PAC3 EI.EVEtl TWELVE PAGES VAtLt EAST OltEGOOTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 11, 1921 ADS. For Rent, ptc, Classified for Easy Reference. Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found FED WaNT 4 OLAISIFIFO ADVKHTISlNa K ATI It 4 Bet In l-polnt Counting six ordl- 4 4 nury word to Ihn line. 4 First insertion, per linn f.iv K.irh additional consucutlv 4 Iruwrtlun. Di r Una ..- 06 4 4 f)ns month, every issue, each- 4 Insertion, per line Vb Six nioiillis contract, every l- 4 sue, each Insertion per Una Twelve mouths contract, ev ery Issue, , acb in.ertlon, per 1 1 u .. Ails not rui consecutively, each Insertion, per lino...... No mil tnken fur less than 1 linn. Minimum charge .. .04 4 4 4 .01 4 4 .10 4 4 .25 4 44444 44444444 PIANO FOIt TIKNT-I2 tier month.t J Apply 115 (lnrfleld HI. lOR RENT ModiTii 4 room bunita low. Jmitiire 07 Willow or i'hone i32-l. SALESMEN', agents, big commlHslons. silk hosiery. VVi deliver. Rice 611 ThomiiHun Hldg., Wattle, -, LOST Ulaek plush scarf with, frlnce, has wlili pninl murk on edge. Kc. turn to 415 Garfield Hi. ', WANTED A ranch Job, steady cm- iln "'lit, experienced In any line of work.; Address ':" thin office. ijoic KAl.B A 7 room hoiwi1, locnteil - on very nice lot In Rood residence district. cloHc in, Price $40iiii.00 -reir-sonable terms. tWitc P. o, Hox 2S. WANTED,- Halcmiiun. Experienced Kaletman til cover Inciil territory, fjooil npportiinily anil steady Income, Address P. O. Box 1173, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, i MITXKO MAS HEAVY UAIV. MKX1CO CITV, June 11. A. P.) Heavy rain fell here yeMerduy attnr noon. pnillnK a protracled drought which'il mucli tluttri-HH nml prompted II"" Jioldlng of muny n-ll-gli.iis uprviiHH. (Rani Oregnhlan Special.) t STAXF1ICI.I). June 11. The Uulies' Aid held Us reirular meeting Thursday afternoon In the church parlors. After the regular bualness wus dispensed with lunch was served by Mrs. Charles HoKKard and Jlrs. Ernest Oreftthouse. They then adjourned for their Rum mer vacation. The next meeting will be the first of September. Miss Elizabeth Connelly returned Punday from n month' stay In Haines with her daughter,' Mr.. P. H- Nllln and family. Mrs. J. H Knights la spending a-few days In 1'ortlnfld. - Mrs. VV. Connor returned Monday from a week's visit In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Laim enter tained tno Merry-Go-Hound Club on Thursday evening. A most delightful evening was spent and delicious re i - Crack Athlete at Three ."Y.''y - (? .,', !' ..V v . - V. , ,. - vV- i , - Roberta Johannes, daughter of Canal Zon. 1 only thre year old. . and acrobat. Tt uraysz and ring NOTICES ' Sloan Bonnet Shun Moved to Nye-Ward shoo "tore be tween Geo. Baer's and Tallman Drue Co. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR FAI..E-- Ford touring, good shap Wake m n offer Phone 75. , FOR HALIO OR TRADE OldsmobHo 1-ton truck run lose than 2000 mile inquire 619 Blulne after 6 pm. FOR SALE On, ton Republlo truck, 1-ton Republic truck In good shape will eell very reasonable Call Peoiand Kro., Phone 138. LOST AND FOUND LOST 10 bead of home on reserva tlon, branding Mllllron Two on left hip $5. 