East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 11, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    . f AGE TEN
." "
IMMI1IMM',,,I ssessaaes""-aaasssssssBssssssl
A Brother and Sister Who Won Fame
r thml child Isn't out again! nnbinl I Mr. Robin pulled at a twig and
Oh. Robin!" the voice that spoke drew It near the window where Mr.
wu a piping one. quite shrill Rabbit and Weenty seized It and pulled
anxiety. "Hobin! Wake up. do!
Weenty rubbed her eyes in astonlsh
; meat and sat up In her Utile crib.
Whoever could be talking outside the
window, and so close? Why, the
wlrdow wai way above the ground arid
r-nly the spreading branches of the
b'g mapie tree came near.
"Robin!" shrilled the voice again.
Weenty Jumped out of bed and ran
to the window. She was rather sur
prised to And Mr. Rabbit there, on the
uter still, chuckling to himself.
"Who was that talking?" Weenty
asked him In a whlper, but Just then
' Uie voice apoke again, so Mr. Rabbit
did r.ot have to answer Weonty's ques
tion. -Wake op. RoMn. one of the ehil
dren ha fallen out of bed "gain. I
' tell yo," and there was a fluttcvng
among the leu cm of the maple tree.
Weenty peeped In that direction and
aw very flurried little bird shaking
! rushing another sleepy bird who
kad )ut managed to open one eye.
"What Is It, RoMn-tte. can't you '.et
'm body sleT?" aald the sleepy bird.
"One of the children " began
Jlnbtnette arJn, and then Interrupted
kentelf with. Tear me! He's gone to
bleep again!"
"It's one ef fe baby Eoblns!'
Weenty whisperej to Mr. Rabbit. "It
fa!! oot yceterday and papa put It
back. Cant we helo Mrs. Robin? Do
si 5er, Mr. Rabbit."
"C we help you?" Mr. Rabbit
eallel from tha window ledge.
t tis use trying to wake up
Robin," Mrs. Rohln replied.. "He
works so hard during the day. flnd'ng
food for the children. It Just seems
he cant --ake up, even If the children
do fan out of the nest."
"Cheep! Cheep! Mummy, oh.
Mummy!" cried a little voice from be
!.w ia the garden.
"Listen to that!" exclaimed Mm
Robin, wringing her c!awi "My poor
"Take try paw, Weenfy. and lefa
Jump down to the garden." Mr. Rabbit
"Oh! I couldn't Jump that far, I
know." Weedy cried.
"I'll pull a branch thla way," Mrs.
Robin said. "Tou could climb down,
eotk'dn't yon?"
"I can try," Weenfy answered, try
ing too, not to think how tery high
tip ene was from the ground.
it still nearer until It touched the
"There, get on It," Mr. Rabbit said,
"while I hold It tor you. Be careful,
' To be sure, Weenty wns careful, and
she found the little branches very kind
and friendly, for they reached out
themselves for her hands and made
comfortable little crooks In themselves
for her feet
When Weenty had walkfd quire to
!he heart of the tree, Mr. Rabbit
Jumped from his window ledge and
landed beside her.
"This Js certainly a kind old tree." j
Weenty said. "I'm going to give him
a kiss for being ao nice." and she put i
f'l.CMKH is a name that stands
for learning and Ability among
American families. Two - mcm-
ber. of this family, boih of wnom
S. uned international reputations were
born in the month ot lmt Harriet
Uojchrr, whd later became Mrs. Stoo,
was born on June II. 1SU. rind, her
brother, Henry Ward Beecher. was
born on June !4. 1S13.
Harriet Beecher Stowe Is the author
of that Internationally famous book.
"Oncle Tom's Cabin." Inspired by her
great Indignation at the oppression of
the negro slaves In America. Mrs.
Stowe wrote the story, which was
printed In in anti-slavery newspaper I
When the story was finished the au
thor awoke to find herself famous.
Mrs. Stowe was forty years old at the
time of writing "I'ncle Tom's Cabin,"
and though later In her life she wrote
many other books, the fame ot Uncle
Tom has eclipsed them all.
ilenry Ward needier was a great
preacher and teacher. He wna a wire
man who looked (list for the faults in
himself before trying to find them In
others. His church was always crowd
ed and people came from all over the
country to hear the wise man preach.
One day a young minister who had
come to visit the congregation re
mained after the services to greet
b'iL.V J.l- J.J u
( Beecher. Ho admired the fine sermon
the minister had Just delvered and
en tied his Words of praise with; "How
do you rfo It? How do you manage to
keep your congregation awakT no.
tlced not one person ws nVding.
