w K PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, " SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 11, 1921. I '-- -. . ! '' . ...! .J.. 11 .'. r i u. ..-.'. '- '. - 1 - TWELVE PAGES NEWS OF FAtaU AND RANGE THREE WEEKS MORE Pacific Jewel Silk Hose Very Special, a pair $1.75 .Women's Kayser Silk Underwear Discounted 33 1-3 Per Cent SI 'Fair' and Warmer' ' Does Not Wflii IllR Fit IFTFP tSIPPrltlriPW oil LyhlL 'VflLUILu I Hit Ml SUl uUl I 04 mWl 11 Lily OF GOOD WE ...(. A very fine quality pure dye silk hose, fashioned with seam up back and seamless foot. Fine lisle garter top, high spliced heels double soles and toes; all sizes in black and white. Aii Exceptional Value at 81.75 a pair. SALE OF REMNANTS Friday, June 10th v in the BARGAIN BASEMENT Over 81200 worth of silk, woolens, w ash goods and drapes at 1-1, 1;3 and 1-2 Price. See the elaborate display in our show window. MEN'S SHOES $1.93 Our special sale of men's shoes continues with a rush. Don't let it come to a close without get ting a pair or two of these wonderful bargains. Values up to 15.00. SPECIAL SALE PRICE $1.93. hi - Extra Quality Silk Trieolette Very Special at $2.49 One of the most fashionable silk materials for summer wear will be high-grade lustrius tricollette. A rich clinging fabric with open mesh effect, woven in lock-stitch, which prevents it from raveling. The width is 36 inches. All the new handsome shades for blouses, dresses, etc. Regular $3.00 values. Special Saturday Only, Yard $2.49 DELIGHTFUL TOILET ARTICLES FOR SUMMER USE. - " Dr. Palmer's Almond Meal Compound Very Special, 6 oz. can 23c Especially prepared for the toilet. You will find that the rough and irritated condition of the skin will disappear, and a white, soft, velvety and healthy condition will follow. Our regular low price 30c can. Special Saturday Only, each 23c Mum's Deodorant A delicate deodorant indispen sable for the toilet. Special, per box , 21c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo. This shampoo may be used freely and as often as desired, for it does not dry the scalp or cause the hair to become brittle. Special, a .bottle 43c Elcaya Complexion Powder A dainty aid of vel vety softness producing a natural alluring effect with refinement and good taste. Special, a box 43c Lablaclie Face Powder Refreshing to the skin, improves the complexion. Excellent for outdoor life. Special, a box 59c Our entire stock of Kayser and Vanity Fair Silk Underwear will be on sale for Satuday only at 1-3 less our regu lar price.. The assort ments are good, the gar ments beautiful, and they are moderate in price at the regular market figure. This sale gives you an oppor tunity to supply your summer requirements at a big saving. Sale of Women's Silk Top Union Suits Kayser quality underwear at a decided bargain price. Get a season's supply of these beautiful fin ished garments. Shown in flesh and a few in white, bodice and band top style, with tight knees. All sizes in the. lot, but not all sizes in each style. They are regular values from $3.00 to $4.50. Sale Price Saturday Only, a Suit $2.49 GRAND CLEANUP SALE OF WOMEN'S PUMPS We have a wonderful stock of W'ornen's pumps, in cluding many styles and all the desirable leathers. This is a great bargain event and no economical woman can possibly afford to overlook it. Values range up to 13.50. Your choice $4.95 Fit the Bill With Them Now When Coolness is Nodded. if Use Our Free Conveniences, telephones post office, rest room, information Department. OttiI0 CJJEAIEST PEPARTMESI SJtUZ pnePooples rehouse, VffSail WHERE. IT RAYS TO TRADE TKZTT?"" MAKE THIS STOREYOUR STORE It's here to serve you. Twenty dnji nioro of good season- I able weather! ;':.' i That's th prayer of I'niittllla county wheatsrowers. In the lower region 'of the county the wheat Is already' Iwiflnnlnir to fill, and In the higher district It's In bloom, and the yield that will be har vested thin fall depends In large mea sure on the way the weatherman Ua haves during the next three weeks. For this Muse of Us development the erop la In excellent condition. The season ha been a propitious one, nd if extremely hot weather will hold off until the. heads are all filled, the crop will he a hummer, That'sWhy farmers smile at ths cloudy, coot weather thathas prevail ed during this wuok. They want more of It, and gentle showers mixed In Ju- dlt-lously with the passing of the days won't make them very mad. Men Want Work Mayor Gooritt A. Hitrtman, In addition to a lot of other correspondence that comeg to lilrn as head of the city administration, la re ceivlng a lot of letters how from men who want work. Home of them want anything, but almost without excep tion, the writers express a preference for work on the farm. Huy ltcjrulallonit. The hay farmers of the West Kxtenslon Irrigation Pro ject who are contemplating selling hay through the Oregon Kay (Irowcra association are keenly Interested In knowing what graded hay reaMy sig nifies. The following is a copy of the Rtate regulations regarding the grades of alfalfa: "Choice alfalfa hay shall be alfalfa hay B per cent pure,- good, clan, and r.f natural color, sound, sweet and well buled. "No 1 alfalfa hay shall be alfalfa hay with a mixture of not to exceed ten per conf combined of bright 1, leached or other tame grasses, and may contain not mora than a slight trace of foxtail. It shall be leafy, ron miaably flae, of good green natural color, sound, awedt and well balad, "No. 2 alfalfa shall be alfalfa with a mixture of not to exceed twenty per ci'Dt of other tame