PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREQON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 25, 1921. SIXTEEN PAGES r i. ! " r . .i il it Social and Club News ;I FKIIS TO VISIT ' mill Mrs Slinrp are sisters. Mr. mill Wives of members of the rendleton Mrs. t'oilins motored here from l'url (inlf flub are In charge uf plans lor j liuul iinil li ft hv auto Saturday evcn 1he entertainment of golfers who ill j ins for Walla Walla, Spokane anil So be In the city Saturday and Sunday for , attle. They cvpeet tit renin) to J'ori the TtlState Volf Tournament. The i land hIkuii the middle of June, visitors are to ln enteitalne.l at lunch- I eon nnd dinner at Hie clubhouse on'cii ., i.i,-y1c- i.( wtih ix-i.-i The Ilffiinh Dub ulcnie to have been lieM on Thnrsiliiv. has l)tii imst. j poned for two weeks ami will he helil on rliiirsilay, Jiio St. VISIT AT SHAW' HOME. I Mr. and Mrs. I'. K. Collins were re- J 'U"I! TO MKKT cent visitors at the home of lr. and The l;..U kah Chili will meet Minor Mrs. J. Kilwln Sharp, Mrs. Collins i row niu-lit In the I. o. o. p. hall. Saturday anil Sunday anil i their honor will he isiven evening. ila nee In , Sat urilay Fleeing from Mine W: ar : The hooting that has been polng on across the Tus Hiver, n-pratlr,: V'"cky and West ir.ini;, caused many families to flee from Uwu ..pines. Thie j:i-nire ehuwa a miner moving his far.ily to Mft. I.K.VVK KOIt l'OKTI.ANl). Mrs. C. 1.. lowers, Mrs. Itohert In Ka)s am! little Koturt I'ersliniH In Kalis, left unlay for l'orllanil to Join Mr. Howcrs. Mr. liowers has been In poor health ami If the sojo nn in roittaiHl iloes not hi netil hlni the hnr ty will bo to (.'nlilornia for u time. ri.A.S FOR SOCIAL AKKA1HS I'latis ihv I'l'iiis muile in Pendleton for the jtocial events which will he a l'ttit of the suite convention of the oreircri Federation of Women's CIiiIks "huh opens May 31 ami continues ilurini; June 1. J and 11. on Ttiursilav cvenim.'. an informal reception is to he held nt. the lilnary. delegates luncheiin will he served at noon on Wednesday, and in the evenimr, dele Sates are to he entertained by the I piay. "The Futurists." to be presented j by nine members of the Current i crature Club at the State Hospital auditorium. Athena women will be hostess for a luncheon In the neiKhboriiiK town on Thursday and this event promises to hi most pleas'ntr. For Thursday evening. -Mrs. William Hell will preside nt the presidents conference and supper. Another event for which tentative plans ale bein- made Is a motor trip to Cabbage Mill, thai the visitors may see the beautiful view offered from thb l'oint. W. i'. T. I'. OIVKS ?.CTIo- Til" Women's Christian Temper ance I'liioit endorsed, the followini! measures to. come befori' the people I June T. at a meeting held yesterday in I the county library: Legislative and , eoinpensative aniendmenls: World j War Veterans Slate Aid fund; Woman 1 Juror and lievis.d Jury Law. and the ! Salary bill for county officers. Speak ( ers for the afternoon were Miss Ksthei Kelly, social service worker. K. F. Aveiill and Lyman Lice. The mem bers deeiile.i to il!s),ense with their i rasas ?isTlTg!t ii o v v I I" s T A I K s p ; i; , s o V THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MERCHANTS' AND MANUFACTURERS' CARNIVAL HAPPY CANYON-AFI ERNOON AND EVENING For fhe Three Days We Are Giving Sjiecial Reductions On . Suits, Coats and Silk Dreses Yesomite Wafers IN EULK, PER POUND, 75c Nabisco, package , v...15c Lotus Wafers, pacfage .....15c Anola Wafers, packatfe 15c Ramona Wafers, package 15c Premium Sodas, package 25c Royal Lunch, package .? 25c Lorna Doone, package 20c Dinner Biscuit, package 35c Bent's Water Crackers, pound 65c Ginger Snaps, barrel 40c N. B. C. Soda Crackers, package 45c 20 varieties of Quality Cakes in bulk, pound ....50c Complete line of Higji Grade Tea Wafers. Altcii.l tlir .Merchants ami lisiniil'nelnrcrs' t'artiltiil. Happy Cun.voii, May litltli. 