PACF. THUES DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATUEDAV EVENING, JUNE 4, 1921 , ' ' 11 " -" ' --" TWELVE PAGES .nMinu m.LiriiiMm.i.imm.M.llM.mii.ri.1 iii in in ' .iiii.rrii.iiii train. .riii..iii....r.r.iiii... News Notes of Pendleton , CALKVDAR OH EVENTS Annual Pioneer Picnic. ' Junt 14, It, 1 Stalt eon vantlon of th O. A. R. June H.Auguit I Bummtr Normal School. July 10 to ie Kllluon-Whlte Chautauqua. September J 2. S, 24 Annual Pendleton Round -Up. ' Want Carnival JUI1. All firms" or Individual who have bill for work or material furnished for the MerchantiT and Manufaetiir. er' Carnival should preent thee bill at the office of the Commercial Ao. olntlnn nnleklv a DOHSlble. A re quest to thin effect wan made this morning. The committee In charge of the carnival desire to make a state ment of the expense bo that the coat Name Ta SngBCWd. From Vale, Oregon, cornea the ng ' VestJon that Cabbage Hill be called Mt. Kvergreen or Pine Creat. Mr. W. L. Hutlon, formerly of thla city. end the auggeatlon. of the big event may be apportioned to the exhibitor. Ho W f iirriH-t, The other day Walter Tred Thomp, Hon who ealt he came here from Sa lem, waa arrested by the police after . j hakriii mnnl nl. a re- ne nau tB .. i - - , taurant and then refUHed to pay kin ...M the officer tnai mry could not arrest him because he wa H uild he had been In the i.,.,linl tnr treatment at BBiem miu that he waa on hla way to Washington, r. f . hod "Imnortant bul- ,,.. tn transact. An inven tion waa made to verify hla statement. K..1 h. hnimtml authorltie at naiem ...... ,,,,i.i. n Hive any Information - rhia mnmlna he was or ,.ii uiw iiinii. - in the state hospital examination disclosed that he waa mentally ineomiieieiH, I...M.UM CHritlm Cut- Ilin,a,' - - . Of Interest to many local people i . ..nnri that ha been discussed from .iinn-inir that a cut ha been ali. in the surnlu fund of the Pa clflc State Fire lnurance company oy ....miner who recently concluded their semi-annual examination of the book of the company. The assets are shown to be $81J,77 with liabilities at 1892.980 and a paid-up capital stock of 300,000. The surplus am ounted to $211,606. The examiners reduced the values on real estate, bond and other asset to n cash husis r.t u..,,rnvi.i,iiv 194 oin Miinv Ifrnatllla county people have stock In the company, The report mat wa i mwi.A in,ii,'nt, Hint liMsn have been normnl during the past five yeor but that the expense rule nuve iwn cesaivo. Tli..v'n A fit-, f.luti ' ' Frank Kincald, proprietor or tne Beehive, accompanied by nis uromer in. law ltnv ItnurnHn of Davton. Wnsh Ingtnn, will leave Sunday morning lor the John Day country where they ex i. mnnnA a week' vacation. They will fish at Erst Lake, and Frank is promising to bring back eimiign nxn to stock his friends' larders. A -101-101 ioi-ioiioi-ioi-ioi 1Q1-1Q1-: MOST PEOPLE DESIRE A Canning Berry THAT REMAINS A DEEP, RICH RED. We are depending on these berries, The Hood River Variety, from the Whit Salmon District again this year. It will be several days before these berries are on the market in large quantities. "WASTE LESS BUY THE BEST" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. 301 East Court Street Phone 101, Private Exchange Connects Both Departments. -ioi-ioi-i6i-ioi-ioi-ioii-ioi-ioi-ioi r vl.lnnpil U'n.,1 Today a .itpinaii nf renrcsnwiiic in mm .,11.. . .hlnnnl tOliBV from nki rinrv hv K. O. Warner. The shipment was made to Boston by way of Portland from where the water ,. h. The Warner wool i. MMinii1 an one of the choice ll. ITmntilln millltV flnd I OP of the lots that waa not offered at the ouctlon which wag held at l'liot noc Wednesday. Some samples were n display. 1 lu, t,n in P.mi IMP ' Harold Hatton, of thl city, will be . .hi.r nf the Multnomah Club swimming team which will meet the t-niu.raiiv nf Oreaon In the dual met to be held In the Winged M. tank next a.tnnv June 11. Hatton was cho sen by Jack Cody, swlmlng Instructor. Another member of the team Is Colly Wheeler, who spent a sumyniT in ren dleton and who la well known nere. For the Graduate Now is the time to take advantage of this 'immense stock of jewelry and all gifts for the girl and boy grad uate make your money go as far as it will. That is why we are offering you these wonderful values. A FEW SUGGESTIONS Wrlsl Watches, regular $30.00, now .....J $18.85 Wrist Watches, regular 126.00, now $15.85 Wrist Watch, regular 120.00, now $14.55 Wrist Watches, regular 140.00, now $27 .85 Wrist Watches, regular 8S.00, now $48 50 Boys' Watchas, regular 1100.00. now $78.85 Boya Watches, regular $75.00. now $58.85 Boya' Watchos, regular $45.00, now , $36.25 Boy" Watches, regular $35.00, now $27.85 T NON-IESTRrCTABU3 PEARLS Pearl Neck. 13 Inches, regular $10.00, now ...j.... $8.85 pearl Necks. 