grasaos. It shall bs of fair color, leafy, reasonably fins, sound, sweet and woll baled." MARGARET HILLS IS (East Oregonian Special.) ECHO. June 11. In. Grace Keith returned to her home at Itirtland Thursday after visiting here for a few day at the home of her sister, Mrs. A Scries of Human Interest Talks on Insurance ' How Much Insurance Should a Man Have When He is Married? This question is getting more and mote attention every day. One man said:. "Whfni you hen I am married you will know I am carrying at Ktu.t 15,000 life iniuraute." Another said: "I figure that a man fchould provide an income for his fam ily of at least $!SIK per year. That is 6"t on $2."),IKXt. f ex leef to cany that amount." My work for Oregon life In surance Company is not to fell you all the iiifuiauc I poesibiy ca, but to wosk with you to decide how you can obtain max imum protection et a cost pro portionate to your laconic. This rray rroan s $1000 or j.OW) policy. Think it over and talk with D. B. SNYDER n'OrcgonJifeMa I'I.mhitox onrofioN Basil Mikesell. A. B. Thomson left Thursday for Pendleton to Join Col. Kaley and Mar. ion Jacks on a fishing and hunting i-arty. They expect to stay at the 'Raley cabin In the mountains. S. Sams returned to his home at Yakima Thursday after spending sev eral days here In the city transacting business affairs. Make-up exams for the students of, the 7th and Mh grades who failed in' .l- ...... ... . i,...i! , llll flfllC rxuuin ill .uiy nci r i.,jiim htm t. . . . l - t I ; v .irs. i.ianin nitittu m liic ecituvi ' bouse, Thursday and Friday. j Miss Margaret Hills returned home I from Corvallls Thursday, where she j had been attending O. A. C. the past; year. - j I C. It. Williams and C. II. Bianstettet ! were business visitors in Pendleton Thursday. Pretty and a Winner Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Veelcy and Miss ' Kmma Geizler composed a motor party to Pendleton Friday afternoon. j italph Siiyl'ir was an Echo visitor from Butter Creek Friday. Jlr. and Mrs. C. N'. Crary of Contact, I - v. fj. Mrrivefl in Krho. Thursday 'to visit ( at the home of Mr. Clary's j j brother, yf. H. Crary. j I iva j'. Jonnson was a visitor at the. ' county seat Thursday. Sheriff Houser spent Thursday In I Echo transacting official business, j Mrs. Dell Johnson, who has been j i guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. j W. H. Crary for the past ten days left QUiVLITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Oregonian Printing Department. 1.000,000 I.VM.GH ; Kt'IT IThfJi riKTrtOIT. Mich.. June 11. (A. IV) Suit for 11,000,000 damages was filed In fcderul court here today against members of the Detroit board of health by the Curtis corporation at California, ennners and packers. The complaint alleges tho corpora tion's business was duiraiKed to that extent through seixnre In October. 1919. of a quantity of Its produce fol. lowing the death of five persons, due, the board of health declared, to bo- i tulinos poisoning. Miss ilarle Curtis ojT Detroit Is called the prettiest bathing girl in ths country, but she has vftm medals on her swimming. She Is going after ( mors prizes at the California swimming events. , . for her home in Portland the early part of the week. Thomas Koss spent Thursday after noon on business in Condon, Oregon, H. K. Willis returned home Friday evening from Horseheads, New York where he was called two months ago ty the serious illness of his father While in the east .Mr. Willis visited at vsiious points with old friends and ac. iuaintances. His father is still ill, 1ul is reported l lie on the road to re- , covery. nidi ifftuncn Of PALM BEACH Tells Girls How She Found Relief From Pain Who Says the War's Over J Ml WtwJT i West Palm Beach, na.-"When I was la years tld i was irregular and I ihad such terrible cramps it felt like a knife going through me. ItookLydiafc. t Puikham's V egeta l blc Compound and I J was cured. After I Hrre's proof that war's still going on In Europe. It's the first p to rn re to arrive In America from th! Gf;k-Turk front In tt near vast Q.X Kllcu ait shown bruising la Turk prtsoners, - m 4 jp. v J tilUIIV.14 . U.U ;, '(the ssme troublo ' i,'acau.ed by the added work of farming and 5 Iheavy waahines so 1 hold my husband to lpt six bottles of the Vegetable Compound and by, taking it regularly my troubles ccssed and now 1 never have a pajn or ache, and am regu lar. I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoundi and think every f'oung girl should take it. You can pub-! ish this letter and it may be the means ' of helping some other girl or woman. " i i .. . . f . . . 1 1 , i , n .urs. lAi(I JM. . 4ui1Elf, COX ti, West Pgim Beach, Florida. While no woman is entirely free from periodic suffering it does not seem to be the plan of nature that woman should suffer so severely and when pain exists omeming is wrong which should beset right. Kvery. girl 'who. qpifers from monthly cramps should give Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coninounii a fair trial. OPEN SUNDAYS and U'GS UNTIL 10 P.M. f GAS OILS ACCESSORIES. , SERVICE CAR AT ALL HOURS Our Service Car is equipped with a crane for handling automo biles with broken wheels, Spindles, or in any other wrecked condition. We Specialize in Repairing Buick Hupmobile AND .. ; Stephens AUTOMOBILES. , Our long EXPERIENCE and EQUIPMENT enables us to give you a job that will be satisfactory in evtry way. Newsome & Cumming For Good Automobile Repairing Day and Nijfht Phone 780 Courtesy 701 W. ALTA ST. (Opposite Van Petten Lumber Co.) Service vJ 4 m