2Tlli and Nili. Store cliiscU all day IKMiiiatlmi Hay, .May llllili. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. 3 Phone 28 Only 1 Quality the Best THE THOMAS SHOP next meeting because of the li. A. I!, eunveniion. 1 he W. c. T. I'. Is plan ning a float for the ;. A. 11. paradn. MISS IDLF..MAN IIOol:ICI). Miss Helen Idlemau, naiiBliter of Dr. and Mrs. I. I). Idleman, who Is a freshmuM lit 1'nlveisity of OreRon, has V-..-.I me lltn ml oiji ui tilllOOil I 111 leta sorority of which she is a mem ber. Kfcirh year the name of some freshman tiirl who is considered the best all-around member is engraved on the cup. Miss Idleman when a se nior in hlKh school won the cup for best all-round student and has niaili an enviably record in scholarship while at the ' Diversity of Oregon, TO SPK.VO sr.M.MIOlt Hilly Mc(iarrile and Jack rinle, small sons of Mr. mid Mrs. Wil liam Melinrrisle of Kaniloops. K. C. formerly of this city, are In Pendleton to spend the summer with their grand parents, Mr. and Jit's1. F. J. Mc.Monies. Mr. Mc.Monies recently returned from liritish Columbia bringing the children with him. Friends of Jlrs. JlcCarriKle will regrit to learn that she has been II for some time during the past. KKTUt.WS FROM LA (i ItANDIC. -Mrs. A. U lln.witon of I'ortland has returned from an extended visit in Ui (irande and will make her home in I'emtleton with Mrs. chas. H lasiand. 1'. T. A. To M KKT. j The Tarent Teacher Asspcial ion of the 1'ellilletoli h IK ll School Hill meet toinoi'iow eveniny: in the county library. mm WILSONVILLE STORE DESTROYED BY FIRE ! INVESTIGATION MADE; WILSoNVIl.i:, ore.. Miiy..V H'.j IM The farmers' mercantile store,! ow ned by Mini Director, of I'ortl.tml, j was destroyed by fire which ni rd- l'is( to It. M. llussey w ho discovered j it. Kave off stroui? odors of kerosene.ll The residence of II. 1). Aden was also,1! destroyed. The Farmers' I'anU bnibl-I ' ItiK kwiis saved. Citizens have re quested the state fire marshal to in vestigate the cause of the fire. A N EXCE 1T I ( ) N L A I I i V ( )J' Silk Blouses To go ill tin; Arerfliuiils9 and iMamifaclur rrs' ("arnlval Sale VV-k at $5.V,x TIIFA'JE JUSTIN! TIIKYLLCOOUTA-FIAJiN!! New li ijmicut of Voile and Organdy Drives and While Silk Sweaters. ATTEND THE MERCHANTS' AND MANU FACTURERS' CARNIVAL, MAY 2G AND 27 PORTLAND GAS AND j COKE CO. ORDERED i TO CUT THEIR RATEj SALFM, May :.. (f.. V. I The ptiitlic service commission ordered the I'ortland Oas ami Cnlte vompauy to cut their rate 15 cents per Iimiii cubic feet, effective June tl. This cut will save the customers $4110,111111 annually, it is announced. Three Davs of Kedueed Prices on Suits, Coats and Dresses. Don't Fail to Attend. New Sport Appand just arrived, Wy Jackets, Novelty Skirls and lUouses. Visit our Booth at the Carnival. , . ,f im?i "-uu iaj a O V i: IE T A V I. f) It II A li 1) W A It I. STO It I L0BSTEU TAKES ITS PLACE WITH BEAN AS COMING FROM 35,000,000 PASSES BOSTON, THROUGH PORT - ArfHinn Prpctinn oc Prinrinol -'ame commission said, have ,a . . wuji, n-J 1 1 iiiviuij been Lobster Market World City Might be Called Lobster Port II A It 1) V A VISIT The Pendleton Merchants' and Mfgrs' Carnival HAPPY CANYON May 26-27-2,'. "W e'll he TlmrV' SOFSOS'-S'?VSC Jh COSTS J LESS to J J USE KOKTO.V. Slay -a. (A. P.) If the trend of the times in sea-food were to be followed, the lobster might be bracketed with the sacred codfish as the emblem of this state's fishery ac .tiv.ties. Figures just announced for the last year show that a total of 3, DOO.miio lobsters came into tills port, an average of a thousand a day. liy thus adding qp ifs prestise as the prin cipal lobster market of the .world, Hus ton described as the Jiome of the heat and the cod, might be hnnvn as the lousier port. ' Steamers from Halifax, X. 8 and smacks from porta In