1 ( -f t 'i -f ; -if t 1 1 c t ' PAGE EVCJIT DAILY EAST OHEGOiTIAN, PENDLETON, ORECOfl, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 13, 1921. Special News of Umatilla Co. OUTBURSTS OF. EVERETT TRUE DINNER GIVEN FOR MISS AGNES MEniE lt Orcgoiuan Special.) CIKIIANK, Juno 13. Mrs. John I. Ichiro. vlsued a few days "I' Hullcr irwk last work. tsHin Purlo ami children ami Mr. Helen Hells, who have been visiting ul I In' Tom I' ell home on miner ciecu h-fi fur I'f-ndlclfin the last of the week when- the children will remain with Mi. Pelt. Mr. Harlow leaving again for Texas. lul.ard French and Krank Gilliland made a trip to I'cndlelon Monday. Hn.v Montgomery ami wife and dntlBlilcr Marjory lett Thursday for V lul Hock w here they attended the pkn'c at Hint plate Friday when with Frank June aril wife they motored to Kilm Sunday to visit their sister. Mrs. Twig Tcrl. Mrs. Montgomery will Hiend a few da with his sifter. Mm Montgomery, it-turning home Monday . Aim. Tot Mangold nnd children and father. Mr. Chilson. made a trip to Pi lot Hook Wednesday. AImhiI 4(1 people gathered at. the Kly uwrinill Sunday, some br nsing their himhes nnd Mr. I srlnv prcpsr- I ii B dinner for them. Among the vis itors were Mr and Mrs. Karl Simon l and family. Vein Cat en und wife Hare YVymoie wife and hahy, and .Mrs. Chas. Mfltevltt, also tho null clow and families living there. Chus. My returned home from IVn dU'lon Saturday. IMII Solhv of I'llot Uork enine Ui Sunday to the. mill after lumber. Mil Frank Chapman gave a dipnoi to about t'l of the'r friends and relu Uvea Sunday at her home on ISuttei Creek In honor of her sister, Mi Airnes Mettie whose marriage to Uoyd flickert will I an event of the 15ih. Several of Ihe sheepmen are shear ing on the creek, Chas. MoDevilt dr.v lug to the laughcrt ranch on clutter creek the firm of the week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Ham made u trip to Pilot Hock Monday. U v cat is aiu:fm i j. IHTTK. Mont., June 13. 'A. l. A warrant for the arrest of it cat sworn out here lccently. nnd accord It'tf t Chief of Police llnrphy the ani mal 'was ferocious." The complain ant, a woman, showed a budly in- rat ,-i nriii mat had boon wraulie-l aim bitten by the villain, lie robbed Ice boxes, dodged bootjneka and fought with the r;ghors cats, :t wag said. The i nimal was given the deafi pen- COLLEGE STUDENTSARE HOME FOR VACATION THE OLD HOMETOWN By Stanley i MM ' i fffc 'Sir V. J, w' t:H' VWHJLE UNCkE WIMJS HACtVlif.RftY WAS 'lAVNC, i ' MPCk SmAVEO TODAY . O'Ri-C BE HORNSO N J GREETINGS nvn. WW. VKTEK.VXS VVOMKX IIIXIKP WOItKKItS U.U'UHTLJUS OF VKTErtAXS VWtors srt- i-ord;ally invited to u- our rest wtU jis-rooms tcliplioucs nud kauk facilities. iUHl 3 Joe.ao ixmum iiMMiMiaMMiMtiiS The AmericanNational Bank Pendleton, Oregon. 'Strongest Sank in Gostern Oregon" I GET READY FOR THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME Preierre your Health Protect Your Family, buy them an Han RGfrige rators This refrigerator is aeanilesa, porcelain lined, used In over mllllnn nnd a half homes in America. The materials used In the, Alaskan are seven wails of Insulation, overhead circulation sys tem, cork filled and equipped with removable, rust proof wlr helve. No. 907 E, ice capacity 25 pound $22.00 No. 622, ice capacity 60 pounds $36.00 No. 623, ice capacity, 100 pound $44.50 Other styles moderately priced. Cruikshank & Hampton "Quality Counts" 1 24-28 E. Webb Phone 548 Voir Old Pwrnltur Take Ib tichauge as Part Payment on firm Ksriairitt AietiU n Prndbtivn f. Acrulut (No WlUn) Porvb Khadeti. ATHKXA, Juno U.i-Mls,, KiUlierlm . .oonie aim miss Hand Snpiler. ....vu in uic my Uluriny from Cor uillla where they uttended o. A. C. during the past year to spend tho sum mer vacation. Miss Neva l.aiie of Pendleton spent the week end In Athena us the guest ol .nr. ami Mrs. Charles Dudley. airs. i,uy Hoyden nnd - daughters .ar and Catherine of Pendleton wore the guests of Mis. Jtkhard Thomp 'on Friday. Mrs. Philips Yenny of Walln Walla visited ia tho home of her luirents Air. und Mrs. WV. n. Taylor Saturday. At the strawberry festival given h the ladies of the Methodist church Fri day evening tZH.in, wus taken In. Mr. and Sirs. S. A. Karnes were In tho city from We.sloiv Thursday. Df. F. I). Watts was a visitor in Wes ton Saturday. .Mrs. Olen Shecly of Wlnlock, Wash. Is visiting t tho home of her parent Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mclntyre. Mrs. Willinm Schrlmpf nnd Mrs. .Minnie De.Peatt. who uttended tho con vontion ut Condon of the Women of Woodcraft, returned home