Now In my church 1 Imvo the gtcstcst
trouble. My congregitK-r. nods and
blinks and It Is moat distracting to see
ihem falling asleep wlillo am talking.
How can I wake up my congregation?" !
Henry Ward Beech?.- looked nt the !
young minister for n moment sn.l nn-j
swered. "I will give yoji. n Wnl of !
advice. First you must ukc uunu l
preacher." f
do It but I don't
think my feet would stick like yours
do," said Weenty.
' How do you know?" demanded the
treetoad. , -
"I don't," Weenty admitted, "except,
of course, I don't stick to the floor
when I walk on It."
"Then how do you stay on?" jhe
treetoad a'ked.
"Why. I Just do,',' Weenty answered.
the tree quite easily, then eyed of Its branches to the ground, and
Weenty. "Do you ate how?" he asked. Weenty found It easy to walk down the
1 see how you ao it nut i aon i ;ong branch nilh such frlcndl litil.
branches to help her.
Soon Weenty and
They Were Going Up Tlc Long Branch Aain
it it rather poor
her little lips on thb rough old bark.
It seemed all the leaves rustled and
murmured a thanks.
"What a 'normous big trunk this
tree has," said Weenty. "I don't know
however I ca,n get my arms around to
slide down it"
"Tou don't do It that way." said a
treetoad, who woke up suddenly on a
nearby branch. "Tou walk on It fiat,
thia wwy." The treetoad walked up
leeung it it rather poor reason.
"Then you' might' know you might
stick walking up, too," the treetoad
"She doesn't have to try It," Mr.
Rabbit observed. "For look, the tree
has bent one cf his great branches
right down to the ground. Come,
Weenty." .
Sire enotnrh. the tree had bent one
Mr. Rabbit
reached the grass where lira. Itooln
was already Handing.
"There he Is!" Mrs. Robin . ex
claimed. "It Is Bobby, and l'U cer
tainly give him a good spanking for
giving me such a frikht."
She scuttled ot? across the grass to
lUle Bobby Robin, who looked very
bald and uwkwurd as he Happed hi
l.Ule wings and chirruped.
"Vou bad child!" lira. Robin ex
claimed. "What a way to di.iturb your
parents!" ,
"I c-ouldn't help It', Ma. It's so
crowded la lh nest." Utile Bobby
"No excuses," Mrs. Robin warred
severely. ,
"Oh. don't be' hard on him. Mrs.
Robllf," Weenty b;gged, "He may
have been flying In hi sle.-p. poor
little fellow, he must be quite fright
ened to be so far from home. Can I
carry him back again TV
"What a kind little girl jnu are,"
approved Mrs. Robin. "I thank you
so much. And I thank you, too, for
the nice crumbs you always put out
for me and Mr. Robin. Don't think
I am not grateful. I ting you a spe
cial song every morning, to let .vou
know, but I suppouio you know that."
un. it is so nice of youH Wtcntyi
answered. "I hear you sinking ivel j
day. and It will make It "ever tu mucin j
sweeter to know you a s!ni;:ug 'sue-
daily for me." -
They were going up the long branch I
again, Weenty carrying liliie Uobhyj
and Mr. Robin sluing on her shuulrter !
friendly as you please. I'p they i
went, past the treetoad. who had gone!
to sleep again, holding on to the trunk -
gret toe, and very softly
past poor, tired Robin, so not :o
disturb his slumbers.
Jn the crotch of a branrl,, they come
upon tha nst where three more funny
Utile birds cudill fust asleep. Wienty
tucked Bobby in very carc?i'l!y and
I rather think that I, my fiiJ,
An) Kin,: of Vegetables--Wherever
dinner's eaten I ,t
Adorn the edge o' tabl.-s.
So pl.-.nt :. early, plant ino Ste,
And be prejiarcJ for nny f4e.
If failure tuarkg Ce worH v of .
The fall a sure success will bring,
Tho' bread be scarce, you cannot
bai-8 and
$C y .Ca Vh!! there's W-S?u3tj
.wrs. Kooin put h'.; r.arM brown
over hi in.
"Good night, Mr. Robl;t," Weemy
"Good nlEht, and thank you." Mra.
