3 Site- jMuu. SSSjtB VJ"iiJ(' 1 I- TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 4, 1921. 1 "Yes, We Have It New Parts for all Cars ALL OVER CALIFORNIA auto repair men have learned they will get this, re sponse to a call for a part-wio matter what part it is or for what' car from Patterson Parts, Inc., of San Francisco and Oakland, and now of this city, at 31 North Park Street G REDUCTION IDE N SELLING PRICES And what in more, the response, In followed by Immediate delivery. "Yes, we have It," I'ATTKKKON PARTS, I purl for all popular curs, i, by Its complete stock of Its service In procuring ob solete parts and its hasty delivery has earned the repu tation of huvlng "speeded up" tho entire replacement and repulr business in California. Motorists get their ears in a hurry bceauso there Is no delay In "waiting for parts"; .gurage men make more money by Increas ing their job turnover and at the same time they can ; cut their capital Investment by reducing their stocks of parts. Already many Oregon repair nun Inive availed them wives of Patu-rwm Vartx? rmx-hv at lung dls(aiit. , Now, with tlin llirtluntl liioinb fully established, tlie service is nsllublc to, all the garage and repair men in . the state of Oregon, and I'aiUrsuti I'iiiIk, In In a m sltkiti to do for Oregon ri'imlr nun exactly what It lias done for tlKise in California. Have your garage man cull on Patterson Parts, Inc., the next time he needs parts' for your cur. In addition to a large slock of parts -fer all popular makes of cars, Patterson Parts, Inc., carries an absolutely complete stock of JAHN'S Quality Light Weight PISTONS MUSKEGON Quality Step-Cut PISTON RINGS DOUBLE DIAMOND DIFFERENTIAL GEARS TURNER Heat-Treated AXLES MANN' Quality WRIST PINS MANN Fly Wheel Starter GEARS PIONEER " White Metal BEARINGS i McCORD Cylinder Head -GASKETS Valio Cage and tiiikrt-s llitHliliigs, Iteplaoeiiiciit I'arts PARTS CATALOGVK TO TI1K TRAIN? Patterson Parts . . INC. "NKW PARTS FOR AM, CARS" 31 North Park Mrm POKTLAM), OltlXiON l'HONK 1IROADVYAY 8017 Other Stores: 8AJi 29 (ioltlen Kate Ave., FRANCISCO, CAMP. SS22 Broadway OAKLAND, CALIF. WHAT MADE THE GIIAtl This Woman lay Lydia LPinkham'i Vegetable Compound Made Her - a New Womaa Cut Announced by Oregon Mo tor Garage, Local Dealers; Was, Effective June First. ' One of the biggest Items of. newf that has come to pass in Pendleton for muny a moon is tilt-announcement of the reduction In tne price of Bulck cars of all models. The reduction has already gone Into effect, June t hav ing been the date. The Bulckg are handled here by the Orgon Motor Garage. The reductions vary according to tho models and range from the least at U'70 on the five passenger' touring car. The greatest reduction is 86 which Is In effect on the four passenger coupe and the seven passenger sedan. On the three passenger roadster the new fccttlc of prices permits a purchase j ior juu less man tne price iuuhcim charged. The old price was 1 1795 and the new price is 11485. In the three passenger coupe the reduction Is for $4 50 from the old male of $2585 to the present price of $2135. ' All of the prices are f. o. b. factories. Flint. Mich. ' Pittsbureh. Pa, " Before staking Lvdia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com W ! pound I had bearing-- down pains in my sides, stomach and back so Daaiy mat i could hardly stand up. I was white and very mid anu nerv ous, had a roor appe tite and only weighed 112 nounds. I took ten bottles without! missing one dose and ave it a fair trial. When I finished the , last hnttle everyone asked me what! made the wonderful change in me. I Eg told them about Lydia L. Pmkham e g Vegetable Compound and I recommend 3 it wherever I can. I give you permis- g sion to publish this letter to help suffer- ing women as your remedies are a god- 3 send and made a new woman of me. 3 Mrs. F. A. Baker, 4749 Butler St, Pittsburgh, Pa. Why will women drag around day after day, suffering from backacnes, bearing-down pains, nervousness and "the blues." endurine a miserable ex istence when they have such evidence at the ahnve that I.vdia E. Pinkham s Veg etable Compound is a dependable rem edy for such troubles. For nearly forty years this grand old root and herb medi cine has been restoring the women 01 America to health and strength. 