00 reward a head-t-Addreia M21" thin office. FOL'ND ("nine to my place on Tutull- lu, i mllra S. E. of Pendleton, one mulo brundnd ( and J. H. on right nhuiililcr. F. lu I'utton. FOfND In front of r.12 W. Webb St., lurge log chain, owner may have Bama by calling ut'C12 W. Webb, Iden llfying and pay for ad. LOST Large brlndle milch cow ill-y no brand vlxlldft long horns I'lO.OO reward If delivered to K. a. HoKnmrxh ranch, south of reaervatlon. F..STRAYi:i During fall or winter from Meaoham creek range: t heif ers branded S. C. with bar underneath aluo hole In ear. Liberal reward for return, ot name to H. . C. Blttner Pendleton, Ore. " FOR SALE FOR SALE Two Blewett Harvesters Phone 14FU. FOR BALK Urunawlck phonograph Willi 20 records, Phone 603-lt. 12000 & room liouao and 4 Iota Term I'hone 610-AV. Alao I other lota cheap 115 Jane St. FOR KW.K Weff turnlnhed Apt. hoote -theup Phone 627-J. FOR J5ALK Wicker baby carriage In good shape. Inquire SIR Juno St. FOR SALE All kinds or Insurance. J. 11. Eates, (14 Main St. Phon (04. FOl.'R 100 bu. bulk grain boxes for sale or trade for wheat racka. O. If. Hampton, Phone 1F4. FOR SALE Deerlng harvester with motor. Only cut 300 acre. Phone I4F23 or e Louie Hanoen. FOR SALE Templar Speedster ab solutely new wire wheels, alx cord (Ires a car of quality at a substantial discount. Pendleton Auto Co. freshments were served. Mri!. Emma Pregnlts has returned Itmne from a tcvern I weeks' Btay nt the home of her son Darwin and family In Portland. v Ms Margaret Wlndett of Portland was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. James K. Faucett for several days. Mrs. C. A. Hnen, accompnnied by her grandson, Robert Du Puis, left Wednesday for pleasant Valley where they will spend the summer with Mr. llaen, who Is the operator for the O, W. R. & N. nt that place. . A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. James Nary of Hermlston, Wednesday. Mrs. Frnd Hale was an Echo visitor the first of the week. MIhh Pauline Orlvette of Echo was visiting, her sister, Mrs. Emma Preg nitx Sunday. j Noll Rock of Echo was seen on our streets the first of the week. Neil Is still rushlns the automobile- business. D. B. Snyder of Pendleton wss look ing over the Insurance business here Montluy. .Miss I.enna Wald la In Portland with her slsier. Mrs. Hnrry Duval!, who has undergone nn operation at St. Vincent's Hospital. Mrs. Kmma Preghitx made a, busi ness call in Pendleton Wednesday. the chief of pollc of th Balboa Yet she's an evert sTVUwnar, oitw ar hr favorite. FOR BALE 4 ft. wood, IS. 00 a cord Huli-h Tachella, Phon 2F6. FOR HALF -room , f.ouiie. A bar gain if taken at onco. For partlcu lura write Box 100. Adam, Ore. ' FOR HALR OHBAP 10 do&n fruit Jara and H. H. , Coalilp before 0 a Jiun and If, H. kooiIb. Call at 018V4 n. or after 5 p. m. FOR 'BALE t room house aleeplng porch and garage strictly modern at 70S Marie Inquire 711 Mafia 8L FOR SALE tlutcntnf egg from thoroughbred tlngla comb Rhode Wand Red 800 W. Webb. Phona (84 FOR KALK Dfrertng harvester with nmlter, almost new, rri000 caah Fred Hanxen, I'hone 16F31. FOR SAL10 6i Caterpillar,' over hauled in good ahape for harvest etationary attachment Address Box 700, Pendleton. FOR BALE New crop alfulfa-blue-gram hay. Commence cutting Juno 6th. Four mllea north pf Adame: Rulph Cannon, I'hone 31F4, Athena. FOR SALE Modern t room house. partly furnished, , newly painted, good location, lot 75x100. For terms rite owner. Box 4, Meacham, Ore. I HAVE more Irrigated land than 1 can handle, 1-2 mile eaat of Her mlHtort, will sell 10 to 40 acrea on pay ments anyone can meet. Address owner, Rox 373, Hermlston, Ore. ' For Kale ' room residence south hill or will exchance for clear vacant lots. I room new bungalow, north, side. 7 room residence, north aide, cloae In. Would exchange for good farm. 6-10-20-40 acre Irrigated tracts. OEO. W. ELDER ma Main Kt. Phone DM I CAN FURNISH Iiriinberrles at 32.75 per crate, Red Ravpberrli s at $3.60 and Blackberries at 12. 7D. Ber ries arc picked and shipped one day and reach you the next day. logan berries and red Raspberries will soon ripen. Pond In your orders. Can fur nish fifty to seventy five crates dally, j Send personal check or money order. For reference write Hank of Wood burn. Address, Oeo. Ilufcer, Wood burn, Oregon. FOR BALK Library table, solid plunk top 24x46, $9.60. Library table, solid oak plank top 26x42, $12.60. 