THILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 30, 1021. TEN PAGE! Mm1 inimmnim'!! "Aw, Take Mekong, Daddy ! " . 'iTlililiiHlillifl .iiiiiyiiiwiiiiiiiiii'' Hb. PACE TWO No Price Is Right Unless Quality Is Right Hart, Schaffner & Marx rn3 3 i if 1-5 Nation's Head Exprosscd Hope That Future Bring Less Need For Further Sacrifices.1 is I 5 3 S3 11 H in' ' :- "& f . 1 I F f , -sssA I 1 ' 1 f. ,. ;W mil f' If: AO ,V .'-'V lf Jv f r - , ai : : v'vi Hi E3i make their clothes as good as they can and they make the price as low as they j can then they say: Willy ncW. Sr. nd Jr. LL'.tlc ' " h nlm In California while Wally. Sr.. fcov v.t to var la M Uur pk. ''ur o( "Peter Ibbttr.on." maite by rurumount. " FROM THE PEOPLE i,or.i. iNsi'i.rrioN woitK. 1U21. Orowrlm Miiiketn . SltUIRllU'V ll'lll!"'" Coiifwttiniarli'M . If you're not satisfied that both quality and price are right money I back. I'oitUuiiU Ore., Alu.v slKilllor Kiuit UivKonlun: SI Tin' ciu-IokkI cI11Iiik u mullril to iHI thin ofiu e lv one ol Hie ilulryn.i'ii lwho Is rurnlHhlnK n"X ,0 ,h'' '"' "'' i'..n, Hi-ton. aecomixinl''" i " 3 inrt: "Wo you will nee the kimc-kiwi Ithe diilrymen ln're huve In Htaini jfrom imue' which ougtH lo he lunwt- 1 While In u way this editorial mlirhl !le ronshlcreil as a ci tllilioii iliieetly 3 jaicalust thin ol'l'lcc. however, I do not 1 look iiiKin It u Hitch, hut I do think S'n... .iiliinatlon to you of the s I work done ly oiir deputit-M while In reiidh ton and vkililty would ue 01 in terect to yn. imr di iii'tie.s were in Pendleton and H I vicinity for some three weeku; for two weeks we nail inree uenmv ".., 1'rndhton , fei'H I'll Id Total Notkes reiiuestlnif lmroveimntn I,. u,,nlii,i v eoni lllons, eoinu-."- natlons, seizures, eie. Sediment tests made. lrliullally f'ows tuhereiillne tested hv owners e Kinilpiiient IVelnir InMuMwl. New Milk Houses New Milk Putin New Milk Strainers I New row Hums New Cement Floors In ow l.arns New Milk OO'ileds Cow llarns Whitewashed SlaURhter houses repaired, whlte- renioveii io NKW Vh;k, .Nicy It'i. (... I. ) Preslduiii iiirdlu)( in u mrinurlal day iiiMMig to the Aiiierlcaii LeKloni mud I'lilillr Inst nlk'ht. expressed hope that Iho future would lulni! less need for fun her nalionul Huurarieus, The ni- sane follows: fc t ,, , "Amei'leunM havii never hen- ntueh k'lven to tin esliil'llshment oP holidays nnd fete days. Perhaps our national life has I'een no short, mul entirely within so uuitier vf fa't and practical , ii perloil or mo woriu s n siory utar wo I hnvp heen Utile moved hy the wnll jlmcnls that such leciudnns lislre. Yet, 41 1 1 think no nation ha ver estaldlsheil 2d' i nalloiml ihi" of roimecTaOon that T.j, I'epii'fenled more lofty and eiinold ,l!hii seiillinent llian does our national duy. To Its observance w have hroiiKht the full measure of Bin cere reverence and ijrnllinilc that a .'O1 Kl eal iniiM' in pvrr 4,1 'iimji t.viii- inn' Him nief inaue ine uieiu iwieii fiee hi Its Isdialf. ,v , ' , ' Memoriiil day ninrk our recognition JSIi'f those who, from our national he- ulnnliiKS, have deserved the most that the nation could Hive of uratllnile and appreciation. It reminds that In every Kenerntlon, from LexInKlon to tho AiKonne, our valorous son have well deserved tho highest tribute that a na. tiuit, fortified, defended, preserved Coll Id Klve to tlietn. Whenever tho I demand h is come, and wherever U I niav have called the sons of our proud Sill 4, I . , 1 i 4! 5 I h.ntu wasoeti ""f - ,, -, .. t , .. or... 1 .'