East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 07, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    HlinjlinHllII!IIIIIIlHIMIHHIIIIMHIUnillHHJIIIIilIltlllllllllllllllIll!IlllilllIII(IIII1IIIII3IIIlllilll(llllllll IIIIIIMIIIIIII1lllllllli:illlJimillllllli;iilllllllil!lltl!l'nii;tltlilM
.News Notes of Pendleton
Annual Pioneer I'lcnlc.
June 14, 15, 18 -HtaU eon-
ventlon of the O. A. R, ,
June if-August t Summer
Normal School.
July 10 to 16 Ellison-White
September 22, 2S, 24 Annual
Pendleton Round-Up.
Giutoliiie Takes Drop ' ' ' ' '
The motorist wear a smile today
fir gasoline dropped two eents thin
morning. The retail price la now 14
cents per gallon Instead of 38. The
ronton (or the drop, any dealers, la a
corresponding decrease In the whole
Bale price. ' ' '
Vi'Iitbii officer Improving;
J. H. McLachlln, veteran law en
forcement officer of Kaatern Oregon,
who wan accidentally ahot by a party
of local official hurt week, waa able
to alt up yesterday for the first time
lnce the day of the shooting, last
Tuesday but today is not feeling so
well, according to reports early this
afternoon, The strain of sitting up
yesterday Is believed to have fatigued
him. 1-a.Orande Observer
.Summer Hours licgin ,
The Umatilla county library begun
Its aiuiimnr schedule of hours today.
Die library will bo open from 1 to 6:30
p. tn. during the summer months ex
cept while the summer normal school
Is In session, when the library will be
open from 7 to p. m. fiunday hours
will be discontinued during the sum
mer months.
I1r.li r Tho Itall Team
'A,t uunv. riiik nice. Dirk Hanlcy,'
and Barney Htyson left last night for
Kust Uke where they expect to pull
trout up from under the Ice during
the next few days. With three of the
,-uen on the ball team It Is expected
that the nine will enjoy a fish feed on
the return of the quartet. They will
return Thursday or Friday.
Hose) Festival1 to Opon.
The fourteenth annual rose festival
at Portland wllHopen tomorrow for Its
three day program. Quite a number
of I'endleton people will make the trip
to Portlundtorhe bfg4cvcnt. W. 1
Thompson, president of the American
National hank, Is a vice president of
the festival. Miss Dorothy Metchan
Is the Kono Queen.
Kleiner to Addrcm IJI t.rando KlkN.
Fred Btclwer, pust exalted ruler of
the I'endleton H. 1'. O. K. No. 28S. has
been secured by the lodge ut Sji
Krande, No. 433, to deliver the Flag
U.ay address there June U. ,
Weston Droits ,umc, 1
In the old ball game between Wes
ton still Pilot l'fir-lr Kiliwluv ItlaVfwl Hi
rtbo latter place, the Weston aggrega
tion emergen wun ino-snori ena oi h
20 to -10 score. Pnyant and Ken
mird yielded 25 hits, and Weston
grabbed nlno off of McNutfs delivery.
Ooiwtlon of lror
Through an error In the Kant Ore-
gonlan yesterday, the name of Fred
Karl was omitted In mentioning the
Peoples Warehouse picnic. " .Mr. Earl
and It. D. Hayrcs are active In the
management of the store and both
were responsible for the picnic.
$2.25 Per Crate Wednesday. .
First Shipment of ,
White Salmon Field
-Pick Berries
Received Yesterday.
Those familiar with these non-irrigated
mountain berries know that they do not go to
water when canned. They can a RICH, DEEP
We expect liberal shipments this week end,
with the largest supply next week.
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
' 301 East Court Street
Phone 101, Private Exchange Connects Both
' , Departments.
-lufc- 1U1 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 Y
Attorney Has Operation
District Attorney It. I. Keator was
operated on at Hot Lake yesterday
morning according to Information that
was received here yesterday evening.
The operation was for hernia, and the
reports from his bedsldo was to tho
effect that he was doing as well as
could be expected.
lloaiitlful Rainbow KpcelincnS.
About tho prettiest rainbow trout
caught this year were on display this
afternoon In the window of Fol
Uaum'a store. There were five in the
catch which were more than 12 inch
es long, and they were beautifully col
orcd. Charley Moore caught them
yesterday afternoon Just before the
rain while fishing near the Mission
Name Convention IX-leasM.
At the meeting of the Pendleton
Post of the American Lesion last
night H. J. Warner, Leslie Uibbs and
Tom Keating were selected as dele.
gates to the state convention of the or
ganization which will be hold at Eu
gene June 20 and June 1 and 2. The
alternates are U O. Itlce, F. A. Lleu-
allen and llajry Kuck.
