East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 08, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ' -
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Lew
Despair. & Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone b0
People Here and There
, ;
m , - , (
inri Uoane or La Grande In here
ithe KUHt of Mm. Kva Wliwler. He In
tha proprietor of a cigar atora tn Iji
Grand. Mm, Doano and her two lit
tle daughter have btwn here , two
, weeks with Mm. Waaler who la her
. mother.? Mr. and Mm. Doane will re
, main her until tha latter part of the
, weelc ' j
i , To be proprietor of the only "alley'
at ore In Ornxon la a dlxtlnctlon that la
. claimed by W. 8. Alllaon. He returned
to hln home at 1a Orande yeaterday
after belnv here and at Walla Walla
, on bualnrw,
I The title "Murrylnic Parson" mlKht
, well apply today to Hev. O. L. Clark,
, pnntor of the First Presbyterian
church. Three time today Itev.
Clark has propounded the fateful
, questions to three couples and has lis
, laned to their "I do"s." And as a oil-
max, Rev. Clark has a fourth wedding
scheduled for tonight. .
During the dsya or tha world war."
' O. U Ooodnll, then a captain In the
' army, was In the Arsinnne fight and his
horse wns shot while Captain Ooodnll
was at the head of hl company. He
ha several medals for bravery. Mr.
ltwtiiw-ratbin there, la not so much
t In the ordinary vacntion as there Is In
a single holtle of Wood's KurHnpnrll'H.
' which refreshes the tired blood, sharp
ens the dulled appetite, restoVes th
lost couruge, Take Hood's Harmiparll
la thin fommer.
U. S. Inspected
- U. S". Inspected Meats are your guarantee of
quantity, clearilines and sanitation. You can
always buy U. S. Inspected Meats at the Table
Supply. ; .
' ,We follow 'the market closely and you can al
ways buy here with the assurance of petting the
best at the bottom price. A trial will convince
you that you cannot do better anywhere.
Phone 187 mnd 183'
x s. inspected; meats
r Proprietors ,
Ooodall, wh,o represents the Continent
al) Fire lnsuranon Co. I In the city
today on business, ' .
Bulnen Is picking up In Seattle,
says Chnrlits H. Marsh, who returned
today from a visit to the Sound City
Julmes Hturgls, who accompanlwl him,
remained In Portland for a ifny's bus
iness visit and will return here to-marrow.
"The bent ever" Is the way, A, R.
Coppock, of Athena, describes crops in
his neighborhood. Mr. Coppock Is a
member of the Farm Bureau exeeutlv
committee and a prominent county
fanner. , - . i
,0. M Jackson farms near Hormlston
and Hurry Straw Is manuger of the In
land Kniplio Ijiimber Co. in the west
end town. Both are Pendleton busi
ness visitors today.
Hen B. Undsey, Juvenile juilste. of
Denver, recently paid a fine of- $f,00
and costs for contempt ot court. T,
contempt charges hero the result "f
Judge Undsey's refusal to tell what a
sixteen-year-old boy had confided to
him In a. talk having to do with a mur
der in the boy's family. The boy wns
a charge ot the Juvenile court.
Despite the fact that peanuts have
dropped from around fifteen cents a
pound to four and one-hulf cents, the
vender continue to gt a dime for a
thin Kick of goobers.
739 Main Street
... .
Announce a substan-.
tial deduction in the
price ' of their cars
effective June 8th
Ellis-Schiller Go.
Daimitftw for CollUioii.
Keth M. Richardson is nutria defend
ant In an action thut ha been filed in
circuit court by Hurry A Doan. The
plaintiff alleges that the" defendant
drove a machine Into a car driven by
him March 20, ' 1 981. Damages to the
amount of 2f,0 are sought, Peterson,
Bishop and Clark are the .attorneys
for the plaintiff.
Cruel Treatment t'buigiil. ;
A suit for divorce from her hus
band, Charles A. Weatherford, has
been instituted in circuit court by I
lriu Weatherford through her attor
neys. The couple married June 30,
1912, and tliey have four children,
two boys and two tjlrla. Custody of
the little girls la sought Jy tha plain
tiff. Cruel and Inhuman treatment Is
the basis of the complaint.
Four Marriage licenses.
