PAIL? EAST oaEGOIAW, PENDLETON, OREGON, ' FEED A V EVENING, JUNE 10, 1021. PACE tltttl r : V. I at ' ,"'' Vi J I tL,ywru3 Ci-WiMfii3 ' CtwiiHiiW-li Wiiii yriwr3 ftp" TWELVE PATJE3 - II wy -. vrr r w Ir N Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy (Reference. a CLASsifird AivEmii50 HATES get In t-polnt Counting- six ordl- nnry words to the Una. . First lincrtlon, per line .10 . Each additional consecutive lnairtlon, per lino OS One month, every luue, each . . insertion, per una DO SI months contract, every la- e aua, aauh Insertion pur Una .01 . Twalve niontha contract, rv- 4 4 try Inane, each inaertlun, . per lln. 01 Ada not run conaecutlvely, e each Inaerllon, per Una 10 a No ad Ink on for lesa than I ) tinea. Minimum charge ,25 NEW TODAY NOTICES . Sloan "Bonnet Shop Moved to Nye-Ward iho. at or. be tweeu Geo. Baer'a and Tallman Drug CO. FOR ' s LB Well furnished Apt. Iioi.te -cheap Phono 627-J. Notice School rlHt, 89 wishes to take up warrants No. 4, 6, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17 and 84, Address, Hclth, Ore. -i : . 16 USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR BALE-- Ford touring, good shape Make tu an offer l'hone 976. TOR RENT Apartment 70! Cosblo. 1 IWOMSnfurnlshed house for rent . Phone 404. FOR RENT 3 furnished hoitsekecp. , lnir roonia. l'hone T3.U-M. FOR ItH.VT A' nice sleeping with privilege- of bath. 524- Full SALE OK TRADE Oldsmobllo 1 -ton truck run less than 2000 miles Inquire 618 Blaine after 5 p ni. FOR HA I,E Wicker baby carrlago In Bond shape. Inqulro 618 June fit. VOH BALE -All kind of Inaurane. J. H. Estea, 114 Wain Bt., Phone (04. Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity This Director la especially handy (or the oat-of-town reader who mar want th. nam. and addraaa of responsible baaJnea aaa whe rwaaat All are reliable, responsible bualneaa concern who etand ready to gt. you prompt .rne. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen 615 roBt Bt. ROOM AND BOARD, for lady only 124 Jeff Davis St. KOI : ll 100 bu. bulk Brain bouea for Kilo or trado for wheat rucka. O. If. Hampton, l'hone 1F4. FOR SALE Deerlng ' harveeter with motor. Only cut 200 acre.. Phone UF2J or ie. Louie Hanron. , Fort BALK 8-room riouwe. A ar Kaln If taken at once, Kor partlcu lara write liox 105. Adama, Ore. FOR BALK On. ton Republic truck, f-ton Republic truck In good rhape will aell very reaaonable Call Penland Hroa., i'hone tit. LOST AND FOUND KOR HALR CHKAP 10 dozen fruit Jura and IT. II. nooda. Cull ut 18 '4 Coable before 9 a. m. or aftr 5 p. m. OR BALK porch and at 709 Marle- -6 roam bouae .leaping gnrage etrlctly modern -Inquire 711 Marl. Bt, KOR BALE Hatcnlng egga from thoroughbred alngl. comb Rhode Alaland Reds 00 W. Webb. Phone 1)4 for RENT 2 mute office room In quire Penland Uroa. KOlt ItKXT Furnished gas. 614 Cosblo. Apt. with J-MAJf AND WIFK want work on ranch. l'hone 6J7-H. PIANO FOR RKNT ("heap for Hummer Phone 248-M. the TI31E CARD. HeeMn-1'endleton Auto Staf , Leve Weatcn for Pendleton at 7:10 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. Lave. Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. ' Leave Adam for Pendleton at 1:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leave. Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Waaton at la ot a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. McPHERRIN, Prop. L. 8. BENTLET A CO Goodyear and ! Diamond Tlrea Tire aervlce. oil and accestorlea Alia and Gardes St. WALLACE) BROS. Flan tlrea, eorda or f4rlc. W. do our owa adjut. Ing. (K)S-ia JobnaoB St. GERTSON It MART IT Gate. Super Tread tlrea-Mt3 Cotton wood. V u I canlzing and repairing. ROOMS WITH BOARD If dealred 110 8. Main Phon. 567-R. ROOM AND BOARD In private fam ily. I'hone 212-W 405 Lewla St. ' FOR RENT DowiiMtulra roonia mjlt. n"ie uir ii.iiu novKiH'niig l'hone 219-R. FOR RENT 2 levplnir rooin.