wj wr- v --- (rwri f PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 25, 1021. SIXTEEN PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE J. C. Tcnncy Co.. A Nation-Wide Inptitutfon" DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Pricci and Associated Press Reports Cattle Ki'inairi liw trim - ioi-.winl h boat and auto, lint Willi lli(t mill Min'p steady Mute was a u I demand and foimcr There were no carload rercipts of purrs wrrr wrll mainlnliiKI. livestock at Nwlli Portland fur the; Crucial hog uiaicl range- Tuesday trade, but a small supply Prime liclti . . mine forward liy toal and hv uuuis. Smooih hci.vy, ; 'Hlo were slcady at the further re-' pounds .... duclion, hoKs and sheep were steady. ; Smooth heavy, Ml to Sill) ill' S. in thi! attic alleys the market Miowod mi further price chanr Tues day iiioriiiut: fi'llnwnv two tin lilies cl I'.'ic each Monday. Ktreinc top in lite steer division is now at $T..iH anil it l:ilii' real toiis In I. nils that. ilniniil rattle market ramie: ( 'Inner hirers , ... $ 7.-1 a y Mr liuin In Kood sleets . , l-'slr tit mind steers Common In fair steers . . Choiee rows and heifrrs Mrilluin tn f- ! cows and heitrrs Pair tn ini-iliiim cows and heifer Common cows, heifers . . "a li tiers Chnlee feeders Hulls Chi'lee dairy ralves Prime lifflit calves Med. IlKht dairy calvrs . . Hravy rnlvrs lines hrld strady at t North Portland during ti.7.r'l fi.llll 'n ri.inur a.OOfi . it SCO a nd G.;r.i ii.HtHl I li.uaiir 1 s.MiHr : 4. tm 'n for lumhs is now I . In th North Portland allays, nl 7. SO 1 though this was considered Ihe top -a: lato .Monday afternoon. fi r of a carload Monday at $7.00 was III 4.00 vmlly a premium for innility stock. general sheep and la in lis ranne: ltosh he Kill pics I-Ycih r pis . . Staj-s . nMrnno nl at 6.:: .r.o 5.n 3.:.o 5.::. 4.75 4 r.i .LSD' 2.00 i 4.7.1 ,r 2. Tin if f.KPtr lM.no S.diHf .:,( 6.0Hr 9.00 5.0(1 y 6.00 .7r. top at the Tuesday l'riin lanil's . . Fair In good lambs Cull lambs Feeder lambs I.lnht yearlings . . , Heavy yearlings .. I asht wethers .... ; Heavy wethers . . . Kwes Morning sale. Nothing but small lots K'liiljiiMnirnt of ViiIik-m .Made on Market NEW YtiltK. .May 25 (A. 1'.) lit-adjustment of quoted valurs in run f'rnrtv with suspended or reduced THE OLD HOMETOWN jf J lividrnds made further luiisress in tin .'InrK lu.irKel est-'l'daV. AniotiK the shares which ycMrrda rntered the list of non-dh idend pay ers were Central U-athrr preferred and Krmlmtton TyiK'Wtltrr first and i-econd prrferrrd. Other de rloplnrnt.s, such as furthc, price cnltini; In steels and Iron, a new low quotation for lllHMly bonds an' ttffrr tnonry ratrs wrre amon tin fin tors w hich cstralii.-d all bullish In itiative. ' Pool endeavored to enlist public In trrrst by their support of some of the oils, lobarros. chemicals and other The one sale specialties. These efforts were aband oned when pressure became loo iten eral. Central leather preferred made an extreme decline of S 1-2 points, the common losins 4 ItrtnlnKlon Typewriter lost 7 1-4 unit Paldwln Iiicomotive. aiarvestcr. Urthlrhrm I-ackawanna and Crucible steels. Pierce Arrow, American Woolen, Roy al Hutch, California Petroleum, and several minor rails and specialties were Impaired by two to six points. In a vast majority of cases, final quotations were within fractions nf the day s low. i-airs amounted to S'lO.oOil shares. The money market revers-d its us ual course, opening easy but rlsin to seven per cent for call loans Wfore iniil-day. This was attributed to heavy withdrawals by the federal reserve lank necessitating calling of loans. Foreign exchange was heavy at the outset, but strengthened on news of the Silesia n truce. Liberty .1 l-2s exceeded all previous mediums at S7.70 t.nd others of thai group were irregular. Sonic foreign Issues were strengthened by the prob able success of the new French offer ing, but the frcnrral tone of the hond list was uncertain. Total stiles, par value. J14.7T.O.OOI). noi 7.2," 6.0(111' 7.00 4.ri0Hr 5.50 S.0i 4.50 r."iuii 6 .no 4.50 'a 5.00 4.S0'ir 5.00 5.. in :! 