KEEP ABREAST OF DOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND TWO NEWS SERVICES ON., THIS PAGE , r -- - ,". - -. ' sZZ&g?, TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 TEN PAGES SECTION JWO PAGES 7 TO 10 II DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 27, 1021. . -STK E Straw Targets at Which Play- crs Shoot Arrows From Cross Bows Are 'Holes.' nrniMM. n. h., siy j;. (a. p.i Arrow irolf, a now game,' Is the sport of the day at New llampshiro College;. It in played with bow and arrow In stead of club unci ball and tnrtH if straw sacks are used lo mark what In golf would be holes. The faculty have l.i ken to It In a body find play dally over a nine " target course. I'nder prariunles also have adopted the game. Over the hlllM and through woodlols In the vicinity of the college the ar rowa are sped without need to consld-1 er ground condition that would lie harurds In real golf. Vet the game ha qualities that inuke It highly corn - pctltlvc, with factor of strength and skill involved to a degree that main tain IntcrcHt. Arrow golf wan Invented In Durham by Professor W. .'. o'Kane and has ieen dovcloped by him and a group of other faculty members into the Paine which can be enjoyed on any farm or in the vacant lot of suburbs. The course at Durham has nine "holes," or targets. These consist of sacks Ktuffed with straw, placed on poles, the bottom of the Hack being i five or six Inches nbnve the ground. Thu distances between the target are from 200 to 600 yards. The average Player can make a drlvo of 200 yard easily. The game, as In golf, require that the circuit be made In the leant number of "strokes." Home of: tin target of the present course are pos nlble one-shot play, an there are pos tilble ono-holei) In golf, though the probability that Ihey will be achieved In one allot In remote. The arrow golf player require Utile equipment. .Most of the player carry one bow, two or three arrow In a home-made quiver, and a guard for tho UTl wriHt necersary because Ihe Hiring; strikes down on the wrist with Rreat force. The player also wear a glove on the hand with which he pull tho bowstring, or at leant three finger of a glove, lo cover the finger tip iiHcd. Arrow golf hua one great advantage over ordinary golf besides the ease Willi which a course may be arranged. It can be played In winter a well an In Hummer and Iiiih been played here over deep hiiow drlfl on snowshoes in the race of blizzard. The arrow stand up In Ihe drift dlHtlnctly and even when they disappear In the dcplh. usually leave a perforation In the unow which Ih easily perceived. GOLF CLUB PICKS E Cup Will be Given High Team j Peterson's Swatters Will be and Two Medals Presented Tried Out When They Play to Individual High Men. ! to Visitors' Fast Fielders. The Pendleton Coif club will be rep-; Sunday afternoon Weston am. resented by II. v. Dickson, 8. It. I Pendleton here at Kound-l.'p park. Thompson. George Hartman, c. It. ! When tho visitor come it will be .Marsh, I). I). Phelps. Chauncey Bishop, ' c""e ,lf Ifanue leader and leugue P. .1. Mo.Monles and !,. H. Hamley with i iruiler fighting It out, Weston having J. M. Hamley and (1. W. Phelps In re- I '"Hen to the cellar Sunday when the terve during the two-day tournament ' ''Hot Hock aggregation took the con that will ho played here Saturday ami ! tl'Ht- Sunday. The chief weakness of the Weston J team Is In the hitting department. In The selection of player was an- i the recent game played at Weston, toy lli:ii NTI.Vfi POIiTLAXU SALT LA KK CITY. Utah. May 27. (A. P.) Salt Ijike singed a six-run rally In the ninth Inning of