10 Inches, regular 12.00. now 88.T5 Pearl Necks, 24 Inches, regular $14.00, now ,.$10.85 Everything Is for your disposal for the same reduced prices. Can you afford to overlook thla offerT Coma tn and look at It la all we ask. Hanscom'S Jewelry Store BUY. AT HOME OITALITV SERVICE. PEKMJETON'S IFAMNO TORE BUY AT HOME s Here are values that remind you or shopping days several years ago. Here you'll get quality goods priced at about what you want to pay. lmihi s,n 'Piwntaflnn. The nreaentatlon of the Lantern Cup to Jen TerJeon last evening is the fourth presentation or a cup unaer Lantern- auspices In the history of the high school. The first winner was Misa Helen Nelson, the second, Ned Strahorn and the third. Miss Helen Idleman. All are now students at Uni versity of Oregon. IHllM-raJ is Held. The funeral of the late Frank Rog er was held today from the Metho dist church with Rev. John Becor, pastor, officiating. Mr. Rogers was a prominent Umatilla county citizen and the fforul tributes were many and beautiful. Mrs. Froome Die Mrs. Ollie Froofne, mother of Mrs. Robert Niigler, formerly of this city, died on Thursday at Seattle. The funeral was held yesterday. She was a sister of Mrs. Z. K. Finch of this city and an aunt of Page Finch. George Davidson Diea Ueorge W. Davidson, of Weston, died today at the, age of $4, according to word just received here. Funeral services will be held In Weston to morrow at I p. m. and Interment will be at the Helix cemetery. June 12 Ih Bate Member of the Rod and Gun CIUD ore anticipating a shoot on Sunday, June 12. A number of prises will be given and the event promises to th most Interesting. A new trap has beci. Installed at the grounds. The porcnes at the .rear of th new club house af ford an excellent view of the traps. Mm Partner In linn The Rrown Undertaking Parlors will In future be known as Brown & Brady. John F. Brady, of Missoula, Montana, an undertaker of 24 years experience, arrived here today and is now In partnership with J. T. Brown, who has been In business here for the past nine years. Mr. Brown and. Mr. Brady contemplate Improvements in the undertaking establishment on Main street. Fishing Tackle That Brings Results - How About that Winchester T22. cal. for sr Squirrels? 3 IS ATTENDING PICNIC Three 'Grandmas' of County Being Honored; Grandmas Hartman, Mays and Nelson. (East Oregonlan Special.) WESTON, June 4. A record break ing crowd is attending the big- annual Pioneer Picnic here today. There ore LUCl :iQARETTI A new size package ! Ten for 10c. Very convenient. Dealers carry both; 10forl0c;20for20c. It's toasted. ' The Undergarment that flattens the back while it beautifies and slenderizes THE CIRCLET encircles the figure Xo piiiiliil ilrwrlrtlni rail muke voti feel that iiiHlMant "fit up hiralKlit K" Hint the mere trying mi of a ( In li-t will. The very way it Is maile given the figure fin- while It n-Mi. nil the iiiiim-Ii-h of tlx-iHick. The Circlet is a Gever New Undergarment With a Dozen Comforts Think 'f n uiidergartneiit without a h(Mik nor eye lo give way. Xo TMHwIhilily f clipping rfioiilder-Htrapx. c lilklng "P "vi-r the iir t. THE CIRCLET The Circlet is here in such dainty materials it may be worn without a camisole. Our Corset Shop is making a special showing of Circlets.- $1.50 to $5.00. Do Not Fail To See It! No. 4501 Heavy, pink, silk Jersey, daintily fin ' ished with hemstitching. Sizes 34 to 43 $4.50. i i rA$ ' ' Ye) -A w-- Finest Quality Imported Organdie 510 & W0MAN,S modern .undercarment 8 in whIp. verv sheer, ner-' O wu- mi - Full 48 in. wide, very sheer, per-; manent silk finish and launders well. As you know organdie dress-1' es are so very popular this seasonj This organdie offered in shades of primrose, orchid, rose and copen. Buy your dress now and make up for the warm days to come. Dress Ginghams 19c, 25c, 35c, 79c Offered in a wide range of color ings, of plaids, stripes, checks and plain colors. Buy your dress Ging hams at this store, where you get quality ginghams at low prices. Fairy Sun Silk The new silk for sport clothes, offered in a good range of