1.00 it) 4.50 4.15 By Stanley s. t; v 0ORW THE CHAMBER. OF COMMERCE JW? PA P. ADC "TODAY BULKY BOOSS SUSPENDER. BUTTONS LET GO ONE BY ONE The Measure of True Worth TIiom- Men ins rnaiikini bfst, arc tlms- wli are coniix-llr l to do so by the forrv of klcalism. the decile to win by merit rather than through ilwp- lilHI. The man who Is a master in iiiiltistry sn-s oil rter growing fiekl fur reiHlfin scrvii-p. and tliroiiuh this vision tlio rxhibilion. to lie held this week at Happy Canjoii, is being urcatul. I'.i'waj-il the efforts of tlirx- nicn lianls and manu facturers ;jr jour preT.t' at this exhibition. TheAmericanNationalBank Pendleton. Oregon. , 'Strongest Sank in Gastern Oregon' I GET READY FOR THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME Preserve your Health Protect Your Family. s? buy them an nan Relators This refrigerator is wamlrss. pfirrelain lined, used In over a million and a half homes in America. The materials used in the Alai-kan ar seven walls of insulation, overhead circulation ys tem, cork filled and equipped with removable, rust proof wire helves. No. 620, Ice capacity 35 pounds , $24.75 No. 621, ice capacity 45 pounds $30.00 No. 622, ice capacity 60 pounds $36.00 No. 623, ice capacity, 100 pounds $41.75 Other styles moderately priced. ATTEND THE MERCHANTS' AND MANU FACTURERS' CARNIVAL, MAY 26 AND 27 Cruikshank & Hampton 'Quality Counts" 124-28 E. Webb Phone 548 Vuur Okt IXirnlture Taken to Kxeiialqre as Pari Payment on New Kiu-JuiJie AsctiU Ui I'lMHllctoti for Aerolux (No Whip) Torch . bluulev. NelVrs Hard to llnd An Wlwal ticH-s I" p. CHlCAdO. May 25. (A. P. Cro failure news from Nebraska sent the wheat market soaring yesterday al though, earlier a decided breuk in val ues had taken place. The close was flurried, 5 3-4 to 7 net higher, with I .May 1.75 1-2 to 1.73 S- and July 13 1-4 to 3-4. Corn gained 2 1-4 to 3 and oats 2 5-8 to 3 1-4. In provisions tin outcome varied from unchanged to 10 advance. Reports that the Nebraska wheat crop is showing the same morbid dis coloration that has of late been char acteristic in Kasas brought about a wave if buying after mid flay ani made sellers hard to find. The central and eastern parts of Nebraska wen said to be especially affected and to be making no Improvement where there had been favorable weather Heat and drought which prevailed elsewhere over the greater part of the wheat jelt counted further as an in centive toward higher prices at the la.st. ' The Hay delivery fluctuated over an unusually wide range, a maximum of 13 1-2, but business In that month was relatively small. Scattered shorts bid up May. although cash wheat wiu couimatuling only about a delivery ba sis for most griules. Corn and oats ascended with wheal Trade In corn showed much more ac tivity than has been t.ho rule. In provisions the effect of lower quotations on hogs hjih more than counter balanced at the last by tlir grain. IVdrrnl llesorte Hanks llae Not ITofitrcrcd. Claim, OKLAHOMA CITY. Oklahoma., May 25. (A. P.) 'The charge of profiteering brought against the fed eral reserve banks is born of ignor ance and conceived In mistrust." de clared W. P. G. Harding, governor of the federal reserve board, today before the convention of the Oklahoma bank ers' association. Y7' i J! m lip pU-i pee a se J rJo.1 Rooming Down The Canyon ' The Amciican Forestry Association has Klvcn the I'niled Tress for Forest Pro! n tion Week use In the schools the following; fire poem by Remington Kllis: The ranger sat In his cabin door, With eyes Unit we'e swollen and lungs that were sore. While under his breath he bitterly swore. For she was booming down the canyon. The tourists who left two days before Will never visit their camp site more. Nor gaze on the scenes they used to adore, For she's booming down the canyon. A few little sparks by a tree, quite dead Just a few live coals that were "out" they said Now look at her going, roaring and red A-boomiiK down the canyon. Forty good men, husky and strong. Worked like demons all the day long: Hut she crowned and went over again slio has gone, A-booming down the canyon. How long it may burn or where it may go. Are a couple of things that no one can know; Hut it won't be out till, we get lots of snow. For she's booming1 down the canyon. Hundreds of cars to grow those trees; Those same live coals and a little breeze. Then waste and desolation are all one sees . As she goes booming down Iho cunyon. The ranger sat 111 his cabin door With eyes hat were bloodshot and lungs that were Bore, And at sememe's gross carelessness bitterly swore. For sho was booming down tlin canyon. The association urges that the verses be read in every school In connection wilh Forest Protection Week programs nnd that every school using the poem write the association at Washington details of the school programs and the pupils who had part in them. tins Prices P,rtlurcd 111 lcs Moines Co. IjKS M (JINKS. Ia.. May 25. (A. P.) The l)es Moines (las company today announced a reduction of fifteen cents a thousand in the price of gas. The reduction, it is explained, Is due to a decrease in the cost of producing the conimodit. The new price Is 11.35. NEW SCIENCE PRESERVATION OF PAINTINGS OF PAINTING, CARE, AND RESTORATION WILL BE TAUGHT Nl'JW YOltK, May 2J. ( V. P.) When tin? 1'niversite of Pennsylvania opens next autumn, a new course In the science of painting and the