East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 10, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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'7 r
London. June m. ca. p. Lord
lcverhulme, ono f nreat ItrititiiV
largest manufacturers, nimprin thnl
IWTf people shorten their Uvea, by
dawdling In tenuland than by. rmstling.
He In a ll ing proof that hustling
promots trnle old sire, llr- him always
lit! the atrrniious life ami at TV Is Mill
golrur strong,
Ho pn-sidod at the annual meeting
of the nrltih Industrial Safety Plrsl
Association tho othrr Jay. In his ad
dress he drew lurKi-ly upon his Amerl
ran rl"rtrni'e. Steps had been taken
thorp, ho said,' to ascertain whether it
was tho hustling, 9ustltng .man who
wan supposed to shorten lils tiny, or
tho man who crawled . ami dawdled
thruuah life.
He declared there were won In the
1'ntted Slates today of ISO, ii anfl he
Iwwn il and 1 (hi year of arte who
were mill In (rood health and actively
enraged In business. across men who
had retired early from business had
shortened their Uvea thereby.
' He thought the crawl of the dawdler
wan largely Instrumental In shorten
ing the live of Individuals In Great
Britain that the more a man "worked,
whether profosstoivstly or In other, vo
cation, the .more he would conserve
his life and strength and - the Hie
and commerce of the Country. .
' RKSA. June Id. (A. P.) News
Palwrs now appearing in Moscow give
M'lne Inkling of the struggle in Iiussia
during the ffrat two months of the at
tempt to restore something like normal
civilization, along the line of Lrf-nine's
new policy of freedom tif trade, and
at the same time retain power In the
hands of the Communists.
P.eform after reform has l-een an
nounced hut the Moscow papers sav.
that difficulties are arising at every
Lenine, hopeful of success, is keep
ing his pen busy day and niaht writ
ing arth-le after article explaining why
the reforms were necessary and urg
ing the peasants to support him.
8ccklow and other more radical
writers, however, ure filling the Pruv
da and Izvestia with arguments In
which they attempt to show that free
trade already has proved an utter fail
ure. They are also adopting the "I
tulu you so" attitude and suggesting a
return to ironclad Communism.
During the period of transition no
American or other foreign news cor
respondents were admitted into Rus
ia and only occasional news admis
sions or editorial controversy is printed
in the Moscow press.
The Moscow' Economic Life of May
5 displays hopefully an account of a
peasants' conference which agreed on
the necessity of the non-partisans
working with the Communists to re
store ltu.-it.iu; but other papers editor
ially bemoan the fact that "the peas
silts are not interested and won't do
anything at alL"
Information from Independent
sources, however, Indicates that Lenine
has no real opposition that he could
not eweep away quickly and that the
situation is now entirely up to him.
He Is beinc guarded more closely than
ever in view of the rumors In Moscow
of ww plot to assassinate him and
other eommisaries.
WAFTTI XGTO. June 11 fA. P.)
Responsibility for keeping check on
the. number of immigrants who enter
the United States under the percent
use immigration laV and avoiding
brii'.rlng to American ports more than
the quotas of each nationality allowed
'"'ill be placed on steamship com
I auls, W, W. Hunliand, commissioner
general of immigration, said yeioerday.
vsi:d THitKE Twmi.pn.s.
LOS ANGELES. June 10-A. P.)
Three Oakland pitchers failed to
t- P a Vernon onslaught today and the
Tigers took the game. S to 2. Vernon
made four runs in the first inning on
three doubles and a single. Arleit
was retiring in that inning on three
doubles and a single. Arlett was re
tired hi that inning, glenoid replaced
him, but later gave way to Hilton.
Star. Fielding
3 ..... ': .-. ; : . K i
f " J
S ' ' ' f
X"- w ' - : -J
T. hjnda made only II er
rors out of ',Ui chances in the field.
