' DAILY EAST OREGONUN, TENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY .EVENING, JUNE 13, 1021 EIGHT PAGES IIV!' -'-1 'i .i i .. i - ?7 You Can Reduce Your Hips Ami Thighs 6 to 8 Inches in a Per fectly Fitted GOSSARD. CORSET v ! .N. -y i the original-unequalled front lacing corset " ' The scientific boning that is alone Gossard's, carefully distrib utes the pressure of the skillfully cut skirt and reduces flesh as if by magic. It is all done with such careful regard for every hygienic prin ciple that your comfort and health are safeguarded bevond ques tion, , " It is with full assurance of your complete" satisfaction that we offer you these world-famed corsets in which every principle of front lacing has been originated, developed and perfected. Models for every type of figure '33.75 to 312,00 TheDeltor a Revolution irrDressniaking now added to the best Pattern in the World BUTTERICK At the Butterick Counter DELIGHTFUL TOILET ARTICLES FOR SUMMER USE. Dr. Palmer's Almond Meal Compound Very Special, 6 oz. can 23c Especially prepared for the toilet'. You will find that the rough and irritated condition of the skin will disappear, and a white, soft, velvety and healthy . condition will follow. Our regular low price 30c can. M Special, each 23c Mum's Deodorant A delicate'deodo rant indispen sable for the toilet Special, per box ......... 21c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo. This shampoo may be used freely and as often as desired, for it does not dry the scalp or cause the hair to become brittle. Special, a bottle 43c Elcaya Complexion Powder A dainty aid of vel vety softness producing a natural alluring effect with refinement and good taste. Special, a box 45c Lablache Face Powder Refreshing to the skin,' improves the complexion. Excellent for outdoor life. Special, a box 59c wituims greatest maht.hevt yroRt XJhVPgople's Warehouse. IT PAYj TO TBlr lfrWT'wg-,1 r IN REGISTERED -TROPHY AFFAIR BY GUN CLUB SPORT GAS (IJY TIIK SiT VIi ) ARCADE Y Children, 10c Today! Adults, 3c Jesse LLasky presents r mammal TIeLove l . Jy Special . "v. JtC Stop! Look! Listen!. ' ' r tWlQ J She's bound for the I !. ' Land of Heart's De- ( ni l Yt ' s're' Her only stop is ( e?JI i Jl. Tii to coal up with thrill . ' 1 Yu' "J kv VJ in blizard and flood in . YAlf tVV iSV the wild Sierras. A I . : VfT?Ir vjcVN) railroad romance that SjvJ stands for good time! ituAiiu.MAN, ore.. June 13. The scnool board finished the work of the year today with the election of Hiss Gladys Price of 'Corvallls as teacher of domeHtic fwlnm.. anA election of a janitor for the ensuing year. Hut two bids were received for tlil work. W. D. Barnes, of Kelso. Wash., was chosen, his bid bein fits per month as against $150 per month from the other bidder. Haying U well under way In this community, the first crop of alfalfa being about all down. There has been a little rain but nothing serious and the crop Is' good and going Into the stack in good condition. Most of the harvesting In done by contract as not all the settlers have complete haying outfits as yet. II. B. Kigns, principal of the Board man schools, and family 'take up thir residence In Portland for the en sumg six weeks to attend the V. of O. summer school. ' High Records Made bj Troch, Poston and Dimick and Bacr . Gets Consolation Trophy. Fifty-one tthiHitei were present yes terday and competed In the different events staged by the Pendleton Rod and dun Club at Collins Park for Vhlch rich jHes aggregating $1,000 in value were donated by the merch ants of Pcndk'ton. (.Sutul shooting generally was the tle. and the offi cials ot the club feel good over the allowing made. The levlne fishing rod and hunt ing shoes offered hy jJol Hauni s Sport Ing Goods Storo for liinh amateur run I wag won by P. Troeh of Vancouver. j Washington. IffTbroke H6 out of ISO birds. . . The high professional average iiie was taken by H. Ponton of Sun Fran cisco who succeeded In breaking 130 out of 140. Th trophy In this event , was a Xtorroco black leather hand bag given by Bond Bros,. The long run trophy, n Wulthnm watch alven by Sawtelle's, Inc., was awarded to Z. Dimick, a Walla Walla nan. He broke 142 out of 150. The consolation low average prise, an electrical percolator, sugar, cream er and tray given by John Vaughan, was won by Cleo. l Bacr. In the Pendleton Introductory whlcl) consisted of four events of lj target