FACS TWELVE DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OBEGGN, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 4, 1021. TWELVE PAGES DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports Wheat IVmlitclbin In India Itekiw Normal. WASHINGTON. Jim 4 (A. P.) According 1o advices to the depart ment of agriculture from lhe Interna ilonnl Institute nf Agriculture at Homo. the proportion of wheat In India l estimated ! the Institute nl SS!l,nM.on hush 'hi, f 9. per twill Of tin- 1S20 production anil T3.2 per ceril of the nvtrairii for the prwed tng five ycnr. The 1SS1 cultivated area of wheat In Kurie and North Africa for which Mtji'lMlrH were available anil repre tentUifc 1 per cent of the world' imi'alile production, whs given as 4",'i S (Mid a.-res, or per rent ol lie nn lor Hit. The-1921 rultiu-.t-fil aieu of rye In Ihe name countrb Wiir Riven as 15.IlS.Ant) acres, or 9R.1 per cent of Ihe area of rye lor lSJft. Iral ally Europe wore report ml as gener-fccod. I'nwrii Credits Halts I'Hu'AOil, June 4. (A. P.)- The I'efiatlon process In business la still far fiom complete, according to it re-J I port to the National Electric. I Jtcnt ; Association convention todav The report ran submitted by a committee' henled by Sidney Z. Mitchell, of New' YorK. 'The slowness of recovery In the! financial conditions la due primarily to enormous amount of banking funds tied up In froien credits and by the I runner enormous demand Tor money for our KOvernmentV Ireasury bills, by bund reds of millions in foreign loan which are being floated here, by the great investment demand for gutions and to satisfy the most press lug pent up dem.i.'ids for housing an I corporate construction," the report declared. Declaring that Ihe committee fell that It was nationally Important that 'young men should start their bus! ilea life with correct Information anil ideals of the public service corpora lions, and the people," It was recam n.tuled that the association put Into life,! a plan to place before student In universities and colleges correct informatics as lo public service and private ownership. t'rop conditions In western and cen-monev to meet Inrr mnH n. Is jour Dollar Mive? The Insy dollar la much like the lazy man. it does not earn anything over lis own keep, becomes detriment al, liability rather than an asset. Keep your dollars active by dcpo:m thtn In Ibis wrong haiik where the;- will bo kept 111 circulation and very busy, as well fc yieldiug you Interest. Vour avouut is Invited. t TKp IllVi UUUlVUllllUllVIMIIlUUk 1 Pendleton. Oregon. 'Strangest Sank in Gastern CViegOtt c Tur Delivery Regular ice delivery will start Tuesday, - June 1st Call 178 for an ice card or stop our drivers and ask for a card from them. We invite criticism. , Kindly report any inattention of our drivers lo the office. Phone 178 Smythe-Lonergan Co. - Quantity Service Quality GET READY FOR THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME Preserve your Health Protect Your Family, buy them an sKan Ala Refrigerators This refrigerator la seamless, porcelain lined, used In over a million and a half homes In America. The materials used In the Alaskan are aeven walla of Insulation, overhead circulation sys tem, cork filled and equipped with removable, rust proof wire helves. No. 620, ice capacity 35 pounds No. 621, ice capacity 45 pounds No. 622, ice capacity 60 pounds No. 623, ice capacity, 100 pounds ... Other styles moderately priced. ..$24.75 .$30.00 $36.00 ..$41.75 Cruikshank & Hampton "Quality Counts" 124-28 E. Webb Phone 548 i Tour Old t-Vrnlture Taken la Ki change a Part Payment on New EscJudta Agent fat Pendleton for aerutux' (No Whip) Puecti Blukim PITCH KHS IN F.I-THCTIVK l.OS A.N'GKl.KS, June . (A. P ) I.os Angeles defeated Vernon 7 to 1 yesterduy. .os AtiRele.s knocked Me. Oraw out of the box in the second In ninir. l.ove who replaced him wiis ineffective and was taken out to make room ror Schneider, who pitched tho remainder of the pme. Schneider walked eieht men. In the first IiiiiIiik f.os Angeles made three runa on three siiiKles, a double and an error. The Tigers could not hit Crundall. lnniifa(1iircrs Are ' lluylne lyess VhI BDSTOX, June 4. (A. p.) The Commercial Bulletin says: The wool market la quieter, ninny manufacturers apparently having covered their immediate requirements and finding no necessity for further buying of moment, although the goods market is reported In a healthy condition and the mills are well occu pied. Buying