... it n 11. n Otis hi""." ....... proper New lualns In Cow Hums .. Itut-proof flour rooms Screened smoked meat C(ises. . New hide rooms Screen poich und lard room. I'ullllt'lllllUjIoilH !two of these deputies, which are j0i,y l.eriy hoxe ' itlioiouclily experienced and trained yuy iterry Crates linen, were doinir sanitary Inspection M,.ut, spoiled and rancid, lbs... iwork most of the time, the third cream, sour and fermented, lbs. .TOO r.09 lOOmOfO 65EATEST BEPARTMFNT r9 noPeopIes rehous 3 WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE BBS ileputy. Mr- lauch, formerly a refi Ideiit of Pendleton, practically spent 5 I his entire time In InspectlnR the dal lri.. iiiiieii simolv milk to the city of Slaughter houses, Insanitary and unfit for use Cow burns, poor construction and Insanitary 3 Pendleton, and hlu report to me In 'p,,rv closed, eiiulpmeiit con iwmmR fypfpT an I IW I I IVItl I ILW UU LUI llll tempiins to round up the Indian cut-I In 1915 an uprtsinK occurred amonjr tie thieves. Following the klllinjr the Hie same trlls? near P.luff. I'tah. The rest of the band took to thn inoun- j nnans were separated in two bands tains, shoutim,' that they wonid ii-tmnl , . . V , ui -j" umtt'., 1 lit) ruTiuii u sixuiiK foit at Comb Wash, I'tah.. (ieneral SALT IAKB CITY. Mav 3". If with n mforceinetits. Posses at once were organized at Mnnticelo and iHlaadimr. It was discovered that the Kedmen had cut the wires between , P.ed llluff and PlnndinK. j t'niled Slates Marshal Xebeker of Salt Ijike has been appealed lo for yona from which they rustle cattle. Marshal Nebeker said the entire band should be arrested aX whatever cost, In order to prevent all future trouble. HI H M Kl I'.t Another outbreak of tho i iv dians of I'tah and Colorado is expect- jhelp. d by authorities. The situation arose to t! today when an Indian was killed In noi s Secretary. Lamar Nelson, udvrft San Juan county while County Anor- ed the adjutant yeneral to have troops luy Keller and Sheriff Hide were at-' in readiness. Hugh Scott, a veteran of former In dian nan, went to the scene. So great was the respect of the Indians for this soldier that they aureed to an He ut once referred the matter armistice and returned to the Colorado governor's office. The inner-1 reservation. Many of the renegades now bein soupht have never acknow ledged the sovereignty of Cnlted Slates. Thev stay hidden in box can- Toe United States department of Agriculture is equipping a steamship to use as a practical laboratory in which to study the shipping of citrous frvrtu and apples from the Pacific coast to eastern markets by way of the Panama canal. Cargo space will be di vided into compartments havinp vari ous conditions of temperature, humid ity and ventilation. IS i person was, that ho found the dal H!rytncn not only willing but anxious to 3 comply with the necessary regulations :and that he felt the njilk sup'ply for ,the city of Pendleton vvnnld be much 5 i improved. Of course you appreciate Si that the matter of the tuberculin lest 2 i for dairy rows Is handled entirely by ;ir. Lytle. State Veterinarian, and his report to me Is that the cows in me vicinity of Pendleton have mostly all been tested. Of course, If the people of the city of Pendleton wish their milk supply to be 1U per cent pure so far as tuberculosis Is concerned. labour the only way in which they can reach this is fcy passing a cuy or dinance regulating same. I am also pleased to enclose to you a detailed statement covering the work of our deputies while in