PAGE TIIRES TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OHEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 8,. 1921. iimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiii miiMimiMiimmitimii iiiniinimmniiHimiimiiiinti 0 ' 11 . ."11 News Notes of Pendleton 1 1 CAUiXDAJl OV EVENTS June 14, 15, 18 8Ut con- 4 ventlon of the G. A. R. June !7-Augut I Summer Normal School. t July 10 to 16 ElllBon-Whlte Chautauqua. Beptember 22, 13. 24 Annual Pendleton Round-Up. 4 Tribute to Til Taylor The, following tribute to the late Hherlff Til Taylor la from tho Port land Telegram: With all the Joy and uiorry-maklng at this aeaaon, there la one touch of aadnoae that la felt by hundred of I'ortlandera aa well aa acoroa of out-of-town men who vlalt the Hose festival each year. TU Tay lor la not here. For yeura thla big hearted man from Pendleton has been one of the llveitt wlrea of tho Portland ahow. He put aa much of hia heart and notJl Into the Iloae fcatlval aa he lld Into Pendleton'a own Round-Up. All who aaw the Myatlo Shrine band and putrol parade laat year will re call the Pendloton cowboy who led the Al Kader Arab In that living- rib' on of Joy. Til Taylor, aherlff of Umatilla county, rode at tho head of theae buokarooa, A fow day later he was ahut down by crlmlnula who hud Juat broken Jull and wanted Sheriff Taylor out of the way, thinking thla would Inaure their eecape. But al though Til Taylor la not here In per aon, he la remembered by hla Portland frlenda and the Fentlvul aeaaon la aud dened by hla abaence. .'o Homo HIiow Thla Year. llerauae Pendleton'a lovollcat roaea bloomed during the atate convention of the Oregon Federation of Women'e Cluba when It woa Impoaalble for the Pendleton Women's Club to hold the annuul Pendleton roae ahow, the ahow will not be held thla year. The plun waa to hold the ahow thla week hut the rain ha worked havoc with the bloaaoma and local growora declare that a allowing worthy of I'endloon would be Impotrolble. Another rcoaon for cancelling thla year'a ahow ta the coming O. A. 11. convention, June 14 15 und 1. IfeMlgfl Met Itrdwod The Ellls-Bchlllcr Co., local dealers n Lwdge curs, hua received a wire an nouncing a aulmtantlaal cut In the -101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 t "l a a a PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW ' For ' Genuine Hood River Variety . CANNING BERRIES. A little more tedious to pick but something to be proud of when you get them canned. WHEN WE SAY 'HOOD rTR" YOU CAN DEPEND ON THEM BEING "HOOD RIVER." Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. 301 East Court Street. Phone 101, Private Exchange Connects Both ' . Departments. ' -101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101- price 'of Dodrjo cara. ft waa announc-jS ed the reduction will bring tho price. 5 of thcae cara below tho pre war level, s Funeral In Hold. The funeral of tho late Patrick Kelly., who waa killed a few dnya ago in an accident at i'llot Hock while en gaged In loud work, waa held toduy from Bt. Mary a Catholic church. Kather Van Hoomiaacn officlatd. Huh Tonalta Itcmovrd Mla Leona liowman, atonographcr in the office of the Kant Oregonlan, underwent an operation" thla morning S for the removal of her tonalla. Hhc l recovering from the effecta of the ope rating very nicely. Xcw Employe at Store. Fred A. Booth ia a new employe of the Peoplea WarehoiiHe and Iiiik licgun hla work ua a window dreaaer. He ban had experience in thla work and cornea to Pendleton from Hertford. Mr. and Airs. Booth und aon will make their home on Alta atreet. 1 tela II vow Are Nifo. Harold Newquist and Mra. Albert Hover, formerly of Pendleton, now re siding at Boone, Colorado, In the flood district, are aufe, according to word re ceived here today by their elater, Mia Ethel Newqulat. They are the aon and daughter of Mr. and Mra. A. P. New qulat and alnce hearing of the disaster In Colorado, feara for their aafety were felt. For the Graduate Now is the time to take advantage of .this immense stock of jewelry and all gifts for the girl and boy grad uate make your money go as far as it will. That is why we are offering you these wonderful values. ' A FEW SUGGESTIONS Wrist Walchea, regular $30.00, now ....$18.83 Wrist Watches, regular 125.00, now '. $15.93 Wrlat Watche. regular f 20.00, row , $14.85 Wrist Watchea, regular 110.00, now '. $27.93 Wrist Watchca, regular 465.00, now , $450 Boys' Watch 3d, regular $100.00, now ,,........$79.83 Boya' Watchea, regular $75.00, now $.9.9A Boys' Watches, regular $45.00, now .....a........ .$38.23 Boya' Watches, regular $35.00, now .