Wednesday. Mr. and "Mrs. Vernon O'llura nnd dnughier were In tho city from Weston Saturday evening. Mrs. Hlchard Thompson nnd daugh ters June and Murgnrct were visitors 'n Pendleton Friday. Miss H.iscl Herr was hostess to the Ktude Cliih Thursday afternoon at her home on Third street. P.efreshments were served by Mrs. D. Scott Fisher nnd Mrs. Koliert Proiidfit. Club offi cers elected for the ensuing year are: Mrs. F. l. Watts, president; Mrs. K. It. MclCwen,, vice president; Mrs. Charles Dudley, secretary; Miss IIuzpl Herr. treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Triompsoii were n Athena Tuesday from (iibbon. nr. and Mrs. J. K. Pnddeley and Mtiall daughter are here from Callfor iin to remain a couplp of months. Mr. and .Mrs. W. o. Rend and son Velion were In Weston Wednesday evening. Mrs. Charles N'orris. Miss Velma Sohuliert, and Mrs. I.ula Head attend d the St. Joseph's Academy griidua tion exercises fn Pendleton Thursday. J. X. Kcott was In the city from Pen dleton Wednesday. F. s. Lcijrow. nkhard Thompsor nnd Col. Charles Furlong left Thurs day menu irtj for tho Drumheller Cral creek sliKk ranch where they will at tend a Hound I'p. The Civic Club held a business ses sion Tuesday dfternoon, followed by an interesting program led by Mrs. Henri Dell, who was assisted by Mrs. F. D. Watts. Mrs. R. A. Thompson and Mrs. M. U Watts. Mrs. J. F. Herr. Mbe. Haiel Herr and Mrs. S. S. Jlult served el'eiotis refreshments, ' . Mr. and Mrs. Grover Temple' of Helix visited In Athena Thursday. Mrs. Wm. McPherson conducted the ''(h grade examination In the school building Thursday and Friday. KPro3uced Direction l'cnncy Co., A Nation-WideTnffOtutTon N li-m r l IV vj " ' w w Miss Bertha Miirdock principal of the Twin Fulls high school during the past year is visiting her sister Mrs. lul Keen. She Is accompanied by Miss Harriett Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Coppock and sons William and Melvin enjoyed a camping trip at the mountain home ol Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Chamberlain in the t'klah district. Melvin Coppock remained to visit at the Chamberlain home. Knights of Pythias memorial ser vient were held a( tie Mctliodist-Kpls-ropnl chu. h Sunday evening. Rev. I.ulher dellven dress. ' Omar Stephens, F. It. Hoyd. M. L. Watts and Marlon Hansell spent, a couple of days at Blnghnm Springs lust week. , A dunce was given by the Athena WeiwwAmerlcan Legion Post in the Athena Opera house Saturday evening. Patronesses for the occasion were Mrs, I .eon Lundell nnd Mrs. c. E. Flsk of Weston and Mrs. Ralph Hnynle and Miss Pelle Mclntyre of Athena. Mu y'r was furnished by Fletcher"s orches tra. . nrcd the .Memorial ad- tun or, of lower leuiperuturo until finally thoy reach a pen without uny artificial heat. To overcome the familiarity with hiimun beings developec during the ten days or two weeks In the brooding houses the last pen Js trimmed thickly with small trees nud heaps of boughs to provide hiding places. On being In. trodnccd into this pen,, officials say, tho young birds show no Inclination whatever to lakc to the underbrush, but arter a few days they lenrn to work their way Into the brush, to tako cijver when startled nnd to roost nt nhlht. About fixe weeks Is reipilred for the birds to become properly feath ered ready to take their chances In the 1 woods against hunters. The stocking of tho woods together with the natural spread of tho bird In n few yeirs. officials believe, will go a long way toward meeting the shortage or fowl for human consiimpllon In this state. It Is estimated that shippers In the south and west niw send 1311,000, 009 worth of poultry Into Massachu setts annuully. tun Mr. and Mrs. Marion Walker of I Tacoma are visiting Mrs. Jennie Bar rett. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Hutt and daugh ter Ruth visited friends nt Frccwutcr Sunday. , Mrs. Maurice Frazier and little daughter of Milton, visited at thii home of her parents Mr. and Mrs, William Pinkcrton last week. Haynie and Sons have Installed ft Hobart Steel Cut coffee grinder. The model is of the latest design. Dr. Scott Fisher returned from a trip to Clayton, Idaho Tuesday. Mr. und Mrs. A. I. Kwas'gart, Miss Blanche Swaggurt and Wayne and Mr. and Mrs. George Shcarfl are attend ing the Hose Festival in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton left by automobile Wednesday for a visit to Portland and other valley polnts. f Mr. and Mrs. Luvols McKwan and 'on are hi Bingham Springs. . A. B. Steele, traveling salesman for tho George Laurence Saddlery com pany