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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1921)
T3BN PAGES' DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 2, 1021. PAGE TIKES ..News Notes of Pendleton jijtiiiiiimNiiiiiimmmiiiMiiiiiiiiiiimiiimimMMW CALENDAR OP EVENTS . six-club golf tournament to b played here Saturday and Bun- day May :-2. May 11, June J and 2 Stat convention of Oregon Federation of Women cluba. ( June S and 4 Twenty-ninth Annual 1'loneer Picnic. ' June H, is, Usuta con- ventlon of the 0. A. n. r June 27-Auguat I Summer Normal School. July 10 to 1 Elllnon-Whlta Chuutaunua. September 22. 23. 24 Annual Pendleton Hound-Up. Estimate cm Matlock llridgc. There are approximately 700 8niare yards of surface on the Matlock bridge that should be given a double coatlnK of crushed rock and a finishing cush lon, C. P. A. Lonergun, representa tive of the Warren Construction Co. reported '- the city council last night. T cost will be 11.40 a yard, be re ported. The matter wue referred to the street committee for a recommen dation nt the next meeting. The bridge hue been needing attention for soverul months, but the council has deferred repair work In the hope tliut costs would Iks lower. Forty Men At Work Forty men are ut work on the Pendleton-Pasco N. P. railroad truck thin week. They are making necessary re pairs. , ' t Funeral Held The funcrul of the lato James If. Al drlch, futhcr of K. I. Aldrlch of this city, was held this afternoon In Port land from the conservatory chapel of the East gldo funeral directors. Mr. Aldrlch, who was called to. Portland by the death of his father Is expected home tomorrow morning. ' Hurry (irody on the Job Since he ran a train through East ern Kansas and stopped one day so his passengers could see a mnn hung by the side of the railroad track, Harry Grady has had the habit of getting on whatever Job he was doing and stick ing to It. His old habit Is still with him for he is handling the railroad boy's club room now and he Is an Ideal host. When he was looking over the -101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 School Boy Peanut Butter . Delightful for lunches on hot (lavs. THREE SIZES 1 pound ......... 25c 2 Impounds '. 65c .5 pounds -. . . $1.25 ASK FOR SCHOOL BOY l Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. 301 East Court Street . Phone 101, Private Exchange Connects Both Departments. . I -1U11U1 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 v premises us a starter he turned on the hot wnjer In the shower liath depart ment and not being familiar with the mechanism of the place could not shut off the hot water. The Interior of the club Jiouse soon resembled Dr. Phy's steam bath room at Hot iUke and finally Mr. Grady called the flro dc-. purtment to turn off the hot fluid which was making everybody sweut. I-u Grande Observer. Recovers After Injur)'. T. lackson, the colored man who suffered a broken Jaw about a mi r.ti. ago when he lost control of a Wcycle l.e wa riding down mo hill !iorth cf the ri.-er on Main street at.1 am'shad ItUo a big truck, has so far recovered that he is able to be out again. His Juw'Ih In a cast and Infection was fear ed for- a time but that danger hns passed. i 35Z23 French ItCMtnuraiit Not Sold Denial that the VreniT. restaurant hag been sold was mude today by Hon- buch Pros., proprietors of the concern Negotiations were carried on with s stranger who was here the first half of the week, but after telling a num ber of people that he had purchased the place, he packed his luggage and quietly left Pendleton. Hmilli Owned lYiullrton House, Information received In a letter from private sources In Belllngham, Wash., give the Information that J. C. Smith, who recently shot his wife and then turned the gun on himself and In flicted injuries that resulted In his death, owned property here and bad planned to bring his wife back to Pond-oton to live. He was at one time ftniployed by Tom Boylen on hi ranch. For the Graduate Now is the time to take advantage of this immense stock of jewelry and all gifts for the girl and boy grad uate make your money go as far as it will. That is why we are offering you these wonderful values. A FEW SUGGESTIONS Wrist f Wrist Wrist Wrist Wrist ' Boys Boya" Boya' Boya' Watches, regular 230.00, now Watches, regular S2G.00, now ... Watch-s. regular $20.00, now . Watches, regular J49.00, now . Watches, regular ISO. 00, now . Watch regular 1 100.00, now Watchs, regular 175.00, now , Watches, regular 4C00, now . Watches, regular 135.00, now . . ....