TWELVE PAGES AGE TWO iBiiii Ml lit ' TUILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON- STURDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1021. the I r'i'i No lh Ins th (hi tic Prl Fin I I lie Fa Ft i Ht W kit thi ' I Ch I - - The T T m jou or n onor Memorial Day, May .30, 2921 Fa Civ , i Jft. biettC1 eto pay to the men who have given their lives for a cause, than to dedicate ourselves to the triumph of the cause they died for. . : ' ' That's a roll of honor on which every na me can be entered; in which the daily activi ties of our lives may be made the expression o f a patriotic purpose. ' ' We can make our business serve the community, and through that, the country. ' It's easy to forget about it, in the prosaic affairs of life; but it is also possible to remember it. Memorial Day is a good time to think about it. ' " SPECIAL NOTICE This store will be closed all day Monday, Memorial Day, so please shop this even ing accordingly. SMART DRESSES Beauty, style, -alue, smartness, goodness are all embodied in our showing of Summer dresses for women and misses. Dozens of women are coming here every day try ing them on, and enjoying to the utm6st the pleasant task of choosing the one they like best. All are fresh and becoming and well suited to Summertime wear. Both maid and matron can find just their model here. They come in all the newest styles in all the latest ideas in colorful materials and trimmed most charmingly in contrasting colors with collars, but tons, fancy stitching and braids. Let us show you your dress today. Priced from $17.50 to $75.00 SMART SHOES ADE NOT ALWAYS COMFORTABLE The shoe made chiefly for its beauty has, no doubt, been the cause of many foot troubles. It has grace and distinction and is irresistible to the woman who loves beautiful dress, but such a shoe must be made with unusual skill and fitted with unusual care. It is smart looking shoes poorly made or improperly fitted to which most foot troubles can justly be as scribed. Even women who habitually wear shoes in extreme styles will be glad of a "comfort shoe that's all smart" for times when they must be on their feet several hours a day. Ask to see our "Arch Preserv er Shoes" in black and brown kid. Prices $13.00 and $14.00 SPECIAL NOTICE to charge accounts. All merchandise bought today and Tuesday will go on your June bill, payable July 1st. -J arnival Don't Miss Our Piece Goods G A Great Attraction FOB ALL THE PEOPLE. New Spring Cottons, Silks and Woolens, Huge Lots at Lowest Prices in Years. The Piece Goods Carnival that begins tomorrow Pririvs F.vorv nnp of the. lots is made ill) entirely of New Snrinn: Goods. Just such ma- at J. lie x tuinuo naiuiuuniaocaiiui jiuii uum.v .v...- -- 4 i u terial as one is most apt to want right now for Summer Apparel. To such a sale with its New Summer Goods and Low Prices we invite you this evening. NEW SILK CREPE DE CHINE Carnival Special, Yard $1.49 This is a soft, light weight crepe de chine, with a very lustrous fin ish and crinkly effect; the width is 40 inches. Excellent quality for women's blouses, dress es -and for undergar ments; shown in all the leading shades. Marked Specially Low, a Yard $1.49 NEW SERGES, GAB ARDINES AND POIRET. TWILL Carnival Special, 20 ' Per Cent Discount In the new weaves and colors, 36 to 56 in. in width. You'll find a good assortment here to select from and we feel sure tha.t' we can both serve and please you. Carnival Special for Three Days Only, 20 Per Cent Discount NEW SILK POPLIN Carnival Special, Yard 98c A very, serviceable silk of very rich