.tiitminntt. f ACS SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 11, 1021. TWELVE AG3 Social and Club News (! MIK PHKI.I'H IN I.A (iltAXPK ii'lrue, Amy Kllxalicth Aldrlrh, Jnck tiiiKuMird iSorvlce cross for lrnvcry. Mlm (iencvlrvc 1'hr-lp" I" l lhiiiKnn. Lucille Pearson, Thclma I New officer tor the three women's Claude for two vMt wllh her j Ak, Nlim Chancy, Seville Marty, . societies nre to be ehuted ilnrliiR the mmi, Mr. Frank KeeMIn and Mrs. lloic Newcomb, Kls'e Farrow, Ruth convention, t'luatilla county has the Julie, Metilcr. 1 lifalnl, Ilaroldins Horton, Iteryl liar- i honor of claiming the atute presidency - I rah, Marjory licsl, IVelle Oray. Pau MOTOU TO HKItMlKTON Mr. and Mr. C. tt. O'ImnM motored tit lleriniMton today to vli.it at the lioiiie of Miiyor and Mrs. F. I. Mi Ken trie. Mra. McKenr.ie In the daughter ol Mr, and Mra. o'tanirl. iti.s-i-.Aitru cm n ricxics Mem'iem of the Itcucaroh club and llilr hubandn enjoyed a picnic Thurs oiiy rvnnlnR at the Mission. They mo tored to the spot and thirty-five (tiirsla enjoyed a picnic supper and the camp fire session which followed. I.ITTI.B POX ItORX Mr. and Mrs. Will Tiirchase nre re relvlng coneTutiilatlons on the blrlli of a seven and a half pound son. The nem- arrival, horn on Wednesday, has been named William llohert Purchase, ItlCClTAI. IS ENJOYED Of decided interest to music lovers was the piano recital Kiven last even ing ny the pupils of Mrs. Nellie Whit ing Mclonald, at the Presbyterian church. The recital as the last of a series of four itlven this season by the puolls of the McDonald studios. Those on the program last evening were Vera Leaf, Ruth Lester, Thelma Morris, liura Elirabeth Woodward, Pauline Scott. Martha Hosue, Evelyn Ine Hice, Agnes jtelvall, artlsoii and Ixiren KliiK. Ksther Well- Cl.l'lt HAS MEETING The members of the Riverside Nccillocriift Club met yesterday after noon at the home of Mrs. Charles Owen, with Mrs. Owen and Mrs. lc wltt Warren as hostesses. The meeting was most Interestlnn. a Riicsaluif con test in which Mrs. Alex Manning "was priae-winner being a feature. The club members ami their families will Picnic on Tuesday of next week at Knclish prove, according to a decision made at the meetiiiR. of the Ladies of the U. A. It., Mrs. Lorelta Williams ot Milton being tho state president. A traditional significance Is attached to the coming convention us, I'cmMrtoi. was the hostess city for the Mnte En campment twenty-eight years ngu when the Oregon oi'Hahliuitton of the Grand Army of the Republic were first formed. WEDDING IS SOLEMNIZED. The nuuriupo of Miss Josle M. Ox loy, of this city and Rosele Smith, of Curry county, was solemnized last evening, with Judge Thomas Flu Gerald officiating. Alger Fee was best man. I'hc couple will make their homo In Curry county. Wild. HAVE HOOTU. Members of the Girls Friendly So ciety, upper division, are planning to make articles which they will sell at a Girls' Friendly Society booth this HAXQl'KT WEDNESDAY EVENING The most important social event of the coming Grand Army of the Repub lic state encampment and of the three auxiliaries, the Ladies of the G. A. R., Daughters of Veterans and Women's Relief Corps, to be held here June 14, 15 and 18, will be the banquet Wednes. j fall at the annual bnmr held by the day evening at Cue Christian church. It promises to le most enjoyable and will be In honor of the visiting dele gates. Following the Kmnuet. a ramp fire session Is to be held with Dr. Fred Ueuallen as speaker. Dr. Ueuallen. who served over seas as captain In the medical corps, was awarded the Dis- HOPF'S ITSTAIPS SHOP New Summer Frocks OF ORGANDIE AND VOILE -Yet Styling one need Styles that Posses Individuality They Are Inexpensive. Breezy, brisk and buoyant plus an indefinable charm is all hint at. . - $12.75, $13.75, $16.50, $22.50 and Up SEE OUR NEW HAND MADE BLOUSES in French Voile and Organdie women of the Church of the Redeem er. The girls arc at work on a patch work qtiilt which will be sold, and they will make other articles as well. PICNIC TO RE HELD. The annual picnic of the Presby terian Sunday school will be held on Monday. June 13. All members of the church and Sunday school have been asked to attend. Each member Is to furnish his own lunch, and the party will meet at the church at 1(1 a. m. Transportation will be provided. WILL LEAVE FOR EAST. " Mr. and Mrs. li. A. McDonald will leave June 15 for Chicago where they will spend the summer In study. Mrs. McDonald will continuo the study of composition with I-ouia Victor Soar with whom she studied last summer, and she will also do private piano study with Josef Llievinne, famous pi ano virtuoso and teacher. Mr. McDonald will study with Leon Snmetini, the noted Russian violinist who Is at the head of the violin de partment of the Chicago Musical Col lege. