East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 11, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Image 15

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    iU3 A IFy for tfc
TTJ HEN a girl is in her early tetttt it teems a mother needs t study her J A) 'J0' "" V T ; " ' f , . , ; , :
YY type more than ever. You can't put a siroighi-hdireit khk$ 1 girl in a Wl"" Ayr J ?' ' ' , ' t " ' , ' '',"' ' x . '
ruffled drgandie and dotted swiss and expect nit l idol tute, while M ' ' ' ' ' ' , '
M lr Aon. lie plain-line linens and gingham! Vhlrk this girl mart ur .-, ' - I JA ' , i - - ' , ' ; ' ' ' '
would make a demure little girl look too plain altogtther. , ( rf . I A i . HtV ' ; f K '.''-'' ' ,
The accompanying illustrations show how dressmikht wha nave devoted v ''- 1 VKrV ' r' , 5 - "'- .'; ;
much time and thouqht to the subject of the young gifts' itrtl kal-l solved the Cj) . . ". . yV " " i ' .' 1
difficulty. To the lower left is a charming frock which can be mode in silk or serge. US I ' A'm 'V A ' ' "' ' ', '
Just above it is a simple frock on long lines, Housed just above the deep sash 6m3 J 1 :- . ' . ' "
which ties at the side; square neck and peasant sleeves art simple but effective ft J . , v ; k J G ' I '' f ; " " ' "", ' ,; ; .'
notes. Every girl should have a suit on spMs Or modified sport lines. The hat JB """ I iTv j3 ' ' ' ' '
i- the upper right-hand picture comis from France and is of gray satin with 1 - - W ' ) ' " i
brim of while plumes. . 3 My jM , t ' j ' 4'
For Betwixt and j . ''ffn ' " i
Between Girls ' J IT 1 I "'ijfl M&a:& ' , :
I FEEL o sorry for tflt (JlH Hxt ' ! I "X t AC ) ' " '
Door. Bbe'i Jiit tbit Htd M "4,s', 1 VXf ' It ' ' 'u V' '
you know when b htan't tn -f'.' I Xr- f " ! 'l - 'i'P-' t" ' '1 ,
lightest Idea of what W 4d wllb her VV P'V" N 7 '-i 1 I V A If ' '.lli , .
nbt and her legi. H fcoiher, tth- 1''"' (3 'A j" " y . ) " i X ' i
fortunatelr. h no taaU, to that you 1 fc ;- J J I S " J.' ;,7 ' v If ,
ar apt to the pobf ybiinfcaicr II 4 H ,.(. i
pranctn along on Trmrb heela with f "" I ' -J I " I t. u ' " !' 1 ? 1 i - , !'' ' i . " 7
mlddyblouMod. At nrti thought V:. C It- - ;.r,Wf ' , 4 I ' ' ' I ' ;
ah was quIU hople, but after I VWv1- ( V - ',J 1 f 'I I 'r ' ' ",fV - J
atudled her carefully ona flay whtn h '4 X fr i m 1, , ' J- v , . , "
did not know I waa looking, I decided , - H- -: i '! 'jf , " "7 M , . 1 ' ' - ,
ah could be Jurt a little darling If aha - ; I f , "" ' " 7 ? ' t 'i ' '"" ' " I I
only had the right clothea, for aay 1 V ,' r 1 f W ' ' '
T - 'II I r - 'f V JT. V y 4rrrsr HAf nr KfJBAy sxm ?
( - lU . i I' ;'-VYV:' .Ever in Search - :
I vk -to , of Beauty ' .
what yotl will, clothes make all the
difference In th world with a girl that
First of all, instead of those In
termlnfihle middies, which ai1 all very
well In tbelf place and can be dread
fully Kmart on occasion, I'd buy or
make her some fetching little ging
hams. They Were never quit so pret
ty a they ar no, especially those
for the younger girl. There ar tun
ning little frock of gingham fof
Instance witH straight bodices cut
just a little long and given ft redlngot
effect by loos attached panels at th
sides over the aklrt, which I attached
to an underbody. Anything loose atid
flying looks so much better on tile
flapper age than skimpy skirts. Even
the pretty straight line gingham have
fullness Introduced at tbe sides Iri
pleated Inserts, over which ft string
belt of the klhghRm ties In bows on
long button-weighted ends.
