-. t 11 PAGE TWELVE DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, S TURD AY EVENING, MAY 28, 1921. DAILY MARKET NEWS, U)QAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE TWELVE -PAGES ROf3fSC-N, vriH Nbu'ts oo IN tmc ywuoivvt vvj seres WHAT V5 TM'I NihmI Oh Market Nttt' Y"KK, May 27. (A. IM- ifiiBliii Hii on the Block cM-haimo yes- j P-Hlny wn dnit nnd porrunoioVy, lirMvy lone predomin-iiinff. Profes-i hiodbI operators availed themselves of lh wllin Htlcmlane due to approach-i In holldaii. to effect additional dc- linK-lon of price. Ivvelopment of an adverse nature Included sharp unscttlcment In foreign isrhmiiip, continued firmness of numey rat -s ii nd (lie minions or quali fU'd views of leaders of industry. The imp nciiutively favorable feature if Ihn session was the declaration of I he regular dividend on Haldwin Loco, motive. This wan Without visible ef fct upon olher equipments or kindred Issue. IV'clinrit of one to three points were forced the rate to 7 1-2 per cmt. Changes In the irreciiliir hoiid mar ket InrludttiK lil'rtir and most othur domestic Issues were unimportant. Foreign Issues were Inclined to ease, ulihough subscriptions to the new French loan were estimated at !U pel cent of the whole. Total sales, pal vmue t 1,1 75, nun. registered liy majority of the reason ed as well us volatile issues and ra la of nil plus,, wen under intermittent pressure, not excepting the high prie- ed coalers. Sales amounted to 53'i. OtHi shares. The break of foreign renilUances extended to six cents In sterling hills and from 10 to 6U points In continental I mes, especially Dutch, French, Pel- s"vwn,,a" swiss- ss,.'a"i!ih nj sctt'1- !'t-'j-".- i..-..is .... iKv-lers lipre ascrthed the reaction j in liriiish hills to heavy selllns by Herman commercial Interests tn Lon don, from -which center large trans. Mtions In dollars or American ex change were reported. The money market followed exactly Its course of the previous day. call loans holding .at 7 per cent until the final hour, when a belated impilry - "CuPiPok". - rr; Action of Federal Hcscrve. Ask tor A. B. A.'s TrtmUr's Chinks who,, , aIx. Bms ,, v1(lr va . ttHi trip. The American linkers Associations t ln-cks arc tln most ixmvciih nt for travelers anil UHirists to .-airy Mmls. pa.,ulle ever? -. hciv mid are issued In convenient denominations. l'or sale nt Window No. One. TlieAmericanNationalBank Pendleton . 0 regon. 'Strangest Sank in Gastern Oregon' c Delivery Regular ice delivery will start Tuesday, June 1st. Call 178 for an ice card or stop our drivers and ask for a card from them. We invite criticism. Kindly report any inattention of our drivers to the office. Phone 178 Sm y the- Lonergan Co. Quantity Service 1 Quality A Notabl Event is in store for the people of Umatilla county. Take advantage of this big opportunity and visit the Merchants' and Manufac turers' Carnival at Happy Canyon May 26, 27, . IT WILL BE A HUMMER "We are there" Cruikshank & Hampton WASHINGTON. May 28. (A. IM I I A group of bankers ami financiers from every section of the country are to be consulted by President Hardin-) before lie concludes the series of fi nancial conferences begun Wednes day night when the eastern banking interests w -re chiefly represented. No appointment for further conferences has yet been made but it is probable j u moup oi iniaiieiai leatitrs irom ,M"- uieiuie nfM win oe ine next to be summoned by the president. It was Indicated in administration circles that financial men are virtu ally unanimous in bi-lievini.