Maine am Massachusetts have landed live lob sters here this spring at a rate prom ising to surpass even the record re ceipts of last year. In addition can ned lobster meat to fc extent of six or. seven hundred thousand pounds passes through this port. The lobster grounds which extend j from Nova Scotia to New Jersey, send j most of their products here, as the r l.ulu r. .uA .,u . x- 'n,v 01 iiic i.iiii:u coin is 110111 ,uvii Scotia and .Maine. Regardless of the soiiice, the lobsters are subject to the .Massachusetts law as to legal length and all "shorts," those measuring less than nine Inches from nose to the tail are sent hack to the sea. The .Massachusetts coast in this way profited by lobster Immigration from Nova Scotia and Maine to the extent ol .15,000 "shorts" last year. This sea son, officials of the state fish and culled out .i short up to Hay 1. The shorn are taken to feleeted places on the coast and dumped over board, to establish new colonies, bring ing added numbers to old ones, there to, grow and be come available for a le gal ti lt to market 'Composite" Brings Bomb Arrest . 1 fx tJJ 1 If ir:?rg .. . -ir I v :.HxA-.5N! l:y a composite photodiawmg M-h.v I., h.a,- ii,..v have found the nan who set olf the Wall stm t Poinl. lasi Si pi. iuIm i The si.sp. ts Giuseppe I I'lhpo tnghti, says he Is 11 cent Tin- dniwing tlefii was made up I10111 diacnutiuiu fuiiiulicU by piio lour 11,0 ikciic ot tho exulosion. QUALITY PRINTING at Reasonahle Prices East Oregonian Printing Department. Your House is the Heart of the World 1 B0RRX SOAP CHIPS M .Vz'r ' , iftiJrt-ni.i.iiiiii in 1 tn n in r-ftii wmi I'olaKa-s to IK" Ccitifitil Twenty- one farmers of Weston Mountain have afireed to make efforts to secure certu fiialion for seed potatoes. ' to the present time, there has been no potato seed certification although seed from Weston .Mountain has been In demand among Vaklmn valley and and Idaho grownrs, who, however, paid only ti lde prices for the seed because of no I'citiii.ation guarantee. According to tha new plan, the potatoes will be In spected by the' State Hoard of Heed I'ertil iciition dring blossom time and again when the vines die down In the field. I'otatoes which pass these tests will be inspected again at harvest time and those which meet requirements will be labeled and sold for seed. Crop l"oiciit neu. A crop of lil.ajii.Oan hiiKhels of winter wheat In Oregon in itiii Is forecasted by F I Kent agricultural statistician of the H. bureau of crop estimates. This oioeaat is based on an estimated area remaining for harvest of 712.000 acres and h .May 1 condition of !i:i per cent il? winrer oamnge lo the crop was b R" than one per cent and Hprfng moisture conditions have been ver witbfactory over Ihe greater part of the Mheat producing area of the state ThejriL'n i ire to ii winter wheat crop was finally e.sti)nateil m I i.f.fio bnaheli produced oil ;ni,0V! Here, You owe it to yourself to make of it all that it can be in comfort and con- n veniencc, it should also he beautiful.- m EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME. . 1 yS'hether cottage or mansion, beauty and usefulness can be found in furnish- g ' ing at any degree at cost best suited to your resources.'-' , I ; It is not the amount of money paid out for furnishings that establishes g their true value nor that makes the home artistic and enjoyable. Wise Selection Counts Most 1 ii v . . , . . ' . i . H You are invited to visit our booth at the show and our store at your conveni- p g ence. You will neyer be im)ortuned to make purchases. g 1 Crawford Furniture Co. 1 ii n jill!ll;!!l!:il!l!!!l!!l!!!!!!!!!l!llli!!l!l!!!!!!!!l!l!!!!l!!!!i:il!!;iU:i!!!ll!0 wauuiiaiiaaiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiMiHiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHiiraiiHiiiiiiaiaiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... m n