yeslerday' I game and won. 8 to 6. The winnlm? run wns driven over ahead of Brown, who knocked the ball over the fence. Previously, Portland had gained a four-run lead, largely on .alt Lake mlsplny. Could pitched a neat game and Kalllo whs effective until he weakened In the nlnlth, when ho was relieved by pllletle. off whom the win ning runs were mnde. nounced last night at a mewling of the golf fan held In the Commercial As sociation rooms. Clubs who will I have teams In competition will Include ! I'aker, La Grande, Wallu Walla and Pendleton. i th Hiieks, sld Williams emerged from the contest with only two scratch hits marked against him. What the Wes lon gang lack In stick ability, how ever. It make up In fielding ability. Tho outfield in particular is strong in . , , ,,, . , this department, and the way the A loving cup will bo presented to d . t over gr()nd for spec- me winning team. It was decided, and i !.,. ,.,v,, i -nmethiim that ,two medals will be given to the lllaKPH h(.avy hitters shudder. If Gun men making high Individual score. j npr Peteri(on, buyn are swatting the Dill Sundnv like they did lart week liirii Tbey "put it until" Here's another new summer shape. Note how lines conform to back of head. AlK VOOS DEALER The playing will -start tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock (harp. During their stay here, the visitors will be en tertained by the Pendleton members. Lunch will be served every days at the. clubhouse, and Saturday evening a dance will be given at the state hos pltnl. against the Helix outfit, and that Wes ton outfield is functioning there will be some thrills for the fan. With Gordon back In the game at center field, the outfield positions for the liucks are well provided for, and the Infield will not bo changed. The game starts at 2:30. QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION Saturday Specials MEAT DEPARTMENT POT ROASTS' ronod i 1 1 t i ROAST VEAL 20c 5c, 8c ROUND STEAK 25c 5c, 8c SIRLOIN STEAK 28c 12'2c T-BONE STEAK 28c . . 18c PORTERHOUSE STEAK 28c . . 20c TENDERLOIN STEAK . . 28c . . 20c VEAL CUTLETS ....... 25c . 22c VEAL CHOPS . 25c FISH DEPARTMENT Fresh Red King Salmon, Fresh Halibut, Salmon Trout, Crabs, Shrimp Meat. POULTRY Large Fat Young Hens, Spring Fries. PRODUCE Green Peas, Hot House Lettuce, Tomatoes, Turnips, New Potatoes, Asparagus, Radishes, Artichokes, Green Onions Cucumbers, Strawberries. PENDLETON TRADING CO. If it's on the market we have it. r urn uiMii iiiii iiiii PHILADELPHIA, May 27 U". P.I Three world champion crews and two national ch:impion shells will ap pear on the water of te tcnu.viKiii Itlver tomorrow in the seventeenth revival of the American Henley. Jack Kelly, world's championscul- ler: Kelly and Paul Costello, world's, champion double scullers and the world' champion N.-vy eight, will be the feature attractions. The two national champions entered are the I'nidine Ilarge Club's Sin lor centipede and the Penn Parse Club senior four. Harvard. Princeton and Syraeo' are expected to be among the colleg iate entries. T,he Navy eicht, which broke the world's record at the Olympic games I last summer and which gave the dope n Jolt recently by losing to Princeton, is entered In the race for the Steward Challenge Cup. It ivas hoped that Princeton would enter the eicht that defeated iJie Navy, but the Athletic officials declined or the grounds that the Tiger row-ins schedule was so heavy it would iwlH Permit of another bin battle. The Vesper lloat Club plans to have five entries In the big events, one o which may be ihe eight stroked by Jack Kelly. KNOCK K OI T OP liOX LoH A.VfSKLKS. Cal., May 27. (A. P.) Vernon won yesterday's game wllh Seattle S to 2. The Tigers took the lead from the beginning, making three runs in the first inning on two singles, a double and a double steal. They knocked Francis nut of the box in the third. Ladies White Footwear We carry a complete line of White Canvas Foot wear for women and children at the lowest market prices. Come in and see them. Ladies' 1 strap Pumps and Oxfords with mi litary heels .