They beleng t Evereit Scott, short
top for tha Poston Rod Sor.. In th
last fivs rara Scott, In ,00 conseoa
'. na Biad taldu$
Vfr?ti ?t Tf,. - - -
Baa3 -
The Tree, is Known by the pruit
Square Dealing Dependable Merchandise
Courteous Service Lowest Prices -
From one small' acorn planted in 1902 has grown this sturdy oak, the J.
spreading itsbrancihesbover. three-hundred and twelve communities
Every Woman Will Enjoy
These Good Values
Here is a shopping list that Is al.
so a saving account. Kvery article
Is well made of the best quality and
In the newest styles.
Summer Dresses
Voiles and Ginghams
SU.88 TO $9.90
Hire is a special purchase of
d.iinty g tiiihams and soft voV.e
iin-sscs lr. the most desirable .sum
mer colors. Many of the mod-is
have the newest .embroidered , ef
fects: others flare into a circular
skirt with well defined waist I'ne
Specially pretty are the wlilte col
lars ani cuffsk Sashes of contrast
ing colors arid fancy vestees.
Sport Dresses
Smart Separate Coat
and Skirt
$I4.T5 TO $19.75
Finest quality of crepe de chine
fashions these new Sport Dresses
which have tailored skirts of plain
white, and newest style coats in
such shades as Jade, orange, blue,
navy and gray. Sizes 16 to 44.
New Wool Skirts
A Special Value
$6.0 TO $14.75
Very smart are these new wool
skirts, plaided. striped and in all
the new plaited styles, box and
cluster effects; in plain colors ami
combinations of high colors. When
worn with over blouse, the pretti
est of costumes is enjoyed.
White Flannel Skirts
in New Sport Models
$7.90 TO $13.50
An unusual advantageous pur
chase of these newest Skirts makes
it possible for this store to offer
new models ut a low price. Both
plain and blazer effects in plaited,
"regulation and novelty styles. Ex
tra sizes.
Jersey Coats
in Popular Colors '
$7.90 TO $9.90 -
Now comes the time for the sport
suit and here are some interesting
Jersey Coats In both Tuxedo sand
regulation collar effects. A pretty,
practical garment for summer and
early fall to be worn with separate
skirts. Red, green, blue and black.
Over Blouses
Georgette, Crepe de Chine
and Mignonette
92.9S TO $14.75
Many handsome models In the
newest Overblouscs. Deaded and
embroidered in rich designs. Navy,
white, flesh and bisque. Also fine
Voile Blouses, tailored and fancy,
styles and the new Pongee Rlouse ,
in smart sport model with Peter
Pan or Two-in-One collar.
Cotton Crepe Kimonos
Lowest Prices
Special Designs
I.U8 TO $4.9H
Now Is the time to purchase
these pretty, comfortable.--house
garments. Kashioned of fine iual- .
Ity serpentine and cotton crepes in
a wide selection of colors and
styles. '
New Dress Fabrics
Voiles, Organdies
Crepe Mohair
Lovely wash fabrics for summer
dresses at lowest prices, while
quality and choice colors and de
signs are tbe finest.
I-'uiht Figured " Vrtlos,
40 ui wide 3tc. 49c
Dainty Tissue Gingham,
38 Inch ., 09c
Put-alc-s light and dark
.colors . 2:ic, '2."h;
Orgaiulies. all Summer dolors,
40. 41 inch 49c. T9c, 9c
Slcn-erlzcil Suitings. $6 In. .
C'rcpc Mohair, New
... Kport fabrics. ) hicli SI. 19
Out of the principle of square dealing, the
GoldenRule, applied to business, has grown the
demand for approximately $50,000,000 worth
of family outfitting from the J. C. Penney
5 Company stores in the past year.
siFrom One Small MM 'r 312 Dcpartmenfr
7 Sfare uv.1902 h Mm i Stores litiJ921 J
jg(jP9;E"i8T TOSEjKIMTt WYOMING.- 1963!