$27.85 NOX.lE8TfU!CTABI;K PEARLS Pearl Necks. IS Inchea, regular $10.00, now $8.93 Pearl Necks, iO Inches, regular 12.00, now $9.75 Pearl Necks, 24 Inchcj, regular $14.00, now .$10.93 Everything la for your disposal for the same reduced H-ices. Can you afford to overlook thla offer? Come In and look at It la all we ask. IfansGom'S Jewelry Store Doubtful About fcliliw That the 8. P. & 8. company la very doubtful about again securing the Northern Pacific and the Great North ern for the run between Aatorla and San Francisco la stated In a letter from W. F. Turner, president of the com pany. Mr. Turner understands the government will not acll these ahlpa at this time and there is objection to chartering the ships us they would have to be remodelled fur the passen ger run. Mock la Sold. The stock and fixtures of the Kenll worth tfhop of the Peoples Warehouse was sold today by the firm to Mrs. Jessie Hlestand, who will move the new purchase to the Cosmopolitan Art Shop on Main street. The art depart ment of tho Peoples Warehouse will In future he located on the main floor, with John Benson, head of the dry goods department, In.chcarge. New shelves have been put up to accommo date the stock. The entire upper floor will be devoted to women'a and children's ready-to-wear. MoXary and lillcimui to Kprak Vr. W. D. McNary, superlntcndeni of the Eastern Oregon State Hospital and Perry Idleman, commander of the American Lesion will be the chief spcakera at the Commercial Associa tion forum luncheon at the French restaurant tomorrow. Dr. McNary Is expected to give aome frank Ifnprea- siona of Pendleton and suggestions for betterments hero. Mr. Idleman will tell of plana for handling the O. A. K convention next week and of the need of cordiality by local people In making the old soldiers comfortable while they are here. Will Seo Hound-lp. Among the advance orders for Itound-t'p tickets is one from Mrs. Alice McNaught. of Portland. Mrs. McNaught writes ' Pendleton friends that after attending the state conven tion of the Oregon Federation of Women'a Clubs, she is eager to see the big show. Mrs. McNaught Is presi dent of the Praogressive Women's league of Portland and a director of the Monday Musical Club. She was a candidate for the legislature and will be remembered as having polled one of the largest votes of any worn an candidate In the atate. Fishing Tackle That Brings Results How About that Winchester 22. cal. for Squirrels? Plant Fifth Egg State Superintendent of Hati'herlcy Mutt Rycknian and a committee from the Pendleton Rod and Gun club com posed of Marion Jack, Louis Scharpf, John Vaughn and James Estca planted over a million eggs at Bingham Springs today. In 45 days these egga will be young fry and they will be re leased Into the streams of L'matilla county by the members of the Pendle ton Hod & Gun club. As soon us this bunch of young fry are released anoth er million will be sent to the local club and they will he released in the fall. The aims of the Pendleton Rod and Gun cluh is to give careful attention to the planting of the young fry in an effort to secure the good will and co operation of farmers and land -owners who are Inclined to keep their places posted and to educate anglers to be careful when fishing on land that Is In cultivation to refrain from needlessly leaving gates open, breaking - down fences and destroying crops. The club feels that they can bring the land owners and the angler together in a way that will be to their mutual bene fit. Everyone knows that good fish ing and hunting' attracts many dollars to our state and helps to sell land and other property. BUY AT HOME I FY Wl ft j I QUALITY SERVICE. BUY AT HOME PENDLETON'S LEAIUXO "TfiRB Erin Dimity 75c Fancy Ribbons, Narrow Widths 20c to 50c Women's Handkerchiefs 5c to $2.50 Eacli A splendid wash fabric for summer dresses and blouses. Comes in neat patterns of differ ent colors on light ground. Erin Dimity 'makes up into dainty dresses for the little folks as well as the grown ups. 40 in. wide, at 75c the yard. " "The New Silk "Crepe- Satin" Is 40 in. wide and comes in all the leading shades, for dresses and suits. It has a permanent satin finish with soft crepe back. It is easy to work with and drapes gracefully. Yard. $4.;U Sport Silks $3.00 to $4.50 Yd. Use these silks for sport skirts suits, blouses and coats, vhite and colors, such as tnco, fairy spun, dew lyst and the like. Bath Towels 40c, 50c r Another big lot fancy Picot and two toned ribbons used so much now for trimmings in a big range of colors. Belts 25c to $1.50 Belts of all kinds, and for every occasion, wide belts, nar row. belts, white belts and color ed belts in all