To Attend School
Kichuril K. Lawrence Jr.. Alien Fol-
som and Bus Byers left today fni
Portland where on June 13 they will
enter the Portland Y. M. C. A. sum
mer school. The boys lack four cred
its of the required number for grad
uation from high school next June,
and they are taking this method of
finishing their work. The term will be
concluded August 20. ,
For the Graduate
Now is the time to take advantage of this immense
'stock of jewelry and all gifts for the girl and boy grad
uate make your money go as far as it will. That is why
we are offering you these wonderful values. .
Wrist Watches, regular 130.00, now .' ..$18.85
Wrist Watchea, regular 1,25.00, now .11. ye
Wrist Watchea. regular J20.00, row , ,.'.$14.33
Wrist Watchea, regular $40.00, now 2T 95
Wrist Watches, regular 165.00, now ,......., $41150
Boys' Watch bs, regular $100.00, now .'.$78.83
Boy' Watches, regular $75.00, now to9M
Boys' Watches, regular $45.00, now .( .., $30.25
Boys' Watches, regular $35.00, now , $27.83
rear I Necks. 18 Inches, regular $10.00, now .16.95
I'earl Necks, 0 Inches, regular 12.00, now ' $.7S
Pearl Necks, 21 Inches, regular $14.00, now ....,.$10.85
Everything Is for your disposal for the same reduced lirlcts. Can
you afford to overlook this offer 7 Come In ami look at It la all we ask.
; Hansoom'S Jeweliy Store
s:'irel Company Popular.
That the Fred Slcgcl Stock company,
which opened at the Oregon theatre
hist evening with "Fair and Warmer"
will prove popular with local playgo
ers was shown last evening. The well
known comedy was presented In a de
lightful manner by Mr. Siegel and his
cast. The company Is to play here
each Monday and Tuesday evening
and tonight plays 'Teg O' My Heart."
IWds Reduced Today.
A telegram received today by the
Simpson Auto Co. from tho Ford Mo
tor Co. at Detroit gives the Informa
tion that a reduction in tho price of
Fords was made and went into effect
today. The cut will range from $35
to $65, depending on the model. Par
ticulars were not Included in the tele
gram,, but the cut, was nallon-wlde.
Definite information on tbe amount
of reduction on each model is expect
ed within a Bhort time.
Tackle .
' Results
About that
t22. cat. for
Natatorlum VxHit Heady
The coming of summer weather has
created a lively Interest In tho open
ing of the swimming season In tho
Natatorlum. Opening of the place will
take place during the latter part of
this week, Councilman R. C. Lawrence
head of the council committee In
charge of the place says. The new high
dive has been completed and is all
ready for use. The painting and rcno.
ration of the building is not quite com
pleted, but If hot weather continues
the pool will be thrown open before
all of the outalde work Is finished.
Swcin" IMrt Into Streets
Because today was a holiday eight
Pendleton merchants escaped having
fines tacked onto them this morning
when they were caught by Street Com
mlssioner C A. Crabtree in the act of
sweeping dirt from the entrance way
of their stores onto the streets. The
city ordinance covering the matter
specifies that only dirt from the side
walk proper may be swept Into the
Slitter, and the eight men were detect
ed In the act of sweeping from the en
trance way. Judge Thomas Fits Ger
ald was In his office when the of
fenders were haled infTi court, but the
law clones his office so fur as judicial
work Is concerned, 6 he refused to
consider the cases, and with a warn-
The Better
Kind of
J tV' X 1 t-i
n I f . I
1 W lik
Wlif'ii VfMi art, ltiolciii" ;i llw'f: stork in t's von will ;iniirHi;il llirir ill IrartivoiH'SS.
.. j 0 - - j .... i i "
I but when you wear theiii you get COMFORT and SERVICE as well as appearance.
Prices right.
Children's Hose 25c
Wonien's Silk Hosiery $1.25 to $1.50
Jin mi i . i arw
r 1 in,. i i m ( i v j v. i
Comes in black only, sizes 5'- to 10. Medium
weight and a good wearing hose.
Children's Hose 45c, 65c
Comes in black, white and brown. '
Infants Hose 25c, 35c to S5c .
Comes in white and black of best quality lisle,
wool and silk and wool. ,
Offerpd in black, white and colors, high silk boot
with lisle knee, good fitting and wearing -stocking.
These stockings formerly sold for much more than
we're asking for them.
Women's Silk Hosiery $2.00 to 3.50
Big assortment of high grade silk hose in all the f
wanted shades, well fashioned for fit and wear.
