t i t j i ? ; pCEEP ABREAST OF DOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SPORTS DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND TWO NEWS SERVICES ON THIS PACE TWELYE PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES TO 12 TWELVE PAGES ' SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 12 I iiuimim . im jjnHii.ijnmiiiinj.iLiJuii,iL J. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON: SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 11, 1921. : y -v t -i r 3 cYJMtt-rtf (tfTn II " .. mt m a,.i3B' li g-LffT ITU Wfc.... , TO GREET BUCKS WITH A Irrigation League Eager to Try Issue Wftly Wheat Ben Pennant Winners Tim biggest crowd lo greet thsm. and the bent team they have played thin year uro two thlna that Hsrmls ton Ih promising the Pendleton Buck nrnos when tha loonl swatters of the anhtrold hie themselves to the west Mid city tomorrow to meet the down County aiidrPKiitlon. rrt I 3 o clock, and that will leave plenty Ml I of time to get down to see the mime LU "tart. Manager Sprfll exports to hnve Ihe fuBipMi mm In action tomorrow thai ha nailed under the Buck 'colors ihli reason. With the addition of Wood to the locals, the lineup will prexent sonu, faces that will make an opposing pitcher use all of hla gray matter. Wood will play short, and Hnnley will et to realise hla ambition of h.mllim Champions ' down the Job In the right garden. The r"si oi inp iinriij win lie as us'.ini. i nn addition of Wood which permits Han. i ley to go to the right garden fills Ihe j lone weak spot that has been bother-1 Ing the itucK tli Ik season. Wood la good with the ailck, and the change ahould Htrengthen the hitting ability of the team an a whole. Iloim-Hton In noted for It fondness lor hnaehnll, and the tnnn trtere hnve promised nn attendance that will prove an eye-opener to the Puckn. Herminton won the chnmplonnhip of the Irrigation League, the Ituckn picked the banner from the Wheat Kelt league, ao It will he a ease of vic tor meeting victor tomorrow. How will Pendleton behave with a rival of nettle pitted anuinst her? To determine thin question a num ber of local fang will make the trip to Herminton to watch the fnvorltee while they meanurn prowess with the Irrlga tlonlsts. The gnme will lie called et School Chief MIII)IK.K IX FOIW. AX.VAPOMP. Mf.. June 10. (A. P.) After workout today the nnvy varaily oarnmen packed their rowing "dudn' 'and are ready for the Mart from Annapolln for the Hudnon river to part Id pote In the annual Potigh keepnie regnltn on June 22. The middle are in the bent of shape.' No change ha been made In the make-up of the crew nlnce the I . J Uncle stem's new commissioner of education ! John June Tlgert of Kentucky.'; Tlgert was. professor of tychologr at the Univeriity of Ken :uckjr. , overWtWmlnB defeat of the Syracuse reWS, , ' . QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION This is Your Store It is your store just as it has been the store of hundreds of other satisfied customers. Here you'll find a service that will appeal tayou, just as it has to many, many others. Wholesome, pure and appetizing in every thing that comes from our grocery line. A trial will convince you as to our superiority. ' Pendleton Trading Co. "Phone 455 J " aii Ki-n r srni- "If It i on (he Market We Have It" -(A. P.) In the I Cat a Palm from tho 4 Canadian Pacific Railway Maay of umm itnu Mft te uta thai muikkUi ta U m4 twmnm nd fni row tarn UUf, th uu kwH wm tw bwM wly trum prinu w"-pn wtii be hiMr. tmm HJ of Umm ftra kmwm tor Vbmmwm with itw rtt cro. uut c iu iMt kif or fmrw iwrm wumimiu 7 tmrm www pm m ami tmrm "jw m UmlI to rnMrlueWa m Km tUMory mC Itm IbtmimoM. TM miBtn ! UmI lor itii tm MorU AJBortM 01 fam UMto aAm4 Your Last Big , Opportunity Iftiie W m 4I9m4 f tw CtudlM Pdtto Ktilwty offtra Tom tM Move wooriorfol Mpr tarAtf is fhm world m tsra, i-lrti la Wntam Cn4. it offrr CmUu Miimerln re fQ om aefeMft tBdipeaa mm. y NaS&l Without Investigation IYmCbmoIu Pttfte wil sot mm m. Imwm ontU no mwm pr(d.t. Tm moat to MtM4wJ Uanltakk far u MMMaf Ikottl iiuiiiw m tea to u twit vNi UmA Twenty Ytan to Ho Amm fcitoto ftttaet CMwdtM lfle ttcMrw Tha CwMaMaa PacnV oaVra cw 10 fNM coot. 7 ro bT ftlb. ao Myinvtw ub cm prioctpa) o- tii th end at tfcc foonb yw, tboa ptttoaa C !