- thuf in.. k federal reserve board holds the kev lo a proper readjustment of fteneial financial conditions. Those consult ed are understood to have told the president that in their opinion tin board rould no a lonit way towards I restoration of nni-ni;il e.in.litlou k.. exert in-,- its Influence, to keep loans ut a reasonable rate and on a sound bas is. lieniovnl of restrictive measures placed by the board on credit exten sion, under the federal reserve act, was said to have been Ildvncittp.l Li the bankers as a means of solvlni- ih problem fai-insr the farmers. rroL-ressivc rediscount m it .. . contended, work a hardship on the as-rieultural Interests because banks which are charged more for money merely pass the increased cost along to the borrowers. Legislation to permit longer credits lo the farmers thmm-ii , the limits fixed by the reserve act on agricultural turners olh-iiu,. r,. .... J discount at reserve banks was said to have been favored. The opinion was expressed that restriction of eligible agricultural paper to six months was too early u maturity in the case of many farmers. j I pr-rf1J Hef?c it is, MR.TRye, 1T ( tep;V 3AYS; "CUSPIDOR. i N I cepweu? for-;. - - O J Re ad it to YoorseT.- H7" ! Htto s-3cs tt You can -fi i RcfleMBcsR IT ill & ft l ! i I . - - EH I I I i hoof, mrr-nut'-wl with K I Ihiwnward Trend ix-attiif of Wheat .Market. f'HIf-AOO. Mar 1'K ( A t. hvithstandlng that the wheat market snowed considerable strength at times today, prices finally tinned downward InDucm-cil by violent breaks in for eign exchange. The close was nervous ut the same as yesterday finish at 1 1-4 lower, with May l.tili 3-4 to I Ii7 and July 1.27 1-4 to 1.27 3-4. Torn finished l-3i7-8 to 2 1-x .... .i varying from 3-S decline tn s.i .i' vance. In provisions the oiii,.. ranged from IS seii.,.nir in .i of 12 1-2. '""" Accordinir to enrr..nt .utir.,..i..u .. fall in Kuropcan rxchungo rates' was eiuivalent to knocking as mneh 't cents a bushel from the export va.ie on wneat. It was also said the i. - i presslon of exchange would tend de- I cidedly to check export demand for! all grain. Such assertions proved i 7" lnitn an otrset tor news that Prance had authorized u-i-estricte 1 importation of wheat and that Presi dent Harding was expected to sign the emergency tariff bill before tomorrow night. l!ulls contended th.-,i ru.,it.. general rains the crop outlook was still far from ideal, much damage be- ii i eparaoie. I OFFICE CAT I LBY JUNIUS ; ! , ii i I hoof, compared with JS.25 day. The high mark toduy was 11.10 lower than that a week ago. other classes of hogs suffered declines of 35 Vents or more a hundred pounds. imimmmmiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiu BLACK BEAR ROOF PAINT! Decreased offerings from the cou:i. try had a bullish influence in the corn market, and so too did belief that uie rains would delay arrivals. Oats av eraged higher with com Ode to the l-'ma-n Fish at the M. M. 4'ui'uiwtl Vour eyes, one bright. Have lost their light, Your scalev tills are still You look at all the crowds that pass As if they made you HI. Hut Fish, you're not One bit, or Jot, Less human than are some For in the throng of people here Cold fishes go and come The Offiscat was sorry that thp Shakespearian Four at the M. M. Carnival was not the Shakespearian Five. We think Pert Jorard, who played tho touching music for the various studies, should have de nied a costume and joined the quartet. 30 nml 50 ' gal.' bbls., 5 75c per gallon. Estimates given on all kinds of roof work.' E i Work Guaranteed E Manufactured by RalphC. Ward 811 Kailroujl St. TllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllll J. C. rpnncy Co.. A Nation.ride Institution" Small Prices Bring Big Values at the Penney Store Djer Kiss Talcum Powder 25c Djer Kiss Face Powder, large , ggc Djer Kiss Face Powder, iiietlium g-)c Djer Kiss Toilet Water ,.. $1.98 Djer Kiss Pct'fume, ounce bottle, each $1.79 Djer Kisa Powder Ilouge in neat gilt vanity box with mirror and puff, each , 49c Velvetouch large size powder puff, flesh color, each 8c Milady's powder puff, medium size sanitary pack age, each 10c Bluebird powder puffs in individual sanitary pack- age, each .". ; 10c Duro Belle hair nets, cop style, double woven hu man hair, notable for their good service, each .;; 10c Face Chamois square or oval shapes, each Sc, 10c, 15c Colgates Dental Cream, small 8c Colgates Dental Cream, large 19c Colgates Talcum Powder, all odors 15c Mennens Talcum Powder : 19c Air Float Violet Talcum 10c Mentholatum, large 89c Mentholatum, small 19c Packers Tar Soap 19c Cuticura Soap 19C "Featheredge" Rubber "spongea "size" a 25c "Featheredge" Bath