East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 10, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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(East Oregonlnn Special.) '
ADAMH, June lO. The Adnms Dap-
llt bM teantliiyed the Helix team.
The score wan I to 2 In favor of Ad
mi. Prank lafare pitched a one hit
name and Itevella IJeuallen was one
of the pitcher. ,
, farewell reception was given on
Tuesday evenina for Miss Hairf Anglei
And Miss Inn. Wallen at the home in
heir uncle und aunt. Mr. and Mm. r.n
Wallon. The house was beautifully
decorated In led and green crepe in
ner. Tl.i.He who attended were Clar
ence Power. Mls Haitel Angler, IJoyd
Jnrian, Ina Wollen. Mr. and Mrs. lien
Inmnii, Mr. I nd Mrs. Bullcan Hlamer,
Olen Hurt. Mr. and Mm. Wot. ar..i
eon, Mr. and Mra. Frank lA?irj and
family, Mr. nd Mra. Kvard M ;.,rll,im
und fumily, Mr. and Mr tsla-lvn
flnencer. .rthe tftoll. Mrt. f..inh
Hifll. Rev. Luther, Mr. and M1. "H
r.unch Mra. ,0. Martin, Mr. and Mra.
Frank 1! inch, Mr. and Mrs. Charley
r.unch, Ft!ph Wallen, Mr. :ml.Mib.
lu origin lira family. r-i 'I and
Fundi I.lauallen, Henry rowel, liui'
ant and Jjhn Ian. Mra. Dan's u'l
fiimlly, Mr. i i d Mra. I CVt't
f.i.uly. A canity lunch waa ive.1 f
"take and Ice cream.
Mr. and Mra. John Ogle and Mra. C.
C. Dorr motored to Milton and were
the menu of Bam Darr yesterday.
Mr.'anrt Mra. Thompaon of Pendle
ton are llvlnr nt Aduma for the amn
mer aa Mr. Thompaon la going to work
In the warehouse.
Mr. and Mra. John Oless are huvlim
a concrete sidewalk built In front of
their home. .
Mr. and Mra. Otl Lieualleit enter
tained Mr. and Mra. Itnlph Wallen und
win Hilly for dinner Tueidny, It being
Mra. Wallen'a birthday.
Mr. and Mra. Art SVatrua and fam
ily of Pnmeroy motored to Adunm and
were the gueata of Mr. and Mra. K. U.
Mariila for the week end.
Mr. and Mra. J. O. Halea motored
to I'endleton Tueaday and were the
gueata of Mr. and Mra. E. McCormlck
of Pendleton.
Mra. Prank Ilently an old time resi
dent of Aduma. and aon Ituymond, of
Idaho, were vuilting relatives und
frlenda In Adama for the paat week.
We. and M". Doney were '
It Jit, fcnS tfrt, H, D, JUchardsoii
Mr. and Mra. Otla Lleuallen motored
to Adama today.
t'layton Itogera and Horace Mann
of Pendleton motored through Adama
Wednesday. "
Mr. and -Mra. U U IJeuallen and
' daiightera Doraa and Pena and Rev.
Luther went to the mountains for a
week end outing.
Dave Stone hna been busy cutting
hla alfalfa hay thla week.
Irfo Hied of Idaho waa the guest of
hla alxter Mr. and Mra. Glnilyn Hpenc-
er for the week end.
John Hulea motored lo Pendleton
Wednesday to do aomo shopping.
Mra. Frank Wallen and daughter
Ina and aon Norman left for their
home In Idaho today after visiting
frlenda and relatives for the post
month. " "";--"', --
O. it Morrison motored to Adama
today on business.