Robin replied, wllh a little nod of her
Weenty and Ur. Rabbit walked over
the brunch again that led to the win
dow ledge. , , . A
"Good night, dear tree." aald the lit
tle lrl, kissing the leaves at ibo very
end of tha branch.
All the leaves whispored an answe
und kpt on murmuring like a drowscy
ctoon. Kven after little Weenty had
climbed back Into her lilt! crib the
ong of the leaves secnifcjj .19 mix Into
her thoughts until all the aJventure
seemed t?r. beautiful, wonderful
ilreatn. '
Games To Trap the Senses
OMB of cs are so used to see.ng.
hearing and smelling the things
hat are always around us thfat we
soon cese to pay any attention to
tnem, and Just take them for granted.
Robert's mother noticed this habit of
taking things for granted developing
., Jn her little boy and so she determined
to give him some games to play that
would make him sharpen bis senses
land use them on all occasions. Now
she knew that it was no fun to play a
game all. by yourself and so she In
vited some of his little friends to Join
him at a Sense Party one Saturday
After the children had assembled
Mra Gray gave each one a paper and
a pencil and told them to go Into the
nursery, t There on a table were a
number of bottle, each labeled and
marked with a number, the children
ty minutes was- allowed to complete
tho guessing, the children were told to
go back into the parlor and there on a
ittDie were placed twenty familiar ob-
wcre told tq sme'.l the contents of the I Jects. such as a pencil, a knife, a
bottles and write the guesses that Ihey
made next to the corresponding num
ber, on the paper. It Is no easy thing
to distinguish familiar smells when
they are presented, one after tha other,
and the children had great fun In try
ing to make their nose tell them true.
The various bottles contained such
common household thing as colTee.
tea, kerosene, vinegar, 'urpenllne, mo
lasses, olive all, (isterlne. ammonia and
vanilla. '
After this game was over, and twen.
wnue lliread. a book, a nleca of
nooon. etc., and the chl'tlren were told
to look carefuiiy nt all tha things.
Then th-y were sent back into the
nursery and were told to write down
the names of as many objects aa tliey
could remember. This game Is splen.
did to train the powers of observation
and make tho children's eyes look
sharp. v
.Try the.o sens games tho next time
your friends come o visit you and see
how Vonn thlr sene nre.
Wash and core l '" PPlo
Slice 1 banana. '
Mcmuie out t cupful of sugar.
',4 teaspoonful ground flnna:n
nnd m'x together.
Push the slH-ci of banun Into the
core hole of the npple uslDif 1 M 4
slice for each apnle.
ifprinkle the sur end ejnos.non
over the core hole. j
Pour 1 cupful of water very slow'it
over the apple so that the sugar (ii.i
solves over the banana slice.
B.ihe 45 minutes or longer If "1
are unusually large.
Serve with cream and sugar.
The banana favor cookcdlnlo the
apple la a pleasant change for thi
time of year.
I te HOW
we- " '
H know that the
g adopted by the Continental
H B ngress on June 14. 1777, 'J not
V of the same design as the R-w t at
I'nlted States now has JSe act
saj opt Jon provided that f w Cag
ef Vm United State, be ! 'Wimr
katrerrjsiC wripes a'Wvuta rws
wMtje, ai.d that tho uni be irreeo
!t mT or. a bine feU, but It .'
t 4nrine fcsw many potats the stars
fftMtld have, iKr hu ihey should be
"a-Ved, Ei-r i:o- pew one r to
l4 SdJei On the Crw flas the etars
kve'e arranged in a circle, but from
the tin, of the Revo:jtn the atara
nd atxfpes !n the P.c have varied,
ffiere were 1J atara diirlnir the Ilevo
lution and IS In 1h- Wu? of 1112,
twenry-nlna In the Mjxlcan War. 31 to
li Id the Civil War, ii m the Span-ih
Vfar and 41 today.
The stripes we changed first from
11 ts IS and then b&cic en In to IS.
It Is Interesting to knew rhat our flag
Is among the oldest fiasrs i:f te r.a-
l tions.
