East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 25, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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By Stanley
f'uMtaneA' Patle and Bf-ml-VOekly, at
I', ndlctun, Orn, by the
:mt okkhoniam rrnusHixa co.
I.nt- n l at the nt office lit Pendle
ton, or'Ki.n, aa eecond riaaa mail mat
Impfrfal Hotel X'wi Aland, Portland.
Oilrairn Ihircau, n rlrrurity Bulldlnir.
y. tiriiun. I). C. Rureau 101 Four
teenth Htreet. N. W.
Mrnan f tk AeaeHateel rreee.
The Aeroeiatcd FtfM ta excluaively
entiiled to tho uee for repuhlicetlon of
II mwi diapatohea credited to It or
not other,- credited In thin paper
and alKO the local tie a publiahed here
in. t, --
Dally. one year, by mail
Daily, aix montha, by mall
Dally, three montha, by mall
Daily. one month by mail .. ......
Dailj, on year by carrier
Daily, am montha by carrier
Dnily. threw montha by carrier
Daily, one month, by carrier
Semi-Weekly. 1 year by mail
Memi-Weekly, rtx months by mail.
Semi-Weekly, three, months by mail
Telephone. - 1
m wn f ft 1 1 t liR a iwf rlSSiff
Whin r fellow" knocked out and ha
can't net about
And tho doctor nay, "stay there In
Vlitn lie's all aches and pains and th
Wood tn his veins
cnis to flow like a fluid of lead.
Yon may dose- him with nills and with
tinctures and senilis.
Tint the cure for a man. after all.
Are the rows of love and the glad
voices of
The rod friends who drop In to
Phut him up all alone, and he'll lie
there and groan
In the dusk of his dark, curtained
And hin cheeks will grow pale, and his
spirits will fail.
And hi face reflect only the (loom;
Then no powder or pill can restore to
his will
The courane to see the thin
What he needs is the smile of a friend
for awhile
Or the good that a few flowers can
Ami doctors will say. If you ask him
That with all of his wisdom and
Thy he'd oft he dismayed were (1 not
for the aid
Of the friends of the fellow who's
Th.it nothing he knows has the power
of the rose,
Sent in by a good friend who cares,
To banish the gloom of nn invalid s
And lighten the pain that he bears.
(Copyright, 1S21, by Edgar A. Guest.t
t- RESIDENT HARDING'S proclamation setting aside the pe
y riod of M.v "2 to 28 as Forest Protection Week bids the
American people to look to the protection and care of their
remaining forest resources.
That there is neeS for such admonition is fuu'y warranted
when one faces s.a.iarlv the facts of timber depletion.
The Pi.cifi: nortrpvest is now the nation's woodlot how
long will it reir.ain su-h if forest fires are not kept out of our
Unless ach man. woman and child that goes into our forests
realizes a personal responsibility regarding fire, the "last great
stand of timot r o; tne nortnwest wr.i go, jusi as me wnue pine
of New Eng!a::d and the lake states went, and like the yellow
pine of the South is going now.
Timber depletion has now reached a point in this country
where three-f'fihs of the primeval forests are gone and where
til per cent of the timber that is left is west of the great plains.
Many substitutes have been devised for wood, and yet the
great demands of the country for timber continues to grow.
More wood is used in construction today thaa before the discov
ery of concrt and more wood is used in building railway cars
than before the steel or part steel car was developed. This is
apparently Une in nearly every industry.
The idleness i 81,000,000 acres of forest land, an area in
creased by 8,000.000 to 10,000,00 acres annually, destructive
logging and still more destructive forest fires are the factors at
work to incrwisc the timber shortage.
The exhaustion of American timber has not come about be
cause the forists have been used so freely, but because of the
failure to keep down forest fires and to use forest growing land.
In a nutshell, the problem is that the United States is cutting
wood out of its forests three or four times as fast as it is being
grown. Much of the land on which timber stands or has been
cut will always be forest land. It is ample to grow all the wood
needed for the ie of the people of this country and for export
trade in lumber, and products manufactured from lumber, if the
land can be kept at work growing trees. Timber for the future
is simply a matter of putting idle land to work.
(From the Daily Ka.-t nregonian.
May :5, 1S93.)
Rainy weather has inlcrferred some
what tilth sheep shearing. Tuesday
of last week a crew of 111 men com
menced work on a band of 1500 yearl
ings for J. H. Ray and have not yet
been able to finish.