6 piece upholstered solid oak parlor suit $26.60. A new $65.00 leather upholstered davenport $42.50. $45.00 kitchen cabinet, $22.00. We have the best line of second hand 9x12 rugs In town. Call and see them. Stevens Furniture & Repair 'Shop 901 North Main Phone 1156 FOR RENT FOR RENT- -Apartment 708 Cosbie. APTS. AND ROOMS ALT A AJPT8. FOR RENT Furnished; ApL--Phon 210-W. ROOM AND BOARD tor men only 403 E. Wbb. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen 615 Post Bt Room AND BOARD for lady only 124 Jeff Davis St. FOR RENT 2 apartment rooms, 1 sleeping room. 901 Main St., Room 6 upstairs. 9 ROOM unfurnished house for rent Phone 404. FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeep. lng rooms, rhone 730-W. FOR RENT A nice sleeping room with privilege of bath. 224-W. FOR RENT Downstairs rooms suit able for light housekeeping Phono 349-R, doings or the uvrr LAWNS Ak NICE THINGS BDT BEING A BARBER FOR A SIXTY FOOT LOT Ohi A HOT DAV ISN'T SO FUfv'KV '7 ... - C5 EE. THAT NICE COOL WATER FEEL5 GOOD? I WISH I COULU SO i TO TVIE LAKE AlJD TAKE A LITTLE DIP! SWELL CHANCE w j rvc uui;, t " W.. f i- J,-' Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity Chis Directory Is especially bandy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of rasponslbl business no wk rasxawat (he foUowlng lines. All are reliable, rasponslbl bpslnasa concerns who tand ready to iv you prompt asrrto, ' , FdR RENT I' ult office room In qulr Penland Bros. . J FOR RRNT-Furnlhod. Apt. with gun. 014 COHbie. MAN AND WIFE want ranch. Phone H57-K. work on PIANO FOR RENT Cheap for the summer Phone 248-M. ROOM8 WITH BOARD If des!rd 210 8. Main Phon 667-R. , ROOM AND BOARD In private fam ily. Phone 212-W 405 Lewis St. FOR TtrJNT Furnished rooms and 'apurtments. Phone 6B7-R. ' FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms. Phone 730-W after t o'clock FOR nENT 2 room apt. with sleep ing porch Phon 28-W. 107 Anra, 11 1 j FOR RENT Two r,m downstairs apartment 307 Aura 0U, Pbon I8K-W. ... t" ' FOR RENT Well furnished . front ale ping rooms on north slfl.-j-Phon 248-M. - ' FOR RENT Cool sleeping room for gentleman' only. 307 W. Court. Phone 28-J.'. . FOR RENT Two thre room fur nished apiB., with bath ne with gas close In Also furniture for sale and house for rent Phone 3C1-J. PASTURE? tor horses, mules and cat tle $2.60 per month mountain range, good grass, water and salt will get them and deliver them. Ad dress E. B. Kidder, Olbbon, Or. SALESMAN WANTBD To sell our fruit and ornmnentul nursery stock, roseae-shrubbery. etc.; exclusive terri tory, liberal cash advance weekly on orders; free outfit. Yakima & Co lumbia River Nursery Co., Yakima, Wash. WANTED WANTED Woman cook on ranch Call 22F2. WANTED GOOD CLEAN KAOB AT The East Oregonlan office. WANTED-r-Girf to do general house .work In city Call 238-W., WANTEDr Woman without children to cook on ranch. Phone 0F3. WANTED Girl to cook on ranch Address Box 644, Pendleton, Ore. ' WANTKD TO REN1 4-room modern house, Inquir ft. A. Mar cum, (36 Main St. GOOD- CAPABLE woman will take laundry home or go outside by the day. Phone 730-W. WANTED To rent or lease, small house and barn with 2 or more acres suitable for chickens. Phone 10.20-R. WANTED To rent unfurnished housekeeping room and plac for. car. Address "18" this office.. WANTED TO RENT or lease HouBe and 2 lots and place to keep cow and chickens. Address "38" this office: WANTED by Monday June 13th.. woman or girl to assist with house work. Inquire Frank Frazler, Phone 25F2. WANTED Carpenter work, furniture