Misses' Thread Silk Hosiery $1.50
Comes in black and white: These formerly sold
for $3.00 the pair.
" i J :
Infants and Children's Sox 25c to 75c
The warm days call for sox, keep the little one feet
cool by letting them wear sox, light and dark colors,
with contrasting colored tops.
x Women's Cotton Hose 25c to 40c
a Here in black and white.
Women's Lisle Hose 50c to 85c
Black, white and colors, sizes to 10.
Women's Out Size Lisle Hose 50c to 95c
Fine quality lisle hose in black, white and colors.
Women's Full Fashioned Lisle $1.25
$1.85 to $3.50
Women's Silk Top Union Suits $2.50 to $5
Bodice top in white and pink.
Women's Lisle Union Suits $1.50 to $3.50 1
Finest made, none better, they fit well and wear,
offered in white and flesh. , .
Summer Underwear for Women and Chil-
dren of the well know n makes 1
Munsingwear and Kayscr.
WOMEN'S LISLE VESTS 35c, 50c, 65c to $3.50 i
Offered in bodice top, band top, silk top, shell edge
top and the like. They are full length and big sizes.
'Of fine quality cotton and lisle, very cool, and
they fit well.
The underwear de luxe, it is so cool and comfort- f
able. It is a delight to wear Kayser silk underwear,-
mm n
-'.Bii Hi1 M
When you drink
Hilvilla you will
have the pleasure
of drinking a
; really fine tea
S Conies in black only, this is one of the finest and offered in vests, knickers, combinations, union suits,
5 best women's lisle hose. - ' envelopes, etc. Comes in pink and white. 5
I. Women's Lace Hose $2.00 CHILDREN'S UNION SUITS 85c, $l.oo
I Of finest quality silk lisle of beautiful lace de- Plain lace knee, also with button and strapped, 1
1 vsigns, black and brown. all sizes. . -
iTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii uiiiiiiimiiiuiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii in uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiuiir
ing, they were excused. No record of
the arrests waa made. ',
Heavy ltain Falls.
romliiK as a respite after- yester
day's heat, a heavy shower fell yes
terday afternoon in Pendleton and it
ia thought waa general throughout
the county. The fall was welcomed
by farmers who feared hot winds.
The totul waa .25 of an Inch. The
maximum today ia 76 with a minimum
of 60. The barometer, says Major !e
Moorhouse. registers 29.62. Kurly
tills morning a heavy thunder shower
occurred, the peals of thunder being
heard at a. m.
I'oimiH'iKt hiciit June V
Plans are being ''made for the St.
Joseph's Academy commencement
June 9. Thursday, at the Oregon the
atre. The exercises will be held at
2:80 p. m. and nlno students will re
ceive diplomas.
Election UriiiiiD Holiday.
On account of the Bpeclal election
today all the banks In the city were
closed. At the court house there was
no activity except In the sheriff's of
fice, and all courts wer closed.
POKTIAND. June ".(A. P.)
Based, on the reports of lighter voting
than- Was expected the Telegram this
afternoon revised Its early forecast on
the voting, saying the Indications were
that a Si to 30 percent vote would be
WASHINGTON, June 7 (U. P.)
Colonel George C. Richards will be
made head of the militia bureau, Sec
retary weeks has announced, ,
june 15th, last day
to Send application
for training camp
Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices
East Oregonian Printing Department. .
PHtTLAND, June 7. (U. P.l Ap
plications for admission to the citizens
training camp at Camp Lewis must be
in the hands of Major General Charles
H. Muir, commanding the ninth corps
area, at San Francisco, not 'later than
June 15th, It has been announced.
The tulle band and butterfly bnw
will be the hoaddreaa for evening
wear this summer Its soft loveliness
Is exceptionally becoming to the
youthful oval face The ba,nd shoulrt
be low at the forehead and follow a
straight line to he baclt. wher i
ends id the bow t
FOR B'T Modern bungalow fur
nished, to party paying three, mouths
In advance. Phone 1067.
Some Worthwhile
Best Quality Rubber Gloves, pair . . . 29c
3 pt. Aluminum Percolators, very special... $1.89
San Silk in a wide range of colors at, the ball. . . 4c
Paper Napkins, per thousand $1.45
Bathing Caps, large variety ef shapes and
designs at i 49c
Clarks Silk Gloves in white and black "at 54c
Ticnic and Market Baskets at just one-half price:
We have just received 144 collars and vestee sets,
formerly priced at 50c to $2.00 each, our special
price is, each 50c
It is always worth your while to nyike a
special effort to come here first, for your
saving is always worth note.
Pendleton, Oregon