$2 45 Ladies' 2 strap Pumps with military heels, price $2.65 Ladies' cross strap Pumps and Oxfords with military heels, price $2.95 Ladies' White Canvas Pumps with high or military heels, turn soles $3.45 Ladies' White Canvas Shoes with high or low heels $1.95, $2.45, $3.45 and $4.95. Children's White Can vas Mary Janes, 1 strap $1.85 and $1.93 THE HUB 40 Cash Stores 745. Main St oaks dp.op ci.osi: om: OAKLAND. Cal., May 27 (A. P.) Francisco won from Oakland. 7 to ,1, In an exciting game here yes terday. Jim Scott pitched good ball. An Oak rally in the ninth netted two runs, but fell short by two of tying the score. In the fourth inning Sco:t hit a three-bagger with the bases load ed an scored when Schick doubled to left. the second contest of the three-game series between the Missionaris and Bearcats. Sherwood received good support. Coach Borleske has shifted his Infield and lightened up weak places. Score. Willamette, 0 4 3; Whitman, 6 3. lotteries, F.llis, Mc Kittrick and Twner; C. Sherwood and Walther. qi i:i:n mahvs immiDAV 1 LONTinN'. .May 27. ( U'. P.) vjueen Mary celeiraied her f.4lh birthday to day and In honor of th annlversBrv salutes were fired by the Royal -Ar tillery in London, Windsor, Aiueranot and all naval and military center. At Portsmouth the salute wa led by Nel son's famous old flagship the Victory. Her Mujesty married King George, then Duke of York, In 1893, having previously been betrothed to his elder brother,, the late Duke of Clnrence. who dieS the previous year: Khe wa the daughter of the late Duke of Tcclt and Princess Marie of Cambridge. 3E ;oi:s To 10 innings SACItAMENTO. Cal., May 27. (A. j P.t Ten inninas were required for Ihe i Angela to defeat the Senators here yes. ; terday. The score was 3 to 2. Prough ' and Crandall were In rare form. The ' most thrilling baseball seen hPKe this season was presented to the fans in the ! ninth and 10th innings. Pick featured ! with a Tiomc run over the right field j fence. WHITMAN WINS Slll'TOlT WAI.LA WALLA. Wash.. May 27. (A. P.) ."Cam" Sherwood, Whitman pitcher, shutout his opponents, Wil lamette nnivcrsitv. 6 to 0. yevterday in "Gets-It" Tickles Corns to Death I'lltST SI'IIPS AM, PAIN THKN riotxs mi; (Olt.N HI I'. Don t try to fox trot on corn tortured feet. Get rid of your corns. If you ORDER AN OVERHEAD shower' I from us and leurn the delights of the morning bath. It will make you ,feel fit all day long, will add to your health and energy, will improve appetite, will make a new : man of you. Otis of the best investments possible gee us about this today. BENSON & WICKLAND 807 Cottonwood Phone 48S Ford. Reliable mechanical attention given to your Ford means more service from your car and less cost in its operation. Let us take care of your car. We have the mechanics who know how and use only the genu ine Ford materials and only ask the fixed, standard. Ford factory prices. As you value the use of your Ford sec thut it is kept mechanically right. JACK CHILDS, Foreman Simpson Auto Co. Phone 408 SERVICE Pendleton, Ore. Orejion Theatre One Night . Wednesday, June 1 BARNUMF THEM ALL STETSONSsW 0 Spectacular,, KCLETHS CABKJ PRESENTED BYA COMPANY OF PICKED ARTISTS COLORED JUBILEE SINGERS BAND AND ORCHESTRA IG STREET PAMDE CIIAIHOT Ml O AT DflWlFS DOGS- 40 PEOPLE lK.Vl-:n, May '.'7. (I'. TV) A : revolutionary war eannon was the prize for whirh Itutsers t'ollese and ; I'rineeton I'nivrrslly first played or- ' 1 Kiini7rd intor-collesinte football in i November. 