$18.85 . ...fl3.HA ...$14.31 ,...$27.5 . ...$t50 .t..$7$.8.1 ... S&M5 .,'..$36.25 ,...$27.83 NO-IESTni'CTAIHd3 PEARIjS rear I Necks, 18 Inches, regular $10.00, now $0.93 Pearl Necks, 0 Inches, regular 12.00, now $a.7-1 Pearl Necks, t inches, regular $14.00, now .$IU.3 . Everything Is for your disposal for tlto same reduced prices. Can you afford to overlook this offer? Come In and look at It Is all we ask. Item's Jewelry Store Have Name Suggestions. In response to the Invitation of Judge I. M. Schannep to I'lflatilla county people to submit napies that might be more suitable as a designa tion of Cabbage Hill than the present name, Mrs. Joseph Wurzer has sub mitted the following: Scenic Hill or !rade. Panorama, Bird's Eye and Skyline. Many suggestions have been made, and the suggestion of the coun ty Judge has caused a great deal of discussion, some of which Indicates that a change of name would be fit ting, and others express a desire to re tain the old name. BUY AT HOME QUALITY SERVICE. BUY AT HOME . PENDLETON'S LEADING TORE THE MAN STORE Sports Wear ' '.111' IS' Kv Fishing Tackle That Brings Results How About that Winchester 22. cal. for Squirrels? The sports girl no longer hampers horsslf with a skirt. For the courts or the links she dons knickers with a belted jacket, like this worn by Martha Mansfield of Selznlck pic tures. A felt hat of the soft small I variety completes the costume- Pilot Ilock Picnic. The first annual picnic of the south ern part of the County at Pilot Rock will be held tomorrow An interesting program has been arranged for the day, and the attractions will be of a wide variety. Judge Stephen A. Low ell has been secured as the principal speaker of the day. Street athletic events have been arranged. An old fashioned basket dinner will be enjoy ed during the noon hour. The schools of the southern part of the county will pJ-'Mt mMtprially in the program. ... V ;v INEW STYLES FOI1-MEN' ' ' O l "CLDRSHEIM Styles for Spring come forth-. I ' , JF with all the new effects that well 11 grai;- J.v' dressed men could want. The perforated trims arc cleverly handled i'lfefe l' efO&$'- the brogue patterns have distinctive lines that are 1,1 JtSi characteristically Florsheim the semi-square , ''fT. h2 ffiO' shapes are decidedly popular rvh '!' 5 . Florsheims are specialists in producing shoes ' fEC:,; that have the style appeal Their shoes are of unusual quality. yWi'. We invite men who want something new for kfe'iJaT j Spring to see our display. i.a' f. The Florsheim "Lamar" ; ffVj one of the popular : jpn goods I I SMART NECKWEAR 50c to $40 Here are ties 1;hat of fer a selection of col ors and fabrics to meet every man's .fancy, and the prices will please the man who likes to get more than he expect ed for his money. Summer Hose for Men Half the enjoyment of 2 spring and summer is in having your feet comfort- ably clad and correct Our hose will give you just the foot comfort you seek. 5 35c to $2.00. NEW E.&W. SHIRTS Here are beautiful shirts j for vestless days. Here aVe hantlsome patterns of light weight summer fab- rics that look well when worn with open coat or when the coat is left off al- together. Anticipate your f needs of buying now $2.50 to $10.00. H STRAW HAT TIME Warm weather calls for a cool hat' Lay 1 aside that wool or cloth hat and wear one of our straws. Of- fered in many styles,' and we have your size. Come in and get it ... $3.50 to $10.00 1 Priced $37.50 to $S5.00 . ;. Tiuillllllltiillllliiiiiiiilliiitiiiiiiitllllliiliiiuilllliiliiiilililiiiiiiiiiiiifiuiiiiir iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiniliMiiiiiiiiiiii tiiiiiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliililiiiiMiiiiiiilitiiilf iiiiiiififiiiiiitfiijj hoi I la mil 111. Sol Baum IS ill and is confined to his home. He- hopes to be well in tune to go fishing .during the week-end. lMnes W ith IJoyd tJcurge A Pnited Press dispatch today from London glveB the Information that Philip Juekson, a former Pendleton bov. had th honor of dining with Premier llovd " tleorite today. He Is publisher of the Oregon Journal. 