la rather more general in the West and values are very firm on about the levels of a week ago. Comparatively little ia being done in the bright wool states. ' Scoured bases Oregon-Eastern N'o. 1 staple, 78r80; Eastern clothing S3 T68: valley. No. 1, 65J70; fine staple choice, SOirasr,; 1-2 blood combing 70 W72; 3-8 blood combinff 48I52; 1-1 blood combing 38i42: fine and fine medium, clothing 60i63. Pulled-Delaine, 8590; AA 75 iffSS; A Supers, SOW 70. . Mohair Best combing 27SJS0; best carding, 2225. Business Conditions Work Toward Sounder Basis NEW YORK. June . (A. P.) Dun's report says: Another month has passed wlthou general recovery in business, but con ditions are steadily working toward a stronger and sounder basis. Changes essential to revival have 'long been In progress, and there Is hope that a more decisive turn for the better will be wit nessed after the ending of summer. With special causes for hesitation, the present situation is marked by waiting in many Quarters, the disposition being to defer important action until neces sary readjustments have been extend ed. While exceptions to this policy ap pear in certain Instances where liqui dation has seemingly been completed, the attitude of most buyers is reflect ed in their persistent disinclination to operate beyond Immediate require ments, future price consideration being a factor. That the yielding in some commodities has been checked is evi denced by one smaller number of de clines in Dun's list of wholesale quo tations, but the prospect of additional recessions is assigned as a reason for the withholding of demands in not a few lines and this phase is still promi nent in the great iron and steel indus try. Weekly bank clearings, tr,70S, 52.1.331. Tight Moncj llrings Keiluciiig Prices NEW YORK, June 4. (A. P.) Liquidation and short selling effected further price impairment in the stock market yesterday. Standard shares lost one to five points, while specula tive Issues fared even worse. Pressure accumulated through tight money, indications of trade depression and further dividend omissions. Chief among these were Cuba Cane sugar, preferred, and Armour Leather, pre ferred, while International Harvester announced a cut in the common divi dend. The Cuba Cane dividend action evi dently came as a surprise. The stock sustained an extreme loss of 13 points on heavy offerings which included a block of 4000 shares. Other sugar shares were extremely weak, as,were many food stocks, mo tor subsidaries, cheaper oils, chemi cals and shipping. Ralls were dull and irregular. Weakness ruled at the close on a turnover of 635,000 shares. Call loans opened and renewed Into next week at 7 1-2 per cent, a quota tion that prevailed throughout the ses. sion. Rates for time funds were unal tered, hut supply diminished. The heaviness of foreign exchange, particular sterling, was associated with selling from London on rejection by British coal miners of the govern ment's proposals. German and Greek remittances alone showed comparative strength. OUTBURSTS OF EVEJRETf TR UE BUY A KtH-Ul MOVCC, ilvji IT Hirte jb.iiH3 Lts-lfc tWMCJ NOW A DAY. ft I 1. . T 1 a pay ... y- rs I T U V II CCM3 NOW fi. lAvfi! Ny . "CO MeS NIOUJ r QOES MOW "SVVr-l The chief feature of the bond mar-morrow. It Is a crisis like this that ket was a rallv in liberty 314s. These closed at 87.90, a net gain of slightly than one point and almost two points nbove yesterday's low record or Kb. Other liberty issues showed mixed gains and loss and the general bond list was irregular. Total sales, par value, $14,675,000. Slower Export Demand Lowers wheat Price CHICAGO. June 4. (A, P.) Sharp setbacks in the price of wheat took place yesterday after the market had touched new high record quota tions for the July delivery. Slowing down of export business counted as a bearish factor, and so. too did ideal weather conditions. The finish was heavy at 3 V, to 3 c net. decline, with July $1.37 to $1.3714. Corn lost 1 to 2c, and oats to lc. In provisions, 'he outcome varied from 2c declined to 5c advance. Wheat values began lo break as soon as the opening figures were posted showing that the season's high price record had again been outdone. It was said that large offerings to Europe overnight had not been accept ed, and that Italy would need only 40, 000,000 bushels of wheat this season as agnlnst ll'')00,000 bushels Import ed last season. , Some eastern buying on the declines caused one decided rally, but the effect was more