- ( upxtatr. aparlnieut rooms, 1 -HOI Mulii Ht., Room FOR RK.VT Fly. roomed bungalow fiirniahed full bum-mem rloge in -Phone 16 7 -J, LOST 10 head of horaea on reaerva- tion, branded Mllllron Two on left hlfi 15.00 reward a head Addreaa "21" thla office. FOR SALE Deerlng hat-venter With multor, almost new, 1550.00 caah Fred Hanuen, Phone 18F31. FOl'XD dime to my place on Tutu!! la, 2V4 mile g. E. of Pendleton, one Inuie branded G and J. 1.' on right boulder. K. L. Patton. FOR RENT Two houaekecolni. roonia and uleoplng room. Call ill Thompson, Plwue "40-J. FOR RENT Furnished slccoln. room rluae In bath, hot and cold water. Phone 378-J after K d. m. FOr.ND fn front of 51; W. Webb large loa; chain, owner mav hn'vt ame by calling at 512 W. Webb. Iilon. tlfylng and pay for ad. WANTED Middle aged widow wlth Couk wagon experience for rnnklti In harvest long lob preferred or crew of men on ranch. Mate waise M. Duber, tlrcahum. Ore., itoute A, Box 15.' LOST Large blind lo milch cow dry no brand vUible long horns 110.00 reward If delivered to B. G. gultmunih ranch, south of reservation. FOR BALE 65 Caterpillar, over hauled In good ahape fpr harvest stationary attachment Addreaa Box 700, Pendleton. I. STRAYED During fall or winter from Meacham creek range: 1 hclf erg branded 8. C. with bar underneath also hole In ear. Liberal reward for return, of aam. to & C. Bittner Pendleton, Ore. FOR SALE REFRIGERATOR for sale Call 182. FOR SALE Two Blewett Harveater Phone 14F11. SALESMAN WANTED To sell our fruit and ornamental nursery stock. roars, shrubbery, etc.: exclusive tern. lory, iineral cash advance weekly on order; freo outfit Yakima Co Inmbla River Nursery Co., Yakima, Wash. FOR HALE Krunawlck phonograph with 10 records. Phone 66J-H. FOR SALE New crop alfalfa-blue-grass hay. Commence cutting Juno 6th. Four miles north of Adams. FOR RENT Furnished room and apartments. Phone 657-R. FOR ' RENT Two housekeeping rooma. Phone 730-W after ( o'clock FOR RENT J room apt. with keep ing porch Phone 289-W, 07 Aura. KOR, RENT Two room downacaur apartment 107 Aura St., Phone 189-W. TIMK CARD Pilot Rock-Pendleton Auto Stage Leave Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 9:00 a. m.; Leave Pilot Rc,ck Hotel Urn. I Leave PendJMon Hotel and French Restaurant 11:00 a. ro.; Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 1 1 a. m. Leaves I'endlton Hotel and French Restaurant 2:30 p. m.: leaves pilot Rock Hotel 1 p. m. Leave Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 1:00 D. m.: Leave Pilot Rock Hotel 1:20 p. m. We carry parcels and small express. FANCHO BTUBBLEFfELD PENDLETON RUBBER V 8UPPLT CO. Barney Oldfleld, Goodrich 611 vertown Cord and Pernaylvanla Vara urn Cup 05 K. Court. AUTO TRANSFER CLEANERS ANU DYERS 7NTOHII!lf Phone 473 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS CLEANKRS Pressing and repairing. 104 W. Webb 8. Phone Ml, FondiacofJ, Ore). FURNITURE C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs' Cigar Store Phono 1075. FOR -3UICK SERVICE, Call Bod Cornfield. Phon f S. rraacant Ofa-ar Store. Residence. Phon. 1051-R. AUTO TOPS NEW FURNITURE STORE It wll pay you to com and se. Fisher be fore buying new or second hand fur niture. 302 W. Webb St., Phon. 191. FARM LOANS GAD WA'V AUTO TOPS, Plat. Glass, Backs, Bids Curtain Ml Court St. AUCTIONEER 1 COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, FOR RENT Well furnished front sleeping room on north side. ! Phone 24 8-JI. , Ralph Cannon, Phono 31 F4, Athena. J FOR SALE Modern 1 room house, partly furnished, newly painted, good location, lot 76x100. For terms write owner. Box 4, Meacham, Or FOR RENT Cool sleeping room for gentleman only. 107 W. Court. Phone 268-J. I HAVE more irrigated land than 1 can handle, 1-2 mile east of Her miston, will eel! 10 to 40acres on pay. mentx anyone can meet. Address owner. Box 373, Hcrmlston, Ore. Fwr SALE 