Cyril ProehHlcl, deputy county clerk
Is yelling for help. He baa writer's
cramps from making out applications
for marriage licenses. Four couples
have been in the county clerk' office
since yestrduy afternoon Kecking the
state's permission fur matrimony. The
applicant are: Pule C. Merrier, a
cjerk and Clara Mackcnxie, both of
Pendleton; Jlichard Lewis' Tate, un
employe of the O-W. R. & N and
Hael Holmes, a bookkeeper, both of
Pt-adletou; Fred A. Ripley, an engi
neer, and Julia Finch, both of Ktan
field; and Estle Curtis McFarland, a
pharmacist of Kelso.Waah., and Fleta
Maurine Hall, a student, of Pendle
ton. (
j tkhk;e cars heiu'cf.h soo. '
DI'.TROIT, June H.iV. P.)
DodKe Pros, cam were reduced 1340
at tho factory.
Dad says I'm a
great detective
when Ha on the
trail of.
the superior corn flakes
I never let em get
ew&y-says M
fait' t, .TVi ' fr il iMiSf lis f 'etrff ti .aefcad
Berry Canning Time
K . ' a
Strawberries and sugar are now as low
as they are likely to be. Have you pre
pared for canning? How nice it is in the
winter to open a jar of strawberries for
dinner, and to know that they were put up
so cheap. Be thrifty. Can now.
Pay Cash Receive More ' Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court ' Phone 880
Failure of Salary Bill May
Mean NeSv Faces at Court
House; Assessor Badly Paid.
That .there will be one, or more res
ignations on the part of county offi
cials following- the defeat of the coun
ty salary bill 1 reported today. Street
talk has credited the county judge,
treasurer and aaaeasor with intentions
ot retiring to private life. However,
Judge Schannep say ouch reports as
far as he is concerned are unfounded.
He will not reign, at present at least,
but says he la serving the county at a
financial loss.
Miss Grace Gilliam', county treasur
er, corroborate the Report she Intends
quitting the county service. How
ever she will not resign Immediately,
though she ay he cannot continue
permanently tn office at th8 present
Assessor Hawkes could not be
reached but others in the office take
the view he will not quit even though
the assessor's salary Is very low.
Pioneer Ladies Club Start Fund
Purchase Marker for Grave
of Dr. William C. McKay.
A monument to the memory of the
late lr. William C. McKay, pioneer
physician of L'matllla county who died
January 2, 1893, at the Umatilla Iiv
dian agency where ho was employed
as doctor fur the Indians, is to be
erected at his gluve In Olney ceme
tery through the efforts of the Pioneer
Ladies Club of Pendleton. His rest
ing place is unmarked by any stone
and yesterday the- club donated $25
toward a fund and will solicit addi
tional sums from pioneers. No defin
ite total has been named.
Dr. McKay, who was born in .Astor
ia, March 24, 1824, was the son of
Thomas McKay and his mother wda a
princess of the Chinook tribe. He wan
reared at Vancouver, by hi grand
father. Dr. John McLaughlin. In 183S
he crossed the plains to the cast where
he entered medical school at Wllber"
ham. After five years of training he
returned to the west and practiced In
Umatilla county where he was much
beloved. During the Indian wars, he
and his brother, Donald McKay, were
untiring In giving medical aid. A few
years before his death, Dr. McKay was'
physician at the agency and his death
j occurred very suddenly when he sue
cumbed to heart djsease.
Snake Hirer Remains Station
ary; Dikes at Kelso, Wn.,
Are Being Strengthened.
TORTLAXD. June (A. P.) A
further gradual rise in the Columbia
river is reported today, but the Snake
river is stationary. A gradual rise
here until Saturday Is predicted. A
dike breaking, flooded the big truck
farm of J. H. Koberg at Hood lliver,
causing a loss of $10,000.
Heavy machinery in the exposed
section is being moved at The Dalles.
The dikes at Kelso, Washington, are
being strengthened.
FOR R ENT Furnished Apt.
gas. 14 Cosbie.