repairing and upholstering: Stevens Furniture & Repair Shop, 901 North Main, Phone 1156. CANDYMAKINQ business Start at home, everything furnishedmen. women, $30.00 weekly Bon Bon Co., Philadelphia. Pa. TOM TAKES A SWIM IJU THE then after you get it All Cut and trimmed op vou have to give fr A SHAMPOO ! , IT'S A GREAT Wiy I " - - - ' I OH,VWELL.TOM. MAKE THE BEST 4 DOWN OF WHAT VOU HAVE ! ; " ' TIME CARD 4 WestOn-Potuileton Auto Stag 4 Leave Weston for Pendleton at 4 4 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 P- m. 4 Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 4 4 1:00 ai m. and 1:00 p. m. . 4 Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 4 4 ;2U a. m. and 1:20 p. m. 4 Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight 4 Co. Store) for Weston at l:0t 4 4 a. m. and 4 p. m. 4 O. H. McPHERRIN, Prop. 4 4 TIME CARD Pilot Rock-Ptmdleton Auto Stage 4 Leave Pendleton Hotel and 4 French Restaurant 9:00 a. m.; 4 4 Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel ( a. m. 4 4 Leave pendlston Hotel and 4 4 French Restaurant 11:00 a. m.; 4 4 Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 11 a. m. 4 4 Leaves Pendlton Hotel and 4 4 French Restaurant 2:30 p. m.; 4 4 Leave Pilot Rock Hotel 1 p. m. 4 4 Leaves Pendleton Hotel and 4 4 French Restaurant 6:00 D. ra.i 4 4 Leave Pilot Rock Hotel (:I0 4 p. m. 4 We carry parcels and small 4 4 xprew. . 4 ' FANCHO J3TUBBLEFIELD 4 4 Pendleuin-l'matllla Aato Stage 4 Leavv 4 Pendleton 8:00 12:00 4:00 4 Echo 9;15 1:15 6:16 4 Stanfield , .- :30 1:35 6:35 4 Hermlston 9:55 1:66 6:55 4 Ar. Umatilla, 10: 16 1:16 1:15 . : t.eave 4 Umatilla 1:00 12 00 4:00 4 Hermlston. 1:20- 12:20 4:20 4 Stanfield 1:45 12:45 4:46 4 Echo 9:00 1:00 6:00 4 Ar. pend. ' 10:15 2:15 (:16 4 Two Trips Sunday 4 Leave Pendleton 1:0( a. m. 4 anil 4 .00 p. m. 4 Leave Umatilla 1:00 a. m. 4 nd 4:00 p. m. 4 . Office Motor fnn Garage 4 ' 722 Cottonwood St 4 I'hone SO 8 . 4 PELL & DAWSOJT 4 Parcels delivered to all way 4 points. 4 Walla Walla pinill"ton Auto 4 Frciclit Servli-e 4 RotiTid Trips Dally 4 4 Leaves Pendleton 2 P. M. 4 4 : Pendleton Phone 226-W. I MISCELLANEOUS i 'is wmn DOMESTIC LAUNDRY can give steady employment to several hand Ironerg. Call at once. 's ALL KINDS of patient cared for by xprlencd ours 101 W. 3rVbb Phone 884. RAO RUGS and carpet woven. Also ' first doss crocheting and embroid ery; All orders promptly fllls Wheelers, at 1300 W. Railroad. AUTO ELECTRIC W0BKS' nVB REPAIR anything electrical on n automobll. W. E. Chase Co AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax. Re vere and Savag tire. 828 K, Ooart Street. L. 8. BENTLEY & CO. Goodyear and TJiambnd Tires Tlr service, oil and accessories Alt and Garden Sis, WALLA CB BROS. Flsk tires, cord or, f4'rie. W do onrown adjust ing. 808-19 Johnson St. BACK YARD 67 ALLMAP LIFE! , i ri I I l it.' '' - J i . I I I IV id i I I l i I- III V I . i;: III .1 i l . Ill GERTSON ' MARTT Gate Bupef, Tread tires 39 Cottonwood- Vul canizing and repairing. PENDLETON RUBBER SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfteld, Goodrich BU vertown Cord and Prnylvanl Vacu um Cup 805 K. Court. AUTO TRANSFER C. E. WILLIAMSON Slant at Qs1- Cigar Store Phon 1074. FOR QUICK BfjRVlCE, Call Bud Cornfield, Phon (2, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phon 1069-R. AUTO TOPS OADWA'8 AUTO TOPS, Fist Glass, Back, Bid Curtain Ml Court St. AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. YOHNKA. Auctioneer, . Call at Sturgl Storie s Implemest Co., for sal dates. ATTORMETS JEORGE W. COUTT. Attorney . Law, Room 17. bciimldt block. H. I. KEATOR, Attorney sit Law. - Room 24, Rmlih-Crswford Building. BARTER 4 SMYTH E, Attorneys at ; Law. Offices In rear of Amerioan Sutional Bank Building. - 'EE ft FEE, Attorneys t Law. Ices In Despam Hulliliug. Of- S. A, LOWELL .Attorney and Counsel . lor at Law. Offk In Desiwln bkls. i. A. NEWBERRY, Federal Building. Attorney at Law, "ETERSON, BISHOP CLARK, At- tcrneys at liw. J looms 1 m Sinlili-t rawford Bldg. 