-1 D.a 4V- St.,?tn'J: Home Seekers Ano ruu iciTormauoai anoat pajrBMot, Intoratt to aor east. toittrai vMmtteaawa Maoar momt frew t worUt'a prla rhat. War U aro laaHal rafhraf rata for tiannhw hMaortloa ?.. VmmI bow for trm lllua trataw pan piueta aaewarinf all quaitioaB and tUtaa forth Aajana aboat land vatooa riM. eirMri, opportaattwa, ata. No Tuti mn IoipfoTnMBt TBara a aawil tas aa taa lead. ht taara am aa aua oo row n nana, auiMinfa. aiiliioiaiaaaio. anfix Bfft. II. us- m - oi hi awmiiiaiii li I af'vt. iiood BMrkata, mod I 1 raaoa, raaumi, aanaiaiiaia. if a C. BOSWOHTII . Pint. Keprusentiitlve, 7U. Sprague Ave.. Rpnkuno, WaMilngtua niimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii i in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimn: Ford Motor Co. ANNOUNCE THE FOLLOWING PRICES TO TAKE , EFFECT JUNE 7TH Touring $652.78 Coupe ....$845.41 Runabout ..$605.93 Sedan ...$913.10 Truck $626.74 F. O. 6. PENDLETON , These jrices include starting and lighting system, demountable wheels, spare rim and tire carriers. ; WE HAVE IN STOCK Two Tourings, two Runabouts for delivery. The . next shipment will not be here for ten days. Get Yours Now ' Simpson Auto Co. Phone 408- SERVICE Pendleton, Ore Cut lw In 12th, PAN FUAXC1WO. Jim 11. Ix.s Aiiki-Im hit Conch' hnrd 12th Inrtinn y'nti"r(lny,n'nrp(l bIx run cn five hit and an frror and won from Han KrnnclKfo.. to Z. lt"lnhart of ,thi AnicolH pitched pxoellent ball. He pulled hlniwlf out nf a bnd hole In the ninth when with two men on and none out he put thp Renin down In one, two. three order. Couch replaced O'Doul on the mound for San Franci co In the first Inning. oaks ii:n:.T Tiotfnft. 'LOfl ANOELKS, June 11, (A. P.I Oakland defeated Vernon. 6 to 4 Tied at the end or the iiixth Inninic, the Onka aenred the winlnni" run in the elKhth on two alnKlea and a aacrlfice RIM; nT AlKil'MKXT. BACKAMEXTO. Cal.. June 11. (A. P.I Sacramento came from behind a three run lead and defeated Kalt Ijike, 5 to 3. rtelKer, Salt like pitcher, wax put out of the came hYninlre Croter in the w nd Inning fur diBputlnj? a de clttlnn at firnt I'a we. After the game. Joe Wtlhoit. who had alao leen In volved in the nrtiument, rushed at the umpire with a bat. I'roter prepared In meet the playev with hla fiatR and only the interference of e;eral play erx and a policeman averteJ a finht. SHOW HER YOUR BANK BOOK The young woman who takes the chance of tying her future with yours has practical, seripus pYob lems ahead. No doubt you want to provide for her comfort and happi ness but good intentions will not pay for a vacation, a pleasure trip or comforts that mean so much. Show her your bank book be cause she has a right' to know what you have been doing with your money and what efforts you have made to provide for a home. v Show her your bank book for your own good. It will bring home k to you the need of practical man agement of your income and time. It will strengthen your resolution to save and provide for her. rV, That Tired Feeling U Jut A Much a Warning "Stop, Look and Listen.?. . '. It Indicates run-down conditions and means . that you must purify your blood, renew your strength tone and your "power of resiat nce." or be In great danger of se rious sickneas. the (-rip, flu. fevers, contagious and Infectious diseases. Do not make light of it. It is serious. Give It attention at once. Ask your . druggist for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ha knows this good old family medicine la Just the Thing to Take in Spring for that tired feeling, loss of appe tite, debility. It is an all-lhe-year-round medicine, wonderfully effective In the treatment of scrof ula, catarrh, rheumatism and run down after-disease conditions. - "My husband has taken Hood's Sarsaparilla every spring for years, and it always puts him In shape. He Is i years old." Mrs. X. Campbell, Decatur. IIL A mild laxative, Hood's Pills. yfrTTrx Save KG OankcaWt I.iilirlcut m IV-nMinnraHcd ' A TecTaftershwed th to-rvet- excejMivo . engine weari"-,, crana cam oil should be chanrcd at least ever 1500 mller. prefeiably every Iimhi miles. ' A new engine that was run Coin) miles with oil charmed at proper Intervnls, upon being disassembled showed no signs of wear. The same engine reassembled and run ioftfl mller with oil plus new oil as needed, upon Inspection showed a wear of 0.015 inches. Motor truck and passeng. i car manufacturers . recommend that crankcase be drained every thousand miles, the engine flushed with kero sene and new oil added. . Itnlial"r Within I'lywlii-rl. . An automobile radiator has been placed within a flywheel by u ltoii mnnlan Inventor, the Water being cool ed as It Is whirled around. Kltr:c Windshield Cleaner. A new- w indshield cleaner for auto mobile can be heated electrically