Members of the Congregational
Church will hold Union prayer meeting
tomorrow night.
The slide near Meacham was clear
ed up by Tuesday evening and the de
layed west bound trains reached Pen
dleton about 10 o'clock. All is now
John Grantz has sold to Mike Grant
his saloon on the corner of Main and
Webb streets.
Joseph Vey is In the city from But
ter Creek. He expects to start all his
sheep to the mountains within a few
j days. Three bands go to John Day
i and three to the Grande Ronde.
j The Holler Mills are still running
day and night grinding lots of good
I flour. There Is a steady market and
I a shipment or tnree or tour carman
leaves daily for Portland.
For Graduates
rp HE legal standards adopted by the various states to protect
X children from the hazards oi too early employment are
shown by a chart recently issued by the U. S. department
of Labor through the Children's Bureau.
In all exceot four states the minimum age for work at least
in factories and often in many other employments is placed as
high as 14 year?, and seven states have an age minimum of 15 to
l h vpars. Kxemntions exist in most of these states, but they ap
ply in many caes to children employed outside school hours or
d urine vacations.
Twenty-nine states have recognized the 8-hour day stand
ard for children under 16 by prohibiting them from working
longer hours in certain occupations, or by extending this prohi
bition to all gr.inful employments, usually, however, exempting
housework and work on farms. Ol the other states, nearly Halt
limit the working hours in the regulated occupations to 54 or
less a week. The 11-hour day still exists in two states, with a
weekly maximum of 6 hours. Forty-one states nave some prohi
bition of night work applying to children under 16, and of these
17 prohibit such work without exemptions, except in some cases
for agricultural pursuits and domestic service.
Eighteen states, including some of the principal industrial
states, require a child under 16 to have a physician's certificate
of physical fitness before he can obtain an employment certifi
cate, and 10 others permit the certificate-issuing officer to im
pose this requirement in his discretion.
For work in mines the general minimum age standard is 16,
but 10 states still permit the employment of boys 14 years of
age, and six have no minimum age for such work.
To take proper care of the coming G. A. R. convention we
will all have to act with our hearts as well as our heads and
hands. Here will be a splendid opportunity for people old and
young to join in showing courtesy to men who faced peril when
the life of the republic was at stake.
When we join an association of nations pledged to stop war
fare we can afford to let up on navy building; until then we can
not do so in safety.
If you want to see something classy and intesesting keep your
eye on Happy Canyon during the next three days.
Senator McNary voted with the navy economists; does he
think we xhould hold back until Japan catches up with us?
"They say" there are signs indicating a hot summer and we
may need that new ice plant
If yj
Apply Zemo, Clean, Penetrat
ing, Antiseptic Liquid
It is unnecessary for you to suffer
with eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes
and similar skin troubles. Zemo,
obtained at any drug store for 35c, or
$1.00 for extra Urge bottle, and prompt
ly applied will usually give instant relief
from itching torture. It clearoes ana
soothes the skin and heals quickly and
effectively most skin diseases.
Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating,
disappearing liquid and is soothing to
the most delicate skin. It is not greasy,
is easily applied and costs little. Get
it today and save all further distress.
TbeE. W.Rom Co., Cleveland, 0
JarrrUea give a fltUng festive
touch to the graduate'i frock. Tney
re effecUva embroidered In a deli
cate color against a white orgmxJN
background. W id Urn of tin Ucka
a pleasing wacn,
Chronic Constipation
This conditions Is usually brought on
by neglect. Neglect to drink as much
water as a healthy person requires,
which is three pints-each day. Neglect
to take enough exercise to keep the
body in a healthy condition. Neglect
to establish a regular habit of having
the bowel -i move once each day,
whether there is an Inclination or not.
It Is obvious that to cur chronic con
stipation, you must first correct your
habits. Chamberlain's Tablets are ex
cellent hut will not cure you perman
ently, when. these neglects are persist
ed in. Begin now. Get well and stay
well. ( . ; .
SI om a"li Troubles
"I have never found anything so
good for stomach troubles nd consti
pation as Chamberlain's Tablets. I
have used them off and on for the past
two years. They not only regulate the
bowels but invigorate the liver and
keep one's body in a healthy condi
tion, writes Mrs. lienjamlne Hoffer,
Auburn, N. Y.