'AMES i. PERRY, Attorn- - r' Offlw oe Taylor urn.r any. tAl-EY". RALEY BTEIWEB. Attor neys at Law. Office In AUMTIms Vationai Bank Building. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law. Room , SmlUi-Crawford tldg. BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA. DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 montha W. E. Chase Co 120 H. Court. Telephone 269, Pendleton. BEAUTY PARLORS MARINELLO creams and powdera Henna-Do real packs for grays or faded hair, all shades, Association Block, Uiwtalrs. CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gaa en gine, automobiles and general blacksmithing. Round-Up Garage, Park H XebergaH, 211 West Webb. CARPET CLEANING WE WASH and clean the finest, rug satisfactorily. References given. We make flJff rugs from old earpetsT Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Cjcan inj Co. Phone 1677. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER & BAN Fl ELD, Designing, . Engineering, Constructing, it years experience in concrete and brick con struction. 61 K. Tblrd SC North Port land, Oregon. EYE SPECIALIST. CLEANERS AND DYERS PAXTORIVM Phone 473 Food to Your Taste ' ' You art the best judgof the groceries we car ry. f they were not good, wholesome and apjie tizing ye never would have built up the particular clientele that now f avors us. . . They have chosen this store lecause the irrspec tion is most rigid. Their satisfaction is our best advertisement. The Dean Meat Dept OC Phone00 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS CLKANtRS Pressing and repairing. 104 W. Webb B4. Pljon Ml. PowdWtoa. Ore. FURNITURE NEW FURNITURES STORE It will pay you to come and see- Fisher be fore buying new or second hand fur niture. 302 W. Webb Bt., Phon 19. FARM LOANS SNOW DAYTON, 117 B. Court Ht, Real Estate, Fir Insurance. Loan B u about a loan. DENTIST Dr. H. M. HavMvaji - . Dentistry ' Room T, Cemple Building. Phon T7I draymen"" WHO MOVES YOU I lust as Import ant a where you move. W also pack or store good. W do eountrr hauling Call 139, Pnlnd ' Bro. Transfer, 114 W. Alta. - HEMSTITCHING HSM STITCHING at the Singer nut Mall order promptly atMndd' to, HEMSTITCHING Mall order Mr Ralph Hassell 417 B'usb, It 96. . LAUNDRY aVKRI Article LtvJnder Prftiy. There's an sent In your t, TK..- T. L4Ha r.lv1iM H I m ( ' J rcj vBva DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Mt B. Coart ,:u IM n We maintain a om- ptete mending department. ; MADE TO MEASURE Oarl E. Fnneen, Elk 8Uv i "OSTEOPATH .MHKJ.'.---w'-WIWSSMSSSJ DR. O. B- HOLT Osteopathia, physi cian and Surgeon. Judd Blflg. wl phones, office 608; Kesldenco 8M-J. Painting and Paper Hanging pATNTCwail Paper7 Ptctur Frm lng. L. J. McAtee, the Prasttcal Paint Man. Lew Bro. Pata. RADIATOR REPAIRING LTA AUTO RADIATOR WORK 701 East A1U street. AU mat of radiators repaired. Work sisrcat4, a Blasberg, Prop. RESTAURANT. THE QUELLE A good plac to L SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLE, dealer In naw and c ond hand good' Cash paid tot second hand good. Cheapest plac to buy household goods, 110 K. Court t Phone 271-W. - SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-dat effectual lead ing science practised, E. F. Glhana P. 8. T ; N. D. Room 11 1VM Bldg. Ptaoiograitlie To Introduc our kodak work 4 111 finish lYee on roll aad on pftat ch. Ward Studio. TAILORS 4T Main St. .bon Tatom Co. Grocery Dept CQQ Phone 0. s t i