appear ance and you will find a splendid assortment of colors to choose from; 36 inches wide. Marked Specially Low, a Yard 98c. HANDSOME DRESS GINGHAMS AND TISSUES Carnival Special, Yard 19c, 23c, 29c up wards to 89c . You'll say remarkable values and we are show ing unusually complete stocks of 27 and 32 inch ginghams and tissues in striking patterns both in domestic and import ed cloths. ' You must see our standard quality 27 inch Ginghams that we are offering at 19c yd., and our 32 in. Standard at 23c and 29c yard. Marked Specially Low, a Yard 19c, Upwards to 89c. NEW ALL WOOL MATERIAL Carnival Special 20 Per Cent Discount For dresses, suits and goats you will find all the late and jxipular shades and cloths; trico tines, velours, broad cloth, polo cloth, silver tones, etc. All wool ma terials; 48 to 5(5 inches in width. Carnival Special For Three Davs Only 20 Per Cent Discount NEW SILK SHIRTING Carnival Special, Yard $1.19, $1.37 and $1.88 They are neat striped patterns and light and dark colored back grounds, are very at tractive and of beauti ful quality silk. Just what you want for the hot summer weather. Marked Specially Low, Yd. $1.19. $1.57, $1.88 NEW SATIN MESSALINFS Carnival Special, Yard $1.98 All women know that satin messaline is simi lar to satin, very soft, lighter weight, and eas ily draped and has a lustrous finish. This messaline is 36 inches wide and we show a full range of the now sum mer shades. Marked Specially Low, a Yard $1.98 NEW TAFFETA SILKS Carnival Special, Yard $2.19 Taffeta is this sea son's favorite silk for making of garments, in fact better than it has been for years, accord ingly we have storked a good asortment of them in the most wanted colors. Marked Specially Low, a Yard $2.19 IMPORTED PONGEE SILKS Carnival Special, Yard 69c. $1.03, $1.1 ft to $3.82 These are all better grades pongees, all with the exception of the 69c grade are of a dust- i j::..l . tt m less inubu, mi are x in. in width, shown in nat ural color and in flesh, pink, maize, emerald, peacock blue, rose and white. Qualities like these are sure to give you satisfactory wear. Marked Specially Low, Yd. 69c upwards to $3.82 NEW FANCY SUM MER VOILES Carnival Special 49c, 74c and upwards 40 inches .wide in the new floral - and dotted patterns, fine quality and color combinations to choose from and our price you'll find surpris ingly low. Marked Specially Low, Yard 49c, 74c upward Sale of Men's Shoes, Values up to $15, J Special Lot $4.95. rnojLaws cjeaiest depaklhjekt mm PfiePeoples Warehouse V.- i...--ill. .. I WHERE IT PAYS TO fnAPE TOf" V Special Sale of Women's Pumps, Val ues to $13.50. Special Lot $4.95. II II w ' Ei ilMlliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ""l"lHAMuaiiauiliiiiiifflfl URCH h S m K K. liiilkniore. 7:00. i There will be a reunion preaching ser vice ut the 11. E. Church. Yuu are j cordially invited to attend each el ' Iherte wrvlec. Announcement for tbto 6efrU im-nt mui hb wbnilttd to the la. Oregon Ian sot burr fla Fit da j- eeninic In ord'-r to be nreil of puWkniioo oa fealardaj. MU 1iur. li Itev. W. H. Cox. aiur. Rrmdenc Hi Uut.h Ktrctt. phone 1IT. idtida- niornln Sunday school. F. M. Itlley fhipt.. :. rrearhlng srr vtc. 1 1 :0. subject, "Ths Vest and. Punday evrnln B. T. r. t . wnior. Ulit .NvUi ChUuxetb, 7.00, B- I. P. V I lii hriMiun linrch L'nifled niurriluK senices begin wi'h ' lllble Bi hoi.l HexKion at Sermon J at 10:15 on the mibject. "Having a j .Mind to worn. Atier ine i lnlitT!an cl""'li Corner of College and Alta streets. Hev. ;. U Clark, pastor. JieMdeiico 5V East Alta, phone 6;1. 