4 fC wood, 15.00 a cord Ralph Tachella, rhone 2F6. NEW RACINE, 24-40 threshing outfit, fully equipped with wide Jackson feeder, blow stacker, long swinging wagon spout and sacker brakes rig used only ten days for sale at a bar gain. Bracher Hdw. Co., Pilot Rock, prcgoji. ' in' $2000 5 room house and 4 lots Terms Phone 61 0-W. Also 3 other lots cheap 115 Jane St. FOR SALE Templar Spcedatcr ab solutely new -wire wheels, six cord tires a car of quality at a substantial discount. Pendleton Auto Co. WILL BE RETRACED BY Party Will Inspect Synagogue in Corinth Which Has Only Recently Been Excavated. KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTIOxN DRUGSTORE A: C. Kocppcn & Bros. The Drug Store That Serve. You Heat, - Wantrd! Ladies To see Mrs. Scott, who is an expert demonstra tor and will demon strate the Simplex Ironcr May 11 At J.LVAUGIIAN Electfic Supply House Phone 139. 206 E. Court liOSTON, Mass., June 10. (A. P.) 'Missionary jourue8 of Paul the Apostle will be retraced by a group of twenty-five educators, clergymen and others who will make a tour of ex ploration and study of Bible lands thla summer Under the leadership of Pro cessor Albert E. Bailey of the Boston I'nlverslty School of Religious Educa tion. -, The pnrty, which ' will sail from New York, tomorrow, will Inspect the synagogue. In Corinth which has re cently been excavated by an American archaeological expedition headed by pr. .Ralph Coolcy of Newton, and will vjslt also the site of Paul's famous speech to Iho Athenians on Mara' Hill. Other stops will fee tit Theasnlontn. Smyrna, Ephesus, Tarsus, and Antl och. . Accompanying Professor l'niley will be Rev. n. F. Martin of Marshall town. Ia.; Bruce Baxter, professor of Biblical literature at Union College. Alliance, o., Rev. John Baxter, Ohio; Rev. F. A. Robinson of Toronto, Can ada, evangeiistlc secretary of the j Presbyterian church of Canada, Miss Helen W. Lemon, Miss Eva Hogg, and Miss C. B. Oernert. Canadian evangel ImUc workers, Mrs. Margaret W. Eg gleston, assistant professor of regllion at Roston University, and Miss, Lola : Bailey, daughter -of the expedition's leader, an Instructor at Boston l-'nl- I verslty. v Returning, the party will leave Na- pies for Havre, from which port ey i will sail for the United States, on Au gust 2. At Naples, Professor Bailey will leave the party and continue I around the world studying and collect. Ing specimens of religious art for Iho University. In Java he-will explore the Horo Rndur, Huildhlst temple, said to contain the finest specimens I Buddhist art in existence. For Sale 6 room residence south hill or will exchange for clear vacant lots. 6 room new bungalow, north side. 7 room residence, north side, close in. Would exchange for good farm. 5-10-20-40 acre Irrigated tracts. GEO. W. ELDER I8 Main St. Phone 993 I CAN FURNISH Loganberries, -at 12.75 per crate, Red Raspberries at 13.60 and Black berries at 12.75. Ber ries are picked and shipped one day and reach you the next day. Logan berries and red Raspberries will soon ripen. Send in your orders. Can fur nish fifty to seventy five crates daily. Send personal check or money order. For reference write Bank of Wood- burn. Address, Geo. Huber, Wood- ourn, Oregon. FOR RENT Modern bungalow fur nished, tp party paying three months in advance. Phone 1067. FOR, RENT Two three room fur nished apts.. with bath on. with gas close In. Also furniture for saie and house for rent Phone 361-J. PASTURE tor horses, mule and cat tie 12.60 per month mountain ranee irnnA rrnu wniar an1 at will get them and deliver them. Ad dress B. B. Kidder, Gibbon, Or.. ' WANTED WANTED Woman cook on ranch Call 22F2. WANTED OOOD CLEA RAGI AT The East Oregonlan office. WANTED Girl to do general house work In city Call 238-W. WANTED Woman -without children to cook oh ranch. Phone 0F3. WANTED Girl to cook on ranch- Address Box 544, Pendleton, Ore, FOR SALK IJbrury table, solid plank top 14x45. 