each. Prank Troeh was the winner in ,'lans A, breaking j out of 60. He wat awal-dcd the bath robe and Indian robo donated by the Aniorl. in Nation al Bank. In -Class B, L A. lirumm of Lewiston won, SJ birds out of to being smashed. Thc prlie in this event was a complete smoker's set given by the Coy Billiard Parlors. , The Greulich and JIatlock trophy, I an Illinois watch wus won by L. B. llomlne uf" Walla Walla with a record of 5 out of 60. The solid leather suit ease offered by Hamley and Co. for Clara D was tied" for, Charles Me Ken n of Wallii Walla and Jams Kates of Pendleton each breaking 55 out of 60. In the shoot off Estes won. gfby$uw bxdFRI: cmS blanD I'inalllla Ilapiils Overture In the second event, J. B. Troeh of Portland broke 38 out of 40 and won the Ansco camera presented by Tall man & Co. . Tn Class 13, j)m. McXnrlln annexed the Winchester 1912 model rifle offer ed -by the Geo, C. Bacr Co. with his mark of 39 out of 40. In class C, J. D. Ankcny of Walla Walla secured Alex ander's trophy which was a wardrobe trunk. He broke 38 out of 40. ' In the Hound-L'p Special of two events of 23 targets each there was no winner In Class A. In Class B, M. Zuger of Waltsburg, Wash, won the beautiful traveling bag offered by the Peoples' Warehouse with a perfect score of 50 broken, iln Clans' C the First National Bank trophy, a Pendle ton Woolen Mill bed blanket and In dian robe was tied for by C. J. Hamil ton, J. B- Daley, M. W. Hansell and O. Stephens. C. W. McKern won the auto camper's complete outfit offered by the W. J. Clarke Co., breaking 49 out of 5.0. . An Illinois watch offered by Sturgis sc Storie as prize In the Pendleton Rod A Gun Club consolation event was captured bv J. P. Hayes whq slaught ered 25 straight birds at 21 yr.rds. Sec ond pri7.e was taken by H. J. Stlllman who broke 24 thereby, winning the Hjnel Pendleton solid leather gun case, sliootiTS individual records were as follows: , , C. . Matlock, Pendleton 12 P. Kirfcpatrlck, Pendleton ....... 139 Lee Ma flock, Pendleton ....... 136 1 Drummin, Levyiston 145 H, A. Williams, Milton 133 C. W M :Kean. Walla AValla 140 U B. Romane, Walla Walla 140 Z. Dimick. Walla Walla . 143 H. J. Morrison. Walla Walla 1 9. A. Pulton. Walla Walla 133 C. p. Dement. Walla Walla 136 J. D. Ankeny. Walla Walla ..... 138 J. White, Walla Walla 133 M. G. Whitman, Walla Walla' ... 129 T. J.FuJIyoshl. Walla Walla 121 C. W. Adams, Spokane 10!" J. McN'urlln, Pendleton 146 A. J. Hamilton. Pendleton ....... 133 Dr. P. I j. Ingram, -Peudleton ..... 133 J. R. Daley. Pendleton .. , 13 H. J. Htlllman, Pendleton 13i J. Talbot. Walla Walla 1 R- Hpanglc. Pendleton 134 G. C. Baer, Pendleton . , .. 91 E. Coutts,. Pendleton k 12 H. H. Veatch. Cottage Grove .... 13 W. I,. Marshal, Hood Rtvef 130 M. Wright, U'wlMon 124 J. F. Hayes. Walla Walla 13 H. R. Poston, San Francisco 138 D. C.JUowman, Pendleton 13c r. rroen, ancouver 14 All right, M later BMll,vour Bucks nio looking for now worlds to conquer, Get somebody Juo. r Slil Williams hud a streak of mighty tough luck yestcuday. ' I'gli huh, he fauiieil only 17 HcnnlM. ton butter, Phelps didn't 'do so bad, himself and (he funny part of It Is that he fooled Pendleton's heaviest hitters. Prlnstancc, Hick Hanloy took a couple ot retirements via the strike out route, and Dick usually blnglcs if there's any blnglcs to be made. Of course there's no reason why one man should be the goat all of the lime, but the sporting ed. comes forward with the observation that If someboib could have got picture of our Hill Cary yesterday when ho got ca ight oft of first, Monn IJsa and September morn would huve another rival. Ad Hury'a stock rose several notches yesterday. His batting eye has been weak this season, but he did the little 1 stunt yesterday that brought home u couple of tullles. And Woods should be uhltt-to stick around. At study of the records shows that Pete imtnugrd to get hits yesterday at two critical times. , vIt's a sad state of affairs in Pendle ton sportilom that makes ll necessary for the Bucks to go uKay from home to get decent gate. That's the way things stack up, though. Don Ruder. Pendleton boy who Is playing shortstop for Xcv OTIeuns the Southern I.eaie Is Eolr. KO'td. Last weea s Sporting '' hliuws him batting 325 for I he wiel;. 