; (.'lint Hulcomb motored to Adama
At funeral
" c" S
0 v
. Ift itu'm m mm i m hmmmmmummimaim m
Mra. Wood row Wllaon appeared
In public for the flrat time alnce thn
Inauguration of President Harding
when ahe attended the funeral of
tho late Chief , Juitic White In
Washington. ,
CliaiiilH-rliiln'a Colin and Diarrhoea
Every family should keep thla prep
aration at hand during the byit of the
summer months. It is almoat sure to
he needed, and when that time comes,
la worth many times Its. rust. Huy It
. Why Km f fit from KlicmnallHin?
Do you know that nine out of every
ten cases fif rheumatism are simply
rheumatism of the muscles or chronic
rheumatism, neither of which require
any Internal treatment? The. pain may
he relieved by applying Chamberlain's
Liniment, which makes sleep and rest
possible, and thut certainly means 'a
great deal to any one afflicted with
Thn Home nf thn Houl
In olden times, It was believed that
the sent of the soul was the stomach,
most likely for the reason that a man
Is never mi completely used up aa when
his stomach la out of order. For the
cure nf ordinary stomach troubles,
there is nothing quite so prompt and
satisfactory as .,hamberlln'e Tobleta.
They strengthen tho stomach and en
able It to perform its functions nutur-
ally. C.lve them a trial. They only
cost a quarter.
ItmiinmoiHls (liumhcrluln'a Tablets,
"Chamberlain's Tubleta have been
used by my husband and myself off
and on for the past five years. When
my husband goes away from home he
always takes a bottle of them along
with him. Whenever I , have that
heavy feeling after eating', or feel dull
and played out, I take one or two of
Chamberlain's Tablets and they fix me
up finer' writes Mrs. Newton Freeland,
Mlnon, N. Y. Take these tableta when
troubled with constipation or indiges
tion and they will do you good.
today to do some shopping.
Tho I'endleton Jlnkery
comes through Adams every
log with nice hot breud.
(Rust Oregonlun Special.)
OIllllON. Juno 10. Mr. and Mrs.
Dolf Thompson and son Kldon and
Seth Hyatt, spent Saturday and Sunday
on Weston mountain visiting relatives.
.Mr. unit Me. ' ' arles May nnd chil
dren. "Harry and Ki-ma anil S. U. Price
spent Sunday here at the home of Mr.
und Mrs. Henry Thompson.
Mr.-nnd Mrs. F. P. Uruce attended
commencement exerclsna in Pendleton
Friday night, their daughter. Miss
Nellie Uruce, being one of the gradu
John Hagcr was a Pendleton visitor
Friday. "
Dick English lias returned her
from spending the week end at his
home near Weston and attended the
Pioneers' picnic
Mr. and Mrs. .lltn Jones of Athena
are hero to spend a couple of weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson.
Cunls Simons 1i)ent Monday In Pen
dleton. '
Miaa Barbara Hoth afrived at
ftlngham Springs Saturday w here ahe
will spend the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Thompson went
to Athena Tuesday.
Forest Ranger George Prace left
Tuesday for Uunciln where In com
pany with Hanger George Cllsby they
will leave for ML Emily where they
will do government work for a couple
of weeks.
Mra. Mue Mills, second trick opera
tor here, was a Pendleton visitor Wednesday.
It is Expected That Soon After
Coronation Royal Couple Will
Make Visit to America.
ALBA JULIA, Translyvanla, June
10. A. P.) King Ferdinand and
Uncoil Marie of Rumania will be
crowned hero. September 24. Plans
are now lielng made for the erection of
a. church for use In the religious ser
vice of the coronation and in memory
of tpo great buttles which brought
Greater Rumania into being. The
church. It Is expected, will serve for
the crowning of all future kings of
On the outskirts of this little Saxon
town, where five hundred years ago
Michael the Rrave, Rumania's Oeorge
Washington, scored a victory over the
Hungarian, a monumental nrch, with
ITS not a bit of trouble to
have plenty of good things to
eat on hand all the time, when you
use Calumet Baking Powder.
It never allows baking
trouble. You don't "dread" to-bake.