Pen dleton and vicinity. Very truly yours, C. 1.. HAW1.I.KY. Dairy and Food Commissioner. lllSIKt-tiims. Dairies 4 llestauratits '! P.akerles denincd, rondltton 'insanitary, cow was diseased Milk house. Insanitary and con demned , Dairy closed until put In sanl tary condition Restaurants closed until law complied with as to sanitary conditions Putter box coudeinned and gro cer filled Slaughter houses closed until law compiled with as to sanl- j 1 laty requirements I Cesspools condemned, fines Im posed , P.asements ordered cleaned be cause of stagnant water stand ing in same Cows ordered killed because of T. U., order given through veterinarian , S 'Unit's. 3, Hill cans of blackberries ordered re processed. l.'iiin lbs. of laid, r.s and 10s, not pro perly labeled. lis lbs. of butter returned to owner.) not properly Inhcled f, ' Thoiieh we liav never been a militant or war-loving people, there has been no time when Americans did not rise lo that full measure of the requirement which national honor and national safeiv Imposed on them. When na tional safely was the cause, the re rponse was always Insistent and ili-vls- 1 he, When civilization suninioneu ami our suns were called to the other seas and koIIs, we saw tho same prompt ness, the same neal, tlic same devotion, "On this memorial day of ls:'l wo stand. I trust, very close to peace achieved, to safety insured. May it bo our common aim and, purpose thai in the coming yens, our nation's aim and policy shall be directed lo make certain that there shall be the least need for further sacrifices, greatest guarantees of the stability, the per manence and the inspiring churaoter of those Institutions of tl)criy to which nur liiitb'll bas been dedicated " ; aj, , rAZMjt- , I "TILL WE MEET AGAIN" V K Bob, I wish Jliu Joyce nasi said V.A'.y. mJL back." j "Weil, the nurse told Mother If ev- TM "So do I Jack, that new teach- i went ad right, the doctor said Jm tr ti a terror." j she might be back in June." Sams here." chimed In Billy, "Have J "Gee, I hope thi docs. School doa't you heard how Miss Joyce UT jseem she same without her." "Mother went to see her yesterday,; "Hardly any slngin?, and you know and she Is going on fine." j what lou we u-'cd to have." "Wonder if she'll be back this term," I "Remember her favorite, Tum-tl- PUZZLE CORNER K'JIIU KUMtTION t. liehud and curtail a nl.rlil cry kud nnd a measure of land. 2. behead and curtail appearance mul find a firl's n.iir.e, S. Uehesd and curtail courteous iiid tind work. - 4. lWhead mr.t curtail hcsllalioD and find an animal. i. Behead snd curtail a public p'sce snd And a pardener's implement. . Behead jnd curtail a stripe snd find to rip. 7. Behesd and curtail to extend sad find a fruit. ACHOSTIC My Bi7t is the fields where the grass grows br.shL My second a tJry or lmp'li sprite. My third a who tells us goods. iy fourth a creature who lives In woods. Mv fcftb a bird that In May time sings. ! My iixth us lurmcd when the norMj I My seventh a courrtry Ui northland's 1 coid. My e''hrh a suit trimmed with bcais of gold. My nln;1) we taVc to allay .1 tMrst. My tcnih in the Kngi.u iansuage Is first I My eleven! h aflirm.i now you'll surely I suess Tho name of the day my whole will j AXMVIKS j H'OA'D HLUICTIOW PUZZLE 1. irreom-.ttrc. 2. llanuer-Anne. j 3. PoHlc-Tol. 4. Demur-Emu. 6. Mar 1 krtrKake. 6. i'freai-Ttar. 7. Upread- Par. j ACROSTIC VKUOni Ah DAT i Mrailuir.1. LI'. .1cic7itii(, Offer, Kobit, 'lie. Alaska. Livery, Itrink, A., lej. K i i A r--- " I .