'Ider than Am present
Brlti juu, ,Le French Xrtaj-r and
the eVr i 9t'!n and msav w old
er t'aaa-1 tigs of Germedty etnfi vtAt?.
f .Spangled Bttit, whlc
Irw awes rws. McHenry aS Irgfirea
iTwmm .f) Key to vmu out na
ov! aaoauR i orwwrect ra tXo Na-
Itiwiai M j.e-ici ccltec'.rx. It la of
' tie IS ex.. and atiripo klnit 1rped
1 after the admlsatos tc tlw Union of
Tersnont and Kcnracky hy an fcot ttp-
psvd by Gcncrl Waahrovo on
ranvary iJ, 174. The Star FpangleO
Banner asetururw tibo j 30 feet square
though It was prt.l)iy st. me what
lengor. and !s much bULtercd and torn,
with one star rnlMng, poadbly shot
away. This form continued as the
slander! Pag until President Monroe's
administration, v.-hen Congress enact
ed that It should thereafter, be of 13
stripes Mid 20 stars with the addition
ef t Hr for each new SHate, commsna.
lag Jul 4.h. IS 15. . . .
Hints for the. hme
IS -.ne the little gardener turns
his c'-'enlion to the train' u of his
swe-T eas. Tall thin stick?; shou!d
be cosant firmly Into tkv ground'
and th snder vine twisted seatly
arvuna Lamm. Ail climblce knts
r.:u-st tMt support. Nasrucnsm are
very pcf Vhen they are twtBstd
tssotat aai o3C tree stump, but Da aire
ful tbmt fvu stump ia bst ia SSm ahevde
for those brtM flowers thrive coy in
the sunstUiiek
3e sure, torrotect yotur rasa txafhae
from the green fly. ITba leervasj of tif
bushex ahcuM be was&ed to rsnove
any trace of the fly, and the rvoasA
should be kept moist at the root of
the busi. Fr.n water la alwayn the
best for fjiveTS. If you h-atfo only
hard water Hear your house, fill a
bucket In the morning arid let It stand
in the sun, tils will soften. It, hnd the
flowers will thrive better untfer this
treatment If your flowers &re on a
hillside and the water rolls sown the
hill instead of being sucked into the
Q puzzle (fornepfT
fVV VJS.LTKI. Wtrl-L'-lA.r-l -
The Ic'tcrs Utlcen from the words if
arranged in order wlil form tho uiiuig
of a holiday that comes in June.
Behead dcatp end leave A part of
a fence.
Behead a machine nnd leave always.
Behead not near and leave r.road.
Behead departed end leave a nuai
ber. , .
Behead a cart and leave a line of
Behead to ajstonlsh and leave-a con
fusion. Behead to wish for and ieae to de
serve. WORD SQUARE '
My first Is a beautiful month.
My peconil U not new.
My third Is necessity. t
My fourth is a whirlpool. ;
Jumping Jack
t' ''''
J IT ii. &f.d side table!
m t -szz
n T. ' r "'11 T r-.f1- tow.. . j
i t-.x r tc . i 1 i 4jv
iri i Hi! n
ii- .... , ,
M7jS - I
Toys Rnd Use-ful Reticle: s
Titm Ft Boy Cbn'Mrke .
" morn i feci so jolly .
1 could aland upct ;r.y
At nijiii! I fee! tii lol:y
To lie mciion't!! ia ljvi.
All day it' "Jack:, be quiei !" -From
my mcllier, villi a tvpacV;
But father says: "Don't try it
You're out lillle jumping jack!"
ft". g,
' f 1 .jJL
k'li w 4. 1'tuv nut; i)i ii h'i'"u -
near' yiur p.r.nis ar.d pottr thvwat3r!fl I".''.''.1 '
"o through the hoi In . p j H "1" pu'rI,
flower p'jt
open and I
same lime, ... - t
Keep '.ho yn?.?r, neally triiiimp? and
clear the gir len plot r( all i mply (low
er pots and rarden tools so that your
11 0:rn
A NOV1-X JIIODLN WOKU PtZyxiSjgsnleti will have a Beat anl frc.-h ap
From summer and printer K tier peira nee.
pleue take, .
Treat So!, Ern nd Joe the iamei
From blue, preen and violet, bow, a
the', make,
(And1 yuu'il find a State of U. 8. A.
F rail
L ever
A icay
G one
li run
A muta
Y earn
J C y l-
,ra r -'i'J.s. No one Histxw to be sick,
r-ii a goon nv.w at ineieoetat. but sxknes U bound o come
to f.yeryor.t and It dces'no harm 'o be
Pfep.:yf, with !hre conv,.ni' nces that
ro to mnke the biirim tughtcr.
I'.et ihe cor.siruction :a't with tli?
pos:. part A This Is If be marie of
two. precis of stock glued together, Ihe
n-iU if .!.,... nr ..... .. . .