care, preservation and restoration of paint ings will be Inaugurated. This course, the first of Its kind In the world, was made possible through an endowment by a prominent con noisseur, whose panic was not made 0'iblic, The new chair 'will be occu pied by Caret F. U de. Wild of this city, a native of Holland, who has .icted as collector and curator of many famous collections, among llieni the Widencr, Morgan and Prick collec tions. Tho course, if was announced. Is de signed to select and equip specialists and to give to those who desire to be cotno art museum curators a thorough knowledge of Ihe urt. ABOUT THIS TIME 0' YEAR. : C !S Seasonable Merchandise Attractively Priced New Sport Coals $7.90, $8.90, $9.90 Very attractive indeed arc these new coats just received, hirrli grade materials honestly made in the newest fashions. Belted styles, plain and pleated backs, shawl collars, colors are black, navy, brown, green and white. More Mignonetle Blouses at $2.98 Such an economical price on waists so ser viceable and good looking keeps our buyers busy sending them in and customers carrying them out. Colors are pink, navy copen, grey, neptune and honey dew, each $2.98 ' Japanese Crepes For warm weather apparel, 30 inches wide in the wanted shades, yard 29c "Snappy" Hiekory Elastic Shipped direct from the makers insures 1 fresh, new stock full of life and service, black or white, yard 1-4 inch 6c, 3-8 inch 7c; 1-2 inch 8c; 5-8 inch 10c; 3-4 inch 12c; 7-8 inch 13c; 1 inch 15c; 1 1-4 inch 17c. Genuine Leather Boston Bags $2.98 Fine for shopping or a general utility bag, two handles sewn on, buckle and strap fasten ing, embossed grain split cowhide, soft and pliable, brown or black, each $2.98 Brown Oxfords for Misses' and Growing Girls $3.25, $3.98 Another shipment of those good looking ox fords of dark brown kid, sturdy sewed soles, medium toe, low heel, sizes 12 to 2, C and D widths $3.25; 2 1-2 to 7, B and C widths, the pair $3.98 Happy ( anvoii (JU3 Ma? Slllh k4iMW !!7fl. Maul .Merchants1 1 I I Q Tl ft amlMa,,,,. 1 rCIIUJ M. tni ,1 n.m Mtmi mm ( JU II I lit 1 W J. C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution" OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS In re. tho appeal of Pendleton housewives for cheaper m-t from contented cows, we state that from our observation, an honest butcher will trim his meats but not his cimlu. inerj. If you tell a girl she Is prrlly ntw u-ilnys she wants to take, tho next train for Iis Angeles. L 'ffly J TESTS VU. SHOW . j WHO MAS STUDED J Itrite and I are Arthur Momeler and Miss Mercury have been doing the shlmnile In Pen dleton of late and some 'warm days are expeetcd. It Isn't the humidity the Offiscat Is dreading, it's tho Izssit-hot-lenuf-fcr-yoit Idiot. The Versatile .Mr. Imlinmc Mr. Huh, une was formerly Miss Hazel Calner of Wrsl Daly direct. Untio (Mont.) Dally Post. . What h;is become of the old-fash ioned husband who used to help his wife with the dishes? Some of the Pendleton ladles will go to Hrrmlslon to present Ihrlr play, "The Futurists." We fori called upon to warn them Hgalnst Ihe slage-door Johnnies who usually infest one-night stands. After looking at the photos display- , ed by our local photographers It seems to us that this would be a happy world If people would always wear the snillra they assume when they have their pic tures taken. Comes now Fredrick ilex, city si i tlsllclau for Chicago, who asserts Hint the short skills the kt arc weurlnj have reduced the number of accident to persons boarding and .allghtln from street cars and r. r. trains. Pred forgot to mention another convenient feature; they nre so helpful In getting up. stares. We like loltsa poopln hut anions thoso for whom wo never deeply care, are . The fella, who reads moving plcttiro titles nut loud. The golfer who refuses to keep a score nnd who always guesses his to tal five strokes under yours. Tho fella who reads moving plctura titles out loud. Thn mini who Insists iih ii telllnf yntt about tho time ho was In' Wiscon sin when you want to tell hlni about the summer you spent In MiehlRnn. The fella who reads moving- picture titles out loud. The restaurant man 'who still (frts 01) cents for tho hum and. The fella (Proceed n before.) Making Dollars "Go Further" A dollar Invested In an uutoinobilo Is Invested In miles of travel rather than In u piece of personal properly. Tho service rendered by the dealer after tho sulo. and lili constant Interest In you and your car nicuHiiro the miles of your satisfaction. We make, every effort to see that you ret tit full mlleatfo out of every dollar spent bore. , Every Speedometer is a Cash Register Oregon Motor Garage Distributor , BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET Phone 468