Mostly all the ginghams fbr the
younger girl are trimmed with ttr
gandle, from ft set bf ginghant-bmihd
collar and cuffs to ft whole overdress
of orgndl. th Iratlop piped in gtng
hsm WitH Circle Of th gingham ap
pllqued bit In long stitches of bright
wool. I saw )ust such frock In large
red and white blocks, the understlj) of
gingham cut with a "panty body" top
that showed through the thin over
dress of white organdie. The appllqued
roses of gingham were put on with
bright red wool. Oh, It was so cutel
And then there waa another frock In
th same shop of a yellow gingham
barred In red with pale yellow organ
di petals bound la the gingham for
the aktrt and the whole blouie or or
gandie. I'd love to try these on tbe
Girl Next Door with a nice floppy
hat made of layers of the organdie
bound with the same gingham. She'd
b a dreamt
Theh for her beat dress I'd like to
16 her la a beautiful coral colored
tfloolette with the new wide neckline
and little fullness over the hips.
Around the waist there would be a row
of roses made of self-colored ribbon
plcotcd In gold, and the sleeves would
be fa rotted in. Or else in a lovely rose
The Dessert far the
EVEN grown-ups agree that the
crowning triumph ofva perfect
company dinner is the dessert,
and the most popular of all desserts
Is, of course, Ice cftam in some form.
Most cook love to serve novel deserts,
things that every male guest, present
will figuratively Smack his lips Over,
and that evfy woman will want to
know how to make before she leaves
th house. Following are some new
recipes that ftre lure to be favorites:
Pineapple Mousse.
Sol) a cupful of sugar with half a
cupful of water until It spins a thread,
and pouf the hot syrup over the
white of three eggs, beaten stiff. Have
ready Cupful of shredded pineapple
and ft pint bf heavy cream, whipped to
ft froth. Mil these three Ingredients
together and pour Into a mold, rack
In iRlt and ie for three hours, flerr
In slices on your prettlst dessert
plates, garnished with pieces of can
dled pineapple.
Fhileo KftspbrrHe and Cream,
A perfectly delicious dessert is made
by serving together ft raspberry sher
bet and vanilla Ice cream. To make
the sherbet cook together for lfl min
utes a quart of raspberries add pint
of water. Strain off. to the juice add
a cupful of sugar and cook tor a few
minutes, longer. Dissolve a tablesponti
ful of gelatine iri a little cold water
and add. Then add the Juice of one
Union and on orange and half ft
p3V rtif&J TWEXZ? s&sr
taffeta with a latticework bf narrow
bandl bf taffeta to mak ft shaped
yok and th bottom 6f th bouffant
orllH. 1 lev thes (itiatht little
taftetaii tor th younger girl, especial-
ly when-the bodices are left rather
loose and art shaped In ta th awk-
ward figure the Very least bit by
pinching at the sides of the front with
a bunch of ribbon or organdie rosea.
Those cunning little striped taffetas
are cute tor her, toe, when made on
more or less tailored lines with lin
gerie trimming.
Company Dinner
cupful of canned pineapple Juice.
Freeze to toft mush. Put ft spoonful
into a sherbet glass, then put ft spoon
ful of a good vanilla lc dreiin beside
it so tbe dividing tin come ftcrbs th
glass. Serve with ft thta wafer or fitly
frosted cakes.
What could be mot delectable to
serve at a Summer luncheon' lhail rose
Ice cream garnished with dipped
strawberries. Mak ft rich Ice cream
by Whipping heavy cram, iweetening
it to tastt and flavoring It with va
nilla tnd fosewater. Tint it ft delicate
pink with vegetable coloring and
freeze. Pack In ft mold br erv tolled
high on ft platter In pyramid shape,
surround afid cover with the barrios.
To mak tttem, boil together Until it
bubbles two cupful bf . sugar and I
cupful of water. . have teady th ber
rle with hull on. Select as perfect
ones as possible. Dip lb th boiling
syrup and plac oft ft welt-buttered
platter in ft cold placft.
Wftinlt Pftrfalt.
Boll together ft third of ft cupful of
sugar and ft halt of ft cupful bf water
until it spins ft thread, then pour the
boiling syrup over the stiffly-beaten
whit of one egg. When cold fold Into
It ft cupful of heavy cream, whipped ;
ft half of ft cupful of chopped walnut
meats and ft teaspoonful bf vanilla.