1limM!1illl!lt1!l!MiHlllMH.il!PI!MM'1'MM"'"'HHI'"Mi!Mirn'HMi'l.M..MIilHliMl.itM,,i..).,,.fI1t1MI Mtmim im.ii-.,, ,-," S''ltMliiiiIlK II.U.i.lilliH.HW.I.M.lll.lll. 3 3 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUK 3 3 AUTO PRICES ARE LOWER THAN IN PRE-WAR DAYS Are automobile tire; prices really low? A careful .analysis Indicate that they are lower than pre-war prices, and considering mileage, lower than at any previous time In history. When the B. P. Goodrich Rubber Company announced a reduction of 20 per cent a new price level for the sea ton of 1920 was established, bringing their prices down to a point 15 per cent below the pre-war schedule as represented by the 1913 level. According to Bradstreet's Index, general commodity prices have risen 23 per cent during this same period. It Is surprising, but nevertheless true, to find that In 1910 tire prices were 115 per cent higher than today. The lowest point in the history of tire prices was in 1915 and wa brought about through the Goodrich fair lint campaign against price In flation that had crept into the Industry at that time. This extreme low point was only 20 per cent below the present schedules. SINN FEIN LEADERS ENGINE DISTILLATE PUT ON MARKET BY ' STANDARD OIL CO. "SSnglne distillate for use In trac tors, motor boats and other similar in ternal combustion engines, has been placed on the market BKaln," an nounces R J. Vivian, special agent of the Standard Oil company at rcndle- ton. A large stock is being carried to cure for internal combustion engines which are equipped to use this pro duct. . . - In the past, engine distillate has proven quite satisfactory for special types of engines, and Its apeparance again on the market will mean a con siderable saving for tractor operators and owners of engine which can be adapted to this fuel. nuiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimnuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PHONE FIVE . FOR FUEL 1- 1 i J CASTLE GATE I EGG COAL a THE RIGHT SIZE FOR THIS WEATHER I CLEAN AND UNIFORM J B. L. BURROUGHS He Has It! liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJuiiiiiiiiii Guaran7ee Here's the password to the shop Where the cars of wise ones stop. We know a lot about vulcanising and tho curing of rubber; we ' understand how to get the bent results In welding. We understand every part of ybu'r car as well as a watchmaker understands a clock. If you want to keep your car from getting all run down, lot us in spect It at regular Intervals. . RUDY TANNLER BNV...e Car Day and Night Shop phone, 870 Residence 485-W 518 Willow BY CHAKXK8 McCANN, (flitted Press Staff Correspondent) LONIX'N, June 4 Government de termination to capture, try and pun ish Michael Collins, Klchard Mulcahy, iUchard iturgess and Austin Stack the quarter of Sinn Fein leaders sup posed to be" the llfo of the "war against England will not be permit ted to stand In the way of a settle ment of the Irish problem. Tho I'nlted Press was authorita tlvely -Informed today that If necessary the government, despite1 its previous insistence that it will not grant am nesty to Collins and the others be cause it is "Impossible to shake hands- with murder," will grant a pardon to them or to anyone else in the Irish movement.' This statement marked i complete change from the government attitude for the past year.i represented the of ficial view following the recent con ference of Sir James Craig with Pres ident DeValera of the "Irish Repub lic." Following the conference the gov ernment refrulned from Interference, and in Its anxiety not to hlndor a set tlement refused even to discuss It. It was recognized that DeValera. in seeking the Interview, knew Ulster would not concede anything more than the working of the new home- rule act which I'lster fought for years and accepted reluctantly when It rccontly passed Parliament. That he did so was believed to be a sign Sinn Fein might accept and work the home-rule bill, providing as It docs an Irish council In which, north and south would meet. , That .Craig, leader of tho Ulster Unionists who hate ISinn l-'eln and Catholicism and who threatened re bellion against England in 1914 if an attempt were made to pass and en force a home rule act, accepted De Valpra's offer was Interpreted to mean, first, that the southern uoycou of Ulster goods was hurting, and. sec ond, that I'lster wanted to. see xne ena of the- Irish "war," Craig, following the conference, was expectedly unyielding. DeAalera was unexpectedly ,eoncilllatory o one in authority has ventured to guess lust what it meant below the surface. The situation was that ireiunu, na turallv Is fed-no with warfare. The irnvnrnment is fed-UD Wtil Conduct ing it at tremendous cost to the heavi ly overtaxed people of England. 