10:0u a. m., Sahbath school, Hupt., A. C Funk. 11:00 a. m.. Memorial .Service, mem bers of the U. A. It. and American Le gion attending. 7:15 p. ni., C. K. levotioiml. 11:00 d. m.. I'lilon wrvlce In the M. n. til. ....-..k iH h, htt'li Kf'hlml Ml II- ineelitiv with the volinir neoole. W6 I t ... vl. ..i... i...(...f ... tliU M..r. - " lors. I lie pui'ov ib wi.ii-v.. .. w ill adjourn to tlir union bucealuur- .Ct ate services for the hih school to he j held ut the Methodist church. ' Kvery- ! christian hcaVm 1 bodv Invited to everv service. W. A. ! ' Cressinaii, ininlster. ' I First Oh.ircti of Christ, .SclentlHts, '. j holds services at filJ'i .Ma'" (first stairway north of the Inland i The First Kpirit Jallst Science Church i Kmplre linnk.1 Sunday services ure 1II hold u nices Windajr at :0 p. -at II , m. and p. m. The suhjwt of in. In the Katflj-Woodman hull. Ic- the lesson-M-rmon for Hunduy. Jlay I ture and dmitratlon by Elmef , th. is "Amkt and Modern N'octo- nichter. subject "What is This plrll- inancy, Alias .Mesmerism and Hypno uaiiuii EervlKdy welconic. titm, lunyiujit'd." Sunday mhool b- ' gins at 9:45 a. m. I A Wednesday evening meeting which includes testimonial of healing i is held at ft o'clock. The Heading j Room, "Which is maintained at the i same uddress, is open daily from 9 a. ! m. to 9 p. m., where the Hible and au I thorlzed Christian Science literature ', may lo read, borrowed, or purchased. The public Is cordially Invited to at ' tend the church services and to visit the Heading Koom. Church oMIic Iliilcciucr Hev. Alfred l.ocknood. Hector. 8 a. n,, Holy t:oinrritinlon: t:4, Sunday sAiool; 11 a. in., morning prayer and aermbii. Thern will be no evening serslee In order to give tho people op portunity to attend the Tlaeeuluiireale ' serViee. This hrlnir rlncatlonnl 8un , day the Hector will preach on "The I larger Ivdiit'tttlon". The public Is cor ! dlally Invitted. El JCHMilCHIty. Scotland, May 58. Il!. I'.l The IjiiIIpm Inlernntlonal '"If matches opened here today, as a prellniliiary to the Hiitlsh Ijitllos nn en Championship which commences nere on .Monday. May JO. Prominent Mining the competitors were five Americana, Miss Alexa Kllr ling. Miss Molllns and Miss Sherwood, Miss CummtnKs of Chicago and Mrs. yiientln Feltner. All will also par-il-iiate In the Indies Open Champion, hip. The leading Hrltlsh. compelliora are Miss Cecil lltch. the Hritlsh rham. plou, aud Jlra. Tomplo Dobcll, better known by her maiden niuio of Clludys Itaveiisi njfl. PRICE REDUCTIONS WILL , BE NECESSARY BEFORE , NORMALCY IS REACHED Ni:V TOI1K, May 28. d'. f.) Further price reduction!! nmy he ne dessary before normal conditions In the steel Industry are restored. Judge Klbert Can- declared In an address before the American Iron nnil Hlcel institute here today. With but few exceptions, he said. It would ho unjust to reduce wages further until living costs are brought down. American people at the present are not buying enough to supply themselves with the ordinary comforts of lire, Gary de clared, although they have means to do so. DEP SEA DIVERS HUNT SEATTLE, May 2S. -IM.) IH-c sen divers, employed hy prosecutor Malcolm Isiiiglas hegiin searching tlia bottom or Lake Cnmn for the mys tery trunk which Li believed' to con- tain the secret of the disappearance of Mrs. Kate Mahune. The Wttivk Is llsi one which the police patrol boat hK been Ineffectively drugging the luk for nearly a week. AMEKKWX ACF, I.AMW I DAYTON. May r.- tl"P'' (""' tain Kddle r.lckenbai ked landed here jfrom Chicasu shortly after 1 a. m,