NOURISHED by sound conservative economical methods, this largest chain
department store organization in the world will continue to grow and bear
good fruit. Expecting and asking only reasonable profits, you benefit by the
lowest possible prices plus the savings effected through our tremendous cash
buying power. These savings you enjoy every time you maW a purchase at
a J. CPenney Company store.
Ai You Compare Opr Prices With Those Quoted
, Elsewhere, You Know Why the J. C. PenNEYCO.
( WeterNeed to Quote Comparative Prices
1 lol Inl i ' Institu TloN ,fr
Opposite Hotel Tcndlclon "
wmai i unnubdi V.I
iua. unuAfiiXAUUiX in lilt WORLD
mill ULrAH 1 1VI C.N I
i aO
C. Penney Company,
in twenty -six states.
A Money-Saving Event
' ' for Men
llishest irrado nmlerlnls are used
in these Men's Bulls The best
"W-orkmnnshlp rocs Into their mak
Inir; the pockets are hiind-titrncd
and stitched and every detail la
Suits, Regulation
and Young Men's Styles
$17.30 TO $39.50
Pure worsteds, fine scrjrea, clu-vl-ots
and cassinicres urn the malcrl
nk Here are the Suits you have
i been waiting for and a hie choice
of colors for your selection, lluylng
from us you save money. Note our
Boys' Clothing
Made to Give Service
$7.90 TO $13.30
Tills Is the season - when boys
Blvo tho hardest wear to their
Suits. Hulls with extra trousers
and a.. fine selection of Extra
Hchcl' Pants. Al.io Units for vaca
tion ami knockabout wear at low
est prices.
Wash Suits
V for the Small Boys
$1.23 TO $3.98
A wonderful assortment of
Woiih Suits that may be luundercd '
without fear of fading or shrink
ing. ' The styles are tho popular
Oliver Twist, Russian and Middy
mouses In a 'variety of materials,
plain, striped and color combina
tions. Just the little Suit for
school days and vucution- days. '
New Straw. Sailors
Now Ready
$149, $1.08. $2.H
The correct crown helifht and
brim -width with ribbon band. Fine
-iurable quality of straw and latest
shapes. Also Men's, new Panamas
In finely woven Panama with In
dented crown and band. A choice
- of Men's and Hoys' caps In all new
' colors and materials.
Men's Wearables
; at Lowest Prices
Hpeelal quailty vifoslerv, 1 black
.white and grey I0W 49c. Men's
v onars, i no popular brands and
styles 20c to 4IK-. Men's leather
Palm Canvas OIovcs 2:k Men's
Muslin Nightshirts.. Men's Over
alls and Jumpers, heavy dcnlm,
98c, $I.ir, $1.39.
Buy the Boys'
Overalls Now
A big shipment has just come In. ; '
Ovc. alia of the finest and most "' -durable
quality; Indigo Dy ,,.l
made with-t,lh, 8c, 8 ,0 ,, ycanl '
tthd also at 08c in nizes fro, n to
Men's Shirts
for Hard Wear ,
. . .' rt.
-Men's blue ehnmbray shirts.'
made of extra heavy qllay ., "
- erial. futl cut. Also Hoys' Il,.l .
blouses, best quullt;- 39c, 09c 79,. '
Hoys' dress shirts and blouses in '
I'lulu and fancy stripes 89c.
. New Silk Fabrics . '
For Dresses,
Blouses, Skirts "
The clever homo tlross-maker
will take advantage of savings on -thsc
handsome silk fabrics; she
will be quick to see where .ho can
save money and ,,e able to - make
.0,?, tf-r "be has felt she
oiild afford but one
F,,;'l9!"",,',f V"'"f"' 89''
J'Mra quiilli, f .,I,M Hc. $1.19
Heavy frepe do fliliM- ) n
"l "" '" s
U.lff,,,, Taffc-u...... ,,.08, tt.M
UH't Sti1lK! Mlllu, 9Hc.
; 11