OlHlocatctl Ili-r Shoulder
Mrs. Johanna Soderholm, Fergus
Falls. Minn., fell and dislocated her
shoulder. STie had a surgeon get It
back In place as soon as possible, but
It was quite sore and pained her very
much. HT son mentioned that he had
seen Chamberlain's Liniment advertis
ed for sprains and soreness and she
asked him to buy a bottle of It, which
he did. It quickly relieved the pain
and soreness and enabled her to sleep,
which she hud not done for several
days. If vu are troubled with rheu
matism, give Chamberlain's Liniment a
trial. It Is excellent.
for a Had Cough
When you can not sleep for cough-1
Ing, Uike Chamberlain's Cough Item-j
edy. H will allay the Irritation of thej
throat and make sleep possible, Itj
contains no opiate.
Our Mount Vernon ;
Curtain Nets
Will help you to beautify your new home or make the old home
look brighter. Colors art; eeru, ivory and white, new patterns
and designs, and prieed wonderfully low at 45c, 55t fee, 95c
and $1.19. .
Tongee Silk Waists, tailored style,
convertible collar, each ...... $3.49 ,
Pink and Flesh Color Crepe Nights
gowns, plain or white printed de
signs, each $1.59 to $1.79
Damask Lunch Cloths, mercerized
hemstitched in colors, each 98c
Fancy Bath Towels, blue, pink, and
gold, large size and heavy weight,
each .'. 59c
Pink Crepe Bloomers for women
and children, a special quality at 50c
and 59c.
Another Lot of Those .New .Un
bleached Muslin Aprons came in to
day. Embroidered on pocket, front,
sleeve and pockets, coverall style, a
splendid value, each $2.19
Fibre Silk Sweaters for hot wea
ther wear are ideal. We are showing
a splendid quality in navy blue, black
white, tomato, honey dew, etc $10.95
Pongee Blouscg with blue and red
embroidery, each $5.65
New Georgette Blouses, an excel
lent lot of the very newest styles and
colors at . $4.49 to $5.65
One Lot of Check and Plaid Ging
hams, a very fair quality at yd. 15c
Turknit and Turkish wash cloths,
crochet edges in colors at 10c, 15c,
"Kute Kut" Coveralls for little
girls, made of khaki or blue denim,
made in the Dutch style, an ideal gar
ment for outdoor play, suit... $1.10
Koveralls for Little Boys, Levi
Strauss brand, the best made, each
suit ;. 98c
Plan to see the Mer
chants' and Mfgrs
Carnival beginning
It riAO-tna Trmrolitr
the Merchants' and
Mfgrs' Carnival.
A famous tire and a famous trea.
Acknowledged among motorists and
iletlers alike as the world's foremost
example of Cord tire building. Al
ways delivering the seme KDeated
economy, tire afttr tiru, and season
e.'ter season.
The stripe around the eidewall la
registered as a uede-markintbeU, S,
Pner.t OttVe.
f z
ow vou can measure
tire value in 1021
: "Any V. S. Tin
. a univmraml
full' tiioamy 'a
wotttt. "
OFTEN it's surprising the number
of different tire views that come
T out in a chance talk at the curb or in
the leisure of a friend's garage.
Almost every day you Come
across the man human enough
to believe he can outguess
the cut-price tag on "job
lots," "discontinued lines" and
"surplus stocks."
His opposite is the hard
pan car owner who sticks
year in and year out to a
. standard brand as the only
rational economy.
TAzny will remember the scarcity
of U. S. Tires last year.
A hardship at the time, but a bene
fit now. There are no U. S. Tires to be
worked off no accumulations no
forced selling of any U. S. brand no
shipping of tires from one part of the
country to another to "find a mnrket."
There are 92 U.S. Factory Branches.
Each one gets its share of U. S. Tires.
There is a broad, constant, even dis
tribution of U. S. Tires always going
on from these Branches to the dealer.
Buy a U. S. Tire anywhere
in a community of 500 people
or even less and you get a
fresh, live tire of current
production with all the orig
inal service and mileuge the
factory put into it.
The owner of a medium or
light-weight car, stands on
equal ground with every other
car owner.
Any United States Tire is a uni
versal full money's worth backed up
with a leadership policy of equal
quality, buying convenience and price
for everybody.
Thm diffmrmnt
tir0 19 w tht
cnmi out in
United States
a era
Rubber Company
Western Auto Co.
Phone 530
Water and Cottonwood