1. (V AH? onmi Uiisy H'Pnulim l)n.mage. A force of workmen is engaged In tearing out debris which resulted from the fire which recently did heavy damage to the building of the Koesch Bottling Works. The place will be re built, according to plans of the owners. 1 ' m a a mm tam u m mr 1:1 vta.. i m a . a w .'ii i iKi.nmiwu a i a m iimi m v.lnii u.lh i '.munii.fci r m tm aw i i 0 iimti a.','9 1 asn '- ' T MS 1 CI Q ARETTE Ten for 10 cents. Handy sire. Dealers carry both. 10 for 10c; 20 for 20o. It's toasted. To Hold Social. The Golumbia school will hold n social, Friday, June 8. Proceeds of the event will go toward assist Vig two of the clui) girls, to go - to summer school at Corvallis. Kred Dennion and W. W. Orccn will speak at the so cial. An Interesting program Is be ing arranged for the event. 'Kmlgrant's Crosf" Kugxreted. J. P. Walker has como forward with another suggestion for a now name for Cabbage 11111 It the present name of the picturesque grado Is changed. His suggestion Is that the name be chaned to "Emigrant's Crest," and his choice has historical significance. His par ents came to Oregon overland In the early days, and after they left KaiisaH City they never saw any buildings un til they arrived lu Tygh valley, near The Dalles. On their arrival at the break of the hill where the view of the Inland Empire ts visible they were huppy and declared that this was the country for the emigrants. Miners searching for gold along a river In British New Guinea encoun tered a bluish-gray, fluklsh substance which they discarded. This substance was osmlrdium, a nu-mber of the plat inum mctuls and one of the Hardest ore a uny oouie containing metals known, to science. Perched between two cars on a freight train which was about raidy to pull up the grade to La, Grande, James Mclonu!d, alias James Mc- ean na caught last night by Deputy Sheriff K. 11. K. Iildgway ut Gibbon after a two-day soarch in which Indi ans and members of the sheriff's of fice had combed the country for htm. Wcs Spears, deputy sheriff, was os the ground all the time, and he and an, Indian assistant were close upon McLean for several houiH. The rail road was patrolled by several parties and it fell to the lot of Iildgway to grab the man who Is wanted on a charge of stealing a horse j McLean's clothing wus almost torn j from his body, lie had no shirt left when he was apprehended, and across his back and shoulders, barbed wire, through which he had dodged, had in-' fllcted wicked cuts. He had had nothing td eat for two days when ar rested, and the first thing he wanted to do when he arrived In Pendleton was to get a good meal. The privi lege was accorded him, and the offi cers declare that he made, a wonder ful showing. In ISOti there were 1st farms on Manhattan Is'.anJ where now there are but five. The land 'here devoted to this purpose is rapidly diminishing. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends for the kindness shown to us during our sad bereavement. Also for the beautiful floral offerings. R. D. WARD MISS CLIESER Hotel Sutter SAX FRANCISCO Not merely a Hotel, but an In- , stitutlon Founded on These 1 Principles IVITLAR I'RK'IS, SERVICE ', COIUTKSY. ticorge Warren Hooper, Mgr. INGROWN TOE NAIL TURNS OUT ITSELF A few drops of "Outgro" upon the skin surrounding the ingrowing nail reduces Inflammation and pain and so toughens tho tender, sensitive skin un-' derneath tin too null, that It can not penetrate the flesh, and the nail turns naturally outward almost over night, "Outgro" is a harmless, antiseptic manufactured for chiropodists. How ever, anyone can uy from the drug direc itioua. Some Worthwhile Values Best Quality Rubber Gloves, pair 29c 3 pt. Aluminum Percolators, very special. . . $1.89 San Silk in a wide range of colors at, the ball. . . 4c Paper Napkins, per thousand $1.43 Bathing Caps, large variety of shapes and designs at 49c Clarks Silk Gloves in white and black at. : ... 54c Picnic and Market Baskets at just one-half price. We have just received 144 collars and vestee sets, formerly priced at 50c to $2.00 each, our special price is, each 50c It is always worth your while to make a special effort to come here first, for your saving is always worth note. The BEE HIVE Pendleton, Oregon . . . - 11 I