to melt snow and Ice. (Vint Till Is tails of a The talis of a duster coat designed for automobiles can be wrapped around a wearer's leas nd buttoned to form loose frousers. Hood's Sarsaparilla 'OVERCOMES ! '-THAT tflRED " FEELING. BUILDS ' UP HEALTH' r- Harvey's Bow As Ambassador r" ' KDXA K II. D:l.i who as Anna Moure will play rne of the leading roles In "Way Down East" which the Fred Slenel Stock Co. will present at the Orenon Theatre for three days, cominenclng Mondny, June 13. ' ' t "il! PI ' i "tj" 3 ; ? - I ;1 1 1 IW-l This rweepimr rrdnrfion of $140 is made by the- LsHey , lAgut tornoration bv arbitranly' accepting a heavy loaa, believinsr that so drastic a reduction will result in in creased sales, which will in time wipe out the lost to thorn. Already farmers have responded in lare numbers Irnow ing that this offer will expire May 31nt., unless lufficient orders are received to keep the iiilley factories going; at full speed which only can warrant a continuants of this low price of $485. So yon should take advantage of this opportunity JTOW to get this highly refined Lallev Light at price actually below pre-war level. In the New, Bigger, Better, Mora Powerful Lalley you get : - The Model IT I alley irilK it ample potcer capacity The Model II Jjalley with 11 yeart' unparalleled tuceeu The Model II lalley , the mott ample in construction The Model II IMey that i the most accessible 1'he Model II Ixilley that in every respect "Does Mere and Does It Better" ' . T The Model II Lalley backed by a yeat guarantee Dont wait a day longer. The time is abort. Come in and see the Lalley in operation, or phone or write for foil particulars. Learn how the Lalley will pay tor itself. . BE SURE SEE THE LALLEY FIRST ;Sturis & Storie Walla alia ; lVmllitoii and 5 ;tribO. Tbis pk-Uire shows Colonel Oeorpe Harvsy. U. S. ambassador to Eng aiul. t his Hist public appearance in London. Beside him is Pr-rnier :jvW. Lio-J Ceon;e The event was the Pilgrim Dinner at which H.u.y i flensed the altitude of the harding administrution on foreign affairs, Statistics prove that a tire eood for an average of SOilO miles when it leaves the factory will 'ose approxi mately :'()() m'.les of Its life by hems carried unprotected as a spare for one year. A lire cover will outlast mttny tirrs and k hmks better on the rear of a car. jJHICH ESTER S PILL? rilla Is He4 Ind tioM ainuiuv 1 born. -U1 ltk Sina K.M V 3 "ps V- J T. mW. H.r t Ti V CI V .irST'"- 'IM Hrs-TEaS) &4iiSl 1H I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIItltlllHHIIIllnilllllinilllllililtlllllllllUimiHIIIIIUlHIUIIIHIIHIH i J tt; 2 CASTLE GATE EGG COAL FhONE FIVE FOR FUEL . GEN. GRANT'S FLAG IS PROPERTrOF GRANT MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION! XKW YORK. June 11. (A. P.) The American flag used nt Gen. Grant's field headquarters during the civil war and now In his tomh on niversti)e drive fius become the permanent property of the Grant Memorial Assocla- tirtn hy the will of liid late Gen. Horace Porter. A fund of 10.- nun Is left fir the care and main- tenance of Giant's ttimh. (teneml Porrer's servants were among the beneflcinrles, each leceivinjr a year's salary. The will also cancelled a mortgage for $7,100 on the home of Geo. P. Holt, the general's chauffeur. Moskjif the estate went to rein- t ve Beautiful Woolens Any man who comes here for a tailor-made Suit or Overcoat will, simply marvel at the won derful selection we have. Here are many yards of the best that can be produced. But we suggest that clothes ordered now will ' get excellent attention. You'll like the service beoause ve have plenty of time at this season of the year. ... ... . John Dorfman THE RIGHT SIZE FOR THIS WEATHER CLEAN AND UNIFORM -i s I B. L, BURROUGHS-He Has It! f iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiim iiiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiinimufiiiiiuiiiiiiiif r THE TAILOR Rooms 7-8-9 Despair Bid?. Phone 982 CONROY'S CASH GROCERY Buy your Groceries all week, these are not Sat urday, special but every day prices. Carnation Milk 8 for $1.00 Borden's Milk, 8 for $i"oo Lard, Armour's, 10 lbs. net $200 Lard, No. 10 tins . i . . ; . . 1,70 Schillings Coffe, 2'2 lbs, , ...... $L00 Schillings Coffee, 5 lbs. $2.00 Hills Red Coffee, 1 lb. Aoc; 2't lbs. $1.10; a 'bs $2.20 31. J. B. Coffee, 1 lb. 4oc; 3 lbs. $1.35; 5 lbs. $2.20 10 Bars Crystal White Soap $1.00 16 bars Bob White Soap $1.00 Gallon Sweet Tickles $2.00 No. 2'2 Tins Teanut Butter ... 40c 5 lb. Tins Peanut Butter $1.00 I-