shades, such as turquoise, rose, Belgian, onH wViiro Tr. is 40 in. wide of erood firm tex- ture, does not stretch and easy to work with, washes like linen and wears JiKe iron, maxe up a sun, coat or skirt of this fine silk. Yooj can obtain Futurist, exqui sitely made and 6oft-fitting for under'the'corset wear, in a wide range of materials. These dainty garments combine comfort and vogue. See Futurist on display in our Knit Underwear Department $1.85 to $3.50 IP' J FY 5 E Colored Hdkf, Lnen $2.00 Yard Jiist received a few good shades of this . fine handkerchief linen, such as pink, blue, rose and green. It is full 36 in. wide. Cuts to good advant age for handkerchiefs and blouses, and priced at $2.00 yard. Crepe De Chine $1.65 and S1.75 Yd. Full 40 in. wide for dresses and blouses in a big range of colors. Do your sewing now for the sum- mer. Buy two or tnree waisi lenguis oi una iuic s rronp rip fhinp. S Or SKII I UJ. Wlia xuic on". i w..- w - 5iHiiiiiHHiuiimiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuii uiiiiiiiHiiiiiHiiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiuiiiiMimill s s 3 hundred of visitor who are taking advantage of the perfect gather. A light Bhowcr fell last night, true to the tradition "It alwara rain at the Pio neer Picnic." Not once in the past 29 year ha there failed lo be, aome rain on this occasion. , .Three "grandmas" of Umatilla coun ty are receiving honors today. They are Grandma Hartman. of Pendleton, Grandma Maya of Athena and Grand ma Nelson, of Weston. The .three were escorted to the platform and a poem, written hy.Miss Butler, In praise of Mrs. Mays, waB read. Following la today's program: Music. . .Payant' Orchestra of Weston "America" Audience Invocation ...... Rev. A. J. Starmer Chorus Etude Club of Athena Selection Orchestra Music... The Fletchers, of Pendleton (at Sextette from "Lucia." (b) Selection from "II Trava tore." Selection (Octette) Members of the Etude Club, Athena Address Rev. Alfred Lockwood of Tendleton . l:SOP. M. (fctttire Program by Whitman Con Bervatory of Music.) Group I The Hunt Hulm Ping a Song of Sixpence ..... .Barnctt Chorus The Little Grey Dove .....Soar The China Shop .Chadwlck V Quartet Humorous Reading . . . .Florence Day Solo, "A Birthday Woodman Emily Shot well Little Orphan Annie Thomas Slumber Song , Brahms Chorus ;roui rr Piano Solo. Valse d' Concert, op. 3 Wleiilawskl Margaret Sayre Dance "Goodbye Summer" Georgia Jesseph Violin Solo, Hungarian Dance Hae seho Jessie ' Maxfield Von Hindenburg With Germany's Industrial King j...,, ' -' iii i m "1ubt t..a- Hfci liinmnrHHim-n-iiiiilinri ... . . . . , r - '...l.l n..irah..l nf Ihi. ..... ,, ived fioni Gennanv. nhows von uinaennurg -triiiwfc mrim - This picture. Just recelyed r.oni i.e n ai lm,s,rv. uao Stinnw. and Mrs Silnm-B The famr German army, in conforence w array conunanOer atill has hope f' the oid regiiue-anJ won't diavurd lei Kiiit"'i'ia vnifori Peer Gynt Sintc Grieg Whitman HTiin.. Clmrus ! (Election of TOf fleers. Pioneer; As sruciation.j 3:00 p. m., buseball, Athena vs. Wes. ton. 3:00 p. m., and 7:30 p. m. Moving Pictures at Memorial Hall. 4:30 p. m. Street Sports and Races. 8:30 P. m. Dancing at Legion Hall, aUHptces Weston B. B. Team. Reunion accompanist, Mrs. Lylo Webb. QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonable Prices ri:iniLi.KH plant p.prs TACO.MA, June 4. (U. )P.) A spectacular fire of unknow origin de stroyed the fertilizer plant of the Ma rine Products company. The esti mated loss is IlOO.U'.Hi, partly covered by insurance. Tj Show Up U. S. Daredevils. L .ga,, ,1.1 .! Wll.l- ,,,. NB.lifol MM''''! ttl''tWl' ' A Prenchnran ha come to America to show up American daredevil. He I 'Mai-," privately known aa Morton St. Clair, one of whose siunu W snown but coauguig hi clothe on tha uppa viC of fto" , Some Worthwhile Values . 29c $1.89 .. 4c $1.45 Best Quality Rubber Gloves, pair .......... 3 pt. Aluminum Percolators, very special. . . San Silk in a wide range of colors at, the ball Paper, Napkins, per thousand Bathing; Caps, large variety of shapes and designs at 49c Clarks Silk Gloves in white and black at 54c Picnic and Market Baskets at just one-half price. We have just received 144 collars and vestee sets, formerly priced at 50c to $2.00 each, our special ' price is, each 50c It is always worth your while to make a special effort to come here first, for your saving is always worth note. The BEE HIVE Pendleton, Oregon