There is nothing to worry about and
that really is the hardest- part of it
Mix up a batch of' biscuits
or the nnest kind of cake it's all
the same. There is never.but one re
sultthe sweetest and most palatable
of foods. ,
There is not as much worry
over baking costs either. Because
Calumet costs less when you buy it
the price is moderate.
D A K 0 03 P'OWDE
It costs you less when you
use it because you don't use as
much of it it has more than the
ordinary leavening strength.
You get more out of the flour,
sugar, eggs, shortening, etc, be
cause there are no failures no waste.
The most critical of baking
powder judges gave it -highest
awards, World'9 Pure Food Exposi
tion, Chicago, Paris Exposition, Paris,
The largest selling brand in
the world.
A pound can of Calumet contains full
16 oz. Some baking powders come in
,12 02. cans instead of .lft oz. cans. Be
sure you gj a pjjund when you want it.
Calumet DougKnul
4 cupi of pasty
flour, 3 level tea
spoons Calumet
Biking Powder, H
teaspoon of fait, 1
cup of sugar. 2 eggs,
beaten together, 2
tablespoons of melt
ed butter, 1 cup of
milk. Then mixta
the regular way.
Announce a substan
tial reduction in thfe
price of their
effective June
Ellis-Schiller Co.
reliefs commemorating events In Ru
mania history, will be erected.
On the coronutlan day, after a ser
vice at the new church, at which all
the Rumania Bishops will be present,
the King and Queen, crowned, will
proceed to the new triumphal arch,
where there-will be a great military
In the afternoon and evening there
will be gala entertainments, including
a banquet in the hall in . which the
union ot Transylvania with Rumania
was proclaimed in December, 1J1S.
The next day the Sovereigns will' ar
rive in Bucharest and make a trium
phal entry into the Rumanian capital.
Here also an nrc-h will be erected to
commemorate the day for future gen
erations. King Ferdinand and Queen Marie
have occupied tho Rumanian throne
nearly seven years, having succeeded
the late King Carol In October of 1914;
but on account of the war they never
were formally crowned.
It is expected that soon after the
coronation, the. King and Queen will
visit the United States.
PI'BULO, June 10. (A. P.
Pueblo's first flood wedding was per
formed yesterday by the Rev. B. D.
Dagweli in charxe of Red Cross relief
headquarters. Irving I. Richards and
Miss Jessie AVoulett, employes of tho
state hospital for the Insane here.
r Yes, It's George
, M........ V
hour for services during the flood.
1 j it took only a minute to do thii
came to the headquarters at the court-
i i i . ...... i .
liuunr aim Mill i i iiuuu in ,11, iiuuu i I
tney wantea lo gei married. v nen can t accept anything."
tne groom oiierea tne minister s& ne
refused It, Baying:
"There la a military order prohibit
ing a charge of more than 4 3c an
this. I
An order was issued by the military
authorities today requiring the signa
ture of Capt. Orville Dennis, Colorado
Rangers, to all permits to visit the de
vastated area or traverse the, main
thoroughfares between the hour ot
7 p. m. and fa. m. That signature is
required in addition to the signatures
of Col. Patrick J. Hamrock, adjutant
general, and Lieut. Col. Paul P. New
Ion, commander of guard troops here. .
Mon. June 13
Fred Siegel
Stock Co.
The Show You Know
Down East"
i i
i i
The Old Time Favorite With
After the show till Midnight to the strains of '
3 Mi 4
At the
(just across the street from theatre) for those having paid ad
Colonel George Harvey, atnbesaa
dor to England, dressed in Ills finest
when he went to pay bis respect
to Klnf Oeorf.
mission to snow.
m. Those wishing to dance onJy,
1 IMPORTANT Dance starts at 10 p,
M Couples 50c, Ladies 5c; War Tax.
p Performance starts at 8 p. m. sharp.
H Price of Admission 33c, 50c, 73c, War Tax Extra.
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