Brush 69c Vaseline, bottle ioc Prophylatic "Penetrator" Hair Brushes 98c Keepclean Hair Brushes 49c Keepclean Clothes Brushes 49c Tooth Brushes T6c 19c Prophylatic Tooth Brushes, each ' 33c Pebecco Tooth Pasts , 35, Pepsodent Tooth Paste, tube 39c Hinds Honey and Almond Cream 33c Palmolive Vanishinir Cream, iar .1J. r..l 1: ni 1 -i ; " raimuiive v-oiu i.rcara, jar Palmolive Talcum Powder Palmolive Face Powder Palmolive Liquid Shampoo, large bottle Palmolive Toilet Soap, bar Woodbury's Facial Soap, bar Potnpeian Talcum Powder, can Pompeian Beauty Powder Pompeian Massage Cream Pompeian Night Cream Pompeian Day Cream Pompeian Toilet Water Palmolive Shaving Cream, tube Ferns Sanitarv Nankins, box of (' Sanitary Napkins in individual package, each 5c t oigates Miaving.l ream, tube Colgates Rapid Shriving Powder Colgates Shaving Stick Gillette Safety ltazor, with twelve blades, leatherette or nickled case Gillette razor blades, package of G 39c .. 19c .. 39c .. 49c .... 8c . 19c .. 19c ... 39c .. 39c . 39c .. 39c $1.19 .. 25c 29c ... C ... 29c . 29c $2.98 ... 39c 1..,,. DEPAKTMET-T STORES Pendleton . I C. I'enney Co., A iation-V ulc institution weakness in the value of hogs pjt tried to join ."v.c or (ess pressure on provision. The golf tournament has caused a lot of excitement out ut the country club but we wonder If there wouldn't I be still more if a real country feller Tunc of Wool Market Hotter With Prices I in baogiil liOSTOX, May 1'8. (A. P.) Td '.uiiimerciai uulletin says: "The tone of the murker iu i... proved slightly, in view of the im minence of the tariff, although there! has been no rush to bnv ivoi i dence and prices show little, if uny, cnange aa compared with a week ago. loijing m the west is progressing moderately, especially in Vtah, Xeva- 'ia and lexas. with nriees i,..,-,n, changed. The foreign markets are all firm with continued ste;oiv imvii,. .. the part of Japan and Kurope. The muniilaclurers are working steadily as a rule." Scoured basis: Oregon I'a.stern Xo. 1 staple, TS r'i 80c; eastern clothing, :1 'a like; val ley So. 1. Hi, tn 70c. Territory Fine staple choice, sode Sic: half blood combing, 70 ii 7Je 3-s blood combing, r0 03c; 1-4 blood combing, 40(i4.'lc: fine and fine me dium clothing, 631 Gic. Mohair liest combing, 27 t 30c; best curding, SSfpZhc. Tom o lirien told us this one: The conductor and a brakeuian on a Montana railroad differ as to the proper pronunciation of the name Kurelia. Passengers are often startl- j ed upon arrival at this "station to heal I 'he conductor yell: "You're a liar: You're a liar!" Then from the brake man at the other end comes the cry; "You really are! You really are:" ; - tjioiiix Down . We read by an exchange Ihe follow ing heading: "Man Shoots Himsell In Basement Blowing Out llralns." While they are putting in all these gasoline stations for the motorist, Fred U-impkin rises on his crutches to state that they should erect a few hospitals and cemeteries along the road. 2 8rt unvm '111 I i I Mv JLr JL v x 1. IjnhlmafSatuJaaDA bnlAmtijSatifinm (3 Hogs Lowest They Have lieoii lor Five Years. CHICAGO, May 28. (A. P.) Hogs sold ut the lowest price In more than flvo yards at the stock yards yester day. The top pnee for the best swine was J7.90 a hundred pounds on the CTHE capacity of Buick for day in and day out service under every weather and road condition is appreciated today more than ever. Because today car values are being more rigidly scrutinized as investments that are expected to pay definitedividendsin service. A ride-in a 1921 Buick will dem onstrate this Buick reliability, and make you realize why more Buicks are in operation today than any other car, with one exception. Since January , regular equipment on all mcJels includes Cord Tires THE OLD HOME TOWN" By Stanley ITS UOPED H BAKTE COTANSX HOM8 BREW RECIPE WtTH Txe lASiT Xj? -ftX 'fei? S-IWENT OW JlK-jS AMD CROCXS tf" " f c 7l-:k yr'n) ! Phone 468 Oregon Motor Garage, Inc. IIO 191 W -..... llil, Ul IT. VVUII WHI-N Pimm AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEM o! 3 3 51 re a o' 9 n i a -Zll a.