11 is hoped by the government that Sinn Fein, knowing the government's de termination to crush the rebellion, u, ready to work the act at the first step in what the government has promised will mean nn Ireland as free as pos sible. The government has held out many hopes, has practically promised fiscal autonomy, and has invited of fers from Sinn Fein. There has been one drawback; the government has insisted It will 'not grant amnesty to Collins ind others on the "blacklist." and Sinn Fein has said it could not and would not de sert them. This was removed by the statement that amnesty will be grant ed if necessary. The government hopes Collins may Jp killed previously, or that the end of the fight will corne. If not by direct negotiation, in a splil between moderates and extremists as a result of which Collins and the rest will be killed by Irishmen. But If necessary amnesty will be granted, and Collins and the others will walk to the gates of Dublin Cas tle the only safe way, as if they sur rendered to police or soldiers they probably would be "killed while at tempting to escape" and give them selves up to the government. utiiiiioii Goodrich AND Brunswick HAVE DROPPED IN PRICE 20 PER CENT. At the start of the motoring season you are enabled to purchased the best tires at an enormous saving. Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. 305 E. Court St Wholesale and Retail. WM. DUNN, Mgr. Phone 13S m..mintM,mimmii.mm'iii.mwm'""'n.-3 liiuiaiairtiaaaimatiuiimiaiaaiiioiMiiiawiii'i ilEfi OF UNEMPLOYED INCREASE IN IRELAND DUBLIN", , June 4. (A. P.) A great Increase In unemployment in Ireland Is shown by official reports. The nsmberof people registered at the labor exchanges, which does not in clude workers, on short time, has risen to 118.2S5. Belfast Is worst off with 2S.434 un employed as against 15,291 In Dublin, nnd 10.D22 in Cork. Over 100.000 are drawing unemployment benefit. The hurdest hit industry Is linen In -Bel fast. In Dublin the trouble is mostly due to a dispute in the building trades. Thomas Johnston, secretary of the Irish labor party, estimates that there are not less than 15,000 agricultural workers and road-menders out of work as a result of the military sltua tion. Hll lt IXK OAKS SAN FHANC1SCO, June 4. (A. P.) Oakland mnde it four straight vie tories over Portland yesterday by landing on Plllette for eight hits and five runs in tho eighth inning, the fi nal score being 7 to 4. Winn pitched a good game for the Oaks until the fhinal Inning, when the Heavers touched him up for six hits, scoring four runs. Hotel Sutter SAX FRANCISCO Not merely a Hotel, but an In stitution Founded on These Principles POPILAH I'UICKS. SEKYICH COIKTKSY. fJcorce Warren Hooper, Mgr. JHICHESTCR S PIL1 & THE DIAMOND BRA .MX M4Ul AsA yenr vnuiM tor Cbl-efatrf Dimwfmd Hrum4, Pills la Ut-4 ami ttold mewlUt? bore. Mid with Blue Ribboa. Taka other. Bnv mt map 0ilAMHI BRAND FILLS, fc, g Vom.A row ctsiitiom A Pr oai-atlon. "f COMPOUND COPAIBA and CUBEBS AT.YOUR DPUGG1ST A. fcr PT HAW K ONLY " tubtiuo. If You Use GATES TIRES You Have No Tire Trouble Gertson & Marty 639 Cottonwood Street .Phone SS5 FAIR PRICE ALTA SUNDAY AM MONDAY 1 i ''' - v -r-sA fit . I ' BtBE OANlELSi C0ULDNT V4ELP IT T IK There is plenty' of truth in the old saying you usually get just what you pay for." If therefore, you buy the "cheapest" tire you 'prob ably will get just that much less quality and service. 8edera TIRES are not the cheapest in price, but the recent reduction makes them exceptionally low in cost when you consider their splendid quality and the unusual service which we know they will give you. Rugged, Cord and Traffik Treads in all standard sizes. Ask u for the new low prices. FAGS KT33 1 ; i I 1 s 1 s - i J J if ! 1. s I t : , f J