than counterbalanced later as a result of arrangements to start trading In the September delivery here without delay. Corn and oats were depressed by a renewal of large receipts of corn. The arrivals of corn were estimated to total 700 cars. Provisions averaged a little lower in sympathy with grain and hogs. trios the mettle of man, Ernie,. It the Offiscat follow you on your vacation. (Adv.) j One of Ihe most sound cures we have hiMid of is one for deaf and dumb people. (Portland Contribut or.) Pome folks believe themselves ac complished musicians who have only learned to change needles on a phono graph. . We tote1 that J. C. Penney yester day offVred through the columns of the E. O. "slippers and shoes for chil dren with leather or rubber soles." Oh, for the flexibility of childhood! Boss to stenographer How do you spell "income"? You've got it "l-n-c-u-m." Stenographer Good heat-ens! How did I come to leave out the "'b"? A Chlcngo man, who recently was declared a bankrupt, blames prohi bition for his failure. He formerly operated a home for Inebriates, I.AllOllKIt IS DIX'.VPITATED. ST. HELENS, Ore., June 4. (U. P.) Caught in a loop of a blackened high line cable, H. Hamon of Portland was decapitated when the cable tight ened. He was employed at a camp on the Kerry railroad, near here. J. C. Penney Co.. A Nation-Wide Institution The Penney Store Saves You Money Every Day Not just a few especially low prices ' now and then but the lowest possible prices al ways that the largest chain store organiza tion and specialized merchandising methods can produce is the every day program of Pen ney stores. It will pay you to pay cash here. Clark's Sewing Cotton, 150 yd. spool ..... 5c Coats Crochet Cotton . . . . ; ............ i 10c ' Shoe Laces, black or brown, 2 pairs ...... 5c The best Laces, round or flat, mercerized ' black, brown, white, all lengths to 81 inches . ............. ................ 5c Black Shinola Shoe Polish 5c 2-in-l Polish, brown and oxblood ........ 10c 2- in-l White Cleaner ? .....10c . Liberty White, the best cleaner for kid shoes, gloves, etc. 19c - Gilt Edge Shoe Polish 19c Trimming Beads, bottle 8c, 15c Clarks 0. N. T. Darning Cotton, 2 spools. 5c Dr. Parkers Hose supporters, pair...... 39c Hickory Garters, the best for children, white or black, all sizes, pair 19c Steins Hickory Elastic, best quality, white or black,' 14 inch; yard 6c! 3-8 inch, yard 7c; 1-2 inch, yard 8c ; 1 inch, yard 15c. Hair Pins, package 2c, 5c, 8c, 10c, 15c Bone Hair Pins 8c, 15c Duro-Belle Hair Nets, each ....... . . . ... 10c Kid Curlers, bunch 8c West Electric Hair Curlers, card of 5 .... 23c Crochet Hooks, each t. .......... . 5c, 8c Best Quality Safety Pins, all sizes ....... 8c Common Pins, 2 packages . , 5c Best Quality Pins, large package .... 5c, 8c Trimming Braids, package 8c, 15c Cotton Tape, roll 4c Lingerie Braid, bolt 8c, 10c , Hooks and Eyes, card 5c, 8c Society Sport Veils 5c, 10c Face Chamois, each 15c Tooth Brushes ; ..... 10c, 19c, 25c Propholactic Tooth Brushes 33c Hand Brushes '. . .... 10c Keepclean Hair Brushes 49c 3- in-l Oil, bottle ..13c Lead Pencils 2 for 5c and 5c each Carter's Library Paste, bottle 8c Le Page's Liquid Glue, tube or bottle . . . . . 15c W wXtl DEPARTMENT STORES OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS 3 BUICK miitmeSaifictioa 6 The Offiscat understands that Mar shall Spell appreciated honorable mention In these colyums but he hasn't been around with the segars. . To lie. Or Not lo He. Today is one of great decision for Ernest Dohnert. It Is practically Im possible for the young man to deckle whether to be a guest at the Peoples Warehouse picnic or a host at the American Vational bank outing to THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley A STRAN6E GOAT MAI) WAlSHCD THC rOUSJ BUSMfcS Of MNOCUOMS HE MAP PiCkEC o win - CjyUfCK'S twenty-year service record U indicates that in Buick there is an ex traordinary transportation value. Ownership of a 1921 Buick will bring to you this sure personal transportation value with the added roominess and beauty that have been designed in the new models. Let us demonstrate how handy the rriech anism. how easy the car operates, how powerful it is in taking hills. Wherever you travel you will find Author ized Buick Service. Since January 1, res cn all models includes equipment If If Cord Tires VsV SL Oregon Motor Garage, Inc. Phone 4G8 119. 121 W. Court ; WHEN BETim AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM 9