" w r " i-vie vMmj irni:'.! neiore me l.i';r op-.n,t n tfcsm. ..- r?.,rlv 'th
niost cerlt.iniy ucnuire ere.t on. Tm rfp.,,:inr .1,.;,. - ,.t i - . , ' '..'
hs' will serve a er 1 . . , aim irmisr.i.; umto ana 113-
. w.n Ktr.e a ti l.olc, but a Kii iare on, c.,n n - t.ar.itni .... 1..
rposo cn many occu-;,- ... .... . , . .1 . ' """ r :
be sick. 'of t 1 ' "''""" "v ": 1 "e urawiiig ctre. t; n5W tne yv
noi ueDtno oniirc'.y now i::.-gi.i (A) set ; C WiaLgh It wi.l
ut to. bo mndii. If a gou.Te Is uted, f I bo a Vatuabto ad-i;:lon u the ciurriiCs.
The Last Day of School
Jack Is gutus? io epod vacation on Ins gran Ifttltiej'a farob feee U
fom make owt aee of Uie things tw trill are,
mi la solid tho cpacca which oontaia dots, snd y will know wluit tbej
U & 6 D
toit'ioi 1101M
wide .
As out the children troop.
And hurry on their homeward way
A happy carefree, group.
For school days now are over
Vacatwn has begun. ,
And a!! th kiddies' thoughts' and i
I I of the summer fun.
iXOVEL HtnnK'4WORD rvZZLB Trte M bc in t'je iteeplt
- H I S S O U-RJ I . So o'jUv mla
Is jil?nced now till aulurrm, (
lor 'tii the last of school, j
The teacher too is happy
She lucks h:r booki away.
And with them packs her worries
On this, the la:t school day.
And. all the. world rejoices.
'For i'iaytine row is here-
And playtime it gytime,
Tie best time, of tbt year.
n :. nuch a tool is Iryour
can .B misde round, but If a chisel Is
jto bo usct thcii It will, be souaie.
11 cn aio be made wllh tlio coins
blnaiion p!a
ParB will 1 probably caime more
troub'e t'n the ether so far as In
terpreting fho drawing Is concern!,
fjiamino the Ueliit of It wrefu'ly
You wiiljtto tht.t It tonsMs : three
ploccx ol s;oci;. The otincr piece Is
1 Inchti thick and t 6C trche
lortg. To this is fastened two Inch
Pieces, tho.'ront one bi'.nr J liu-ivw
Ions end tir rack cnt i l:ihe
1ony. One end of ih. l;i!ter it ru:itW
iin shown by the tqvls,b f ege lines
ant should b cu; to thi .ic1t.tGra
ftvstenins tlm piKK lo'jettt.'. Tot
quarter Inch sroeveo shu'.ili ulio L
cut befcro the p:we ure 'aJtl.'-(,.
The Jawing to shape tf the Xl eafl ot! throuthoui f'r Uie lamp. The shad
nil three pieces and tl; ritht end ofh th comrc n wire one resting on
the front piece should bo left until the tha bulb cf v pull stckv Iho finish
pieces are assenihled. ten ,. g!ve 1N lablo will depend upon
PirU C t,nd I will ci,u'.i careful lihe wood tis4. 8u!0 or paiot te soli
work bevaute of Use men lees to be ! the malergU.
-on if it eta .cxt: :o t'.u !-
Ukree-Kixleenths if iu. imh. .
tart E hou:c wo f.:-es. J.urt as cnre
fill attention as p.'rt V t.tti D. t;nlest,
tile morliie ana tre tenons SJt ac
5unte!y, the labie will not be Mrona ,
Tha sn.a'.l nuiol, 1I F should bj cu.
to fit as noted or, tho (Iri.wing.t :lln,,
curve ni'iv be inr.ue to suit. .
Tjo trny la not a dljlicult problem
Vhj square, hoU Imoush "which the
ltwst paiires' rtoaid be cut to give
susiipg lit fc Vis latter. It U to be.
f.u'.ened to B V.'M scro'vs. Be caret
fill ttitt yc.i put ihe tcrewb In tl.e right
plccet It wil! be well to put thu.n onl
in tit :.-ont ,iec, otherwise the action
cf tne a-ove bor'. in. wing nut wiU noi
b s It is Uitt.i'if.d, The tray is
raiwd-And iowored 19 suit, being hold
iu ..hue by tivhtcnlng t-ie wing nut 1
incirsty cioctrio rs(urey a-e ured