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will return to Pendleton in time to open their studio September 6. IT'S A TOUCHY SUBJECT! . Dut here's a SUBJECT that will interest all: LET US FIGURE WITH YOU ON YOUR HARVEST ORDER As in former years we will run no automubilo delivery to the country. We believe that it is an expensive custom, and the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the customer pays for the service. Most every rancher in the county comes to town every so often, so why pay to have your groceries delivered for you? We have the largest and most complete line of fine groceries in Eastern Oregon. Let us figure with you. We think it will be to our mutual bene fit. Think this over. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phone 28 Only 1 Quality the Best THE THOMAS SHOP PORTER PEACE BILL IS TO BE DEBATED MONDAY WASHINGTON, June U. (Herbert W. Walker. IT. P. Staff Correspondent) lllocklng at lanicndmcnta , to the Porter peace resolution the measure was adopted In the house by a strict party vote. The resolution will be de bated Monday, when it must be ap proved or rejected in the form the for eign affairs committee reported It. The vote followed a sharp partisan debate. THE SHOP OF IIKTTER VALUES POINTS FAR OP M Take a Book With You We have an excellent assortment of all the latest Popular Copyright books. Read: SLIPY McGEE THE BRANDING IRON WILD YOUTH AND ANOTHER AT THE VILLA ROSE CHILDREN OF THE DESERT THE MAN TRAIL ANTHONY TRENT THE MAN OF THE DESERT A DAUGHTER OF THE LAND THE WINDS OF CHANCE ALL PRICED AT EACH $1.00. READ A BOOK A WEEK. il f SOU'S DRUG STORE JUNEAU. Alaska, June 10. (A. I.) Points more than 600 miles up the Kilyma river of northern Siberia, which had not been visited by traders for four years, wero reached last sum mer by a party of American traders headed by Captain S. K. Gudmundson master of the trader schooner Polnr Itear, according to word received here. The Hear left Nome, Alaska, June 27, 1920, sailed around the Siberian coast and Kast Cai e Into the Arctic and arrived at the mouth of the Koly ma August 4. The schooner was worked up the river 120 miles and anchored while the traders took a Ismail boat 890 miles farther up "We were still 4"0 miles from tho head of the river." Captain Onilmund son said in writing of his trip to a Juneau friend. "We found trading very good as no boat had visited that vicinity In four years 'and we soon disposed of our wares and loaded up with goods of the country." I-ast winter the I'olar Hear and its company was frozen in at the mouth of the Kolyma, having failed in an attempt to reach Nome before the Ice came Her cargo of furs and Ivory will be taken to .Nome this spring and ship ped out to Seattle "Ulff.1IOX IS I'lUUPKIl LOS ANGELES, Oil., June It. (A. P.) Alimony rates for women seeking divorce must bear their proper ratio to reducing costs In other things, accord ing to a ruling maue nere recently in the divorce department of tho Los Angeles county superior court. Clothing and food are costing less, tho court ruled, many men are earn ing less and women who seek alimony must confront themselves with the sums suited to the new conditions. The court announced the new ruling with hesitancy, fearing an Influx of petitions for reductions in alimony union Ms set a year or two ago. I0NAL SPECIALS For; TONIGHT- One lot of Wool Jersey Suits, navy and brown in col or, size 40, 42, 44, regular $27.50, special $15.00 A large assortment of Georgette and Pongee Waists and Blouses, they are all new numbers and worth much more, our special price $5.85 Special Price on all plaid and stripe wool skirts. . said that that was obviously a matter ' ANOTHKlt UOMUL " upon which ho could not Tnako i pQb. NEW YOIIK, Juno 11. (A. P. j lio statement. 1 .Pa bo Hutli slammed out his eighteenth Mr. White declared there had been 10,"") run the seventh Inning Ex-President Still Retains His Keen Interest in His. Party and His Country. WASHINGTON. June It. -(A. P.) Chairman George White of the dem ocratic national committee, called up on former President Wilson at the lat ter residence today and discussed various political matters and the con dition of public affairs. Mr. Whlto re fused to state specifically the matters which were taken up. "I can say this much, however," he said. "Mr. Wilson retains his keen In terest In all affairs affecting the wel fare of his parly and his country and ho still has the militant spirit which characterized him as a parly leader and a chief executive." Itcplying to iiuesilons ns to Mr. Wil son's physical condition, tho chairman a great revival or spirit among nemo, crate and a general disposition to get together. 1 The failure of the republican ad ministration to keep Ha election prom ises to date has put new heart and hope In tho party everywhere," he said. ItMJCE MARK INVESTIGATION PORTLAND, June II (A. P.)