lengths. Use them on your sport suits, coats or sweaters, also on the little ones dresses. Parasols 75c to $12.50 Some are plain hemmed, some 5 embroidered in white, some em- broidered in colors, some colored borders, some colored in most at- tractive combinations and de- 2 signs. We're offering a few. Hand Made Colored Linen Hand- kerchiefs and Pongee silk, wrork-. ed with contrasting threads. They are very attractive. Let us , supply your handkerchief needs. Black Wool Jersey I 1 $3.50 Yard 52 in. wide, all wool jersey for sport coats. YouU like the qual- 1 ity. I Hand Bags and Purses x 75cto$13.50 Use one of these on your va- cation trip. We can match your suit Offered in lots of attract- 2 iye styles, flat, long, bag shape, j etc., fitted with coin purse, mir- j ror and the like. 5 Drue Two splendid qualities of bath towels, full size and good weight. Let us fill your needs for bath towels ... 40c and 50c The sun shines hot you know, why not keep off the heat with one of our parasols or sun shades offered in plain and fancy. We also have a good assortment for the little ones. Pick one from our assortment. Sundries Priced Right An assortment! of best quality goods, Melba, Elcaya, Pebec- co, Lyons and tnnfh paste and many other good filings to keep you looking fit Toiletry I -HSLJ Iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiim in iiuiiiiMuiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiMfiiiiijiiinititujiT from burning and lessens such a dan ger, say wheat growers. Cool Wealltor Meases. The recent rainfall, whllo not gen eral throughout the county, brought cooler veatter which us welcomed byfarmers. Tho temperature yester day and today will keep the wheat Wot gy-4 i-MrniiM Vajer lvr IlriMtliiiig r A bill of J116.S4 alleged to be due and unpaid is the basis of a suit that has been brought in circuit court by C. A. Perkins and T. C. Amnions agains Joe Hlint. Judgment for. this amount Is sought. The plaintiff's at torney Is George V. Coiitts. Is Gambler, vtfo Clirtrges That her husband treated her In a cruel and inhuman manner, and that he gambled, drank and associated with other women are some of the charges brought against lsllo It". Parker by Grace V. Parker in her suit for a di vorce. The couple married October 5, 1918, and they have a boy baby. The plaintiff Inherited Ji.6wo, uhe avers, which was borrowed by tho defendant and remains unpaid. Tho Wnintiffs attorney Is Judge I. M. Schannep. cd States us Secretary Hughes pro posed, is believed here. President Obregon will take tills course in effort not to menace his po sition with the Mexican people in l reaching an agreement with the Am erican government which will allow an extension of American recognition. It is believed Obregon's next message will suggest the t'nited States und Mexico treaty along the lines Secretary Hughes suggests, provided recogniti on will be extended to the Mexican government. George T. Summerlin Is conducting the American negotiations in Mexico City. Show Has Oiicnuig. " Bert Whitman, prominent stockman of this county, left toduy for Cnion to attend the opening of the Union Live stock Show. A big crowd Is predicted for the event. REi It is Believed Next Message Will Suggest Treaty Along Lines Suggested by Hughes. WASHINGTON. June S. (A. 1.. llradrord. U. P. Staff rurrexpomlent) President Obregon of Mexico will strive to obtain the American recogni tion before the actual signing of the treaty between MeeJco and the I'uit- BLACKHEADS PIMPLES AND BOILS You should regard these out breaks u danger signals. They are a sure sign something is wrong within. Look to your blood at once. The poisonous impurities hT collected in Tour circulation unto the danger point has been I reached. Start right now, today, to purify your blood with S. S. S. For Sp9Cil BookM or fortntfi. writ Chif MetlrcI Advisor. 5 S S. Co., O'tW.AItanti.Gl. Ct S. 5. S. Ml your dtugiimt. The Standard Blood Purifier QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Oregonian Printing Department Some Worthwhile Values Best Quality Rubber Gloves, pair . 29c 3 pt. Aluminum Percolators, very special. . . $1.89 San Silk in a wide range of colors at, the ball. . . 4c Paper Napkins, per thousand ,. $1.45 Bathing Caps, large variety of shapes and . designs at 49c Clarks Silk Gloves in white and black at 54c Picnic and Market Baskets at just one-half price. We have just received 144 collars and vestee sets, formerly priced at 50c to $2.00 each, our special price is, each 50c It is always worth your while to make a special effort to come here first, for your saving is always worth note. The BEE HIVE Tendleton, Oregon