- ft - ff A r- , turn, Till we meet SBain." "Sure, now it's, "We must curtail our music period today and devote the extra time to mathematics," mimicked naughty Jack. "I'd like her to know hew we mita her," said Billy, mouvafully. "Pshaw, how can ws tcU her that," growled Jack. "Say, I've get a great Idea," cried Bob, "Let's, oh aahiiw, there's that old bell aai ws'raust ge in. Well ntet me at tks old barn aftar acbool, and 1 11 tell you about It." So after fcbAM fhe three exurrj; or 'Tree ChumpV aa ttelT classmates callta Um, tret Ml Bob Unfolded his pisn. "It's graC they both cried. "But w)lvr will we cet words." "Write thorn, of course, Billy," said Bob, who was known to lave a decided gift for rhyming. "Got a pencil," sal A Jock, "Here's soma paper, producint a, rather grub- ! Slowly the work went on. one sug gesting another adding till Bob proud ly rea l out tho finished verse: I '.'Let's sin; It once." he said, "softly. for someone might hear ui, and it is s secret you know." "it's fine," said Billy, "When can we gr." "Tomorrow Is Saturday. Let's meet here U 3. It is Just an hour's walk through the woods. Don't be late Jack, and daa't you forget l.'ie Cowers. Billy." Blue til!! and bright sunshine fav ored them, nai they started at the ap pointed time, dressed In their best, and BiUy with a huge bunch of purple and while Mac. The walk through the wood was dellghtf'.'.i although chas ing rabbits snd racing was forbidden, so that they might arrive In a present able condition, each having the secret hope that they miirht be allowed the happiness of set. tig tiieir be.'ccd Mi.v Joyce. "Here we are." said Bob. a. they left the woods and saw in front of them a pretty little cottage the front veiled Willi wisteria. On the second floor a window was wide open, and they could catch a glimpse of a white capped nurse. "Xow, boys, tune up," said p.ob, lay ing an encouraging Lund on each boy's f shoulder. The boyish voices roso sweet and clear in Ihe summer air. They heard a cry, and the nurse came to the window and smiled down at them. "Miss Joyce says you are to come up," she said. She met them at the. door and led them into Ihe room, where Miss Joyce Uy on a sofa. "ih, you dear boys," she cried, hold ing out both hands. "Such beauiiful flowers, and lovely slnjing. .My favor- its song too. but I could not quite make oitt the words." "We wrote them." c.-led HilK- im pulsively, j may obtain It easily. "You'did. then I .uritv ... h... i. ( Thi feisier slioivn .turn" was nino from So '.vy repeated It and this lnie the words were very plain: TbY5 Rnd Useful Reticles TttftT ft BOY CttN MftKEr. , By PE.JWK I.50LRR - j lN5TBOCTOX..ItP'T OP nNOI.TIlIIMIIIPMJcScH0Ol40PH01t Mstcr has clisappearrU. tan ou and lirrf All jou hste to do I li CUt vut Um pttn along dotted linos and iul ihetu togcilicr projHTly, "Xoh llnjs Tunc I p,'' Said lk)b Lp looking hthii. Now fire away." "Well, we want to tei! her were "rry she's been sick, so here's the first line, 'We are ivrry that yours, ill.'" "Won't fit In." s1d JKk of the mu sical ear, humming the air. "You mat siiy very sorry." "Well, w are very sorry you are 1 1'," "And you ha to uke so msey pills," added Bill." 'ghur up. BI'Ty. or we'll leave ton out of this." warned Jlob. "Ail right, I wag only joking." Water 5uiiy Pi ft Bath Van w -1 1 Pfpc.h I ' ' !fC, If t' ' PRA'.KfT C,' S 1 , ( n Vlf V f 9 Ariz f ' H II 1 Mil a' ' ,3V ORD Bath And Feeder. "T m100" Tut DHVI6 SnotvJ Tne Flier . As MAoe From Tne . Post a no pin a. is Of An Old Popch, But Straight Pieces will Do Just as writ. B)Calvanhed Iron Pan HAHl Z Of., use On To ' Hold Bath . Pan. Nail Prices TbTne OTHtf AND lSS FOP FltDiNGTmA ASSttlBLC I-'pav-ics With Nails ( """IJ L c Note Fon Overflow Pipe. DcnO ON Dot t to s n Unts To f ' . r.