1! Is lead ing off 111 the lineup. . Nick Williams, who w.is here vl'h the Moose Jaw team for Calnlng laf spring, hr. handed in hij resignation as manager and will jvtuvn" iO hli- home In (iregon. Moose Jaw Is next to the bottom In the Ire vie H!i a rec ord of 8 won and 18 but. Homer Hay worth. Port hunt ! boy wl o used to cstcl, ;or ilv Pendleti o Bucks In tbf. days of the Western Tri State, Is still laid up follov ii.e; a pccul I t accident. Homer io c itching foi i-"ir orth In the T?:-s League. About two weeks a;o there was a sho-' n,; scrape on t'.i.i rtiecis nf rt V crtlt between two Tvnis. Homer gathered in the crowd tbar was si-e-i a the fight, and a -.ill ttum the B'in of ine of the gunnc i pierced hi' icg. l'e won't tie able t , work again f'! -i;io',her fortnight. BI3X DROP TWO. SACn.VME.VTO, June 1,1. (A. P.) Both games of a double header were taken by Sacramento from Salt Like City Sunday, the morning gamo by a score of 5 to 3. and the afternoon game 5 to 0. TSio afternoon gnnr was one of the fastest played here this m-nsnn. Prough, pitching for Sc rameiito, was never In danger. inn OAKS AM) TI'JKHS split I-OS ANGELES. June 13 (A. l , Oakland took one game of the two pl.i.vcd here Sunday with Vernon, thut gaining the series. The morning gun c was taken by the Tigers 2 to 1; the afternoon game by the Oaks, 4 to 2. Neither game brought any features Ir, the fore, the unusually small Sunday crowds apparently causing apathy 4k the diamond. , I Motiorj Picture News on page 5 Pastime Wy j QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION Strawberries 185 CRATES ' NICE CUNNING Gill 1 EATING 1EHHIES v Pendleton Trading Co. - rhone 435 . At the 8ii.ii or ' kcrrloa ' ' "If It's on the Market We Have If With AGNES AYRE5 nd THEODORE ROBERTS zMmmax magazine Phon Hour ' f A.'m. to ( p. n. DK. OIBUBT Modem DenUsUr la All Braavlwft V 14 3 12 140 125 131 138 13 J. Bv Troch, Portland , fol Baum, Pendleton ; M. W. Hansell, Athena M," Ij. Watts. Athena . R. H. McKenile, 'VValtfburg v Omar Stephens. Athena M. Zrlger. Waltsburg ..... .... James Bstes, Pendleton 130 W. D. Miller, Pendleton 129 W. Andegs on, . lUlton . . . , ..,130 C. a Cheshire:. Milton ill D. B. Coyle, Milton ". -r Ills G. A. Cowl, Milton '. 1H R. M.-Tnnnlcr. Pendleton in.;... . 100 Thofe shooting at' less than 150 tar gets were: . R.. Talbot, Walla Walla, shot at 100, broke S3: J. A. Peterson. Pendleton, shot at 133, broke 122; H. XL Huff, Hpokane, shot at 120, broke 96; A. J. Gill, Pilot Rock, shot at 90. broke 73. and F. Z tiger, Waltsburg. shot at o'i, broke 4. - inn , AN'OKI T.VHlj SKRILH. M FRANCISCO, June 13.-A a Angeles won both games from Pnn Frnec yesterday, tin first 4-3 snd the seenul 3-1, Nbi- hoff'ff infield mit In the ninth scoring CoitoII who had tripled, guvo the An gels victory In the first mime, in the second fconte:rt the southerners bunch ed h'ts In the first Inning and gained a lead which the Sen Is were unable to cvercomc. With today's d ublo vic tory Iami Angeles won the series frcii; H-in Krsnrlsco. losing thrrs guinea oi:l of the seven played. The Angels d. Ifeated San Francisco In a previous sc ries this season also, ' , xrr . t' ;t -i It I i 3,1a ti V" 1 1MB:'. t -,.'. Ford Motor Go. ANNOUNCE THE-FOLLOWING PRICES TO TAKE EFFECT JUNE 7TH Touring; .....$652.78 Coupe :...$845.41 Runabout $605.93 Sedan $913.10 Truck ..........$626.74 ... ' ' F. O. B. PENDLETON These prices include starting and lighting system, demountable wheels, spare rim and tire carriers. , WE HAVE IN STOCK Two Tourings, two. Runabouts for delivery. The next shipment will not be here for ten days. Get Your Now Simpson Auto Co. Phone 405 . SERVICE Pendleton, Or ALTA odlay VAUDEVILLE FREDERICK ELLSWORTH AND THOMAS Harmonious Nonsense DAVIS & NELSON A Bright Idea 3- . If f. f s i . 9 . MAKY MILE-5 MINTEFL mALU SOULS' evE lhL ' Tv&ALflfVT'plCT'UR&S ; i r i i mo Comedy MOVT STRUCK.' GONRGY'S CASH GROCERY Buv your Groceries all week, these arc not Sat urday special but every day prices. Carnation-Milk 8 for : $1.00 Borden's Milk, 8 for ...... $1.00 Lard, Armour's, l(jf lbs, net $2.00 . $1.70 . $1.00 Lard, No. 10 tins . Schillings Coffc, 2', lbs. Schillings Coffee, 5 lbs. .... .... . v . . . $2.00 Hills Red Coffee, 1 lb. 45c; 2'2 lbs. $1.10; V 5 lbs . 52.20, M. J. U. Coffee, 1 lb. 45c; 3 lbs. $1.35; 5 lbs. $2.20 16 Bars Crystal White Soap ............ $1.00 16 bars Boh White Soap $1.00 Gallon Sweet Pickles $2.00 No. 2'2 Tins Tcanut Butter ..... v. ...... . 40c 5 lb. Tins Peanut Butter $1.00