1 ,s 6 it, arroruItiK lo Home! i H. Dotiuhner of Denver, who was a member of the Princeton team. There were no regulation uniforms ; in those days afid there were 20 to STi ! men on a team, us Roashner remem I bers. Holding Ihe ball or running; with j It violated the rules as did holding or 1 trlppinc of players. lliltsers won the first game, six goals to four. The return came was won by I'rineeton. Nov. 13. 1869. elsfct sroals to nolhinir. loughne.r said. The deeidini; irnine was never played, the faculties of the schools believlnc the Interest of the students over the games was detrimental to scholarship. I-iter. lioHghncr said, Princeton won the cannon. No ndnsvions were charged to the names and the vls'tlntr team and root ers were royallv entertained. 3y Trices $1.00, 75c, 50c Plus War Tax Seats on Sale Peoples Warehouse. T Ml st Iti: i; IN(i r KS IVniANAPOUS. Ind., May 27 . j A. I'. Activity at the speedway J w here the .".on-mlle automobile race will be run MoiuLy.'. shifted from the track to thn caraircs yesterday. The cars that qualified yesterday were torn '', down while measurements were made by representatives of the American Automdblle association, the rules of. w hich i;ovrrn raring here and meehau- ! les and drivers were preparing the re- j maiulng care for the other qualifying trials today. Mk Vour Fot Huppr! RrmoTe TboM Corn. With "C.U-lt." hsvo nevtr fern a corn ttckl'Ml to drnth. Just apptv a few drops of ""Llts-It" to vours. Then waleh tbst con die peacefully ss If it had gone to sleep.. Soon It is nothing hut a loose piece of ticsd skin that ou can lift right off with jour fingers. Oct sltcr them now. Voill druggist hss "Hots-It. '' Costs but a trifle or nothinit ut all tf ii fails. Mfd. by U. ljSWl'eiMe t- t'o., rliiCMgo. Sold in Pendleton by Tnllman & Co. nd licolloliiy Urug Co. KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE Right Prices on Good Groceries Shrimp, Alaska 25c can Red Alaska Salmon 30c, can Blue Jacket Sardines 10c can Salted Peanuts 3 pounds fcr 50c Caroline Milk it whips .........10c can Bulk Coffee a - '. 20c lb. Riverside Ginger Snaps 35c pound White Beans 17 lb. for $1.00 Spiit Prunes 3 pounds for 25c Corn Flakes A - 10c package Standard Grocery Go. 230 E. Court St. C. L Bonney, Pres. Fhone 96 ii iiii rnn isr.vrs ,ii's i'AM I'.ltincK, Mass., May ;7. (A. P.l A vvllil pitch by Tanlguihi. star; southpaw of the Waseda I niversity Japanese nine, gave Harvard the win nlng run In the pith inning yesterday.1 Harvard batted Matsumoto, the visit-; ors' bander from the box In the j third. In the 10th two were out when1 Tanlguchl's wild toss allowed Owen to i ' score. Score. YVnsedu, 5 in 2: Har- j vard. I! 7 2. ltatterles, Matsumoto, Taniguchl and Nogana; Kussell. Goode . and Mui pay. ! A. C. Kocppcn & Hros. Mi' lrog More That Sergei Yuu llest, CONROY'S CASH GROCERY SCHILLING'S BEST COFFEE 1 POUND 42c 21-2 POUNDS S1.00 5 POUNDS $2.00 Be?t Coffee Value on the Market. REST P UTTER, pound 35c Best Crepe Toilet Paper, 3 rolls 23c Crisco I1., lbs. 40c; 3 lbs. 70c; G lbs. $1.23 Wessons Oil pint 33c; quart 63c; V'-j gal. $1.20 Olympic Pancake Flour, large pkg., 3 for ..$1.00 Tomatoes, 2 cans 23c Hills Red Can Coffee, 1 pound 48c Carnation Milk, 7 cans $1.00 Van Camps Pork and Beans, No. 2 tins, 5 for 93c