-. FMri Pan With A jf STRIP ON OuTSiem 7b filir ON THE FRAfft COPNIRS TO m u.ST hoys like to visit at their strips, faseniug them with finishing ! post by mean of the shelf brackets grandmother's because they i nails. on one side of into of the: shown In he drawing. Drive nails gl so many good things to frames mil one half-inch box lumber, through the bottom of tae feeding- fcediiiK try. The other trky Into the post,, and fasten tho tat. Birds are niuch Hko nf iAiii ' t li and one way lo allracl them Is fram Is lo hold the bath pan. Cut brackets to ilia floor and the post by io pur out toon mm water mai mey mc laner io i no pattern snown in the means of screws... drawing. Hend on Hie dotted Jlnes. The overflow pipe can be extended as water In the drawing ' making a muare pan with a 14 -Inch as necesanrv to earr tha !ost an 1 spindles "trip projecting to rest on the frame. ' w"nercvor it Is desired. from in old purco. Turned p.eccs are. The corners are lo be soldered. Also! The water supply pipe may be con- not nrce.sary. however, as straight I solder in position a pipe for the over-1 peeled to a rain barrel put up on the pieces will answer tho purpose Just asi'lo.v. letting It project about one-half jglde of the house so a pipe leading "We aro,very sorry tha' ou're ill. Me and Jackie Siul'.V nd little Bill. We are trying to fc ood, And to do everrt .lag you said we should, We hope t-.i sou will cuius back ver soon, ; . The uV-cior says perhaps by the Crsi , ' of June. So please be quick and don't get sick, ' Till we meet again." i I "I'm sorry but time's up." put in I i NlTS.. ' ' So soon, well thsJ song is lovely aid 1 must have a cap. I'less bring ' me tnt ntttt g.iiurday. Now .Nt'! sill take you down to have some cuke, t sod Jim hs, crive you home. Ad boys, a last cord, I'-r.,Cray says I mayj come back on tit first of June." i wed. Inch from the bottom of the psn. j The post should be ranrd off square i If the pipe was made even with the on one end and put In iie ground , bnt'nin. ihe water would all run out. about 30 inches, taking rare lo get il j Fasten the frames to the smsa'posta. plumb, that Is, straight up and and the perches to the frame support down, mg the bath psn. Next make two frames of 2-Inch Fasten the feeder and bath to the LEST WE FORGET mN all the year one day it sel I .et we-'forgef. lest we forget One dav lhat we with ihanlt'ul he.-.-t May honor them who did, their part Tret lhi our Country miht wilhiland 1 r.t 1W that fell from enmy rand. Wilh flagt let fwroet grav?s be set lt we forget, lest we forget. from the eaves trough esO empty Into The end of the pipe leading from e barrel should be plugged, allow. Ing the water to How slowly. If you live In an upper Tat your water supply can come from the re frlgcittian drain. Two coats of white, paint, er paint to match yo r house or pirden fenrs. wilt add greatly to the appearance of your feeder. ' 1 The feeder being only a tyUe over six feet from the rrojincf It 'jwlll net he difficult io place the f )d Hi IL The projection of the tray make It Im possible for cats to get to it Birds like dry bread aid cake, ov kind of grain such as , hrt end oats, also corn flakes and cifmWi. la (, winter they enjoy picking at the he.r of cubes e, carrot a piece of let lux