19.60. Library table, solid oak plank top 26x42,112.60. 6 piece upholstered solid oak parlor suit 126.60. A new 165.00 leather upholstered davenport 142.50. 145.00 kitchen: cablnot, $22.00. Wo have the best line of second hand 9x12 rugs In town. Call and see them. Steven Furniture & Repair Shop 901 North Main Phone 1156 WANTED TO REN1 l-room modern honse, Inquire R. A. Marcum, (36 Main St. GOOD CAPABLE woman wfll take - laundry home or gu outside by the oay. Phone 730-W. WANTED To rent or lease, small house and barn with 2 or more acres suitubleufor chickens. Thone 1020-R. WANTED To rent J unfurnished housekeeping room' and place for car. Ad areas "18" this office. FOR RENT A ITS. AND ROOMS A IT A APTS. FOR RENT Furnished; Apt. Phone 210-W. ROOM AND BOARD for men only 403 B. Webb. WANTED TO RENT or lease House and 2 lots and place to keep cow and chickens. Address "38" this office. WANTED by Monday June 13th., woman or girl to assist with house work. Inquire- Frunk Ftaslvr,. Phone 25 F2. WANTED Carpenter work, furniture repairing and upholstering. Stevens Furniture & Repair Shop, 901 North Main. Phone 11!.6. PendlctoD-l matnia Leav. Pendleton 8:00 Echo - :I5 Stanfteld 9:30 Hermiston 9:55 Ar. Umatilla 10M5 Leave Umatilla Hermiston Stanfleld Echo Ar. Pend A. to Stage 12:00 1:15 1:35 1:65 1:16 4:00 (.16 1:35 5:55 6:15 8:00 12:00 ' 4:00 8:20 12:20 4:20 8:45 12:45 4:45 9:00 1:00 6:00 10:15 2:16 1:16 Two Trips Sunday Leave Pendleton 8:01 a, m, and 4:00 p. m. Leave Umatilla 1:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. Office Motor Inn Garage 722 Cottonwood St. Phone 868 PELL & DAWSOjr Parcel delivered to all way point. Call at Sturgls A Storla'a Impl.mast fCo for sal. date. SNOW A DAYTON. 117 E. Court ' Real Estate. Fir. Inaurane Loan 8. ua about a loan. DENTIST Dr. H. M. i Ian rag Dentistry Room 7, r.mpl Building. Phoa. TT1 DRAYMEN " ATTOHIVEYS GEO RGB W. COUTT8. Attorney Law, Room 17. hdimldt block. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, ' boom 94, Smith -Crawford Bnlklljg. CARTER A SMYTHE, Attorney at Law. Office In rear f American National Bank Building. FEE A FEE Attorneys at Iw. Of- WHO MOVES YOU la lust a import ant a where you move). W. also pack or store goods. We do country hauling Call 329, Penland Broa. Transfer, 114 W. Alta. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING at th Singer ttoa. Mall order promptly attended tr- HEMSTITCH ING Mall urdws Mrs. Ralph Haae.ll til Bush. 96. flee In Despam Building. . A A. LOWELL Attorney and Counsel- .ADAY lor at Law. Office to Peepato Bid EVERY Artlcl. Laundered"'". 3. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law, Ther.'a an agent In your Uwa, Federal Building. Trof laundry, t9 Ciardea St. "ETERSON, BISHOP CLPK A 'DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 101 K, Com tomeya at Law. Rooms a axut I t- Phone SO We maintain ean-sm:tli-Craafrd Bldf. "let mendla department. . i waiia walla Pendleton Auto Freight Scnlce Round Trips Dally Leaves Pendleton 1P.M. 0 . Pendleton Phone 225-W. MISCELUNEOUS DOMESTIC LAUNDRY can Five steady employment to several hand ironer. Call at once. - ALL KINDS of patients cared for by experienced nurse 801 W. Webb- Phone 884. , CANDYMAKINO business Start at home, everything furnished men, women, 130.00 weekly Bon Bon Co- Philadelphia, Pa. I AMES B. PERRY. Attorney at Law Office Taylor Hardware) Com pany. RALEY, RALEY A BTETWER. Attor- ney at Law. Offic In AiMrtcau) National Bank Building. FRED Law. BIdg. H. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Room 34, BmlthCrawford BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 11 month. W. K. Cliase Co 120 B. Court, Telephone 269, Pendleton. BEAUTY PARLORS MARINELLO creams and powders. Henna-Do real packs - for gray or faded hair, all shades. Association Block, Upstairs. MADE TO MEASURE T!y nnn r" uijyuuu Cart E. FVanseen, Elk stag. OSTEOPATH DR. G. B. HOLT Oateopatbjo, aAyat- clan and Surgeon. Judd Bidg. Vela- phone, office 608; Residence 8S0-J. Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper. Picture Ing. L. 1. McAfee, 'the Practical Paint Man. Lew Broa. Paint. CATERPILLAR WORK RAQ "RUGS and carpett woran. Also first das crocheting and embroid ery. AU order promptly till Wheelers, at 1100 W. Railroad. AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS IWB REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. E. Osaea 9a. WANTED by-Beattlo architect and wife, furnished house for few months. Can give references. In. quire Pendleton Motel. AUT0TIP.ES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax. B- vers and Savage Urea. 128 K. Coeut DOINGS OF THE DU7T3 JHE SURPRISE WAS ON TOM. BY ALLMAfl of I - Kl. At. 1AV is onsicitviriv PAtlO PAGO, American Samea, ; June 10. (A. P.) Flay Day, the I twenty first nnnlversury of the holst ' lnir ofNlie American Flair In Samoa was celebrated here April 18, 1921 with I I'anclng contests, races, a tug of war, t orra outing contests, a band concert, naval parade and addresses by Am erican officials and native chiefs. Chief, S:itele, a native lender, urged his followers to do all they . could for the administration. "It Is a pleasure' ho said, "that wo are united here today and are able to acain celebrate the an. nlversary of the flag flying above us. "The potter -prepares his mixture first when ho desires to make a, cer tain Mud of dish. If he does not suc ceed the first tfrno. he does not destroy or throw away his mixture, but will certainly try again In order to suc ceed. "To Illustrate It Is grateful to know that the government would not cast us away but will continue In trying to make a better dish for ,ys," , HELLO THERE .TOM WHAT ARE, YOU DOING DOWM IM THIS TOWM? : i - HELLO CHARLEY ' OH.JUST HERE FOR THE OAY 1 " i-y SAY.TcM.f, WANT You TO MEET A FRIEND OF MINE AND SAY IP Vou NEED A LITTLE ( - HE CAM FIX Vou UP I - . K i; CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gaa en gine, automobile and general blacksmltblng. Round-Up Garage, Parka A KebergaU, 11 West Webb. CARPET CLEANING WE WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. References given. We make flaff rugs from old carpets. Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Clean in Co. Phono 1677. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER A BAN FIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, 11 years experience in concrete and brick con struction. 01 E, Third st. North Port land, Oregon. 'I . ea-pv- , . , FIFTEEM DOLLARS J05TRiGHt! I DEAR TOM - I t," THANKS! I WON'T BE ABLE J T RECEIVED VtmR LITTLE. TO SET IT FOR Vou UNTIL frg& H SURPRISE THANKS OLD ' TlTOPROW. rpTHAT3 ALLRlGHT1 g . jO VO0 X It rL Mft HOPP-S OFFICE UOPO' ' M i . L f.'i amdixlgetit n vv(-v- t-JlrJ . ' K-I fN THE NEXT TIME lj ftO $' J : .- - ' ' ; . ' ' EYE SPECIALIST. RADIATOR REPAIRING . ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKJe 701 East Alta street. All make of radiators repaired. Work g-uaxaateed, C Bias berg. Prop. . RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good plaaa to eat. SECOND HAND DEALERS V. 8TROBLE, dealer In new and ao ond ' hand gooda t : Caah ' paid few second hand ' goods, , cheapeat plaea to buy household goods. 210 K. Conrt Phone 271-W. - SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE moat up-to-date - effectual 'lead ing science practised.E. F. Glkaosi P. 8. T.; N. D. Room 11 Feebler Bids. Pbotograoner To Introduce ' our kodak ' will flniah Free one roll and on print each. Ward Studio. TAILORS 147 Main Bt. Phone SPRING CHICKENS SPRING LAMB PRIME RIBS STEER BEEF ROLL PIG PORK COLD MEAT FOR LUNCHES The Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept. oc Phone00 Grocery Dept. CQQ Fhone