FOR RENT Three ftirnlHhet) house,
keeping rooms. 513 W. Webb Ht.
steady employment to several hand
ironers. Call at omc
Loses $3000
Being holdout hu ooat Heinle
Orob. thlrJ baseman tor th Cincin
nati Reds. IJ08S.S9. Seven weeks'
dlay In signing up hs brought his
ll,000 salary down t" wueh. says
(isrry Herrmann, jctwdirnt It Ui
pri-ir-r rrv nr nm 'T&m
! I
1 ' i
! .. I
II .not alone the intrinsic worth of the
fcif;- -rare though it may be, which makes
jjin, rir. or brooch o eagerly prized. In
the name of this store brides everywhere
recognize a mark of unusual character.
.aw tolled
s t . inc. v-
' 1
The I.arjtent IHamoDi)
1,1 M M
Just What You Have
) Jteen Looking rfqr
Hip Rubber Boots, NEW t 4 -'- , $5.00
j . ; j . I ; f (
These are neV goods and guaranteed against de
lects. Size, 7 to 10. . ,
Amy Cots, folding, slightly used $3.75
NtsV. Summer Army Underwear, tha uit $1.25
Pack Sacks, NEW $2.00 to $4.00
Dunnage Baj;s, ..new, $1.00; reclaimed, 60c
! Camp stoves and ovens, new, single, and double cots,
blankets, shoes, shirts and various clothing, new and used,
at a price that pays vou.,
: ;V vv 546 Main Street i
i J That you can make yourself t
with paint, varnish or enamel
WE have established a service
for women and men who
want to do small jobs of interior -painting,
varnishing or refinishing
of .furniture, floors, bath rooms,
walls, and bric-a-brac
It's a free service. You simply
tell us what you have to refinish,
how finished now and what effect
you want to get. , f
We tell you how to do t in
detail. What kind of material to
use. What kind of brush. What
method. Where to buy.
You can work transformations
in home things that will surprise
you. Old bedsteads, tables, chairs,
woodwork, floors, bath tubs, etc
are old really, only on the turf ace.
Paint, varnish or enamel them,
and they're newt
We make a special line of paints,
varnishes, etc, for just this kind
cf home work Fuller's "Home
Service" Paint Products, for yot
to use.
They dry perfectly, spread easily
and smoothly, and give every de
sired result. You'll be surprised
to learn what you can do once
you've used thera.
Heme ScrvicaTPainfs
Varnishes - Enamels
M'f 'd by W. P. Fuller & Co.
' ' Dpt. t. San Francisco
Fioaesr Psint Miaufacturtrt for 72 Yuri
EiuiiiUtacd 1849
Branches in 16 Cities in tha West Dealers Everywhere.
For All Eiteriot; Jobs of Paintlnc, it it Advisable t
Secure the Services si Master Punttr. "
Clc-rt Siltenrefiilr
Fnamri it n ietense
w hite enamel hntsh,
Dtie with full itk,
fiyi whita and weart.
Kulkr't Silkenwhite rro
- duv a rich, beautiful
finih m furniture ajui
interior woodwork.
EiktU Silkrnx-kitt
effefrt, velvet io tone, prodijcrj by Fuiler'a
fr'nrtbrtl Ffumct FiBih, otiM a diriniii(
iatersor. ObuiubW tm white a4 U tvoCy
aad teven whir attractiv tints.
Dealer In Eastern tnr-:o
Our experience with paints and
painting practice goes' back more
than 72 years., We are one of the
country's largest manufacturers.
Our experts make a study of speci
fying paints for every kind of use.
Follow Fuller's "I '-we Service"
Specifications, and you'll get the
exact effects you're looking for.
Don't think you can't because
you haven't done this kind of work
before. Let Fuller products and
Fuller service show you that yoit
can. '
Remember don't allow sur
faces to roL It costs less to paint
. Where to Buy
Important that you get the right
material so be sure to go to the right
iiore tor ruiier pro
ducts. Cut out coupon
below as a memo to
direct you.
Write us now a
post card for complete
catalog of Fuller's Spec- .
lhcation "Home Serv
ice" Paint Products.
which tells Just what to '
buy for the work you
liave in mind. Send full description
of, and get our free advice relative
to refinishing furniture, chairs, bric-a-brac,
basketry, etc.
(Cut this out and put It in your pocket.
, iK-ok er handbaf aa a memo)
Fuller's "Hone 8ertce Paint products
are sold bf the IsUawiag la yum
Jlurphy Bros., Tendlctcm
A. H. Kirby, Adams
VI lit I'KIJ'AlttJ