of Portland was in the city Wednesday. MAHSHFIELD, Mass., Juno 13 (A, P.) incubators aro being used by tils division of fisheries and game of the state department of conservation to provide sprt for the hunters and food for the people. On a farm here pheasants, which in recent years have been growing scarce, have been hatched in large numbers by machine and are being cared fur In steam heated brooders until -they arc strong enough to strut for themselves. Then they will be turned loose In vari ous sections of the state. Experiments ascertain the feasibil ity of raising pheasants by artificial means, have been underway here for the past two years and this year th work was started in earnest. About ",500 eggs, some obtained from the station's brood stock and others from private dealers, wore placed ill the in cubators at various Intervals. In tho course of time 3.S89 chicks were hatched and transferred to brooders. As they gain strength they are grad ually moved from one house to anoth- OFFICE CAT a BY JUNIUS Comes, now JIuV Sturgls, authority on hay stacks, with suggestion for renaming Cabbage Hil. Jim says the famous eminence should be called Ka-baa-ge, with all tho "a's" pro nounced In the Hostonese fashion: the accent on the second syllabic and the last syllabic merely sneezed, as in "influenza.'' ABOUT THIS TIME '0 YEAR. ' eoy spend a - -AJM!(:'fe?jS frtfU ft be AM OF TH& Tremendous Savings IN THE PRICE OF MEN'S CLOTHING I! i-ii mmmmmmmmamaimma i m im iummmmMmm III " " 1 'II V hr x I I SI Made I if .. rtmJtl-' 1 ! F :" ' :'v " 'rsL '' ;'! or" II vrjx.iK1Ju.r . I oil f I Li' S7 v . y v y I I re Tfexlr 5 x r ; PbdtoapTied V: - QDeckAa V t tiF "I III I IV 1 NEWEST , MODELS F0H MEN AND YOUNG MEN You can jret quality at lowest prices when you buy J. C. Penney Company Clothing, be cause i . . ' . . . , v it is made according to our specifications by the best clothing makers in America. we buy in large quantities for cash, direct from manufacturers, thus eliminating mid dlemen s prof it..... . . i" . .. Our tremendous business success is the re sult of continually giving our patrons the greatest values possible at the lowest prices. YOUNG MEN'S MODELS Double Breasted and Sport Styles.' Cheviots, flannels, fancy unfinished worsteds, cassimeres, tweeds, herringbones, hairline stripes, mixtures, gravs, greens, browns and blues $17.50, $22.50, $27.50, $34.75, $39.50. CONSERVATIVE MODELS Three BiithA and. Two Button Coats. All wool worsteds, gray and brown mix tures. Strong in their apjxjal to well dressed men with conservative or semi-conservative tastes $21.50, $29.50, $34.75, $37.50, $49.50. Alterations Free Fit Assured W ,, DETAliTMEKrbTURU J. C. Penney Co, A Nation-Wide Inutnuii uu IVnioiw Army KoiiK.h. The larger tho fpoon the louder the llOlSl ' J: " iimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiimiiiiiMiiiimimit "TIUm h Kail old World. ' There aro lots of men who treat to- E morrow and who treat yesterday but who never treat today. The til. Ncciiim to In- a V-Jtllo Sort m of Cuss, Ica hvillc, Ark., CreKSot. t Mrs. Valentine, a widow was nt tho Ed's lust Monday. Khe Is desiring her house moved as It stands o'n another man's land. ' WallH Til's? (Exchange) Mt. Cannel I'n Klt.ef ririn gaged Jn Installing a meter In a resl. !: dence here made a mistake and hook ed t to a telephone lino. Instead of 'IicIIoh" the exchange girls were get ting "Watts." The Wistaria ICECREAM 1 Pint 1 quart 35c GOc I 'aiillln, 8traw berry, ' Chocolate, S Blaplc 'Mit, orange Mierbet. ; (Inly IHintrr in ths World With An I liiuiglnnlloii Dear (ff Ire, Cat (Jut on Jane street a hnndy-tn-liave-around-lhe house-painter hung a "iM'toiir" sign on the ponh steps in place, of the IS usual "Wet Faint." I fell. Borne novel, eh. T. II. II. ' . In regard to the above, would state that tho O. C. suspect tho painter Wcndt. , Thero Is one siiro way lo core a veg etarian. Lot him smell a slab of ham s'zzllng In a skillet over a enmp-fire. Alit KIMS FOUNTAIN DUINKS . a Merchants' Lunch Quick Service 40c g iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiii ' I Nature Pays : A Bon This Is the season whnn'you get double comfoll and satisfac tion out of every uillo you ride In an automobile. Any car turns bigger dividends In happiness for the licit six months than at any other lime hi the year. , Buy now, . ' ' A Dollar Enjoyed i a Dollar Saved V BUICK ' Oregon Motor Garage Ditb-ilnter f4 BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVPOLRT : ' Phon 463 J i. 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii u s i uu u.i