any old place that two or more of the men can get together. At such a time, reminiscence nnd anecdot are re counted with . a fervor that doe not lessen with the passing of the years. Kveryhody AwamiHMlatat. Secretary C. 1. Rarr of the Commer cial Association said today at noon that all the visitors have been accom modated with lodging places, and everything possible is being done to make the stay of the veterans and their vjves and daughters a pleasant on. Robert Simpson, in charge of the work of providing cars to convey the delegates tit their headquarters for registration and then to their lodging places, had plenty of cars, and the work was done quickly. (ContnuM on onca (.1 Reported hy Major Lee Moorhotie, weather observer. Maximum 7t. Minimum 4". Raromcter 2 !.. RANKS CIVIL AR FIGHTERS GATHER THE WEATHER . v"-: , TODAY'S ! ' vA FORECAST i jY, Tonight and '" 'V u n settled j I f J Weather.