Tou caa pack It la mold or freeze
like Ice cream. Serve in tall parfalt
glasses topped With ft small ipoooful
of whipped cream and half of a wai-
nut meat.
Orange Coup.
lp of orange ice by bdll-
ing together k cupful of sugar.' tw
cupfuli bf water and half a teaspOOhful
, .., ...
, .... ... . ,
Co'1 "V d.k ' orange Juice
anil st lhli1 nf ai minrnl nf latnnn 4i i tna
Strain and freeie.
Cut up into small pieces ft large
orange, ft couple of slices of canned
pineapple and ft banana. Add a tea
spoonful of lemon juice and two tea
spoonfuls of th maraschino syrup
from a small bOttl of cherries. Set
on - Ice to cblll thoroughly. When
ready to serve fill sherbet glasses half
full of the fruit and cover with the
It you are having an afternoon tea
or reception and want it a bit mote
elaborate than Just a cupful of tea and
a sandwich would make It. serve or-
ange pekoe ice cream. Bring a pint
Of milk, tb which you have lidded
three tftblespoonfuls of some godd
brand bf Orange pekoe tea, just to i
boil. Let it stand for five minutes and
add a cupful and a half bf tugaf and
th slightly beaten yolks of four eggs.
Cook till it thickens and then strain,
Add to it the grated rind of an orange
and a pint of heavy cream. Freeze and
mold. Serve In slices, garnished with
candled, orange peel.
tSTURlES ago th Egyptian
wttinen used- a gray powder
Which they called "kohl" on
their lashes which, when moistened
by the eye, made the eye more large
and brilliant. Later, th Parisians im
proved en this when the leading wom
en of Franc used t preparation called
mascara, consisting or wax, vaseline
and the color which blehded beet with
their tyes. this gat an ftrttflcialand
star? appearance.
Th constant de-
maQ() tor Deautfyng the eyes became
so general that one of the noted beau
ty specialists of Chicago mad ft tour
of France and England and brought
back with her several specialists who
manufacture artificial eyelashes and
by ft secret method apply them to the
eye Id such ft wty that they will last
from three tb ftv months and have
no artificial appearance.
trench Cocoftnot FMdlng.
One quart milk, half cap sugar,
thre tablspoohs eornstftrcH, four
yolks of eggs, ft little salt. Put part
of the milk, salt and sugar lfl th stdve
thd let It boll, dissolve tbe cornstarch
in the rest of the milk. Stir into the
milk and while boiling add tbe yolks
thd ft cupful of grated cocoanut; fla
vor with vahtlla. Frosting the
whit of four egg beaten tb a stiff
froth, half cut) lugar, iavof with
lemon, spread it On pudding and but lit
oven to brown; save ft little bf frosting
to moisted the top, (hen put OH grated
cocoanut to give It the appearance bf
For Handbags or Pecketbookftt
Handbags or.pocketbookt that dro
on on sid when Opened. A ptec bf
ribbon or tape about m or I inch
long If sewed on one aid of pocket
book and t Inap or hook on other nd
of tape or ribbon and Snapped to oppo
site side of pocketbook will prevent It
from falling all th way down.
To Fack Sill Skirt.
When packing ft satin Br silk skirt
Instead of folding foil skirt brer some
soft article and It will then carry with
out creasing or mussing.
To make window shades last.Ionger,
when they are worn at tbe bottom take
thertl trotn the roller and tack them
bfl ft pole, Using the same tacks. Then
with ft fiatlron press the hem on the
"J L
K k
" '
other aid wld noiigh for stick ta
go thfbUgtu
in Betid liiti. ' '
t flaw when sewing oft buttons by
placing knot 6ft th right side of cloth,
with button ttf gainst the knot, win
lav yon from sewing On any mors
tew t'se for & Fans.
drA your gem pan and nan tneai
when baking ftpplea. It keeps the frntf
in much bettor shape, and they look
more appetizing when eanred.
A long-ban dld button book to ns
tut to tenidt lint from the outlaU of
laundry tub.
To lengthen th life Of children"!
stockings, put on a patch On the knae
on the "wrong" aide.