- The police. Investigating the death of Harry Agee, who was stabbed In the neck early today, Bald the Indications pointed to an attack by a burglar whom A seo surprised ransacking his bedroom bureau. against Detroit today. ItOMAINH mXl JVfcN SKKTKNCE.' JtOHEUURO. June 11. (U. p.)v I'loyd Homalne, charged with killing Abe Glvcns, a .rancher, was found guilty of murder In the first degree. ' The sentence will be given Tuesday, LADIES When Irregular or suppressed us Triumph Tills. Bafe and dependabla In all proper eases. Not sold at Drug Stores. Do not experiment with fur "Itellef" and particulars, ll'i free. Address: National Medical Institute, others; save disappointment. Writ Milwaukee, Win. HOUSEHOLD GOODS at prices in reach of any one. We deem it a pleasure to quote you the following prices: 7'.x9 Congoleum Rugs $10.75 6x9 Fibre Rugs, fast colors $6.75 Fibre Matting, fast color, per yard . . 75c No. 1 Galv. Tubs $1.25 No. 2 Galv. Tubs $1.50 No. 3 Galv. Tubs $1-75 Padlocks, Eagle make 35c and 65c Pocket Knives 25c to $2.75 Suit Cases $1.00 to $20.00 Wallace Bros. Knives and Forks, set $l-0 Table Spoons, set ... 55c Tea Spoons, set 30c Fry Pans 30c to 60c Steel Spiders 90c and $1 00 Brooms 65c, 85c and $1.00 All New Furniture at Wholesale Cost. Watch Paper for Our Tent Ad Next Week. Use Our Repair Department Yours for Service Riley Sc Kemp Quality Our Watchword MiU-fat-tkn Our Aim HI NTING IS FINK. 8POKANK, June 11. (II. P.) E. S. Dam a Colville wool grower, says ho either has buck fever, myopia, or was plain seeing double when up in the Colville county recently. What Dam saw was deer, deer, and more deer. . "The hunting Is going to be out of sight this year," declares Dam. , "I moved a flock of 40(10 sheep through that section, and I saw lots of sheep besides my own. But boys, I'm here to tell you. I saw as many deer as I did sheep and that's some deer. Clean your gun." Fur Wrap f j j il President Honors War Dead 1 fvt CI IP 1 ff . President Harding addressed thousands of gold star mother! as sembled at Hoboken. N. J.. before the bodies of their fallen sons It wsa a memorial service for the largest consignment of soldier dead from Eu rope ever brought here for burial. There were 6112 bodies in U-e sal p. ment . - St: Fur wraps for the days which are only cnilly have large loose ateeree which, from the back, have an al imost cape-like Wfect. Large collars will prevail and molealua will be tuoDK ai a giedlnny - - - NATIONAL PARK The World's Greatest Playground and Museum of Natural Wonders Magnificent hotels and commodious Vamps; Una miles of Im proved highways; all In the niidnt of matchless scenery. Its ho tels are marvelous establishments. Its camps arc pretty little 4ent villages, models of cleanliness, sanitation, order, comrort and simple, informal living. An ideal placo for vacation pleasures. , Hcnd for our beautifully Illustrated booklot telling all about Its i wonders in word and picture. Through Sleeping Car Operated DAILY during the season be twewi Portland and West Yellowstone by the UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM ; roMMrsNciNa katihoay. ji nk is. mjavinq i-outi-and ' 6:00 I-'. M. ,'. ' Our local agents will lie glad lo explain the various lours which enable visitors to see the Yellowstone so comfortably mid at mi nimum cost; also to unote lares, prepare your Itinerary and make your reservations. Call on T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent , or adiceHii WM. M Ml HHAY, General I'aMieiiBer. Agl. I'ortlaiid. Oregon A Good Way to Spend Some of your next Pay Buy a piece of Financial Independence We'd all like to be independent All of us yearn for this and often decide to make a start, but somehow or other we don'e get around to it. NOW is your chance to get ahead. Stamp these facta on your mind post yourself. Then fill out the coupon be low and pot it to us. 1. Money invested in our stock will earn you an in come of 7 per cent a year. 2. This income is payable to you every three months. 3. This is a safe investment. 4. The stock costs $100 and dividend a share. Inquire at any office or ask any employe they're our salesmen. You need only $10 to start. Pacific Power & Light Co. A UiifJness which of Ncorsidty In I'ennaueot ' . Fill Thi. Out NOW; Mail it TODAY PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, , Investment Dept., Gasco BIdg., Portland, Oregon. Send me' (1) 8-page illustrated booklet, "The ' Story of an Opportunity at Home," (2) Information about your Preferred Stock, (3) Details of Easy Payment Plan, (4) How to Judge an Investment. Name Address 'How Foods Are Saved- The food-saving ancl the ice-saving qualities of the Automatic is what makes the price of this famous Refrigerator so LOW. Cold and absolutely dry air will keen your foods from "sweating" and spoiling. -'-,'-"--- Eight walls of Insulation will make a 'deep cut in your ice consumption. 1 ; : All sizes all prices with and without water coolers. FURNITURE CO 103 E. COURT ST. FHONE 4M